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why did mendel study pea plants

by Luciano Kreiger Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Mendel studied pea plants because they reproduced sexually and had traits that were easily observable. Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel

Gregor Johann Mendel was a scientist, Augustinian friar and abbot of St. Thomas' Abbey in Brno, Margraviate of Moravia. Mendel was born in a German-speaking family in the Silesian part of the Austrian Empire and gained posthumous recognition as the founder of the modern scienc…

decided to study heredity because he was working in the garden and saw different traits about plants and got curious. He chose peas because they had been used for similar studies are easy to grow and can be sown each year.

To study genetics, Mendel chose to work with pea plants because they have easily identifiable traits (Figure below). For example, pea plants are either tall or short, which is an easy trait to observe. Furthermore, pea plants grow quickly, so he could complete many experiments in a short period of time.Jun 1, 2020

Full Answer

Why did Mendel select pea plants for his observations?

Sep 29, 2016 · Gregor Mendel decided to study heredity because he was working in the garden and saw different traits about plants and got curious. he specifically studied pea plants because they are self pollinating, they grow fast, and they have many different traits. Explanation:

What did Mendel determine in his experiments on pea plants?

May 07, 2020 · Answer: Mendel is known as the father of modern genetic because of genetic experiments with Pea or Pisum Sativum. (a) Reason for the selection of pea plants for the genetic experiments The reason for the selection of pea plants for the genetic experiments are Easy to grow in the garden.

Which did Mendel determine in his experiments on pea plants?

Apr 13, 2020 · Gregor Mendel chose pea plants for his experiments because they are easy to raise, have many offspring per mating, can fertilize themselves and have varieties in genotype and phenotype that are easily observable. These characteristics make pea plants ideal in the study of genetics and heredity. Mendel observed that his pea plants had several distinguishing …

Why did Mendel choose to breed pea plants?

Gregor Mendel chose the pea plants for his experiments because the garden pea is an ideal subject in the study of genetics for the following reasons: presence of observable traits with contrasting forms. produces many offspring in one cross. short life cycle. ease in manipulating pollination (cross-pollination)


Why did Mendel choose pea plants to study?

Solution: Pea plants were chosen for Mendel's experiments because they are easy to grow, have a short life period, and produce larger flowers. Pea plants are also self-pollinated.

Why did Mendel study pea plants quizlet?

Mendel studied pea plants because they reproduced sexually and had traits that were easily observable.

What was the purpose of the pea plant study?

Gregor Mendel experimented with pea plants to learn how characteristics are passed from parents to offspring. Mendel's discoveries formed the basis of genetics, the science of heredity.Mar 5, 2021

Why did Gregor Mendel choose to study pea plants Brainly?

The practical reason for Mendel's choice of pea plants includes that they produce many off-springs within a short generation time, take up little space, are easy to obtain, and are inexpensive.Jan 26, 2019

What were the 7 traits about pea plants that Mendel observed?

On the next screen, he reveals that there are seven different traits:Pea shape (round or wrinkled)Pea color (green or yellow)Pod shape (constricted or inflated)Pod color (green or yellow)Flower color (purple or white)Plant size (tall or dwarf)Position of flowers (axial or terminal)

What did Mendel discover about peas?

Gregor Mendel describes his experiments with peas showing that heredity is transmitted in discrete units. From earliest time, people noticed the resemblance between parents and offspring, among animals and plants as well as in human families.Apr 22, 2013


For Gregor Mendel, pea plants were fundamental in allowing him to understand the means by which traits are inherited between parent and offspring. He chose pea plants because they were easy to grow, could be bred rapidly, and had several observable characteristics, like petal color and pea color.

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Why did Mendel choose peas?

Gregor Mendel chose the pea plants for his experiments because the garden pea is an ideal subject in the study of genetics for the following reasons: presence of observable traits with contrasting forms. produces many offspring in one cross. short life cycle. ease in manipulating pollination (cross-pollination)

What are the characteristics of pea plants?

Pea plants had the following characteristics:- 1 plants were sexually reproducing with bisexual flowers 2 self-pollination and self-fertilization is possible 3 the life cycle was completed in one season 4 hybrids were perfectly fertile 5 many varieties with well-defined characters were available i.e. presence of seven pairs of contrasting or allelomorphic characters


Peas were an ideal choice for Mendel to use because they had easily observable traits there were 7 of which he could manipulate.

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  • Mendel is the guide for students transparent the net lab. Once he very first appears, he says, “Hello. My name is Gregor Mendel. I resided in Austria in the 1800s long before anyone knew about genes and also genetics. I experimented with plants come study how traits room passed from parents to offspring advertisement discovered the an easy rules the inheritance that room …
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Plant & Cross

  • This ar of the net lab allows students to check out the characteristics on i beg your pardon Mendel experimented, climate cross pea tree to view what offspring castle produce. Mendel urges student to, “Plant 5 pea plants and also observe what lock look like.” as soon as students click the “Plant” button, the man Mendel plants and also waters five pea plants. Every of the pea plants qu…
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Predict Results

  • In this section of the internet lab, students discover plant crosses and predict what the offspring of this crosses will look like. A plant through round peas and a random assortment of other traits shows up on the screen. Mendel says “Cross this plant v itself. What pea shapes do the offspring have?” When the student drags the plant into one of the parent boxes, the Cross button appears…
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  • In this ar of the net lab, students experiment through pea tree to shot to find which alleles are dominant and also which are recessive. Utilizing four different pea plants, students can cross plants with themselves or through each various other to determine dominance. One strategy that students might employ is to overcome plants with themselves—of...
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  • Students can explore all 7 of the pea traits the Mendel explored in this section. Four pea plants show up in the pedigree and also students can pick which properties they space looking at v the pulldown menu in the top left edge of the screen. When student have determined which alleles space dominant, they have the right to record their selections in your notepads by clicking the w…
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  • Axial Flowers situated near the center of the plant. See more: How To Move An Embedded Chart Is Simply A Chart On A Worksheet. Dominant Traits that appear to mask (or hide) various other traits. Pedigree A chart of a family background used for tracing a characteristics through number of generations.
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1.Why did Mendel study pea plants -


27 hours ago Sep 29, 2016 · Gregor Mendel decided to study heredity because he was working in the garden and saw different traits about plants and got curious. he specifically studied pea plants because they are self pollinating, they grow fast, and they have many different traits. Explanation:

2.(a) Why did Mendel choose pea plants for his …


30 hours ago May 07, 2020 · Answer: Mendel is known as the father of modern genetic because of genetic experiments with Pea or Pisum Sativum. (a) Reason for the selection of pea plants for the genetic experiments The reason for the selection of pea plants for the genetic experiments are Easy to grow in the garden.

3.Why Did Mendel Choose Pea Plants for His Experiments?


1 hours ago Apr 13, 2020 · Gregor Mendel chose pea plants for his experiments because they are easy to raise, have many offspring per mating, can fertilize themselves and have varieties in genotype and phenotype that are easily observable. These characteristics make pea plants ideal in the study of genetics and heredity. Mendel observed that his pea plants had several distinguishing …

4.Why did Mendel study pea plants? They reproduce …


19 hours ago Gregor Mendel chose the pea plants for his experiments because the garden pea is an ideal subject in the study of genetics for the following reasons: presence of observable traits with contrasting forms. produces many offspring in one cross. short life cycle. ease in manipulating pollination (cross-pollination)

5.Videos of Why did Mendel Study pea plants


12 hours ago Jun 12, 2020 · Answer: Mendel study pea plants because they reproduce and had traits that were easily observable. Explanation: Simple response

6.Why did Mendel selected garden peas for his experiments?


9 hours ago 6. Why did Mendel choose to work with the garden pea plant? a) Because the pea plant is easy to work with. b) Because pea plants are fast growing. c) Because the pea plant has a number of characteristics, each with only two forms. d) all of the above. 7.

7.Why did mendel study pea plants ? -


8 hours ago · Gregor Mendel chose pea plants for his experiments because they are easy to raise, have many offspring per mating, can fertilize themselves and have varieties in genotype and phenotype that are easily observable.These characteristics make pea plants ideal in the study of genetics and heredity. Advertisement.

8.Why did Mendel choose to work with the garden pea …


32 hours ago 9 What are some advantages of choosing pea plants? 10 Why are pea plants a good species for genetic studies quizlet? 11 What were the conclusions of the pea plant studies? 12 Why was the garden pea a good choice as an experimental organism in Mendel’s work? 13 Who is the scientist that helped us understand heredity using a pea plant? 14 What ...

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