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why do horses flare their lips

by D'angelo Kiehn Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Sharon Crowell-Davis explains that horses display the flehmen response to facilitate transfer of inhaled scent molecules (pheromones and possibly some other substances) into the vomeronasal organ (VNO), a specialized chemosensory structure found in many mammals.Dec 30, 2017

Full Answer

Why do horses flap their lips?

Why Horses Flap their Lips. When your horse begins flapping his lips can provide clues to why he's doing it. The hollow cupping sound of a horse's lips flapping together can be a source of great amusement for people. But a horse may develop this habit for reasons that are not benign.

What does that curled upper lip mean in horses?

The flehmen response in horses – what does that curled upper lip mean? The typical flehmen response also includes raising and stretching the neck while curling the upper lip and exposing the teeth. Cats, horses, rhinos, and even hedgehogs have this response.

What does it mean when a horses nostrils flare?

At other times, a horse’s nostrils may flare and even quiver when he is startled or nervous—this is one of those quieter communications that can develop into something more serious if you don’t take heed right away. Tight, pinched or pursed mouth or muzzle. This is a subtle sign and can be easy to miss.

Why do horses curl their tongues after inhaling odour?

After inhaling the odour, your horse will curl the upper lip and temporarily close the nasal passages to trap the odour particles inside. Why do horses stick their tongues out?


What group of horses rarely demonstrate the Flehmen response?

Geldings are the group of horses that rarely demonstrate the flehmen response, but you will still find they will. I have known horses that are obsessed with other horse’s manure, in the paddocks, in the ring, in the cross tie bins and will regularly display the flehmen response.

What does the flehmen response mean in horses?

The flehmen response in horses - what does it mean? The typical flehmen response also includes raising and stretching the neck while curling the upper lip and exposing the teeth. Cats, horses, rhinos, and even hedgehogs have this response.

Why do horses use the flehmen?

The flehmen response is used for a few reasons, mainly to help with your horse’s sense of smell. The flehmen response acts in conjunction with the vomeronasal organ near the palate to amplify smells.

How to tell if a horse is in pain?

Other horses in pain might also show the flehmen response and lift their heads and necks. It's your job to determine if your horse's lips are telling you about pain. Other signs of pain in a horse are increased heart rate and/or an increase in respiration. You know, his vital signs.

Why do horses roll in the field?

Other horses do so after eating something horrible (like a wormer), or even if they are looking for just the right spot to roll in the field.

Do horses have flehmen?

Most horses will also display the flehmen response when they are in pain, usually with abdominal pain - like colic. I have seen horses in pain do this, and they may not raise their heads and necks, so all you see is the upper lip curling or twitching. Other horses in pain might also show the flehmen response and lift their heads and necks.

Do horses hide their feelings about wormers?

Not a horse to hide his feelings about wormers, this is the flehmen response after a dose. In horses, stallions exhibit this behavior quite a bit, especially around the ladies . Mares will often demonstrate the flehmen response after giving birth.

Why do horses lick their lips?

A Horses’ lips are quite sensitive, so horses may also be licking them as a way to explore the world around them by touching objects with their tongue.

How do horses communicate?

Horses use many different signals to send messages, including facial expressions. For example, when a horse is being aggressive it will pull back its ears and bares its teeth in the process known as the ‘ Flehmen Response’. To non-horse owners, this can be pretty scary but if you know what your horses are doing then these signs should not bother you too much.

Why do horses have flehmen?

Horses are thought to flehmen when detecting odors or chemical substances that are unfamiliar, potentially threatening, or sexually attractive.

Why are flehmen important?

Flehmen can be an important indicator of how your horse perceives different things around it!

Why are my lips narrow?

A narrow lip may indicate an illness or stress condition. Lips can be dry because there might not be enough food available to produce the saliva necessary for lubricating them.

Why do horses use pheromones?

Horses use this gesture as a way of identifying scents like urine or pheromones from other horses when they are looking for mates or trying to identify threats in their environment such as predators or strangers who might not be welcome near them. It can also help with the identification of food sources too because it gives the horse a much better sense of smell.

What does it feel like to communicate with a horse?

When we communicate with horses, it can feel like speaking to a completely different species. Horses are prey animals and humans predators. This means that their facial expressions tend to be very different from ours as they’re always on the lookout for danger.

Why do horses ears turn backwards?

If your horse's ears are pointed backward but not pinned, it often means he's listening to something behind him—he may be deciding whether to run away or turn around and check out the sound. When combined with a swishing tail or other signs of tension in the body, turned-back ears may be a precursor to pinned ears.

How to tell if a horse is aggressive?

At the more aggressive end of the spectrum, many of the warning signs will be similar to a horse with a cocked leg: He may elevate his head, pin his ears and possibly even snake his head back and forth in warning. Your goal will be to move him away from whatever is bothering him and refocus his energy by putting him to work.

Why do horses stand with their forelegs splayed?

Standing splayed. A horse spreads his front legs out to the sides and leans back a little when he is scared —he may be seconds away from a spook or bolt. Injuries or health issues, such as weakness from malnutrition or neurological impairment, can also cause a horse to stand with his forelegs splayed.

What is horse body language?

Equine body language involves his entire body, from ears to hooves to tail. Adobe Stock. Because people rely so much on verbal communication, it's natural to focus on a horse's vocalizations when trying to figure out what he is saying.

How to tell what your horse is thinking?

Subtle changes in your horse's posture, expression and movements can provide important clues to what he is thinking. Some equine body language isn't difficult to interpret. Chances are pretty good you understand what your horse is saying when he nickers as you bring him his feed.

What does it mean when a horse's ears are pointed backwards?

If your horse's ears are pointed backward but not pinned, it often means he's listening to something behind him.

Why does my horse's ear flick?

Rapidly swiveling. Ears that are flicking back and forth are a sign that the horse is in a heightened state of anxiety or alertness. He may be trying to locate the source of a frightening sound or smell, or he may be overwhelmed by too many stimuli.


1.Quirky or Distressed? Why Horses Flap their Lips - Equus


6 hours ago What does it mean when a horse flaps their lips? The lip curl (Flehmen response) is a natural gesture when a horse is presented with a new smell, and is common in breeding stallions …

2.The Flehmen Response in Horses - Pro Equine Grooms


22 hours ago When a horse curls its upper lip, it is often a sign of happiness or relaxation. However, horses can also curl their upper lip when they are feeling stressed or afraid. This behaviour is known …

3.Horse Lips - Horse Riding HQ


8 hours ago His nostrils. Your horse’s nostrils should be relaxed, soft and round. His lip line. Your horse’s lip line should curl down slightly in a relaxed, soft manner. His lower jaw. Your horse’s lower …

4.Horse Body Language: How To Read It And Understand …


16 hours ago Quirky Or Distressed Why Horses Flap Their Lips The Horse Owner S Resource

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