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why do i like watermelon

by Joesph Runolfsson DDS Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What is watermelon and why do I Love It?

I LOVE watermelon. It’s refreshing, sweet, light and low calorie. This juicy fruit is an excellent after dinner sweet treat and great in other ways too! I love it in salads, soups, drinks, smoothies, frozen treats! And what picnic or BBQ isn’t complete without this iconic bright pink piece of summertime?

Why am I craving watermelon all of a sudden?

If you are craving watermelons suddenly, you are dehydrated and need the water in the watermelon. This sweet and light food will make you feel good without worrying about your health. It’s important to note that your body tries to tell you what it needs by your cravings.

What is the watermelon stereotype?

The watermelon stereotype is a stereotype that African Americans have an unusually great appetite for watermelons. This stereotype has remained prevalent into the 21st century. This image, published in 1869, is believed to be the first published caricature of black people reveling in watermelons.

Why do black males eat watermelon?

In short, black males have a watermelon 'appetite' and are always trying to see 'who can eat the most' with the strength of this 'appetite' depicted by black males uncontrollably devouring watermelon." Early-1900s postcards often depicted African-Americans as animalistic creatures "happy to do nothing but eat watermelon" – a bid to dehumanize them.

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Why do I like eating watermelon?

It has a very high water content and provides nutrients like lycopene, citrulline, and vitamins A and C. Studies suggest that this sweet, red melon may even boost heart health, reduce muscle soreness, and decrease inflammation, though more research is needed.

Is it OK to eat watermelon everyday?

If eaten in reasonable amounts, watermelons should produce no serious side effects. If you eat an abundance of the fruit daily, however, you may experience problems from having too much lycopene or potassium.

Why are watermelons so tasty?

Watermelon boasts a triad of flavors—bitter, sweet, and sour. The bitter flavors of the fruit are strong enough to keep the sweet from being overpouring, and the sour makes the bitter more manageable. All three together are what make watermelon so unique.

Is eating a watermelon good for you?

Watermelon — which can actually be considered a fruit or a vegetable, according to the National Watermelon Promotion Board — is incredibly nutritious, too. Nutritionists say watermelon is low in calories and sugar and chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a great addition to a healthy diet.

What is the healthiest fruit?

Top 10 healthiest fruits1 Apple. A low-calorie snack, high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. ... 2 Avocado. The most nutritious fruit in the world. ... 3 Banana. ... 4 Citrus fruits. ... 5 Coconut. ... 6 Grapes. ... 7 Papaya. ... 8 Pineapple.More items...•

Is watermelon full of sugar?

Watermelons are the iconic summer fruit. They may seem like a treat, but they're low in sugar. A whole cup of diced up watermelon has under 10 grams of sugar. A bonus of eating watermelon is it's also a great source of iron.

Is it OK to eat watermelon at night?

Even healthy foods like tomatoes and watermelons should be avoided before sleeping.

Can you eat too much watermelon?

Watermelon is a splendid source of dietary fiber and water. But, if you eat too much watermelon, it can cause bloating, gas, flatulence, diarrhea, and other such stomach troubles. This is majorly due to the presence of sorbitol, which is a sugar compound, and lycopene, which gives the fruit its bright red color.

How much watermelon is too much?

People with high potassium content in their body or those who suffer from serious hyperkalaemia should not eat more than about one cup of watermelon a day. Over consumption can result in irregular heartbeat and other cardiovascular problems, says the US National Institute of Health.

Can you lose weight by eating watermelon?

Watermelon Because 90% of a watermelon's weight is water, it's one of the best fruits to eat if you're trying to lose weight. A 100-gram serving contains only 30 calories. It's also a great source of an amino acid called arginine, which helps burn fat quickly.

What does watermelon do for your skin?

Watermelon is loaded with nutrients that are all great for your skin. It holds vitamins such as A, B, and C, that work together to nourish and protect your skin. These vitamins also help boost collagen production, leaving skin brighter, fade spots, and basically refresh and revitalise your skin.

Is watermelon good for acne?

Both watermelon and rosewater have natural antioxidant and soothing properties that aid relief from sunburn. Watermelon is also a go-to ingredient for acne-prone skin, as it helps calm down the redness and irritation. You can also use the rind (green outer shell) of the watermelon on irritated skin.

How much watermelon should you eat a day?

So how much watermelon can you eat in a day? According to health experts and nutritionists, you can eat anywhere between 100 to 150 grams of this fruit in a day.

What happens if you eat too much watermelon?

But, if you eat too much watermelon, it can cause bloating, gas, flatulence, diarrhea, and other such stomach troubles. This is majorly due to the presence of sorbitol, which is a sugar compound, and lycopene, which gives the fruit its bright red color. Both substances promote gas problems and loose stools.

When should you not eat watermelon?

It is recommended to not consume watermelons at night right before going to bed. "I would not recommend consumption of watermelon or any fruit after 7 pm. Watermelon is slightly acidic and if consumed at night, it may delay the process of digestion when the body is inactive.

What happens if I eat only watermelon for a week?

Like all fad diets, the watermelon diet isn't a good long-term weight-loss solution. The diet is restrictive and doesn't include any dietary sources of protein. And since you're consuming so much water, you may suffer from diarrhea or bloating.

What are the vitamins in watermelon?

Two vitamins in watermelon — A and C — are important for skin and hair health. Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin supple and your hair strong. Vitamin A is also important for healthy skin since it helps create and repair skin cells.

Why do lab rats eat watermelon?

In a 2015 study, lab rats were fed watermelon powder to supplement an unhealthy diet. Compared to the control group, they developed lower levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein and less oxidative stress ( 10 ).

How many calories are in a watermelon?

As far as fruits go, watermelon is one of the lowest in calories — only 46 calories per cup (154 grams). That’s lower than even low-sugar fruits such as berries ( 2 ).

How many grams of watermelon are in a cup?

One cup (154 grams) of watermelon has many other nutrients as well, including these vitamins and minerals:

Why do fruits and vegetables make you feel full?

What’s more, a high water content is one of the reasons why fruits and vegetables help you feel full. The combination of water and fiber means you’re eating a good volume of food without a lot of calories. Watermelon has a high water content. This. makes it hydrating and helps you feel full.

Does watermelon have lycopene?

Overall, their markers of inflammation went down and antioxidants went up. Watermelon has both lycopene and vitamin C ( 11 ).

Why is water important for digestion?

Fiber can provide bulk for your stool, while water helps keep your digestive tract moving efficiently. Eating water-rich and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, including watermelon, can be very helpful for promoting normal bowel movements. Summary Fiber. and water are important for healthy digestion.

What are the vitamins in watermelon?from

Two vitamins in watermelon — A and C — are important for skin and hair health. Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin supple and your hair strong. Vitamin A is also important for healthy skin since it helps create and repair skin cells.

Why do lab rats eat watermelon?from

In a 2015 study, lab rats were fed watermelon powder to supplement an unhealthy diet. Compared to the control group, they developed lower levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein and less oxidative stress ( 10 ).

How many calories are in a watermelon?from

As far as fruits go, watermelon is one of the lowest in calories — only 46 calories per cup (154 grams). That’s lower than even low-sugar fruits such as berries ( 2 ).

How many grams of watermelon are in a cup?from

One cup (154 grams) of watermelon has many other nutrients as well, including these vitamins and minerals:

Why do fruits and vegetables make you feel full?from

What’s more, a high water content is one of the reasons why fruits and vegetables help you feel full. The combination of water and fiber means you’re eating a good volume of food without a lot of calories. Watermelon has a high water content. This. makes it hydrating and helps you feel full.

Is citrulline absorbed by watermelon?from

Their findings suggest that citrulline absorption is most effective when it’s consumed as a component of watermelon juice.

Does watermelon have lycopene?from

Overall, their markers of inflammation went down and antioxidants went up. Watermelon has both lycopene and vitamin C ( 11 ).

Why are African Americans so fond of watermelon?

The stereotype that African Americans are excessively fond of watermelon emerged for a specific historical reason and served a specific political purpose. ... This racist trope then exploded in American popular culture, becoming so pervasive that its historical origin became obscure. ... Whites used the stereotype to denigrate black people—to take something they were using to further their own freedom, and make it an object of ridicule.

What is the watermelon stereotype?

The watermelon stereotype is a stereotype that African Americans have an unusually great appetite for watermelons. This stereotype has remained prevalent into the 21st century. Watermelons have been viewed as a fruit in the iconography of fruits and vegetables in the United States.

When did the stereotype of watermelon go away?

Use of this stereotype started to die down around the 1950s, and had mostly vanished by 1970, although its continued power as a stereotype could still be recognized in films such as Watermelon Man (1970), The Watermelon Woman (1996), and Bamboozled (2001). Watermelons also provided a theme for many racial jokes in the 2000s.

Why did the Defenders of Slavery use the fruit to paint African Americans as a simple-minded people who?

Defenders of slavery used the fruit to paint African Americans as a simple-minded people who were happy when provided with watermelon and a little rest. The slaves' enjoyment of watermelon was also seen by the Southern whites as a sign of their own supposed benevolence.

What was the connection between African Americans and watermelons?

The link between African-Americans and watermelons may have been promoted in part by African-American minstrels who sang popular songs such as "The Watermelon Song" and "Oh, Dat Watermelon" in their shows, and which were set down in print in the 1870s. The 1893 World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago planned to include a "Colored People's Day" featuring African American entertainers and free watermelons for the African-American visitors whom the exposition's organizers hoped to attract. It was a flop, as the city's African-American community boycotted the exposition, along with many of the performers booked to attend on Colored People's Day.

What did the poem "I'se black as any little coon in town" mean?

Other such "Coon cards", as they were popularly known, depicted African-Americans stealing, fighting over, and becoming watermelons. One poem from the early 1900s (pictured right) reads: George Washington Watermelon Columbus Brown. I'se black as any little coon in town. At eating melon I can put a pig to shame.

When was the first caricature of black people drinking watermelon?

This image, published in 1869, is believed to be the first published caricature of black people reveling in watermelons. The first published caricature of blacks reveling in watermelon is believed to have appeared in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in 1869.

What are the side effects of watermelon?

Here are some of the side effects of this delicious, juicy fruit are: 1. Intestinal Disturbance. 2. Cardiovascular Disorders. 3. Not Good For Diabetics.

Why is watermelon bad for you?

1. Intestinal Disturbance. Watermelons are rich in lycopene. So, do not consume watermelon in large quantities. It may lead to nausea, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion and gas. These symptoms can be worse among older people, as the digestive system tends to weaken with age. 2.

What is the sugar in watermelon?

Watermelon contains a special type of sugar, called sorbitol. People, who are intolerant to sorbitol develop loose stools and gas on consuming watermelon. 8. Problems Related To Nerves And Muscles. People, who consume watermelon in large quantities, develop nerve, muscle and kidney problems. 9.

Why should diabetics avoid watermelon?

That is why diabetics should avoid consuming watermelon. 4. Fall In The Blood Pressure Level. Excessive consumption of watermelon can lead to a dip in the body’s blood pressure level.

What happens if you eat too much watermelon?

Side effects of eating too much watermelon can cause impotence and erectile dysfunction in men. 10. Fatigue. The weak function of the kidney reduces purification and excretion of harmful substances from the body, which leads to swelling of the legs.

Can watermelon cause diabetes?

When there is a shortfall of glucose in the cells, then more amount of insulin is manufactured. Both the blood and the sugar remain in the blood, which can affect the triglyceride levels in the body. Watermelon, full of with natural sugar can cause a spike in the sugar level of the body. That is why diabetics should avoid consuming watermelon.

Can watermelon cause heart problems?

Cardiovascular Disorders. Watermelons contain high level of potassium. Consuming potassium enriched food in large quantities can lead to cardiovascular problems. Some of the diseases are absent or weak pulse, irregular heartbeats, cardiac arrest, etc. It may also affect the motor control and nervous system of the body.

Is "I like watermelon" more likely than "I like apple"?

Nathan Bolos. +0. "I like watermelon" is more likely than "I like apple" because a watermelon is a much bigger thing. You are unlikely to eat a whole one at once, and therefore, in the context of eating, it is more likely to be viewed as a "substance" than a countable entity. Feb 12 2015 14:23:35.

Is a watermelon countable?

I understand that a watermelon as a whole is countable, so you can say, 1 watermelon, 2 watermelons etc; but when you slice it up, the individual slices that it produces are now uncountable. You need to add a measure word to count them, a piece of watermelon, slice of watermelon etc.



The watermelon stereotype is a stereotype that African Americans have an unusually great appetite for watermelons.


The first published caricature of Black people reveling in watermelon is believed to have appeared in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in 1869. The stereotype emerged shortly after enslaved people were emancipated after the Civil War. Defenders of slavery used it to portray African Americans as a simple-minded people who were happy when provided with watermelon and a little rest. The s…

In popular culture

The link between African-Americans and watermelons may have been promoted in part by African-American minstrels who sang popular songs such as "The Watermelon Song" and "Oh, Dat Watermelon" in their shows, and which were set down in print in the 1870s. The 1893 World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago planned to include a "Colored People's Day" featuring African Americ…

See also

• Stereotypes of African Americans
• Fried chicken stereotype
• Coon Chicken Inn

Further reading

• Pilgrim, David. Watermelons, Nooses, and Straight Razors: Stories from the Jim Crow Museum. PM Press. Oct 9, 2017.
• Black, William R. How Watermelons Became Black. Journal of the Civil War Era Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 64–86 (23 pages). University of North Carolina Press. March 2018.
• Popular and Pervasive Stereotypes of African Americans. . Oct. 23, 2018.

External links

• Media related to Watermelon stereotype at Wikimedia Commons

1.Why do you like watermelon? - Quora


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2.Why Am I Craving Watermelon? [And What to Do?


10 hours ago Web · The most likely reason you feel the need to eat watermelon is dehydration. Watermelons are on the list of healthy foods so that you can enjoy their goodness without …

3.Watermelon stereotype - Wikipedia


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5.10 Surprising Side Effects Of Watermelon - STYLECRAZE


11 hours ago Web · Watermelon is a sweet, thirst-quenching fruit with a multitude of benefits. This refreshing fruit contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, one …

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