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why do seeds not germinate in salt water

by Myra Koss PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In general, high soil salinity inhibits seed germination due to the low osmotic potential created around the seed, which prevents water uptake (Welbaum et al., 1990). Seedling emergence in a saline environment does, however, provide a practical and convenient assay to investigate the extent of seed sensitivity to salt.

In general, high soil salinity inhibits seed germination due to the low osmotic potential created around the seed, which prevents water uptake (Welbaum et al., 1990). In addition, high concentrations of sodium and chloride ions in the soil may be toxic to seeds (Khajeh-Hosseini et al., 2003).Aug 7, 2020

Full Answer

How does salt affect seed germination?

That comparison will be your conclusion. Sample hypothesis: The more salt added to the water, the fewer seeds will germinate. The radish seeds will not germinate at all in a solution with more than 3 teaspoons of salt in 8 oz. of water. When soil has too much salt, crops won't grow well. This experiment studies how salt affects seed germination.

Why won't my seeds germinate?

Having your soil tested for salinity content before cultivating any seeds can also help determine how vulnerable your seeds are to germination problems. As noted, a seed's failure to germinate as a result of salt injury almost always occurs when fertilizer is added.

Do seeds need a lot of water to germinate?

Water is usually required for seed germination to take place. As seeds mature, they dry out. In order to germinate successfully, these mature seeds need to take in a lot of water. It is only when they have absorbed sufficient water that cellular metabolic processes and growth can take place.

What happens if you don't water seeds?

When the germination process has started just after a dry period (seeds not watered), the seed embryo will die and you will not see sprouts emerge. My tip here is to avoid using a watering can that has only one simple hole as its water exit. Watering cans with a hose are way better tools to water seeds over those with a single big hole.

How much salt to add to distilled water?

How to test salt in water?

How do salt plants get rid of salt?

What is hypothesis in science?

How to make a coffee filter not wet?

Why is too much moisture bad for paper?

What to do if your experiment doesn't work out?

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Does salt slow down germination?

With increasing salt concentration, the germination percentage decreased, irrespective of the treatment, except for MgCl2. The strongest reduction of germination was observed in the presence of 75 and 100 % SW in comparison to the other salts.

What happens to seeds in salt water?

Salinity affects seed germination by creating an osmotic potential that prevents water intake or by inducing harmful effects of ions on embryo survival. The growth of shoot structures is hampered by the inhibitory effect of salt on cell division and growth.

Do seeds grow better with salt water?

Salt stress reduces a seed's ability to absorb water (osmotic stress) and causes an ion imbalance within the seed (ionic stress), ultimately inhibiting germination and preventing crop production.

How does salt affect osmosis in seeds?

Seed germination is negatively affected by salinity, which is thought to be due to both osmotic and ion-toxicity effects. We hypothesize that salt is absorbed by seeds, allowing them to generate additional osmotic potential, and to germinate in conditions under which they would otherwise not be able to germinate.

Why can't plants grow in salt water?

Dehydration. Saltwater negatively affects plants by dehydrating them. Plants obtain water via their root system through osmosis. This osmosis is facilitated by cells around the hairs of the plant's roots that water passes through very easily.

How does salt affect seed germination experiment?

In the groups exposed to salt water, the germination decreased as the salt concentration increased, and no germination occurred at amounts of 1.5 tsp. of salt or higher. This supported the hypothesis, which was, "The more salt in the water, the fewer seeds will germinate."

Why does salt affect plant growth?

Salinity affects production in crops, pastures and trees by interfering with nitrogen uptake, reducing growth and stopping plant reproduction. Some ions (particularly chloride) are toxic to plants and as the concentration of these ions increases, the plant is poisoned and dies.

How does salt affect plant growth experiment?

The experiment shows that salt is damaging to plants. The damage increases as the salinity increases. In pure freshwater, cut vegetables should remain largely unchanged for several days without showing much sign of wilting. The higher the salt concentration in the water, the worse the plants will fair.

What is the best liquid for germinating seeds?

plain waterThe results of our experiment indicate that plain water is the best growing liquid for seeds. However, seeds may also grow in sugar water.

What affects seed germination?

Environmental factors such as temperature, light, pH, and soil moisture are known to affect seed germination (Chachalis and Reddy 2000; Taylorson 1987). Burial depth of seed also affects seed germination and seedling emer- gence.

Why is Osmosis important in seed germination?

Germination starts when the seed starts to take up water by osmosis. There is an opening in the testa called the micropyle that allows water to move into the seed causing it to swell and thus rupture the seed coat to allow the embryo plant to emerge.

How does salinity affect mung bean germination?

Germination and seedling growth. During germination under saline conditions, high osmotic pressure of saline water is created due to capillary rise leading to more salts density at seed depth than at lower soil profile, which reduces time and rate of germination (Mudgal et al., 2010).

How does salt affect plant growth?

Salinity affects production in crops, pastures and trees by interfering with nitrogen uptake, reducing growth and stopping plant reproduction. Some ions (particularly chloride) are toxic to plants and as the concentration of these ions increases, the plant is poisoned and dies.

How does salt affect plant growth experiment?

The experiment shows that salt is damaging to plants. The damage increases as the salinity increases. In pure freshwater, cut vegetables should remain largely unchanged for several days without showing much sign of wilting. The higher the salt concentration in the water, the worse the plants will fair.

How does salt affect mung bean growth?

Salt stress inhibited the growth of mung bean seedlings. A 17% reduction in plant height was noticed in salt affected mung bean seedlings, when compared to control seedlings. Root length of salt affected seedlings reduced by 23%, compared to control seedlings without salt stress.

How does salinity affect root growth?

The results indicated that salinity caused a reduction in root growth (volume, area, diameter, total and main length and root dry weight), and shoot biomass accumulation. Both root and leaf sodium (Na) content and leaf proline content increased with increasing salinity.


Through my research, I decided to utilize rye, oats and barley seeds because due to the increasing salt jobs, there would be future nutrient deficits due to planetary warming detrimental harvests and the increasing human population. The seeds were treated with different salt concentration solutions of Na chloride, Mg sulfate, Ca sulfates and hydrogen carbonates. […]

Why Does Salt Affect the Germination of Mung Bean Seeds?

Mung beans are highly nutritious legumes with up to 28 percent protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus and other vitamins. Mung beans are used in Asian and vegetarian cooking because of their high protein content.

Salt Concentrations on Germination of Seeds

During the 1800s, researchers discovered that plants absorb essential minerals as inorganic ions in water. So basically soil acts as a mineral nutrient reservoir, but the soil isn’t essential for plant growth.

Lab Explained: Effect of Salinity on Seed Germination

Covering 14% of Australia and home to over two million people, the Murray Darling Basin is Australia’s largest and most iconic river system (figure 1) (McCormick, 2015).As over one-third of Australia’s food supply is produced by the Basin (Discover Murray, 2016), increased salinity levels affect both Australia’s agriculture and the overall economy.

Effect of salinity on seed germination, growth and ion content in ...

Two-way ANOVAs for each salt type tested showed that germination and rate of germination were significantly affected by seed type, salt concentration and their interaction (P < 0.0001) (Table 1, Table 2).Final germination percentage and rate of germination were higher in large seeds than in small seeds (Fig. 2 and Table 3).The first seedlings from large seeds appeared on day 11 and from small ...

What happens when fertilizer is applied to soil?

When fertilizer is applied to soil, the fertilizer dissolves and makes the soil saltier near the point of application. When the salinity of a soil increases, it causes a change in the soil's osmotic pressure, which in turn forces water in the soil to move from a lower to a higher salt concentration. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers have ...

What to do if seeds don't germinate?

If your seeds do not germinate and you do not suspect salt injury as the cause, your seeds may be suffering ammonia toxicity, and adjusting the type or amount of fertilizer you use may be necessary for successful seed germination. Use ammonium nitrate fertilizer whenever possible.

Why are my seeds not germinating?

As noted, a seed's failure to germinate as a result of salt injury almost always occurs when fertilizer is added. But another way in which fertilizer can prevent seed germination is by fertilizer toxicity. Seeds can actually suffer a toxic reaction when they make contact with a fertilizer to which they are particularly sensitive. If your seeds do not germinate and you do not suspect salt injury as the cause, your seeds may be suffering ammonia toxicity, and adjusting the type or amount of fertilizer you use may be necessary for successful seed germination.

What happens when you put salt in a seed?

Salt and Seed Germination. Specifically in the case of seeds that are germinated directly in soil, salt content is also an important consideration. When a fertilizer that causes a change in the soil's salt content comes into direct contact with a seed, a condition known as salt effect or salt burning can occur.

Why is salt important for plants?

The reason is that salt can dramatically affect a plant's growth in all its life stages, from seed to maturity to decline and death.

Does ammonium nitrate affect seed germination?

Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is less likely to impact seed germination because it delivers nitrogen to plants in both an ammonium and a nitrate form. The nitrate form of nitrogen is far less likely to cause seed germination problems, so ammonium nitrate is less likely to cause seed germination problems than fertilizers that do not include nitrate.

Who is Eoghan McCloskey?

Eoghan McCloskey is a technical support representative and part-time musician who holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and political science from Texas State University. While at Texas State, McCloskey worked as a writing tutor at the Texas State Writing Center, proofreading and editing everything from freshman book reports to graduate theses.

Why aren't my seeds germinating?

Another reason why seeds do not germinate is that you’ve planted them too deeply.

Why do seeds fail to germinate?

Many seeds fail to germinate when exposed to temperatures that are either too low or too high. Successfully growing plants require an understanding of the effects of temperature on seeds. Your first point of reference is the seed packet itself because most seeds will have all relevant seed information printed on it.

How to avoid pushing seeds deeper into the soil?

As discussed previously in the water section, use a fine mist water sprayer or practice bottom watering to avoid inadvertently pushing the seeds deeper into the soil.

Why do seeds germinate without light?

Water is one of the essentials in starting the process of germination. During germination, seeds will tap into their stored energy for nutrition.

How does watering affect seed germination?

Indeed, watering through concentrated jets of water can affect the seed germination in two ways: a) the soil becomes compacted due to the water pressure, and b) the water pressure pushes the seed deep into the container. Either way, it gets harder for oxygen to reach the seed.

What diseases can cause a plant to stop germinating?

Bacterial and fungal diseases are threats to plants. When an adult plant becomes infected, it can transmit such infection to the seeds. The most common pathogens that attack seeds and cause germination to stop are Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora, and Pythium.

How to test soil moisture before watering?

Although a moisture meter, gives a more accurate reading, you can test the soil by sticking your finger in and feeling for moisture . Be careful not to push the seed deeper into the soil.

How to germinate seeds in hot weather?

If you are trying to germinate seeds during a very hot summer, try to provide shade to bring the temperatures down. Make sure that the soil is mulched to reduce evaporation, and water well to make sure water needs are met and to create cooler soil and air temperatures. 6. Damping Off.

Why are seeds not germinating?

Environmental Problems Causing Poor Seed Germination. The first thing you have to do is think about environmental problems. Environmental problems are often the most likely cause of germination problems. Different factors in the environment will be important in determining how successfully seeds will germinate.

Why do seedlings collapse after germination?

Post-emergence damping off will cause seedlings to collapse some time after germination. It is a problem seen most often when sowing early indoors or in a greenhouse. It is most damaging in the spring when light levels and temperatures are low, and humidity can often be high.

What are the factors that affect the germination of seeds?

The three key factors in germination for common crops are how much water they get, oxygen levels and temperature. 1. Too Little Water. Water is usually required for seed germination to take place. As seeds mature, they dry out. In order to germinate successfully, these mature seeds need to take in a lot of water.

What happens if you overwater a seed?

If you have watered too much, you may be able to recover things by letting the seed growing medium dry out somewhat. However, unfortunately, if the overwatering has led to one of the other problems described below, it may be too late to save them and you may need to start over. 3. Seeds Are Not Getting Enough Oxygen.

Why is my seedling getting white mold?

White mold around seedling is a sign of “Damping off”. How To Reduce The Chances of Damping Off. If you are growing your seeds in commercial compost, the fungus should not be present in your growing medium.

Why is my seed germination rate so low?

If you have poor germination rates, this may be because you have not provided enough water for these processes to take place . If the soil in your seed trays, containers or planting areas is too dry, you should be able to see or feel this fairly easily.

How does salt affect the plant roots?

Washington, D.C. —Until now it has not been clear how salt, a scourge to agriculture, halts the growth of the plant-root system. A team of researchers, led by the Carnegie Institution’s José Dinneny and Lina Duan, found that not all types of roots are equally inhibited. They discovered that an inner layer of tissue in the branching roots that anchor the plant is sensitive to salt and activates a stress hormone, which stops root growth. The study, published in the current issue of The Plant Cell, is a boon for understanding the stress response and for developing salt-resistant crops.

How does salt affect agriculture?

Salt accumulates in irrigated soils due to the evaporation of water, which leaves salt behind. The United Nations estimates that salinity affects crops on about 200 million acres (80 million hectares) of arable land and not just in developing countries, but areas such as California as well.

Why is the inner layer of tissue in the branching roots that anchor the plant sensitive to salt and activates a?

They discovered that an inner layer of tissue in the branching roots that anchor the plant is sensitive to salt and activates a stress hormone, which stops root growth. The study, published in the current issue of The Plant Cell, is a boon for understanding the stress response and for developing salt-resistant crops.

What plant is a relative of mustard?

The scientists grew seedlings of a laboratory plant (Arabidopsis) that is a relative of mustard using a custom imaging system, which enabled them to measure the dynamic process of root growth throughout the salt response.

What is the key signaling molecule for plant roots?

To determine how dormancy might be regulated, Lina Duan surveyed the role of different plant hormones in this process and found that Abscisic Acid was the key signaling molecule.

Why are mung beans used in Asian cooking?

Mung beans are used in Asian and vegetarian cooking because of their high protein content. When growing mung beans at home, gardeners must consider the salt content in their soil, which can affect the germination of mung bean plants.

What are the nutrients in mung beans?

Mung beans are highly nutritious legumes with up to 28 percent protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus and other vitamins.

How to reduce salt in beans?

Adding soil amendments can also help reduce the salt content if it contains little salt itself . The amendment must be mixed into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil. Use no more than 1 inch of amendment per year. Mung beans are one of the more salt-tolerant varieties of beans.

How to determine salt content in soil?

The only way to determine how much salt is in soil is through a soil test. These tests are available through your local university agricultural extension service. Extension agents can advise you on what you can do to reduce the salt content in your soil. Bean plants are particularly susceptible to salinity in soil and in irrigation water.

What happens when plants are in salt water?

A high concentration of salt in the soil can interfere with a plant's ability to take up and hold water in its roots. High amounts of sodium and chloride are toxic to plants as well. Saline soil can also reduce the amount of micronutrients that are available, and this leads to mineral deficiencies. Leaves can emerge smaller than normal, ...

How to reduce salt in garden soil?

A number of remedies can help reduce the salt concentration in garden soil. Leaching the soil is the most practical way. This involves applying large amounts of water to the soil to carry away the excess salts. For instance, 6 inches of water will reduce the salt content by half. Twelve inches of water will reduce salt by four-fifths.

Which beans are salt tolerant?

Mung beans are one of the more salt-tolerant varieties of beans.

How much salt to add to distilled water?

Solution E. 8 oz. distilled water with 1 ½ teaspoons of table salt. Stir to dissolve the salt.

How to test salt in water?

The question is what you are going to test. You can do this same experiment in many different ways and create an entirely different experiment by changing one or more of the following: 1 The amount of salt in water. 2 The number of seeds you use. 3 The type of seeds you use. 4 How you grow the seeds. 5 Where you put the seeds to grow them. 6 What you use to grow the seeds on.

How do salt plants get rid of salt?

One of the ways they get rid of the salt is to flood the fields with water to let the salt leech out. Of course they can't do that when they don't get enough water. So finding out about how salt inhibits germination and growth is important. chelsea on April 21, 2014: I love this experiment.

What is hypothesis in science?

Hypothesis. Your hypothesis is your guess about what your experiment results will be. After doing your experiment, you will compare your hypothesis with the data from your experiment. That comparison will be your conclusion. Sample hypothesis: The more salt added to the water, the fewer seeds will germinate.

How to make a coffee filter not wet?

Answer: Check each bag every day to make sure that the paper towel or coffee filter is moist but not wet. If you see a lot of water in the bag, it is probably too much water. If you see there is some dryness, then add just enough water (of the appropriate salt concentration) to make it moist again.

Why is too much moisture bad for paper?

Too much moisture is going to cause problems with fungus or bacteria growth. Since different papers absorb differently, you will need to adjust the amount to fit your paper. We determined 1 TB worked best for our paper. This is how to do it: put your paper in the bag and add water one teaspoonful at a time.

What to do if your experiment doesn't work out?

Be honest: Scientists are always honest about their results. If your experiment doesn't work out but you did everything you said you would do, and you don't have time to revise and do it again, you should still publish your results exactly. What you can put in your conclusion is how you would alter the experiment next time.


Excellent For Junior Or Senior High

This is the research plan my daughter used for her junior high project. She won first place at our regional contest and competed at state. She also won some special awards because she tackled a real-world problem. The reason this simple project did so well is that she was able to explain how important it is for farmers to be abl…
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Experimental Question

  • The question is what you are going to test. You can do this same experiment in many different ways and create an entirely different experiment by changing one or more of the following: 1. The amount of salt in water. 2. The number of seeds you use. 3. The type of seeds you use. 4. How you grow the seeds. 5. Where you put the seeds to grow them. 6. What you use to grow the seed…
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  1. 10 Ziplock Bags
  2. 1000 radish seeds
  3. 10 coffee filters
  4. tap water (tap water is the control)
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  • Take ten separate cups. Label them A through J. Fill them as follows: 1. Solution A: 8 oz. tap water 2. Solution B: 8 oz. distilled water 3. Solution C: 8 oz. distilled water with ½ teaspoon of table salt. Stir to dissolve the salt. 4. Solution D: 8 oz. distilled water with 1 teaspoon of table salt. Stir to dissolve the salt. 5. Solution E. 8 oz. distilled water with 1 ½ teaspoons of table salt. Stir t…
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  • In truth, this experiment doesn't really require any particular safety procedures. However, if you are required to include this section in your project notes, you can write something like the following: Sample Safety Procedures:You need goggles so the salt water doesn't splash in your eyes and gloves so you do not transfer bacteria to the seeds.
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  • As you conduct your experiment, you should record what happens every day on a chart. When your experiment is finished, you will look at the results and write out what happened. You can choose to talk about this in different ways: 1. Describe what happened day by day to each bag. 2. Describe the overall results and then talk about particularly interesting things that happened. 3. …
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  • What do you think about your results? In your conclusion, you explain: 1. Whether your guess was right or not. 2. How your results compare to your hypothesis. 3. Your ideas of why your results came out the way they did. 4. How you would revise the experiment to make it better. 5. What experiment would you do next to get more information? 6. The importance of your experiment t…
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  • An abstract is a short summary of everything in your experiment. It explains your procedures, your results, and your conclusion briefly. Scientists rely heavily on abstracts when they are researching. They will read the abstract to get an overview of that experiment and decide if they need to read the full article. Sample Abstract of Experiment and Results: The problem was to determine the ef…
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Experiment Tips

  1. Start early:It is always a good idea to start your experiment early so that you have time to re-do it if you have any problems. Two of my children did versions of this experiment for our state scie...
  2. Tell the whole story:In her conclusion and results, Maggie wrote the whole story of her experiment, the original failure, and her second try, which is exactly what my husband does w…
  1. Start early:It is always a good idea to start your experiment early so that you have time to re-do it if you have any problems. Two of my children did versions of this experiment for our state scie...
  2. Tell the whole story:In her conclusion and results, Maggie wrote the whole story of her experiment, the original failure, and her second try, which is exactly what my husband does when his experime...
  3. Be honest: Scientists are always honest about their results. If your experiment doesn't work out but you did everything you said you would do, and you don't have time to revise and do it again, you...

1.Science Project: How Does Salt Affect Seed Germination?


33 hours ago In general, high soil salinity inhibits seed germination due to the low osmotic potential created around the seed, which prevents water uptake (Welbaum et al., 1990). In addition, high …

2.Why Does Salt Affect the Germination of Seeds? - Garden …


29 hours ago  · Why seeds do not grow in salt water? Seeds do not grow in salt water since salt has some components that inhibit the growth of plants. One such component is abscisic acid.

3.11 Reasons Why Your Seeds Are Not Germinating (and …


33 hours ago  · When a fertilizer that causes a change in the soil's salt content comes into direct contact with a seed, a condition known as salt effect or salt burning can occur. When water …

4.10 Reasons Your Seeds Aren’t Germinating & How To Fix …


33 hours ago  · In general, high soil salinity inhibits seed germination due to the low osmotic potential created around the seed, which prevents water uptake (Welbaum et al., 1990). In …

5.Breakthrough: How salt stops plant growth | Carnegie …


20 hours ago  · Seeds do not grow in salt water since salt has some components that inhibit the growth of plants. One such component is abscisic acid.

6.Why Does Salt Affect the Germination of Mung Bean …


36 hours ago 1 – Too Much Or Too Little Water. Seeds are amazing (at least the viable ones): they store their own food supply. That’s why they can germinate with no light. Water is one of the essentials in …

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