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why do some people lose weight slower

by Prof. Abelardo Harber MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Your slower metabolism will slow your weight loss, even if you eat the same number of calories that helped you lose weight. When the calories you burn equal the calories you eat, you reach a plateau. To lose more weight, you need to either increase your physical activity or decrease the calories you eat.

Full Answer

Why does eating slowly help you lose weight?

Weight-loss wisdom has it that slowing down during a meal can help you eat less because it gives your brain more time to recognize that your stomach is getting full, so you don't overstuff yourself.

Why you are unsuccessful at losing weight?

  • You are recompositioning – that is, you are gaining muscle at a similar rate to which you are losing fat.
  • You are retaining water.
  • You are not actually losing fat because you are not in a caloric deficit

Why maintaining weight loss is so hard?

Aside from the obvious reasons -- food is delicious, exercise is hard ... so it can be very easy to fall into a trap of eating -- and drinking-- for the sake of your social life. This is why a solid support system is key to long-term weight loss.

How to slow down your metabolism to gain weight?

Learn How to Slow Down Your Metabolism to Gain Weight

  • Eat Large Meals, Spaced Out. Though eating constantly is partly helpful, eating frequently actually speeds up your metabolic rate.
  • Switch from Jogging to Weight Lifting. Jogging or cycling are not recommended if you try to gain some weight, and slow down your metabolism.
  • Don’t Obsess. ...


What causes slow weight loss?

There are some medical conditions that can drive weight gain and make it much harder to lose weight. These include hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and sleep apnea. Certain medications can also make weight loss harder — or even cause weight gain.

Is it normal for weight loss to slow down?

It's a bummer when your fat loss slows, but hitting a weight loss plateau is completely normal. “The leaner you get, the harder it gets to lose those last few pounds,” says Tony Gentilcore, C.S.C.S., owner of CORE in Brookline, Massachusetts.

Why do I feel like I'm losing weight but the scale stays the same?

When the scale doesn't move, you are losing body fat while gaining muscle. Your weight may stay the same, even as you lose inches, a sign that you're moving in the right direction.

What is considered slow weight loss?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, slow and steady weight loss is one that allows you to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week (0.5 to 1 kilogram a week), until you reach your desired body goals and weight.

Why my weight is stuck and not decreasing?

Your slower metabolism will slow your weight loss, even if you eat the same number of calories that helped you lose weight. When the calories you burn equal the calories you eat, you reach a plateau. To lose more weight, you need to either increase your physical activity or decrease the calories you eat.

How do you speed up weight loss?

6 Easy Ways to Speed Up Weight LossEat More Snacks. That's right, eat more - just not at mealtimes. ... Stop Multitasking. Managers, you're probably shaking your heads about now. ... Add Strength Training to Your Workout, or Do More of It. ... Eat Before Eating. ... Sleep More. ... Drink Tea, Not Water.

Do you lose inches or pounds first?

If you're just starting on your weight/fat-loss journey, understand that you're likely to lose more pounds first, rather than inches, especially within the first week or two. That's because your body is getting rid of all that extra water weight, according to the Mayo Clinic.

At what time should I weigh myself?

first thing in the morningThe Best Time to Weigh Yourself The thing that's most important when it comes to weighing yourself, either weekly or daily, is at what time. Most researchers agree that it's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning. That way, you're more likely to make it a habit and be consistent with it.

Is it better to lose inches or weight?

The simultaneous gain in muscle and loss in fat can result in no weight loss or much slower weight loss over time. This is one reason you shouldn't rely solely on the scale to measure your progress when trying to lose weight. Besides, your ratio of muscle to fat is a better indicator of health than your body weight is.

Is losing 5 lbs noticeable?

Your height and weight plays a significant role here. However, on average, you would need to lose something in the range of 14 to 19 pounds to notice a difference in your weight. Think about it in percentages. You will start noticing the difference, as soon as you lose a minimum of 2% to 5% of your body weight.

Where do you lose weight first?

Generally weight loss is most noticeable early on in areas where there is little fat, such as the clavicles. Women tend to lose weight all over, and experience fat loss first in their belly, breasts, and arms. Generally the last area they lose weight is from their lower body (hips and thighs).

Is it better lose weight slower or faster?

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, aim to lose it at a slow but steady rate of 1–2 pounds (0.45–0.9 kg) per week. Research shows that slow, steady weight loss is easier to maintain long-term because it's better for developing healthy eating behaviors, and is much safer than very fast weight loss.

Why do people eat fast food?

The body is prone to accumulate various toxins, and fat is easy to adhere to the internal organs. They are bloated fat people with poor physical fitness. Love exercise, the body’s metabolic cycle is slower, and the body’s aging will also accelerate.

Why does the body need different calories to digest different foods?

The body needs different calories to digest different foods. The body needs higher calories to break down protein food, and the decomposition time is longer , which can improve the heat effect of food.

Why is water important for metabolism?

Water is the key to supporting the body’s metabolism. Lack of water in the body will lead to low metabolism, accumulation of waste toxins, and poor weight loss. Studies have found that people who drink 2L of water a day and hydrate for multiple periods of time will have stronger body metabolism and lose weight significantly faster than those who do not like drinking water.

Why do we need to sleep at night?

When you stay up late for a long time and lack sleep time, your body will age faster, your metabolic level will decrease, your body’s hormone secretion will be disordered, your cortisol level will increase, and your weight loss will slow down. #N#According to your own schedule, the scientific sleep schedule starts before 23:00 and maintains 6-8 hours of sleep per day.

What factors influence how fast you lose weight?

Here, experts explain nine surprising factors that influence how fast (or slow) you lose weight: Your Current Weight. Contrary to popular lore, your current body mass (aka weight) is the No. 1 determinant of your metabolic rate, or how many calories you burn per day; the larger you are, the higher your metabolism, Primack explains. ...

What hormones are responsible for weight loss?

"Some people have abnormal functions of thyroid and cortisol hormones that promote weight gain and weight retention," Fitch says.

How many genes affect weight loss?

Your Genetics. "The biggest thing that makes a difference in how different people lose weight is genetics," Primack says. "It's estimated that 20 major genes and 200 or more minor genes impact fat storage and weight maintenance.". However, knowledge is power.

How much sleep does it take to lose weight?

Your Sleep Habits. "The amount of sleep you get makes a large difference in your metabolic rate and how fast you are able to lose weight," Primack says. "People who sleep less than seven hours per night tend to have slower metabolisms.".

Does sleep affect weight loss?

Meanwhile, no matter how many hours you log per night, if that sleep is poor quality, it can also affect your metabolism and increase your body's cravings – which can slow your weight-loss progress, Crandall Snyder says. Sleep apnea, for example, is consistently linked with weight problems.

Does aerobic exercise burn calories?

Your Workout of Choice. "Aerobic exercise burns calories and makes our heart healthier, but you also need to build some muscle, or just work to maintain the muscle you do have when you lose weight," Fitch says.

Does losing weight slow your metabolism?

For instance, as mentioned earlier, as you lose weight your metabolism slows, making future weight loss more sluggish, Fitch says. That often leads to a drop in resolve that can water down your efforts – and slow weight loss even more. Lastly, it's important to remember that in the early days of weight loss, most drastic drops in ...

Why is it important to stay active as you age?

As you age, staying active will be very important in maintaining a healthy metabolism. It may even mean working harder and longer than you have in the past. Gender plays a role in weight loss as well. Men have a naturally lower body fat than do women, making it a little easier to drop the pounds.

Is it possible to lose weight by burning more calories?

The idea that burning more calories than we consume directly results in weight loss isn' t always the case. While it works for some, there are other areas that must be considered if you are having a difficult time dropping ...

Do men lose weight from their abdomen?

According to, men also tend to lose weight from their abdomen first, while women tend to see weight loss from that area last. Finally, genetics play a very real role in how easy or difficult it is to lose weight. Unfortunately, there's no way to rewire your body. Advertisement.

Does muscle mass help you lose weight?

Muscle Mass. A person with more muscle mass and less body fat will have an easier time losing weight than someone who has a higher body fat percentage. Muscle mass is closely related to metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even when your body is at rest.

Why Is My Weight Loss So Slow?

Everyone is different, so they are many factors to consider when you try to set goals and envisage how much weight you will lose in a certain space of time. First and foremost, you should NOT compare yourself to anyone else; even two people with similar starting weights and the same amount of weight to lose will see varied results.

What Is The Average Rate of Weight Loss?

At first, it’s not uncommon for people to lose weight quite quickly, but this effect only lasts for a week or two.

The Advantages of Losing Weight Slowly

You should remember that the figure of 1-2lbs per week is the average weekly loss, so for those who are losing more than this each week, there are also people losing less than a pound a week. But, if that describes you, then there are advantages to losing weight at a slower pace. Dr. Michele S.

How to lose weight without a diet?

The rules of this eating plan include: 1 Avoid all processed carbs for 6 days a week. If you have to have them anytime during these six days, only consume them 30 minutes after a weight lifting session. Whole grains, legumes, and vegetables are still okay. 2 Stick to the above mentioned five food groups i.e., animal protein, vegetables, legumes, fats, and spices. 3 Only drink water and unsweetened coffee and/or tea – alcohol, juice, smoothies, sodas, and other sugary drinks must be avoided. 4 Avoid all fruits. 5 Have one cheat day a week to indulge.

What are the side effects of rapid weight loss?

One of the side effects of rapid weight loss is a slow metabolism. For those who are unaware, your metabolism is the process through which the body turns the food and drinks consumed into energy that is then used by the body for mundane activities such as blinking and breathing to other things such as walking, gardening, running etc. Those with a faster metabolism are able to quickly turn food stores into energy while those with a slower one end up with their food turned into fat instead.

What are the problems with simple carbs?

The problem with refined carbs is that they may lead to overindulging and obesity.

Why is protein important for a person?

When consumed, it influences your hunger and satiety hormones, reducing and increasing then respectively, thus keeping you fuller for longer.

Does low carb diet help with diabetes?

If low-carb dieting has not worked for you, you could try slow carb weight loss using the slow carb diet. This is described as a low-carb diet with a twist.

Is it normal to have a plateau in weight loss?

Weight loss plateaus are quite normal and are often caused by a decline in the metabolism as you continue to lose weight (7). As we have seen above, your metabolism is quite important in losing those extra pounds. Here are some tips for weight loss for slow metabolism (16): Shutterstock.

Does rapid weight loss cause constipation?

Rapid weight loss also has some other side effects (15) such as headaches, irritability and mood swings, unexplained fatigue, dizziness and confusion, constipation, hair loss, and menstrual irregularities, which are rarely seen in slow and steady weight loss. It can also cause the development of gallstones which can cause unbearable pain, vomiting, ...

Why do women lose weight?

On average, higher body fat content and lower muscle mass means that women’s bodies tend to use less energy than men’s over the course of a day. Building more muscle can help with improving metabolic rates.

Does birth control cause weight gain?

Birth Control. One of the most common side effects of hormonal birth control (which includes pills, patches, and shots) is weight gain. Medication-related weight gain can thus add to the total number of pounds you want to take off, and can also make keeping them off more difficult.

Do women have to be slim to be muscular?

Advertisement. Women, on the other hand, have a lot of social pressure to be slim but not muscular. That means that losing weight comes with a significant amount of fear and guilt that can hinder success.

Is it okay to gain weight in the middle?

For most men, a little bit of weight gain isn’t a huge deal – it’s more acceptable for men to carry a little paunch around the middle. Likewise, men have far more encouragement to hit the gym and engage in exercises that help them build muscle (and increase their metabolic weight).

Is it a contest to lose weight?

It’s not a contest. Focus on your own health and well-being and what changes you can make to your life without upsetting the balance of everything else. You’ll be more likely to lose weight and keep it off when it’s not a source of stress, frustration, or guilt. Advertisement.

How does exercise affect weight loss?

How intensely we exercise and how much effort we put into our fitness programs can make or break our weight loss, since all of that calorie-burning fuels our metabolism, energy and other fat-burning processes . "Your body might respond to fitness faster than your friend if you are exercising at a higher intensity.

Why do genetics play a role in weight loss?

More than anything else, our genetics play a major role in our ability to lose weight, since they provide the blueprints our bodies run on. For example, some people have genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which may be associated with an increased or decreased risk of being thin, Brigid Titgemeier, RDN, LD, ...

What diseases affect the body's response to diet and exercise?

Unfortunately, there are some diseases out of our control that have a significant impact on how our body responds to diet and exercise. Diabetes is one of the major ones, Reed says, since it's a condition in which the body does not use insulin correctly.

Where does fat loss occur?

"Fat loss is seen in different parts of the body at different moments. One week it may be lost from the thighs, the next from the stomach.

Do obese people have bad gut bacteria?

In one study, published February 2018 in Obesity, individuals who were considered obese were found to have lower levels of "good" bacteria and higher levels of "bad" bacteria in their guts. So, if you're on a mission to lose weight and you aren't giving your gut much TLC, you likely won't see as much success.

Does having more body fat make you lose weight?

Basically, we're talking about your bodies' muscle-to-fat ratios. As clinical dietitian Carla Dueñas, RD, explains, a person who has more body fat will likely lose it faster than another person who is closer to their ideal body weight.

Can diabetes cause weight loss?

"When a person with diabetes or even prediabetes has high levels of insulin in the blood, it can be very difficult to lose weight," Reed says.


1.9 Reasons Fat Loss is Always Slower Than You’d Like


34 hours ago Other causes of weight loss include, but are not limited to, cancer, viral infection (such as CMV or HIV), gastroenteritis, parasite infection, depression, bowel diseases, and overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). Why do I lose weight so slowly? Crash diets and other calorie-restricted diets can slow your metabolism. The lower your muscle mass, the slower your metabolism.

2.[UPDATED] Why Your weight loss is too Slow? Wanna know!


4 hours ago There are several possible reasons for this: Lower leptin and insulin sensitivity. Lower thyroid levels. Lower fat mobilization or oxidation. Larger drop in metabolic rate with dieting. Lower exercise tolerance and/or recovery capacity. Lower levels of NEAT and/or NEPA. Higher levels of …

3.9 Things That Influence How Fast (or Slow) You Lose …


3 hours ago  · For those who ignore protein supplementation during weight loss, the muscles lack amino acid nutrition, the muscles will be broken down, the body’s basic metabolic level will also decrease, and the speed of weight loss will become slower and slower.

4.My Weight Loss Is Slow & I'm Discouraged | livestrong


17 hours ago  · That's because when you lose weight some of that weight naturally comes from muscle – and when muscle levels decline, so does your …

5.Videos of Why Do Some People Lose Weight Slower


19 hours ago My Weight Loss Is Slow & I'm Discouraged Current Weight. Contestants on "The Biggest Loser," a popular reality weight-loss television show, are known to drop... Muscle Mass. A person with more muscle mass and less body fat will have an easier time …

6.Why Is My Weight Loss So Slow? –


26 hours ago  · So, if you’re not comparing yourself to anyone else, why do you think your weight loss is slow? Perhaps you’ve lost weight in the past and had better results. But, there are two reasons why this might happen – firstly, your metabolism slows down with age. Click here for tips to fight this effect and boost your metabolism. Secondly, it could depend on how you lost …

7.Slow Weight Loss: Explaining Why Slow And Steady …


8 hours ago In fact, some— hypothyroidism, for example— actually make you gain weight. Solution: develop patience. Resolve to succeed DESPITE your condition. You will feel so much better when you aren’t carrying around that excess weight. 7. Weight loss slows or halts (or reverses temporarily) during menstrual periods.

8.Why Women Lose Weight More Slowly Than Men


35 hours ago According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, slow and steady weight loss is one that allows you to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week (0.5 to 1 kilogram a week), until you reach your desired body goals and weight. This form of slow weight loss is not achieved via quick fix diets or spending countless hours at the gym.

9.Why Do Some People Lose Weight Faster Than Others?


13 hours ago  · Why Women Lose Weight More Slowly Than Men Metabolism. Female bodies run on a slightly slower metabolic clock than male ones do, which can make losing and keeping... Thyroid Issues. While men certainly can develop thyroid disease, it is far more common in women. Hypothyroidism, or an... Birth ...

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