Knowledge Builders

why do succulents grow aerial roots

by Mrs. Neha Beier Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Why do succulents grow aerial roots?

  • 3.1 Dehydration. One of the most common reasons succulents develops aerial roots is that they do not get enough water...
  • 3.2 Stability. Regular roots support the plant and anchor it to the ground. Aerial roots can also perform the function...
  • 3.3 Lack of light. Light is essential for the growth of green plants, and low or insufficient...

Generally aerial roots will form on a succulent that isn't getting enough water and often when it's in a humid environment. Succulents absorb water through their roots from the surrounding air. That is why having a soil with large particles is really important for the health of your succulent.Mar 29, 2022

Full Answer

What are aerial roots on succulents?

Air roots or Aerial roots are small roots that grow from the leaves of the plant or the stems above the surface soil of the succulent or cacti plant. These are often pinkish-purple. When they are growing bottom of the root becomes white. Why are my succulent growing aerial roots?

Why are my succulents so stretched out?

This plant is also very stretched out due to lack of sunlight. Lack of sunlight can sometimes cause a succulent to put out air roots. While this isn’t always the case, it is more likely for a succulent to send off aerial roots when it is starting to stretch out.

What is succulent etiolation and how does it work?

Succulent etiolation can also lead to aerial roots on some occasions. Because when the plant overstretched, the plant begins to bend towards to ground. Before etiolated succulent topples, it grows air roots to maintain stability.

What do aerial roots look like?

They are usually pink or white. What causes aerial roots to grow? Generally aerial roots will form on a succulent that isn't getting enough water and often when it's in a humid environment. Succulents absorb water through their roots from the surrounding air.


Can you cut off aerial roots on succulents?

Do nothing. It is not essential to remove them, unless you think they are too unsightly. However, make sure you water your succulent more deeply (not necessarily more often) and that it is getting enough light. If you leave the roots behind, they can harden or thicken and look like a small branch.

What is the long thing growing out of my succulent?

If you have been into succulents for quite some time now, you might have noticed that some of them develop thin white or pink roots growing out of their stem. These are called aerial roots.

Why is my succulent sprouting stems?

Succulents will grow long stems when they are not getting enough sunlight. This process is called etiolation, where they start to turn and stretch out in search of light, giving them a “leggy” appearance with a long stem and smaller, spaced-out leaves.

What does it mean when a plant grows aerial roots?

Aerial roots are roots that grow on the above-ground parts of a plant. Aerial roots on woody vines function as anchors, affixing the plant to supporting structures such as trellises, rocks, and walls. Some types of aerial roots also absorb moisture and nutrients, just like underground roots.

What do you do with succulent air roots?

What should I do about the air roots? You don't need to remove the roots, although you can if they are getting too unsightly. However, be sure to water your succulent more deeply (not necessarily more often) and make sure it is getting plenty of light.

Why does my succulent have an antenna?

Your Succulent Grew an Antenna and Looks Like an Alien The antenna comes about for the same reasons as your plant being elongated. All it means is your plant has been working extra hard to try to reach sunlight.

What do you do with succulent shoots?

Once the offsets are half the size of the mother plant, you can cut them off using a pair of pruners. Wait for the cut to callous over. Place them on top of fresh soil, don't water, place them in a shady, but bright area, and neglect them. Soon enough, they'll root into the soil and voila!

What do you do with succulent puppies?

Often, these offshoots or pups will already have their own roots and can simply be removed from the mother and potted on their own, says Kremblas. Others may need a few weeks to develop their own roots; treat these pups like stem cuttings and plant once the roots sprout.

What are the little hairs on my succulent?

If you grow succulents, it won't be long before you see some fine, little roots growing out of the stem of your plant. Those are called aerial roots! Don't panic; your plant is probably healthy.

Should I bury aerial roots?

The best option is to leave the air roots alone. If aerial roots are extensive, it may be a sign your orchid is overgrown and needs a larger pot. At this time, you can bury lower aerial roots in the new pot. Be careful not to force the roots because they may snap.

How often should succulents be watered?

You should water your succulents every other week during non-winter months when temperatures are above 40 degrees. During the winter time (when temperatures are below 40 degrees) you should only water your succulent once a month because it is dormant during this time. There are a few exceptions to this rule.

Should I put aerial roots in water?

This is supposedly because aerial roots can absorb moisture, which is true. However, placing them in water 24/7 probably won't do much more than make them rot and possibly endanger your plant.

What do you do with succulent shoots?

Once the offsets are half the size of the mother plant, you can cut them off using a pair of pruners. Wait for the cut to callous over. Place them on top of fresh soil, don't water, place them in a shady, but bright area, and neglect them. Soon enough, they'll root into the soil and voila!

What do you do with long succulent stems?

Kalanchoes tend to grow long stems and as do many other fleshy succulents. Once a succulent stem gets bare the leaves won't grow back on it. You need to cut it back and propagate by stem cuttings or have it rejuvenate from the base (the piece of stem & roots still in the soil).

What are succulent pups?

Offsets, AKA “pups,” are the little succulents that sprout up around the base of the parent plant. These pups occur when roots bearing leaf clusters, shoot out from the mature plant and develop into a new succulent. Pups can also occur on the leaves of some succulents, like the Pink Butterfly Kalanchoe.

Can you cut the stem of a succulent and replant it?

Simply cut the stems to the length you want, peel the bottom 1/3 of the leaves off and then let those stems heal off (this is where the cut end of the stem callus over) for 2 weeks to 4 months before planting. I plant them directly in the garden or in a pot with succulent and cactus planting mix.

Why are my succulent growing aerial roots?

There can be one or several reasons your succulents growing aerial roots. Let’s break down everything one by one. You have to carefully check the plant and its growing medium conditions to identify the correct issue .

Why are my succulents leggy?

When the succulents and cactus do not get enough bright light it getting leggy. When the plant in low light it stretching towards the bright light source. This process is known as etiolation.

Will Succulent aerial roots go away?

Once the succulent grows air roots it does not naturally go away. However, if they are growing due to water, soil, or sunlight deficiencies by providing them you can reduce further development.

Can you propagate succulents from aerial roots?

When the succulent started to develop aerial roots it can propagate by cutting. When the air roots are well developed, the stem can be cut below the root zone and can directly plant in the new growing medium. This will develop new succulent plants.

What is an aerial root?

What is Succulent and Cactus Aerial roots? Air roots or Aerial roots are small roots that grow from the leaves of the plant or the stems above the surface soil of the succulent or cacti plant. These are often pinkish-purple. When they are growing bottom of the root becomes white.

How to check if succulent soil is dry?

You can verify this by checking the subsoil moisture level before and after watering. You can use either the dry stick method or moisture meter to check if succulent soil is dry or wet. Between two watering top to the bottom substrate should completely dry.

How to tell if succulent is underwater?

You can further verify this by closing checking the leaves. When the succulent underwatered symptoms are leaves wrinkled, shrunken and bottom leaves start falling.

Why do succulents need aerial roots?

Aerial roots will help your succulents grow healthy and happy because the roots will absorb nutrients in the air. This is amazing for your succulents all because your succulent will love the nutrients and those nutrients will help your succulents grow bigger and faster.

What are the little roots on my succulents?

Do your succulents have little roots that are white or pink growing out of your succulents stem? If so, don't worry at all! Those little roots sticking out of the stems are called aerial roots, and they are very common when growing succulents.

Why does etiolation make aerial roots form?

Now why does etiolation make aerial roots form? Well since the succulent is stretching and growing tall, the succulent will most likely fall over or even snap because of how tall it is. The aerial roots will form and then touch the soil to support the succulent from falling over or even snapping.

What are these little white roots that are growing out of the stem of my succulent?

So what are these little white or pink roots that are growing out of the stem of your succulent? Those little roots are called aerial roots and they are forming in the wrong places. They are known as above ground or adventurous roots all because they are growing on the stem of the succulent and not under the soil. Roots are obviously supposed to be grown underneath the soil not on the stem of the succulent.

Why do succulents grow brown?

They are only forming because the succulent needs water . It’s a very easy fix, just make sure you water your succulent plant immediately. Once it gets water then the roots will realize the succulent is hydrated and will no longer be needed. The roots will turn brown, dry up, and then eventually fall off the succulent.

Can you cut aerial roots off succulents?

You can keep the aerial roots on or cut or pluck them, up to you. They will eventually fall off naturally as time goes by and once you fix the little problems that are going on with your succulent.

Do aerial roots hurt succulents?

Now you are probably wondering if aerial roots will harm or hurt your succulents. Don’t worry about this at all! Your succulents are still growing healthy and happy. Actually your succulents will get benefits from aerial roots!

How do succulents get oxygen?

For most plants, by doing gas (carbon dioxide and oxygen) exchange through their leaves, they get the air they need for plants to do photosynthesis. For succulents, this is a little less accurate as many have a special kind of photosynthesis called CAM photosynthesis.

What does it mean when a succulent has a lot of water in the air?

If there is a lot of water in the air, there’s a possibility that the aerial roots are the source. Your succulents are just opportunistic: “Ah, the air is moist; you could try to get some of this water as well.”

Why do aerial roots descend from a runner's stem?

Aerial roots frequently descend from a runner’s stem to provide anchorage for plants that propagate by runners. But they also become “normal” roots that drive the spread.

Can you see aerial roots on Haworthias?

Normally, on Haworthias or Aloes, you cannot see aerial roots. Also, you definitely would not see aerial roots at all if you are watering properly.

Do succulents like water?

It’s not wrong that they like lots of it, just all at once, rather than spread out over days. The plant may be searching for additional water, thus the aerial roots that are looking for air moisture. You ought to soak them thoroughly as you wash your succulents.

Is it bad to have aerial roots on succulents?

The answer isNo” Aerial roots are not inherently bad but they clearly say that your succulent is attempting to relieve a need that can be normal, but it can also be induced by a care problem

Can you cut off aerial roots?

If you would like, you can remove all of the aerial stems. Cutting off aerial roots is not harmful to plants.


Don't panic if you see that your succulents are beginning to develop aerial roots. Your succulents are still healthy and would just require a bit more attention than usual. In fact, they have a lot of functions that help out the plants that they grow on, like:

Why are my succulents growing so big?

We all know that lack of sunlight will cause your succulents to stretch out and become top-heavy with spaced-out leaves. Now, if this happens, your succulents may also form aerial roots. However, the roots won't be absorbing anything from the air, as their goal is to support the plant to prevent it from falling.


Aerial roots are roots found above the ground. In other words, they do not grow where they are supposed to, which is underneath the soil. They appear in light pink or white in color and look thinner than the roots you would find underground but will eventually turn brown, dry out, and fall off naturally over a period of time.


However, if you do not like their appearance or they have become quite numerous and bushy in an ugly way, then you may snip them off carefully using a scissor or simply pull them off with tweezers.

What are the white roots on succulents called?

These are called aerial roots.

Why do succulents rot?

However, keep in mind that succulents are desert plants that like to be in dry climates, so an increase in humidity may lead to root rot, as the water may stay longer in the soil for too long.

Do succulents need water?

Yes, succul ents that don't get sufficient water will not only lead their leaves to look shriveled but also trigger them to send out aerial roots in search of more moisture.

Why do succulents have aerial roots?

Generally aerial roots will form on a succulent that isn't getting enough water and often when it's in a humid environment. Succulents absorb water through their roots from the surrounding air. That is why having a soil with large particles is really important for the health of your succulent. If you aren't using the proper watering technique ...

Why is my succulent putting out air roots?

Pin. Crassula rupestris. This plant is also very stretched out due to lack of sunlight. Lack of sunlight can sometimes cause a succulent to put out air roots. While this isn't always the case, it is more likely for a succulent to send off aerial roots when it is starting to stretch out.

What should I do about the air roots?

You don't need to remove the roots, although you can if they are getting too unsightly . However, be sure to water your succulent more deeply (not necessarily more often) and make sure it is getting plenty of light.

What happens if you don't water your succulent?

If you aren't using the proper watering technique for your succulent, it may not be getting enough water and will start to “search” for more. This is when aerial roots start to form. Your succulent is simply telling you it is thirsty and needs a deeper watering. Pin.

What happens if you leave a succulent root attached?

If you leave the roots attached, they may eventually harden or thicken and look like a small branch. This is normal. While aerial roots aren't a huge problem, they are something you should be aware of so you know how to adjust the care of your succulent. This is an early warning sign that your succulent isn't as healthy as it could be.

Is a succulent ok?

The good news is your succulent is going to be ok. It just needs some extra attention.

Can you see aerial roots on Haworthias?

Generally you won't see aerial roots on Haworthias or Aloes. Also, if you are watering correctly, you likely won't see aerial roots at all. You are more likely to encounter air roots with succulents that grow quickly and are in their active growing season.

Why do succulents grow aerial roots?

If your succulent is growing air roots that doesn’t mean it’s dying, they are just fine. This is just an indication that it needs some care.

What to do with aerial roots on succulents?

Many people don’t know what they should do with these aerial roots, if your plant ends up growing them then it’s ok to leave them on the stem. These air roots will eventually either get shriveled or will get hardened and will look like a small branch. And I think that is fine to leave them alone.

Why do aerial roots grow?

This is done when the water is evaporating. 2. They absorb water from the air. Aerial roots can absorb water from the air and this process takes place in a humid climate. When plants are planted in humid conditions they tend to absorb the water from the air with the help of aerial roots. That is one of the reasons why aerial roots grow from ...

Why are my succulents growing aerial roots?

Your succulent is growing aerial roots because it’s looking for something.

What are the triggers for succulents?

There are many specific triggers, which can be grouped into three main categories: the search for soil, water , or stability. If you find your succulent producing aerial roots your mission is to figure out which category they fall in, in order to find out if you should be doing something or not.

Why is my succulent lanky?

If your succulent is not receiving the amount of light it needs to thrive, it will stretch out in search of more sun. This process is referred to as etiolation and can result in a lanky looking plant with sparse leaf growth.

Why do plants have aerial roots?

Long stems can start to bend down when they weren’t supposed to, triggering the plant to start creating aerial roots in search for some much-needed stability.

How to get succulents to grow in full sun?

Slowly increase watering if you find it’s necessary, and don’t move a succulent from a shady spot into full sun without an acclimation period.

Why do succulents bend down?

Additionally, even in normal circumstances, a succulent’s stems might not be able to take the weight of its (healthy) leaves, causing them to bend down and the plant to produce some aerial roots just in case it’ll need to anchor itself soon. This can happen with Jade plants and rosette-forming species, for example.

What changes in watering schedule?

Changing seasons, lighting and temperature can mean a change in your watering schedule is required, so you’ll have to review whether it’s time to increase the amount of moisture you’re providing.

Why is it Important to Stimulate Root Growth in Succulents?

They also keep it intact within the soil. Besides this, roots carry essential minerals and water to succulents. If your plants have a bad root system, they are likely to die soon.

What does it mean when you see tiny roots on a succulent?

If you see little roots growing out of the stems of your succulent, do not panic! It is a sign that your plant is growing healthy. Not to mention, these tiny roots are called aerial roots. However, when you see aerial roots popping out of your green, keep in mind that you will need to care for them differently.

Why are my succulents growing pink?

Moreover, if you see your succulents are growing little, pink roots on their stems, don’t forget that it is just a sign of a healthy plant. Last but not least, make sure to water your succulents properly or else they will die soon.

Why do succulents rot?

While the roots of succulents are shallow, rooting them in a deep plant pot will prevent them from growing. Not only this, whenever you water them, the water will set at the bottom and the roots will rot due to too much moisture. For this reason, make sure to keep them in a shallow pot; it will prevent the water from pooling at ...

Why not add a few succulents to your plant collection?

If you are fond of gardening, why not add a few succulents to your plant collection? Well, succulents are the most efficient plants that do not need much care as compared to other plants.

What happens if you see a succulent stretching?

If you see that your succulent is stretching toward the light, you will soon notice that this plump little plant become leggy in appearance. Keep in mind that it is the perfect time to grow your succulents, using its cuttings.

How long does it take for a succulent to grow?

When it comes to growing your succulents, note that the plants take a few weeks to grow new roots.


What Are Aerial Roots?

Aerial roots are roots found above the ground. In other words, they do not grow where they are supposed to, which is underneath the soil. They appear in light pink or white in color and look thinner than the roots you would find underground but will eventually turn brown, dry out, and fall off naturally over a period of time.
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What Do Aerial Roots Do to Your Succulents?

  • Don't panic if you see that your succulents are beginning to develop aerial roots. Your succulents are still healthy and would just require a bit more attention than usual. In fact, they have a lot of functions that help out the plants that they grow on, like: 1. They help the succulents to absorb nutrients and moisture in the air. This is really useful, especially for those that are grown in humi…
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What Causes Aerial Roots to form?

  • But how and why exactly do aerial roots form on your succulents? Aerial roots will usually form on succulents with stems, and the most common problem why they sprout includes: Yes, succulents that don't get sufficient water will not only lead their leaves to look shriveled but also trigger them to send out aerial roots in search of more moisture. S...
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How to Remove Aerial Roots?

  • As mentioned above, aerial roots are harmless and can be left attached to your succulents. However, if you do not like their appearance or they have become quite numerous and bushy in an ugly way, then you may snip them off carefully using a scissor or simply pull them off with tweezers.
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1.Aerial Roots on Succulents? (Why They Grow and What …


31 hours ago Aerial roots on succulents are generally found where a portion of the plant is likely to drop, so the aerial roots can help anchor the plant to the soil when it falls. If a plant’s roots are injured, or the succulent is etiolated due to insufficient light, it will grow aerial roots anticipating the contact with the ground.

2.Aerial Roots on Succulents? What are they?


13 hours ago If your succulent is growing in a very humid area, then aerial roots will form. This happens because it’s like the succulent is being underwatered. And as we have mentioned, if the succulent is dehydrated and underwatered then aerial roots will form all because they are searching to give the plant some type of water.

3.Aerial roots on succulents | Important facts you must know


23 hours ago Why do succulents grow aerial roots? 3.1 Dehydration. One of the most common reasons succulents develops aerial roots is that they do not get enough water... 3.2 Stability. Regular roots support the plant and anchor it to the ground. Aerial roots can …

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