Knowledge Builders

why is a brand promise important

by Golden Kirlin II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why is a Brand Promise important?

  • 1. Builds Trust A compelling brand promise helps build trust with the customer. ...
  • 2. Delivers Purpose of the Brand Brand promise delivers a consistent and definite purpose behind one’s brand across not only the customers but also with the company’s employees. ...
  • 3. Shows Professionalism Brand promise instills professionalism. ...
  • 4. Ensures Consistency ...
  • 5. Motivates the Team ...

A brand promise is a value or experience a company's customers can expect to receive every single time they interact with that company. The more a company can deliver on that promise, the stronger the brand value in the mind of customers and employees.May 7, 2018

Full Answer

What is a brand promise?

A brand promise demonstrates the experience a customer can expect whenever they engage with you. It’s an intangible aspect to your business that gives your business its own sense of emotion and personality. Your brand promise should tell the world what your business stands for, and how it will achieve that.

Why is it important to keep your promise to your customers?

Your promise to your customers is a critical part of your brand identity. In turn, this sets in a customers mind the value of your brand. When the promise is broken your brand can lose its reputation, customers and hence market share.

How do you execute on your brand promise?

There are three important areas to consider when executing on your brand promise: Measure Conduct customer and employee surveys to determine how well your brand promise resonates with both customers and employees. When presented with your brand promise, do customers consider it appealing, unique, and believable?

Why do brands fail to deliver on their promises?

Despite this, many brands fail to deliver on their promise for a variety of reasons. In particular, they fail to deliver on the customer experience – the interactions between the brand and the customers.


What is the importance of brand promises?

Why is Brand Promise So Important? A brand promise can directly affect an organization's bottom line positively or negatively. It can translate into lower cost of sales, because selling more products and services to loyal, emotionally connected customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones.

Why is brand promise important quizlet?

why is brand promise important? it allows a company to differentiate itself from its competitors. It also helps a company create more brand awareness and brand loyalty.

Which of the following is a benefit of brand promise?

Which of the following is a benefit of brand promise: It allows the company to stand out from the competition.

What should a brand promise include?

3 Ways to Make (and Keep) Your Promise To motivate clients, a brand promise must achieve the following three goals: It must convey a compelling benefit. It must be authentic & credible. It must be kept, every time.

What is a brand promise?

A brand promise is a value or experience a company's customers can expect to receive every single time they interact with that company. The more a company can deliver on that promise, the stronger the brand value in the mind of customers and employees.

How does a brand promise differ from a Slogan?

A brand promise goes deeper than a tagline. It's the statement of your company's unique value and the wonderful benefits of doing business with you. It tells your ideal client or customer why your business is the perfect choice and that you pledge to deliver what you promise.

Why companies should always deliver on their promises?

When a brand follows through on its promises, the result is a loyal, and happy customer base, ready to advocate for the business and help it grow. On the other hand, when a brand breaks its promise, it also shatters customer trust.

How do you keep a brand promise?

5 Steps to Make a Brand Promise You Can KeepUncover your current strengths. ... Identify your differentiators. ... Organize your entire operation to deliver on your promise. ... Communicate your brand promise. ... Continually request customer feedback.

What is Coca Cola's brand promise?

Coca-Cola. “Our central promise at The Coca-Cola Company is to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, and inspire moments of optimism; to create value and make a difference.”

Is a brand promise a tagline?

A brand promise goes deeper than a tagline. It's the statement of your company's unique value and the wonderful benefits of doing business with you. It tells your ideal client or customer why your business is the perfect choice and that you pledge to deliver what you promise.

How do you ensure a brand promise is delivered?

Getting behind your brand promiseMeasure. Conduct customer and employee surveys to determine how well your brand promise resonates with both customers and employees. ... Monitor. Keep regular tabs on how well you deliver on your brand promise and create standards that operationalize it. ... Train and engage.

Is brand promise the same as mission statement?

You create a mission statement to describe what your company does from an internal perspective, often to inspire and motivate your employees. A brand promise, on the other hand, is externally focused. It is crafted to hold your company accountable for delivering a consistent customer experience.

How your idea will improve the delivery of the brand promise?

Ask them about their experience with your products, your services, and your post-purchase support. This should lead to great insights for improving your overall delivery. So think about what could make your product or service better. And plan for those improvements both in the short and long term.

What factors influence the way a business carries out its brand promise?

The values and ideals that an organization encourages among its employees; also called organizational culture. Affects how the brand promise is carried out. A brand's identifying mark. Any interaction between a business and a customer or a potential customer.

How do you articulate a brand promise?

You must be able to succinctly describe the emotional benefit your brand fulfills when developing a brand promise. What can your brand deliver that's perceived to be totally different to your competitors. Consider this in terms of your brand experience, personality, mission, values, brand story and so forth.

Why does brand awareness make a company stand out from its competition quizlet?

Why does brand awareness make a company stand out from its competition? Because consumers connect the brand to the actual product.

Why do you need a brand promise?

The operating assumption is that people today are attracted to, engaged with, and loyal to brands that are purpose driven. These dynamics improve the profitability of purpose-driven brands by creating stronger appeal, richer and deeper experiences, and an enduring emotional resonance.

Why is it important to have a purposeful promise?

Most significant, a purposeful promise has the power to transform your leadership ...

Why do people buy into your ideals?

They are using their work to fulfill their sense of purpose. Their 9-5 has been transformed into meaningful work that is intricately tied to their sense of self. Likewise, people just won’t buy your products or simply pass them by. They will buy into your ideals because they are something in which they can share.

Is a brand promise a slogan?

A brand promise is not a slogan or advertising headline . It is not, by definition, a public statement (though it can be as long as your brand truly lives up to it). Finally, it is not a “unique selling proposition”. Indeed, its uniqueness and differentiating power comes not from what it says, but how it transforms the way your organization creates ...

What is brand promise?

A brand promise is an exercise in prudence. If the rule is “don’t promise what you can’t deliver,” then crafting a brand promise should be an exercise in prudence. If your brand is tied to fulfilling unmet needs, as it should be, then your promise must reflect those needs and make it clear to the customer which ones you will fulfill.

Why is it wrong to say "brand is a promise"?

It’s about keeping it. Brand promise lives in the world of marketing communications. Keeping the promise lives in the world of customer experience. And experience always speaks louder than words. It follows that if the promise is what gets customers ...

Why is it important to make sure your promise can be delivered?

Ultimately, the most important thing is to make sure your promise can be delivered. It is as much a tool for you as it is for your customer. It should keep you focused on how your performance and delivery measure up. Establish a mechanism for customer feedback so you can track how well your brand is living up to what it promises.

How important is it to track your promise?

Ultimately, the most important thing is to make sure your promise can be delivered. It is as much a tool for you as it is for your customer. It should keep you focused on how your performance and delivery measure up.

When was it popular to say "brand is a promise"?

Back when the Internet was just out of diapers (that is, about 20 years ago), it was popular to say “a brand is a promise.” There wasn’t a brand consultant in the world who didn’t have that on a slide in their pitch deck.

What does it mean to say "Don't make a promise you can't keep"?

Promises are made to be kept, hence the saying, “Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.”. Said another way: don’t promise what you can’t deliver. This is exactly where most brands fall down. In their zeal for customer acquisition, they over-promise. Then they get the customer in the door and under-deliver.

What is Branding?

Branding consists of essentially everything that makes up the image of your business. This incorporates many different aspects. Your company’s logo , website design, letterhead, and more will all make up your brand. Effective branding helps you to convey a message to your customers, which can go a long way toward improving your company’s image.

Why Branding is Important

Branding is an incredibly important component of managing a business. It is vital to ensure that your business has consistent branding to improve the message that you convey to your customers. The image that your business conveys to your customers is a brand promise that they expect you to keep.

How to Create Consistency in your Branding

There are several ways that you can create a high level of consistency with the branding of your company. For one thing, it can be particularly useful to create a thorough marketing plan with an experienced company.

Ready To Get Started On Your Brand Promise?

Here at Rebel Ape Marketing, we are familiar with the ins and outs of consistent branding and always strive to build your brand to represent what you are building for your customers.

Why is it important to have a brand promise?

Why It’s Important To Have A Brand Promise. A brand promise is an extension of a company’s positioning. It is a value or experience which a company’s customers can expect to receive every single time they interact with that particular brand. It’s extremely important since consumers wish for companies to deliver on the brand promise consistently, ...

What is a logo?

A logo serves to represent your company through a visual image that can be easily understood and recognized. Logos generally involve symbols, stylized text, or both. A good logo should create memorable impressions on your target audience, and set your company apart from your competitors.

What is a brand promise?

A brand promise is usually one or two sentences that accurately communicates what a consumer should expect when interacting with a brand. When a business creates a brand promise, it is making a declaration of assurance. Brand promises are often seen as extensions of brand positioning statements that explain why a business exists. A brand promise then tells the consumer how a product is service is better than those of a competitor.

How to develop a brand promise?

To develop a brand promise, businesses must combine aspects of their values, mission statement, values, and USP. Importantly, there must be no potential for the promise to be broken through inadequate due diligence or a lack of employee buy-in.

What is the most successful brand promise?

The most successful brand promises will combine the personality, mission statement, values, and USP of a business into a succinct and deliverable package.

What is brand positioning?

Brand positioning is about creating a mental real estate in the mind of the target market. If successful, brand positioning allows a business to gain a competitive advantage. And it also works as a switching cost in favor of the brand. Consumers recognizing a brand might be less prone to switch to another brand.

What is brand awareness?

The greater the brand awareness a business enjoys, the more their products and services are recognizable to their target audience, thus, in theory, augmenting its long-term strength on the marketplace. Brand awareness is a key element of an effective marketing strategy.

What is brand equity?

Brand equity is the premium that a customer is willing to pay for a product that has all the objective characteristics of existing alternatives, thu s, making it different in terms of perception. The premium on seemingly equal products and quality is attributable to its brand equity.

Why is storytelling important in business?

That’s because your brand story is tied to your brand identity, and it enables people to identify with a company.

Why is your brand promise so important?

While a brand promise may seem hard to define, it can directly affect your company’s bottom line—positively or negatively. It can translate into lower cost of sales because selling more products and services to loyal, emotionally connected customers is less expensive than winning over new customers. Furthermore, when your company consistently delivers on its brand promise, it reinforces the organization’s reputation and builds brand equity —a store of goodwill that can help you weather situations when the customer experience may be compromised.

What is a brand promise?

In short, a brand promise has the potential to make or break a brand.

Why is risk management important?

Monitoring and establishing early detection and effective risk management helps organizations turn potential brand threats into opportunities for delivering on their brand promise and further strengthening their brand. Without consistent monitoring, the brand promise can become obsolete. It’s easy to establish policies, but it takes time and commitment to implement and see them through on a daily basis.

How to measure performance on brand promise?

Measure performance on those standards through regularly scheduled evaluations. For example, say Company X has made customer responsiveness a part of its brand promise. To support this promise, it has created a policy that every written customer inquiry must be answered within 48 hours and every phone call must be answered in less than five minutes. Careful record keeping and logging of inquiries and complaints would verify that these standards were met.

How do companies keep their brand promise?

They don’t simply stay abreast of customer sentiment. They monitor and gather real-time feedback from the marketplace . And they use it to create action plans to consistently improve the execution of their brand promise and protect it from harm.

Why is it important to react swiftly and thoroughly to problems as they arise?

They know that reacting swiftly and thoroughly to problems as they arise can help mitigate any hits their brand may endure. They also understand the value of putting processes in place to ensure their brand promise is upheld and any budding problems can be identified and handled well in advance.

Why is brand promise important?

Why Is A Brand Promise Important? A brand promise tells your customer, either explicitly or implicitly, what they can expect from your product or service. It sets their expectations on the quality of your products or services. Your promise to your customers is a critical part of your brand identity.

How is a brand promise created?

It’s created by carefully planning the reaction and impact you’re hoping to achieve. Rather than describing how you do what you do, your brand promise should describe the experience you deliver. A brand promise is a way for consumers to hold you accountable to the standard that sets you apart.

Why do brands fail to deliver on their promise?

In particular, they fail to deliver on the customer experience – the interactions between the brand and the customers.

What is Coca Cola's brand promise?

With a brand promise like this, Coca-Cola positions itself as a lifestyle brand that is about much more than just manufacturing popular drinks.

What is an indicative brand?

Indicative. Make your brand promise indicative of your brand experience, who you are, what you do or what makes you special. No marketing should exist without purpose. This is your chance to communicate something vital about your experience, products, services or beliefs.

What is the legal term for a brand?

The legal term for brand is trademark . A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or all items of that seller. If used for the firm as a whole, the preferred term is trade name.

What is a brand?

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Definition of a brand from the Amercian Association of Marketing. The legal term for brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or all items of that seller.


1.What Is A Brand Promise And Why Is It Important? | Frantic


1 hours ago  · A Brand Promise is a statement of what value you will consistently provide to your customers. It communicates who you are and why you do business, so it must be relevant to your customers’ aspirations and needs. If a company can keep its Brand Promise, it builds trust with its customers. The clearer you can be about your Brand Promise, the easier it will be to …

2.Videos of Why is a Brand Promise important


16 hours ago  · A brand promise is a natural extension of the building blocks of your corporate strategy: mission, vision, and values. Your brand promise provides a powerful new and appealing platform for the narrative in which these core elements can be …

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3 hours ago A brand promise is an exercise in prudence. If the rule is “don’t promise what you can’t deliver,” then crafting a brand promise should be an exercise in prudence.If your brand is tied to fulfilling unmet needs, as it should be, then your promise must reflect those needs and make it clear to the customer which ones you will fulfill. To motivate customers, a brand promise has to achieve …

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