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why is a water a liquid

by Brannon Marquardt Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

This explains why water is a liquid on the surface of the Earth: the hydrogen bonds hold the molecules together in such a way that more energy than normal is needed to separate them, for example if you want to boil the liquid into a gas. It's hard to over-emphasise the importance of the hydrogen bonds in water.May 11, 2015

Why is water called a wonder liquid?

Water is called a wonder liquid because it is essential for the survival of all living beings and constitutes a substantial part of the living orga...

What are the four major sources of water pollutants?

Disease-causing microbes, pesticides, chemical fertilisers, heavy metals are major sources of water pollution.

Why is water essential to life?

Water is essential to life because it facilitates metabolic reactions, helps in transporting substances, regulates the body temperature, and keeps...

What are the uses of water at home?

Water is used for drinking, cleaning, bathing, preparing food etc.

What are the two types of water?

Based on salinity, freshwater and marine water are the two main categories. Based on sources, surface water and underground water are the two main...

When does water become liquid?

When the temperature increases enough to break the bonds between molecules, the water becomes liquid. The molecular forces are still strong enough to keep the molecules from bouncing completely away from each other, for the most part, all though some of them will escape from the surface of the water.

Why are there density variations in water molecules?

There will be density variations in water molecule because of the hydrogen bonds breakage l.

How is the structure of water molecules optimized?

In the solid-state, the structure of the water molecules is optimized by intermolecular interaction between the oxygen, and hydrogen dipoles. In the liquid state, the structure is more fluid (doh!), and more water molecules can fit in a given volume. This differential dens. Continue Reading.

Why do molecules interact with each other?

But there a numerous molecules will be there in a matter these molecules interact with each other due to the formation of Inter Hydrogen bonding between them (inter Hydrogen bonding refers to the formation of Hydrogen bonding between one with other molecule)due to whi

Why is the threshold for water so high?

In the case of water, the threshold is relatively high, because of Hydrogen bond s: water likes to stick with water, so it's "tough" to melt ice, compared to other molecules of similar molecular weight.

How does oxygen bond with water?

Every oxygen atom of a water molecule is bound to another oxygen atom of another water molecule by a hydrogen bond. This hydrogen bond results in water molecules bonding together to form a certain structure. You need energy to break up these bonds. The more you break, the more vapour is created.

How many hydrogen bonds does water have?

Water has two hydrogen bond donor groups (the two positively charged H protons) and two hydrogen bond acceptors (the negatively charged oxygen lone pairs). This donor-acceptor perfection binds water molecules more tightly together than any other similar-weight molecule. Ammonia has three donor Hs and one acceptor lone pair. So it’s mismatched. Methane

Why is water important to life?

Like air, water is vital to life as it regulates the physiological activities of animal and plant life. It is rightly phrased “Water: A Wonder liquid” as no living thing; neither plant nor animal can survive without this precious liquid. Do you know that water makes up 70% of our body and more than 80% of fruits and vegetables? This makes all of us keen to learn about the importance of water to sustain life. For knowing the sources, daily uses of water, physiological significance and more alike, let’s read this article.

Why does the Earth not run out of fresh water?

With such a limited supply of freshwater, why does our Earth not run out of fresh water? The secret behind this is the continuous circulation of water that is called the water cycle. The constant circulation of water from Earth’s surface to the atmosphere and from the atmosphere to Earth’s surface is called the water cycle.

Is water a universal solvent?

Water is a colourless, odourless, tasteless universal solvent. It is a compound of two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen.

Is water a natural resource?

Water is an inexhaustible natural resource that occupies the maximum part of the Earth. Water is the basis of our life. We cannot imagine our life without water. Apart from using water in our household activities, water supports several biochemical processes in living beings and delivers the substances to their target organs inside the organism’s body.

What is the difference between liquid water and solid water?

Liquid water is just one phase of matter in which water can exist . Solid water (ice) and water vapor (steam) are the other two.

What is ideal liquid?

5. In other words, the fluid which meets the above properties ( Ex: incompressible, non-viscous ). The combination of such properties are present in water. So it is given the name ideal liquid.

What forces do we look for when we decide the state of a compound?

Whenever we want to decide the state of any compound , we have to look for the inter-molecular forces ,these are forces which act on molecules,ions or atoms of the Given compound.

What is the formula for water?

Water is a hydride of oxygen or oxide of hydrogen with molecular formula H_2O,

What is the name given for substances that don't have specific shape but specific volume?

ANS: “Liqiud” is the name given for the substances which falls in the category that don’t have specific shape but have specific volume. OR simply it is a state of matter.

Why is there no shear force in an ideal liquid?

Ans: 1. In an ideal liquid, there is no existence of shear force because of vanishing viscosity.

Does a liquid have a definite volume?

See, science says that whenever a substance is liquid, it can flow, take shape of the container , has a definite volume.

What is the liquid form of water?

Large portion of total water on earth is present in liquid form. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, rain and groundwater are the main source of liquid form of water. Oceans contain 96.5% of the total liquid form of water. Water present in oceans and seas is very saline in nature. This is the reason it is not of much use for human beings. On an average 1kg of seawater contains 34 grams of salts.

Why is water considered a liquid at room temperature?

Water is a liquid at room temperature because of extensive hydrogen bonding in it .Due to this intermolecular attraction water is an associated liquid with high boiling point.

How is wetness measured?

It is measured through the liquid phase of a single drop, by the angle the drop makes with the contacting surface.

How much fresh water is in a lake?

Fresh water is very unevenly distributed on earth. Fresh water in liquid form is present 87% in lakes, 11% in swamps and only

What forces do we look for when we decide the state of a compound?

Whenever we want to decide the state of any compound , we have to look for the inter-molecular forces ,these are forces which act on molecules,ions or atoms of the Given compound.

What is the enthalpy of formation of water?

The enthalpy of formation (i.e. the heat given out when the elements react to give the compound) of water is -286 kJ/mol. (the minus sign means heat given out.)

When a substance is solid, what happens?

A substance is solid as long as the constituent molecules are held together by inter-molecular forces strongly such that molecules can't slide - for the case of water - this happens at around 0 degrees centigrade i.e. when it forms ice.

Why Does Water Need To Be Available?

Is water necessary at all? Even if it is, is it required by all organisms? Yes, water is necessary for the survival of all living organisms, hence it needs to be available at all times for our existence. Following are a few of the reasons stating the importance of water.

Why is water important?

Following are a few of the reasons stating the importance of water. Most biological processes take place in a water medium. Water needs to be dissolved in the cells for chemical reactions to take place and transportation of substances to occur from one part to another part of the body. Maintaining the water levels inside ...

Why is fresh water decreasing?

The availability of this water is decreasing by the day due to factors such as overpopulation, urbanization, improper sewage treatment etc.

What is the effect of lack of proper sewage system?

Also, lack of proper sewage system results in water from industries getting redirected to water bodies causing water pollution. This water is consumed by us, animals and even the life inside this water ultimately leading to health hazards.

How does mercury affect aquatic ecosystems?

If large quantities of mercury are present in aquatic habitats, it can induce hormonal imbalances when consumed. High levels of phosphorous, nitrogen in water can lead to the growth of invasive plants.

How much water is on Earth?

Planet Earth is covered up by 78% of water and only 3% of this water is freshwater, the remaining water is salt water contained in seas and oceans. Water is the most important liquid and available freely in nature.

Why is maintaining water levels important?

Maintaining the water levels inside the body is essential for survival . Water is used in our daily lives for various needs. Not having water around us can lead to a rise in health hazards. Greatly contributes to minimizing effects of droughts and water scarcity on people.

Why is water a liquid?

This explains why water is a liquid on the surface of the Earth: the hydrogen bonds hold the molecules together in such a way that more energy than normal is needed to separate them, for example if you want to boil the liquid into a gas. Water striders stay afloat because of the liquid’s surface tension.

Why is water sticky?

Water’s stickiness makes possible other everyday phenomena we take for granted: it means we can pump water around the radiators in our homes, squeeze orange juice out of the carton at breakfast, and hose the flowerbeds in our gardens. All these things are possible because water is difficult to compress – the molecules attract each other and, in their natural state, tend to stay closer together than the molecules in other liquids. The harder something is to compress, the easier it is to move it around if you apply a pressure to one side of it. (A liquid being incompressible might not sound too abnormal, but water takes it to different levels – even at a mile deep, the ocean’s water is squashed in volume by only about 1%.)

Why is hydrogen bonding important?

It’s hard to over-emphasise the importance of the hydrogen bonds in water. They enable water molecules to pull each other through the tiniest blood vessels in your body – often working against the force of gravity – carrying oxygen and nutrients to parts that would otherwise be hard to reach.

How many hydrogen bonds can a water molecule form?

In the liquid form, the hydrogen atoms of one water molecule are attracted to the oxygen atom of another molecule. Each water molecule can form up to four of these hydrogen bonds and, collectively, they give water a cohesiveness unique in liquids. This explains why water is a liquid on the surface of the Earth: the hydrogen bonds hold ...

What would happen if water didn't bend the rules?

Water bends all the rules – but if it didn’t, ice would sink and firefighters’ hoses would be useless. Water’s strange and unique behaviour has shaped our planet and the life that exists on it. Photograph: Getty Images/EyeEm/Ron Karten. Water’s strange and unique behaviour has shaped our planet and the life that exists on it.

What is the weird thing about water?

Those ideas are almost useless at explaining the weird behaviour of water. Its strangeness underlies what happens every time you drop an ice cube into a drink. Think about it for a moment: in front of you is a solid, floating on its liquid. Solid wax doesn’t float on melted wax; solid butter doesn’t float on melted butter in a hot saucepan; rocks don’t float on lava when it spews out of a volcano.

What does ice do to a lake?

In frozen lakes and rivers, the ice does more than decorate the surface; it insulates the water underneath, keeping it a few degrees above freezing point, even in the harshest of winters. Water is at its most dense at 4C and, at that temperature, will sink to the bottom of a lake or river.

What does it mean when you have a rush of water?

If there is a rush of water, it’s probable that your water broke and you need to seek immediate care. If you’re at the end of your pregnancy, this is a normal sign of labor starting. If you aren’t yet due, this can indicate premature labor and delivery. Immediate care can increase outcomes.

Why is my discharge watery?

It’s caused by hormonal changes. If the discharge is watery, it’s most likely normal and not a sign of infection. Clear and watery discharge can increase at any point during your cycle. Estrogen can stimulate the production of more fluids.

What does it mean when you have a watery discharge?

Call your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms: Changes to discharge may be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), like chlamydia or gonorrhea, or another type of infection.

What does discharge look like?

Normal discharge looks like water, egg whites, or milk, and has an mild odor. If you notice any significant changes in the consistency of your discharge, it could be a sign of an infection. Read on to learn more about watery discharge.

How much water does a woman have in her vagina?

Watery discharge is typical of normal, healthy vaginas. Most women have about 1 to 4 milliliters (around 1/2 teaspoon) of discharge every day during their reproductive years. You may experience more discharge when your estrogen levels increase ...

Why is my vagina acidic?

Healthy bacteria living in your vagina help make your secretions acidic. That acidic discharge fights off bad bacteria and clears out dead cells. Vaginal discharge can begin about six months to one year before a girl gets her period. It’s caused by hormonal changes.

What causes abnormal discharge?

There are several conditions, including infections and STIs, that can cause abnormal discharge. Discharge may be a sign of a problem if there are noticeable changes in color, odor, consistency, or amount.

What is the fluid released during ejaculation?

Semen is the fluid released through the male urethra during ejaculation. It carries sperm and fluids from the prostate gland and other male reproductive organs. Normally, semen is a thick, whitish liquid. However, several conditions can change the color and consistency of semen.

Why is my semen watery?

Zinc deficien cy. Another possible cause of watery semen is a zinc deficiency. Research has shown that men who have adequate levels of zinc or men who are deficient in zinc and take zinc sulfate supplements can better fight off the effects of anti-sperm antibodies.


1.Why Is Water a Liquid at Room Temperature?


32 hours ago  · Water is a liquid at room temperature because the hydrogen bonds within its construction are weak. These weak bonds hold water molecules together for mere …

2.Why is water liquid? - Quora


4 hours ago The water molecules is dipolar because of the great difference in the polarities oxygen and hydrogen. Thus, the hydrogen bond develops between the H and O of adjacent water …

3.Water - a Wonder Liquid: Importance of Water, Sources


3 hours ago  · Like air, water is vital to life as it regulates the physiological activities of animal and plant life. It is rightly phrased “Water: A Wonder liquid” as no living thing; neither plant nor …

4.Why is water called a liquid? - Quora


14 hours ago Why should water be called a liquid? Liquid have some specific properties like- 1 it does not have a fixed shape, it take the shape of container in which it is poured. 2 it have a fixed volume.

5.Is water a liquid? - Quora


23 hours ago water has 3 forms namely solid (ice), gas (vapor) and liquid (water). According to the temperatures the molecules of water are effected. The higher the temperature more is the …

6.Water - A Wonder Liquid. An Overview of Earth's Most …


32 hours ago Water is the most important liquid and is available freely in nature. It is one of the renewable resources and forms the basis for the existence of life on earth. Freshwater is drinkable water …

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20 hours ago  · Watery discharge is typical of normal, healthy vaginas. Most women have about 1 to 4 milliliters (around 1/2 teaspoon) of discharge every day during their reproductive years. …

8.Watery Discharge: Is It Normal and When Should You …


2 hours ago  · Normally, semen is a thick, whitish liquid. However, several conditions can change the color and consistency of semen. Watery semen can be a sign of low sperm count, …

9.Watery Semen: Causes, Effects on Fertility, Treatment, …


14 hours ago

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