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why is it called red cabbage when its purple

by Celia Bins II Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Red cabbage typically is a little smaller and denser than green cabbage, and has a more peppery taste. This variety of cabbage gets its purple-reddish color from the flavonoid anthocyanin and the acidity level of the soil where it's grown.Sep 17, 2020

Is purple cabbage the same thing as red cabbage?

Purple cabbage, also referred to as red cabbage, belongs to the Brassica genus of plants. This group includes nutrient-dense vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale. It tastes similar to green cabbage.

What are the benefits of eating purple cabbage?

You’ll also get:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Phosphorus
  • Copper
  • Calcium

More items...

Does red cabbage have any nutritional value?

Red cabbage is a good source of vitamin K and provides small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which can help build and maintain healthy bones. Red cabbage is high in fiber, making it easier to digest foods and keep your digestive system healthy.

What is the nutritional value of purple cabbage?

Purple cabbage has tons of benefits, one being that it’s low in calories. But that’s just the beginning. One cup of chopped, raw purple cabbage can give you 2g of fiber, 1g of protein, and only 28 calories and 7g of carbs. Ready to get some purple cabbage in your kitchen?


Why are purple cabbages called red?

The red cabbage (purple-leaved varieties of Brassica oleracea Capitata Group) is a kind of cabbage, also known as Blaukraut after preparation. Its leaves are colored dark red/purple. However, the plant changes its color according to the pH value of the soil, due to a pigment belonging to anthocyanins.

What does it mean when cabbage is purple?

Nutrient Deficiency Cabbage plants' leaves may turn purple when the plants don't have enough nutrients. The deficiency is caused by a lack of fertilizer or poor soil, and, usually, the problem can be corrected by feeding the plants.

What is the difference between red and purple cabbage?

Of the two cabbage varieties, red cabbage is a bit more peppery, smaller, and denser than green cabbage heads. The purple color comes from the pH levels of the soil in which it's grown as well as the pigment that comes from the nutritionally valuable anthocyanins it contains.

Is red cabbage man made?

Green leafy salads, including cabbage, are also man made vegetables. Other foods included under this category, however, are collard greens, for instance. In ancient Greek and Roman times, people originally planted wild mustard leaves to eat.

Is purple cabbage naturally purple?

Red cabbage contains powerful compounds called anthocyanins. They give this delicious vegetable its vibrant purple color. Anthocyanins are plant pigments that belong to the flavonoid family. Many studies have found a link between eating foods rich in this pigment and a reduced risk of heart disease ( 26 ).

Is purple cabbage healthier than green?

Purple cabbage has 10 times more vitamin A than green cabbage. Both types of cabbage contain vitamin A in the form of the carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that can also be converted into the vitamin A you need for vision and to keep your skin and immune system healthy.

What is white cabbage called?

White (Dutch) Cabbage White cabbages (also called Dutch cabbages as they come from Holland) are actually a type of green cabbage which can have very pale-colored leaves. The sun usually turns the outer leaves pale green leaving white, tightly packed leaves in the center.

How many colors of cabbage are there?

There are over 400 different varieties of cabbage grown throughout the world, from round to conical in shape; with flat or curly, tight, or loose leaves; and in green, white, red, and purple colors.


The red cabbage (purple-leaved varieties of Brassica oleracea Capitata Group) is a kind of cabbage, also known as Blaukraut after preparation. Its leaves are colored dark red/purple. However, the plant changes its color according to the pH value of the soil, due to a pigment belonging to anthocyanins. In acidic soils, the leaves grow more reddish, in neutral soils they will grow more purple, whil…


It is recommended to start red cabbage seeds indoors 4 weeks before the last frost. Sow in containers that allow for movement of water through the bottom of a cell. Popular seedling starting containers are peat pots, egg cartons, plug trays or milk cartons. Once the seedlings grow to about 5 centimetres (2 inches) tall, and have developed their first leaves, they can be hardened off and moved out…

pH indicator

Red cabbage contains an anthocyanin-based dye that can be used as a pH indicator. It is red, pink, or magenta in acids, (pH < 7), purple in neutral solutions (pH ≈7), and ranges from blue to green to yellow in alkaline solutions (pH > 7).


Cooked red cabbage is 91% water, 7% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and contains negligible fat (table). It has a high content of vitamin C and vitamin K, containing 44% and 72%, respectively, of the Daily Value (DV) per 100-gram amount, and is a moderate source of vitamin B6 (17% DV) (table).


Red cabbage phytochemicals include sulforaphane and other glucosinolates.

External links

• How to Make Red Cabbage pH Indicator
• How to extract the dye

1.Videos of Why Is It Called Red Cabbage When Its Purple


35 hours ago If the soil is more towards the acidic side, the cabbage is red, if neutral, they are purple, and yellowish green if alkaline. The red cabbage is an origin of western parts of Europe. Where the soil found is acidic\neutral. There is no specific reason why its called red, other than the fact that it is predominantly reddish purple.

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