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why is my watermelon spongy

by Merritt Hills Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Why is my watermelon spongy? Watermelons that are too ripe have soft, mushy flesh. This can be a simple case of ripe turning to riper.

The inside of the melon should not be mushy. A mushy watermelon is due to air exposure inside the watermelon. If your watermelon is slimy, mushy, or discolored, toss it.Aug 23, 2022

Full Answer

Why is my watermelon soft and mushy?

The Reason for Soft Watermelons 1 Over-ripeness. Watermelons that are too ripe have soft and mushy flesh. ... 2 Disease. Gummy stem blight, a disease caused by a fungal pathogen, results in the formation of brown, soft, circular lesions on watermelon. 3 Bruises. ... 4 Sun and Heat. ...

Why is my watermelon rotting on the bottom?

Why is Watermelon Rotting on Bottom? Watermelon blossom end rot isn’t caused by a pathogen; it’s the result of fruit that lacks the correct amount of calcium to develop properly.

How can you tell if watermelon is bad?

Sometimes spoiled watermelon looks and smells fine. This is often the case with cut melon that’s been sitting in a container in your fridge for a week or so. Though the sealed container has prevented the fruit from getting slimy or growing mold, the melon can still be bad, and could potentially make you sick.

What causes Gummy Stem Blight on watermelon?

Gummy stem blight, a disease caused by a fungal pathogen, results in the formation of brown, soft, circular lesions on watermelon. The lesions may be 4 to 6 inches in diameter and may ooze. The disease requires fungicide applications for control.

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Is watermelon good if squishy?

If your watermelon is mealy, it's still safe to eat. To save the situation, you'll want to use the mealy watermelon in recipes where crisp texture isn't a factor.

What does spongy watermelon mean?

Watermelons that are too ripe have soft, mushy flesh. This can be a simple case of ripe turning to riper. While an experienced grower can determine the ripeness of a watermelon from outside appearance alone, it is not always an easy task.

How can I tell if a watermelon is bad?

The easiest way to tell is to check the skin for any soggy spots and patches of greenish-blue, black, or white mold. Even if the exterior looks OK, there's a chance that the fruit could have gone bad. If the flesh has noticeable dark spots or is covered in anything slimey, you should toss it.

Why is my watermelon Fluffy?

Experts in this area considered that when a watermelon becomes over-matured and/or is fermenting, the pressure inside the watermelon increases and this may result in the "foaming" phenomenon.

What can I do with a mealy watermelon?

Another good use of overripe melon is turning it into cold watermelon soup, thanks to the aid of a blender and some herbs. Seasoned with a mild hot sauce like Tobasco, it makes for a lovely light appetizer or summer lunch. You won't even care that the melon you picked wasn't the best.

How do I stop watermelon from being mealy?

To avoid buying an under-ripe, mealy-textured watermelon, stick with these three simple steps:See if it feels heavy. Lift up the watermelon and see how heavy it feels. ... Look for the spot. Watermelons have a spot where they rest on the ground. ... Tap it. Give the underside of the watermelon a good thump.

Why is my watermelon mealy?

This sounds like overripe watermelon. When a watermelon goes past its prime it becomes mealy, may develop cavities around the seeds and the taste may be unappetizing.

What does under ripe watermelon look like?

That area is called the “field spot” and is probably the best indicator of ripeness and sweetness. Look for a spot that's yellow in color, which means it's been ripening on the vine for a long time. A light-colored or white spot means the melon was picked too early.

Does uncut watermelon go bad?

An uncut watermelon can be kept on the counter at room temperature for up to 10 days. An uncut watermelon can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 weeks. A cut watermelon is good in the fridge for about 3 days.

How do you tell if a watermelon is sweet or ripe?

Look for an orange creamy field spot. The darker yellow field spot usually means it was on the vine longer and is full of flavor. If the field spot is white that's a sign that the melon is not quite ripe. Larger “webbing” or “sugar spots” means that the melon is seeping out sugar and is usually the sign of sweet melon.

Can watermelon go bad in the fridge?

A whole watermelon keeps for about a week at room temperature and up to two weeks in the refrigerator. Cut watermelon lasts between 3 and 5 days in the fridge. Make sure to wrap it tightly or place it in an airtight container, so it doesn't dry out. Like other fruits, watermelon doesn't last that long.

What does 🍉 mean in texting?

Sometimes emojis simply mean what they are. Someone may use the 🍉 to replace the word "watermelon" or say, "I love watermelon!" "Watermelon slushies are the best! 🍉"

What does watermelon slang mean?

Watermelon, and melon in general, is used in a vulgar way when referencing a woman's breasts.

Can an overripe watermelon make you sick?

Consuming spoiled watermelon can quickly lead to food poisoning. The first signs that something is wrong will appear within a few hours and include: Fatigue and headache. Nausea and vomiting.

What does an over ripe watermelon look like?

An over-ripe melon will have paler pink flesh, more a shell pink than hot pink. The rind may be greener, and the outside will be more splotchy or discolored. If there are any dark blotches, consider the melon over-ripe and choose another one.

How to tell if a watermelon is bad?

To tell if a watermelon is bad, examine the outer rind for a consistent green or green-striped color. Dark-colored or moldy spots, which will look fuzzy and be black, white, or green, indicate the melon isn't fresh. If everything looks good, put your nose close to the rind and check for a sweet, fresh scent.

What does it mean when watermelon is moldy?

Mold or dark-colored spots on the outside of the watermelon could indicate that it has gone bad. The mold might be black, white, or green, and have a fuzzy appearance. Look for a healthy color outside. The watermelon should have either a consistent pine green shade or a striped appearance.

How long does it take for a watermelon to turn unrefrigerated?

Eat unrefrigerated, uncut watermelon within 10 days. After about a week, uncut, unrefrigerated watermelon will start to turn. Eat uncut, unrefrigerated watermelon as soon as possible.

How long can you keep watermelon uncut?

Don’t eat refrigerated, uncut watermelon after 2-3 weeks. After about two weeks, refrigerated, uncut watermelon will start to turn. To prevent your uncut, refrigerated watermelon from going bad, eat it within two weeks of purchase.

What happens when watermelon is no longer good?

When watermelon is no longer good, the crisp flesh will start to shrivel. The flesh might even be pulling away from the seeds. In other cases, the watermelon might become slimy and mushy. ...

How long does it take for a watermelon to go bad?

Eat cut watermelon within five days. Properly stored, sliced watermelon will stay good three to five days. Make eating it a priority to prevent it from going bad.

What color should watermelon be?

The watermelon should have either a consistent pine green shade or a striped appearance. Striped watermelons have alternating lime-green and darker pine-colored stripes. ...

How do you know if a watermelon is overripe?

However, a dull thud may indicate a mulchy or mealy watermelon that's overripe. Advertisement.

How long does it take for watermelon to lose its flavor?

If stored for longer than two weeks, watermelon will begin to lose its crispness and flavor. Interestingly, though, if the fruit is kept at room temperature for a few days, the flavor may intensify. The improved flavor may be attributable to lowered acidity in watermelons that are slightly immature.

How much water is in a watermelon?

In fact, water makes up nearly 90 percent of a watermelon, says the University of Illinois Extension. In one wedge of watermelon (approximately 286 grams or 1/16 of a watermelon), you'll find approximately 320 milligrams of potassium, 1.14 grams of dietary fiber, 1.74 grams of protein, 23.2 milligrams of vitamin C and 1,630 international units ...

How long can you keep watermelon?

The University of Georgia Extension recommends storing an uncut melon no longer than two weeks at 60 degrees Fahrenheit or seven to 10 days at room temperature. According to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department of South Africa, watermelons are not suited to long-term storage.

Do watermelon ripen after picking?

Unlike many fruits, such as cantaloupes or plums, watermelon doesn' t continue to ripen once it's been picked, explains the University of Illinois Extension. Therefore, it's important to know what to look out for when removing a watermelon from the vine. For example, a ripe watermelon will become brown and dry at the stem, ...

Is watermelon a red fruit?

The University of Illinois Extension points out that watermelon is not only rich in the antioxidant lycopene (commonly found in tomatoes), it's also high in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which gives the watermelon its red pigment. As its name suggests, watermelon is composed mostly of water.

Is This an Overripe Watermelon?

Unlike many fruits, such as cantaloupes or plums, watermelon doesn't continue to ripen once it's been picked, explains the University of Illinois Extension. Therefore, it's important to know what to look out for when removing a watermelon from the vine. For example, a ripe watermelon will become brown and dry at the stem, whereas it was once light green. In addition, the surface of the watermelon turns dull, and its skin becomes tougher.

Why is watermelon grainy?

Watermelon becomes grainy and dry when it ripens past the optimal point at which it should be eaten. An ideal watermelon is moist and juicy. Its flesh is bright, rather than dull and mushy.

What does it mean when a watermelon is flat?

If one side of the melon is flat and yellowish-brown, that indicates that the watermelon has been sitting on the ground a long time and is ready to eat.

What color is the bottom of a watermelon?

Finally, the bottom of the watermelon, where it lies on the ground, turns a yellowish color.

How long can watermelon be stored?

Watermelon can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. Wash it with soap and water before cutting it. Once you have cut it, refrigerate any leftover pieces in plastic bags or containers, or they will become grainy from exposure to air.

Why Does my Watermelon Smell Like Pumpkin?

People are often shocked by the strong smell watermelon gives off when being cut open. The strong smell is often mistaken for the fruit being bad, but there is another explanation.

Does Cutting Watermelon Make It Go Bad Faster?

While cutting a watermelon may speed up the rate at which it goes bad if you make a deep cut through the flesh, this won’t have any long term effects on its lifespan. The only real difference is that more of the sugars inside will start to ferment faster due to being exposed to air and giving off carbon dioxide gas.

Can an Overripe Watermelon Make You Sick?

An overripe watermelon may have started to ferment due to the rapid breakdown of its sugars. As a result, some people believe that it is unsafe, but this isn’t true.

What is a watermelon plant?

Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus, is a vining annual plant in the family Cucurbitaceae grown for its fleshy fruit . Watermelon vines are thin, grooved and covered in tiny hairs. Vines are branching and possess deeply lobed pinnate leaves. The plant produces solitary yellow flowers and and a large spherical to oblong fruit.

What is the best soil for watermelon?

Watermelon will yield best if grown in a light, well-draining soil, rich in organic matter and with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Watermelon should be planted in full sun and heavy feeders. They need to be provided with even soil moisture and fertilized regularly.

How long does it take for watermelon seeds to germinate?

Seeds should germinate in 3–10 days depending on the soil temperature. Transplanting Watermelon seedlings should be transplanted when all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed to at least 18.4°C (65°F).

What is the shape of a water soaked lesion?

Small water-soaked lesions on leaves which expand between leaf veins and become angular in shape; in humid conditions, lesions exude a milky substance which dries to form a white crust on or beside lesions; as the disease progresses, lesions turn tan and may have yellow/green edges; the centers of the lesions dry and may drop out leaving a hole in the leaf

What are the brown spots on the cotyledons?

Round or irregular brown lesions with faint concentric rings on cotyledons; brown or white lesions on crown and stems; soft, circular brown lesions on fruit; lesions on stems and fruit may be oozing an amber colored sticky substance

What is a pepo fruit?

The plant produces solitary yellow flowers and and a large spherical to oblong fruit. The fruit is a 'pepo' - a fleshy fruit protected by a thick leathery rind. The fruit is smooth, light to dark green in color and can be striped, marbled or solid green.

Can watermelon plants be trained to grow on a trellis?

Vines can be trained to grow on a trellis or fence to save space. Watermelon plants Watermelons have a very deep root system which allows them to access soil moisture efficiently. However, if conditions are very dry for prolonged periods then additional water should be provided..

Why is Watermelon Rotting on Bottom?

Watermelon blossom end rot isn’t caused by a pathogen; it’s the result of fruit that lacks the correct amount of calcium to develop properly . When fruits are growing rapidly, they need lots of calcium, but it doesn’t move through the plant very well, so if it’s not available in the soil, they will be deficient. A lack of calcium ultimately causes rapidly developing cells in fruits to collapse on themselves, turning the blossom end of the watermelon into a black, leathery lesion.

Why do watermelon blossoms turn black?

A lack of calcium ultimately causes rapidly developing cells in fruits to collapse on themselves, turning the blossom end of the watermelon into a black, leathery lesion. Blossom rot in watermelons is caused by a lack of calcium, but simply adding more calcium isn’t going to help the situation.

Is too much water good for vines?

A steady supply of water is required to move calcium to these young fruits, but too much isn’t good, either – good drainage is necessary for healthy roots. In other plants, excessive applications of nitrogen fertilizer can initiate wild vine growth at the expense of fruits.

Can you eat watermelon alone?

Each one holds the promise of a picnic or party; watermelons were never meant to be eaten alone. But what do you tell your friends and family when the watermelon bottom turns black? Sadly, your fruits have succumbed to watermelon blossom end rot, and although affected fruits aren’t treatable and probably aren’t palatable, you can save the rest of the crop with some fast modifications to the bed.

How long does watermelon last in the fridge?

A whole watermelon can last in your kitchen for about a week (though if it’s really warm in your place, that may be too long, as our Senior Food and Drinks Editor Kat Kinsman found out last summer), and in the fridge for about two weeks.

How long after eating watermelon can you eat it?

A good rule of thumb is to eat pre-cut watermelon by the expiration date, or at the most, within five days of buying the fruit.

How to tell if a fig tree is bad?

The easiest way to tell is to check the skin for any soggy spots and patches of greenish-blue, black, or white mold. Even if the exterior looks OK, there’s a chance that the fruit could have gone bad. If the flesh has noticeable dark spots or is covered in anything slimey, you should toss it.

Can you eat spoiled watermelon?

Sometimes spoiled watermelon looks and smells fine. This is often the case with cut melon that’s been sitting in a container in your fridge for a week or so. Though the sealed container has prevented the fruit from getting slimy or growing mold, the melon can still be bad, and could potentially make you sick. If you take a bite and the fruit is sour or fizzy, spit it out and chuck the rest.

Is watermelon ripe?

But while apple slices will go brown and grapes begin to wrinkle, watermelon doesn’t show its age the same way. When selecting a whole melon at the grocery store, you want to check and make sure it’s ripe enough, but you also want to avoid a melon that’s overripe.

Do watermelon packages expire?

Pre-cut watermelon packages tend to be tagged with an expiration date, and that should be taken seriously. Of course, most foods aren’t guaranteed to spoil by that date, so it’s best to know what to look for. Again, you want to avoid melon that's slimy, discolored, weird-smelling, or growing anything fuzzy.


1.Reasons for Soft Watermelons | Hunker


27 hours ago  · That icky, soft watermelon may have contracted a disease. Gummy stem blight, a disease caused by a fungal pathogen, results in the formation of brown, soft, circular lesions on watermelons. The lesions may be 4 to 6 inches in diameter and may ooze. The disease …

2.How Do You Know if a Watermelon Is Overripe? | livestrong


25 hours ago When a watermelon gets too ripe for its own good, the juicy crisp texture of the flesh can turn gritty and dry. If your watermelon is mealy, it’s still safe to eat. To save the situation, you’ll want …

3.Why Does Watermelon Get Grainy Inside? | LEAFtv


20 hours ago Watermelon becomes grainy and dry when it ripens past the optimal point at which it should be eaten. An ideal watermelon is moist and juicy. Its flesh is bright, rather than dull and mushy.

4.How to Tell If Watermelon Is Bad: 5 Simple Checks


31 hours ago  · When cutting into your watermelon, it should be a uniform pink or red color throughout the flesh and not feel too mushy. If you notice any brown spots on its inside, then …

5.Watermelon | Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, …


23 hours ago  · Sometimes spoiled watermelon looks and smells fine. This is often the case with cut melon that’s been sitting in a container in your fridge for a week or so. Though the sealed …

6.Watermelon Has Black Bottom - Why Is Watermelon …


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7.Stringy watermelons--why? - Houzz


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8.How to Tell When Your Watermelon Has Gone Bad


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