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why was purple hibiscus written

by Johanna White Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

“That books for me (Purple Hibiscus) is about nostalgia, a kind of romanticised remembering. I wrote it when I was in college in Connecticut, I was very homesick, it was the middle of a Connecticut winter and I just started writing because I just wanted to remember home.

Who is the author of Purple Hibiscus?

Purple Hibiscus (novel) Purple Hibiscus is a novel written by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It was first published by Algonquin Books in 2003.

What is the message of Purple Hibiscus?

Purple Hibiscus is an exquisite novel about the emotional turmoil of adolescence, the powerful bonds of family, and the bright promise of freedom. More Details... Kambili, Jaja, Eugene, Beatrice...

What is the setting of Purple Hibiscus by Kambili Achike?

Synopsis. Purple Hibiscus is set in postcolonial Nigeria, a country beset by political instability and economic difficulties. The central character is Kambili Achike, aged fifteen for much of the period covered by the book, a member of a wealthy family dominated by her devoutly Catholic father, Eugene.

Is Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie a novel?

Purple Hibiscus (novel) Purple Hibiscus is a novel written by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.


What is the purpose of Purple Hibiscus?

The purple hibiscus is the personification of Jaja and is used as a symbol for freedom which Jaja won from his father.

What is Purple Hibiscus based on?

discussed in biography Set in Nigeria, it is the coming-of-age story of Kambili, a 15-year-old whose family is wealthy and well respected but who is terrorized by her fanatically religious father. Purple Hibiscus garnered the Commonwealth Writers' Prize in 2005 for Best First Book (Africa)…

Is Purple Hibiscus based on a true story?

". Purple Hibiscus draws on certain aspects of her background - her home town and her Catholicism, for example - but it is very far from autobiographical. It is an evocative and moving portrayal of a childhood in a fanatically religious household, one ruled by a charismatic and violent Catholic patriarch.

What is the story Purple Hibiscus about?

Synopsis. Purple Hibiscus is set in postcolonial Nigeria,a country beset by political instability and economic difficulties. The central character is Kambili Achike, aged fifteen for much of the period covered by the book, a member of a wealthy family in Enugu State, dominated by her devoutly Catholic father, Eugene.

Why does Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie write?

Her motivation to write stemmed from reading the novels of Chinua Achebe and seeing herself represented in the lives of his characters. After reading Adichie's first two novels, Achebe announced: 'We do not usually associate wisdom with beginners, but here is a new writer endowed with the gift of ancient storytellers'.

Is Purple Hibiscus a feminist novel?

Adichie's Purple Hibiscus is a feminist work that challenges the tendency of men to dehumanise women, and this is evident in the character of Mama (Beatrice Achike), who exposes the African concept of an ideal woman; one who stays silent in the face of humiliation, victimization, and brutality, so as to be perceived as ...

What kind of problem was presented in the story Purple Hibiscus?

In Purple Hibiscus we investigate religion, hypocrisy, politics, charity and culture. These are big issues which run alongside an almost separate 'rites of passage' story where we see Kambili fall in love with an unobtainable priest, Father Amadi.

What does Papa represent in Purple Hibiscus?

In Purple Hibiscus, Papa-Nnukwu represents indigenous culture, specifically that of Igboland. Papa-Nnukwu is the father of Eugene and Ifeoma. He is not Roman Catholic, as are his children, but instead follows the traditional Igbo religion.

Why did Papa pour boiling water on Kambili?

Papa sits on the bed and reminds Kambili that everything he does is for her own good. He said that once he “sinned against his own body” while at missionary school. A priest there made him soak his hands in boiling water, and Papa never committed that sin again. Kambili has never imagined Papa committing any sins.

Why is Papa abuse in Purple Hibiscus?

Papa uses violence to enforce his own kind of oppression on his family, as he beats them, whips them, and pours boiling water on them. This violence then leads to more violence in the very attempt to escape it.

What theme regarding the topic of adolescence does Kambili help develop?

As Kambili begins to defy her father's strict rules, she begins to learn what it is like to experience the freedom of making one's own choices. She like many humans becomes addicted to the joy that comes with choosing her own path while discovering what she considers to be right and wrong.

Why did Mama poison Papa in Purple Hibiscus?

The main reason Mama put poison in his tea was to set them free from his hold, as Papa never let them make their own opinions, and made Kambili in a way dependent on him. At this point of the book Jaja and Kambili have grown as people and Mama can see this. That could be another reason for Mama poisoning Papa.

When did the Purple Hibiscus take place?

Purple Hibiscus takes place years after that, probably in the 1980s.

Who created the lit charts for Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's purple hibiscu?

Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

Why is the falsified appearance of the house?

The falsified appearance of the house is to impress his guests, just the same as his English which is spoken with a “falsified” accent in front of white people to impress them and ‘keep up appearances’ so to speak.

Why is Kambili's voice censored?

It becomes apparent from the very beginning of Purple Hibiscus that Kambili’s voice is censored, controlled and silenced; owing to her upbringing and the patriarchal dominance her father reigns over the household and the community. Chimamanda explains that:

What is the story of Kambili and Jaja?

The novel follows as both Kambili and Jaja must come to terms with the after effects of colonialism which overshadow Nigeria, and they must adjust to life outside of their father’s grasp by either choosing to embrace (or at least, not challenge and comply with) colonialist ways, or to follow Nigerian tradition.

What does Amaka notice about Kambili?

As the book progresses, Amaka notices how Kambili is almost incapable of smiling or laughter, and vocalises no opinions of her own; positioning her as a person of ridicule amongst her cousins. This repression of emotion and opinion still derives from her father’s overbearing and violent presence in her family.

Who wrote the book Purple Hibiscus?

I have really enjoyed reading Purple Hibiscus by Nigerian born writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche. An admirer of her compatriot, the writer Chinua Achebe, who wrote, amongst other things, Things fall apart, she begins her novel with the words : “ Things started to fall apart at home… ” Even if the use of these words is purely coincidental, they provide a very apt summary of what is going to happen during the following 300 pages.

What is the metaphor for Papa in Purple Hibiscus?

It is easy to. Toward the end of Purple Hibiscus, it occurred to me that the character of Papa could be a metaphor for Nigeria and Kambili, the sheltered, naïve young daughter of a wealthy businessman, the Nigerian people.

How old is Kambili from Purple Hibiscus?

Purple Hibiscus tells the story of 15 year old Kambili. She lives at home with her brother and her parents. From the outside Kambili’s wealthy family seem to have it all but looks can be deceiving and Kambili’s home-life is far from comfortable. She, her brother and mother all live in fear of Kambili’s father Eugene.

Who wrote the poem "Things started to fall apart at home"?

I have really enjoyed reading Purple Hibiscus by Nigerian born writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche. An admirer of her compatriot, the writer Chinua Achebe, who wrote, amongst other things, Things fall apart, she begins her novel with the words : “Things started to fall apart at home…”.

Who is Eugene's sister?

Aunty Ifeoma, Eugene’s widowed sister, lives and teaches at a university in Nsukka. She has three children, is also Christian, but has a far more easy-going approach to religion than her brother. For example, her children are allowed to watch television when the erratic power supply allows, and are also permitted to see, to spend time with, her and Eugene’s father, Papa-Nnukwu, who lives in Abba.

What is Kambili's first visit to Nsukka?

Kambili’s first visit to Nsukka is brief , but is the first of many for a variety of reasons, which I will not disclose to spoil the book for those intending to read it. The more informal, even though materially more difficult, life in Nsukka provides Kambili with an increasingly more attractive contrast to the rigid, but more affluent, life that she and her brother lead in Enugu. As the political situation impinges more on Eugene’s life, the environment and atmosphere in his sister’s home in Nsukka becomes increasingly appealing to Kambili, as does the prospect of seeing Father Amadi.

Why is the title Purple Hibiscus appropriate?

its title: The Present” (pg.297) The title Purple Hibiscus is most appropriate as it’s gotten from the hibiscus flower in aunty.

What does the purple hibiscus represent?

The hibiscus at Enugu are not purple but red, those symbolize hybridity of. Eugene or the subjectivity and masochism of Mama Beatrice. On the contrast, those at. Nsukka are purple in color; they symbolize the originality and steadfastness of auntie. Ifeoma and her father.

Where does the purple hibiscus come from?

The title Purple Hibiscus is most appropriate as it’s gotten from the hibiscus flower in aunty . Ifeoma’s garden. Though other Hibiscus plants are mentioned, the one in aunty Ifeoma’s garden. blooms and blossoms just like the main characters, Kambili and Jaja in the novel.

Why did the priest dip his hands in boiling water?

representative of God on earth, has his hands dipped in boiling water because, as a young man, he has ‘sinned’ (pg.203). How else can one who has been brought up to witness this act train.

Why does Eugene despise his father?

Eugene, the elder son despises his father because he believes that he is a heathen, and with such. people he will have no dealings. His sister, a University lecturer, accords their father all the love. and respect due him.

Is Purple Hibiscus a literary analysis?

Purple Hibiscus: A Literary Analysis. Content may be subject to copyright. must have a beginning, middle and end. In other words, a plot must be made up of exposition, rising action, climax, a falling action and a resolution. There are simple and complex plots, linear.

Who is Eugene's sister?

and respect due him. This difference between these two, Eugene and his sister, Ifeoma, has

Who painted Kambili and Jaja?

Later, Kambili and Jaja show each other their secret souvenirs from Nsukka. Kambili has a watercolor portrait of Papa-Nnukwu, painted by Amaka. Jaja has cuttings from Aunty Ifeoma’s purple hibiscus plants. They keep their secrets as the political situation worsens and Papa becomes ever more tense.

How does Papa abuse Mama?

Papa also physically abuses Mama, who excuses and endures his abuse by taking refuge in her collection of miniature figurines of ballet dancers. A military coup topples the government, and Papa gets caught up in pro-democracy work. At about the same time, Mama discovers she is pregnant again after several miscarriages.

What did Kambili and Jaja see?

Later, Kambili and Jaja show each other their secret souvenirs from Nsukka.

Who is Papa Nnukwu's father?

Papa’s father, Papa-Nnukwu, also lives in Abba. Papa allows Kambili and Jaja to visit Papa-Nnukwu, but only for fifteen minutes because he views their grandfather as a heathen. Aunty Ifeoma, Papa’s sister, arrives in Abba with her three children: Amaka, a fifteen-year-old girl; Obiora, a slightly younger boy; and Chima, a boy of seven.

What happened to Papa after he heard of Ade Coker?

The military government arrests Ade Coker, the editor of Papa’s newspaper. After arranging Ade Coker’s release, Papa turns his attention back to Kambili and reminds her that god expects perfection.



Purple Hibiscus is a novel written by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Her debut novel, it was first published by Algonquin Books in 2003.


Purple Hibiscus is set in postcolonial Nigeria,a country beset by political instability and economic difficulties. The central character is Kambili Achike, aged fifteen for much of the period covered by the book, a member of a wealthy family in Enugu State, dominated by her devoutly Catholic father, Eugene. Eugene is both a religious zealot and a violent figure in the Achike household, subjecting his wife Beatrice, Kambili herself, and her brother Jaja to beatings and psychological …

Major characters

• Kambili Achike is the central character in Purple Hibiscus and also the narrator of the story. Kambili is shy and inhibited because of the years of abuse from her father. That changes when she spends an extended amount of time away from her family home at the house of Aunty Ifeoma and her family. Kambili is the younger of Eugene and Beatrice Achike's two children. She does not like the living environment under her father after she gets used to the freedom of Nsukka. She is …


• Change: The novel is set in a turbulent time in Nigeria's political history, where there is a vacuum of power and a dictator whose rise to power is present in references to oil shortages.
• Religion: Again a call back to colonial times, the theme of religion is present in the interactions between characters. Kambili's father rejects her Grandfather because of his animist beliefs. This is also present in Kambili's thoughts as she is always worried not to commit a sin and scared to anger h…


• Hurston-Wright Legacy Award 2004 (Best Debut Fiction Category)
• Commonwealth Writers' Prize 2005: Best First Book (Africa)
• Commonwealth Writers' Prize 2005: Best First Book (overall)
• Shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction 2004


• Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (17 April 2012). Purple Hibiscus: A Novel. Algonquin Books. ISBN 978-1-61620-242-2.

External links

• Purple Hibiscus at H-Net Reviews
• Purple Hibiscus webcomic at Webtoons

1.Purple Hibiscus - Wikipedia


19 hours ago Why is Purple Hibiscus important? Because of its role in Jaja and Kambili’s mental awakening, the purple hibiscus comes to represent freedom and individuality—things they lack under Papa’s rule, but find in Nsukka with Aunty Ifeoma. Why does Papa abuse in Purple Hibiscus? Papa’s mental abuse. Papa uses violence to enforce his own kind of oppression on his family, as he …

2.Purple Hibiscus Study Guide | Literature Guide | LitCharts


26 hours ago Purple Hibiscus takes place years after that, probably in the 1980s. The military leader in the novel is based on Ibrahim Babangida, who took power through a military coup in 1985. His regime was one of the most corrupt in Nigerian history, and included …

3.An Introduction to Purple Hibiscus – Why is it a Book …


30 hours ago  · Describing how Purple Hibiscus came to be, Chimamanda explains: “That books for me (Purple Hibiscus) is about nostalgia, a kind of romanticised remembering. I wrote it when I was in college in Connecticut, I was very homesick, it was the middle of a Connecticut winter and I just started writing because I just wanted to remember home.

4.Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Goodreads


18 hours ago  · 1/26/2014. 4 Comments. Purple Hibiscus is written in first person point-of-view of a 15-year-old girl, Kambili. Because it is written in first person point-of-view, it is easier for readers to listen to what the narrator is thinking and experience what the narrator is going through. In addition, Kambili is a quiet, shy, but an observant girl; she is excellent at observing the events …

5.Purple Hibiscus Setting and Its Significant Influence


20 hours ago  · 123 writers online. The novel Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie, set in post-colonial Nigeria during the Civil War in the late 1960s, is a bildungsroman that focuses greatly on family relationships as well as religious and cultural ideals. The passage describing Kambili and Jaja’s first meal at their Aunt’s house in Nsukka provides a stark contrast to the oppressive …

6.(PDF) Purple Hibiscus: A Literary Analysis - ResearchGate


29 hours ago Purple Hibiscus. Read summaries of Chimamanda Nogozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus. You can read a Plot Overview of the entire novel as well as Chapter-by-Chapter Summaries. To purchase a copy of Purple Hibiscus on, go to the link below.

7.Purple Hibiscus: Study Guide | SparkNotes


16 hours ago Plot Overview. Fifteen-year-old Kambili lives in luxury in Enugu, Nigeria. Kambili, her seventeen-year-old brother Jaja, and their parents—Papa and Mama—inhabit a huge house inside a walled compound. A chauffeur drives Kambili and Jaja to and from their private schools. Papa, Eugene Achike, is a wealthy and famous factory owner, newspaper ...

8.Purple Hibiscus: Plot Overview | SparkNotes


7 hours ago

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