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why was the feudal system important to william

by Mrs. Eulalia Kulas V Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The feudal system proved ideal for distributing the land of the newly- conquered England. William could have a large army whenev- er he liked, without the expense of keeping soldiers at his royal court. He also made sure that his support- ers were rewarded, and at the same time loyal to him.

Full Answer

How did the feudal system help William the Conqueror control England?

. The feudal system allowed William to control land in England. In 1087, fearing possible revolts against him, William gathered his tenants-in-chief together at Old Sarum and made them take an oath of loyalty to him. This was a way of William demonstrating his power over England and trying to secure his land.

What is the feudal system?

- BBC Bitesize What is the feudal system? How was the feudal system organised? How do we know what medieval society was like? After conquering England, William needed to secure his control of the people and land. He rewarded his closest supporters with large areas of land to manage on his behalf. This is often referred to as the feudal system.

How was the king at the top of the feudal system?

The king was at the top of society, and therefore at the top of the feudal system. When he conquered England, King William took all of the land in the country. To manage this, he gave large areas of land to noblemen, including the , in return for them raising him money and an army. were below the king in the hierarchy.

Why were castles an important element for William in controlling England?

Castles were an important element for William in controlling England because: The feudal system was very important in helping William control the country: 🎈William needed money to pay for the running of the country - he had to build castles; pay nobles and feed himself and the army.


How did the feudal system help King William?

The feudal system allowed William to control land in England. In 1087, fearing possible revolts against him, William gathered his tenants-in-chief together at Old Sarum and made them take an oath of loyalty to him. This was a way of William demonstrating his power over England and trying to secure his land.

How did William the Conqueror change the feudal system?

When William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066 he introduced a new kind of feudal system into Britain. William confiscated the land in England from the Saxon lords and allocated it to members of his own family and the Norman lords who had helped him conquer the country.

Was William the Conqueror part of the feudal system?

1. The Feudal System (Week 1.) The feudal system was William's way of managing the land in England. He shared the land out in return for people's loyalty.

Who benefited the most from feudalism?

Answer and Explanation: The two groups at the top of the feudal system, lords and churchmen, probably benefited the most from the system. They tended to be the wealthiest, were immune from some forms of taxation, were able to collect dues and tithes from the general public, and were the most likely to be literate.

What were the advantages of the feudal system?

One of the advantages of feudalism is that it gave protection to the common men in the society. In those days, soldiers went from place to place invading territories. By coming under the protection of the nobles therefore, the vassals were saved from the clutches of such marauding foreign invaders.

Who was the most important person in the feudal system?

The king was the most powerful person in the feudal system. The king had power over all people in the feudal system. Nobles were rich and wealthy people who had less power than the king but more power than everyone else. Nobles also had control over people like the peasants.

Who started the feudal system?

The feudal system was introduced to England following the invasion and conquest of the country by William I, The Conqueror. The feudal system had been used in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there in about 900AD.

How did the feudal system affect people?

The consequence of the feudal system was the creation of very localised groups of communities which owed loyalty to a specific local lord who exercised absolute authority in his domain. As fiefs were often hereditary, a permanent class divide was established between those who had land and those who rented it.

How did the feudal system change over time?

Cultural Interaction Feudal culture declined as new military technology reduced the importance of castles and feudal lords. Political Structures Reforms in England and the Hundred Years' War weakened the nobility and strengthened the power of both the monarchy and the common people.

What was the significance of William the Conqueror?

Before he became the king of England, William I was one of the mightiest nobles in France as the duke of Normandy, but he is best remembered for leading the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, which changed the course of English history and earned him the sobriquet William the Conqueror.

Who made the feudal system?

Feudalism is the name given to the system of government William I introduced to England after he defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings. Feudalism became a way of life in Medieval England and remained so for many centuries.

When was the feudal system introduced in England?

1066Feudalism took root in England with William of Normandy's conquest in 1066.

What did William do when he gave land to a baron?

When William granted land to a baron an important ceremony took place. The baron knelt before the king and said: "I become your man." He then placed his hand on the Bible and promised to remain faithful for the rest of his life. The baron would then carry out similar ceremonies with his knights. By the time William and his barons had finished distributing land there were about 6,000 manors in England. Manors varied in size, some having only one village, while others had several villages within its territory.

Why did William order a survey of England?

There were three main reasons why William decided to order a survey. (1) The information would help William discover how much the people of England could afford to pay in tax. (2) The information about the distribution of the population would help William plan the defence of England against possible invaders. (3) There was a great deal of doubt about who owned some of the land in England. William planned to use this information to help him make the right judgements when people were in dispute over land ownership. (13)

Why did FitzGilbert visit his knights?

Once or twice a year, FitzGilbert would visit his knights to check the manor accounts and to collect the profits that the land had made. (6) Barons often kept about a third of the land in the manor for their own use (the demesne). Another large area was given to the knight who looked after the manor.

How long did it take William to complete his survey?

William's survey was completed in only seven months. When William knew who the main landowners were, he arranged a meeting for them at Salisbury. At this meeting on 1st August, 1086, he made them all swear a new oath that they would always obey their king. John F. Harrison, the author of The Common People (1984) points out that "from this unique document we have an unparalleled picture of early medieval society in England, including much about the peasantry." (14)

What happened after the Battle of Hastings?

He met resistance in Southwark and in an act of revenge set fire to the area. Londoners refused to submit to William so he turned away and marched through Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire. He ravaged the countryside and by the end of the year the people of London, surrounded by devastated lands, began to consider the possibility of surrender. (1)

Who were William the Conqueror's half brothers?

When William the Conqueror, decided to invade England in 1066, he invited his three half-brothers, Richard FitzGilbert, Odo of Bayeux and Robert of Mortain to join him. Richard, who had married Rohese, daughter of Walter Giffard of Normandy, also brought with him members of his wife's family.

When was William the Conqueror crowned king of England?

They gave him hostages and swore oaths of fealty, and he promised to be a gracious lord to them.". On 25th December, 1066 , William was crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey. (2) After his coronation, William the Conqueror claimed that all the land in England now belonged to him.


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