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why was the union able to win the civil war

by Mandy Lind Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

6 simple reasons the Union won the Civil War

  • Manufacturing capacity. When it comes to actually fighting, there are some essentials that an army needs to be backed by — chief among them is the weapons of war.
  • Economics. Very closely related to industrial output is what the South could trade for those necessary war goods.
  • Naval strength. ...
  • Ground transport. ...
  • Population. ...
  • Politics. ...

Possible Contributors to the North's Victory:
The North was more industrial and produced 94 percent of the USA's pig iron and 97 percent of its firearms. The North even had a richer, more varied agriculture than the South. The Union had a larger navy, blocking all efforts from the Confederacy to trade with Europe.

Full Answer

Why is Civil War considered 'worst of wars'?

Civil wars result in high number of casualties and are often packed with high-intensity conflict involving regular and armed forces. Civil War is something that has been going on from the ancient medieval times and is still in fashion for some of the world’s nastiest and notorious groups.

What contributed to the Union victory in the Civil War?

The reality of the Union’s many long-term military advantages was also significant in creating a Union victory. Though the Confederates believed that their agricultural (especially cotton) production was crucial to wartime success and ultimately diplomatic recognition from the outside world, the Union’s industrial strength and much larger population proved to be just as, if not more, central.

Why did Union win the Battle of Antietam?

The Union won the Battle of Antietam, although both sides experienced heavy casualties. The Union victory gave President Lincoln the opportunity he was looking for to issue the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862. People also ask, who won the battle of Antietam and why?

Why did the Union ultimately win the war, history?

Conclusion: Reasons for Union Victory. The Union’s advantages as a large industrial power and its leaders’ political skills contributed to decisive wins on the battlefield and ultimately victory against the Confederates in the American Civil War.


What were three reasons the Union succeeded in the Civil War?

Some of the main contributing factors are superior industrial capabilities, more efficient logistical support, greater naval power, and a largely lopsided population in favor of the Union.

Why did the Union win the Civil War quizlet?

Although the population against slavery was less than those for slavery, the North had better economic, political, and social tactics. The north was well developed in the industry. They had more and better railroads and many other technological advancements that the south did not have.

What tactics did the Union use to win the Civil War?

The strategy for the United States was to surround the territory of the South in the Anaconda Plan, blockading the Atlantic Ocean and controlling the Mississippi, to keep goods from going into or out of the South and forcing them to surrender.

What advantage did the Union have?

The Union had many advantages over the Confederacy. The North had a larg- er population than the South. The Union also had an industrial economy, where- as the Confederacy had an economy based on agriculture. The Union had most of the natural resources, like coal, iron, and gold, and also a well-developed rail system.

Why did the South lose the Civil War?

The most convincing 'internal' factor behind southern defeat was the very institution that prompted secession: slavery. Enslaved people fled to join the Union army, depriving the South of labour and strengthening the North by more than 100,000 soldiers. Even so, slavery was not in itself the cause of defeat.

Why did the North win the Civil War?

Possible Contributors to the North's Victory: The North was more industrial and produced 94 percent of the USA's pig iron and 97 percent of its firearms. The North even had a richer, more varied agriculture than the South. The Union had a larger navy, blocking all efforts from the Confederacy to trade with Europe.

Who really won the Civil War?

the United StatesAfter four bloody years of conflict, the United States defeated the Confederate States. In the end, the states that were in rebellion were readmitted to the United States, and the institution of slavery was abolished nation-wide. Fact #2: Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States during the Civil War.

Why was the Union successful in the West during the Civil War?

Why the Union was successful in the West during the Civil War? The Union took a defensive stance in the West. The Union had more troops than the Confederacy in the West. The Union was fighting in very familiar territory in the West.

Who won the Civil War quizlet?

The Civil War A Civil War is a war between opposing groups of citizens from the same country. In 1861, two parts of America went to war against each other. After 4 years, the Union won. Many people died on both sides, and the South suffered terribly.

Why was the Civil War fought quizlet?

1. A Common Explanation is that we had the Civil War because the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of Slavery. 2.In Fact it was the Economic's of Slavery and Political Control of that system that was central to the conflict. 3.

What was the Union quizlet?

unions. An organization of workers joined to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions. You just studied 11 terms! 1/11. Kdanskin.

Why did the Civil War start quizlet?

How did the Civil War start? It started when the confederates bombarded the Union Soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861. What were the main causes of the Civil War? The main cause was slavery.

What did the Union do to keep supplies from getting to the Confederate Army?

One of the first things the Union did was implement a naval blockade of Southern ports to keep supplies from getting to the Confederate Army while keeping that valuable Southern cotton from making it to foreign ports. The South's import-export capacity fell by as much as 80% during the war.

What was the Confederacy's main issue?

Replacing troops was a contentious issue in the Confederate government. The Confederacy was staunchly a decentralized republic, dedicated to the supremacy of the states over the central government in Richmond.

Why are people in a country good?

People who live in a country are good for more than just paying taxes to fund a functional government and its armies, they also fuel the strength, reach, and capabilities of those armies.

Why didn't the Texas governor send troops east?

In 1863, Texas' governor wouldn't even send Texan troops east for fears that they would be needed to fight Indians or Union troops invading his home state.

Did taxes raise money for the Confederate Army?

Levying taxes on a small population didn't raise the money necessary to fund the Confederate Army and, for other countries, investing in a country that may not exist in time for that investment to yield a return is a risky venture. And tariffs on imported goods only work if those goods make it to market, which brings us to...

Was the Industrial Revolution in the North or South?

Southern historian Shelby Foote noted that the Industrial Revolution in the United States was in full swing at the time of the Civil War and much of that growing industrial strength was firmly in the North. Meanwhile, the South at the war's onset was still chiefly an agrarian society which relied on material imported from outside the 11 would-be Confederate states.

Was the Southern economy poorly planned?

It's not that the Southern economy was poorly planned overall, it was just poorly planned for fighting a war.

Who won the American Revolutionary War?

Image The Revolutionary War was won by the Colonists against all odds. They were fighting a larger trained militia, with more funding and equipment, but the colonists won with there smarter guerrilla tactics over the British, there proparganda which sparked the revolution, the Sons of Liberty who rallied the colonists, and the committee of correspondence which unified the colonists. The American revolutionary war was more revolutionary then evolutionary because it showed that it is possible to gain your independence and plowed the way for America to become the great country it is

How did the European Revolutions of 1848 affect the American Civil War?

Andre Fleche’s first-rate study of how the European revolutions of 1848 influenced the American Civil War arrives amidst recent calls by scholars to internationalize the history of America’s great conflict. [1] Fleche argues that the legacy of the 1848 revolutions influenced Union and Confederate conceptions of nationalism, as the competing sides participated in the “transatlantic dialogue” (p. 3) over the definition of the modern nation-state. Americans believed that their revolution provided an example for the world, and used the success or failures of subsequent European revolutionary struggles to measure the viability of American republicanism as a world model. The continental breadth of the 1848 revolutions, in addition to the thousands of influential European immigrants that came to America in their wake, made these revolutions the most salient for American observers. Fleche contends that examining the Civil War

Why was Andrew Jackson considered a hero?

Andrew Jackson started off his political career as the national hero because of the Battle of New Orleans. Then the election of 1828 became the turning point in the political history of the United States because it had the first male on the area west of the Appalachians become president; it also launched the organizations of his campaign known as the Jacksonian Democracy. He brought forward a new set of personal qualifications that gave rise to new political leaders that were chosen in favor of the mass of voters, compared to the spoils systems, in which involves political activity by public employees in support of their party. Although Jackson underwent some difficulties in making this democracy a success, he relied on newspaper editors and politicians who helped him in his candidacy to convince the mass that this method

How did African Americans fight for their freedom?

African Americans used various methods to fight for their freedom during the Civil War such as passing information to the Union Army and serving in the Armed forces. These actions affected them and the United States by bringing home a win for the Union, making slaves free people. To begin, the slaves dedicated their lives to save the future. A former slave and author of the famous newspaper, The North Star, displays how loyal they were. Fredrick Douglas made many editorials about abolition.

Why was the Continental Army weak?

The Continental army was weak because it consisted of untrained farmers, who have no war experience. Not only was the colonists’ army weak, but the continental army also lacked manpower; the army was small with only 20,000 troops at one time and place. The colonist also couldn’t train well because of frequent interruptions of needing to tend their farms. The colonist’s army wasn’t their only problem, but the American soldiers were always on a shortage of necessities such as food, weaponry, gunpowder, and uniforms. Even though the Continental army had many weaknesses, but they also possessed great strengths.

What were the problems farmers faced during the Great Depression?

During the Great Depression, farmers did not have the help of electrical equipment on the farm. They had to do everything by hand, which took longer periods of time and workers were tired out more easily. Electrical lights were also a great help because, instead of having dangerous lanterns that had an open flame, farmers could feel safer and wouldn’t have to worry about the dangers of lanterns. “Although most parts of the U.S. economy prospered during the 1920s, the decade proved to be a harsh, lean time for farmers.” (US History in Context). Since it was the most difficult time for farmers, it was even more difficult to live without farming tools, where they would not have to work as hard and would get more work

Why was the Battle of Lookout Mountain important?

It was a very important victory for the Union as they gained control of the southern region. This battle ultimately lead up to the Union winning the war. As a result of the Union winning this war, they won the south, which is the reason why they won the whole war.


Henretta, James, and David Brody. America: A Concise History, Volume I: To 1877 ( 4th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010.


Smith George Winston, and Charles Judah, Life in the North During the Civil War: A Source History . (New York: University of New Mexico Press, 1966), 182.

Why did the Northern farmers fight in the Civil War?

Northern farmers were fighting for their very livelihood, which was being eaten up by the rich Southerner land owners, who had enough money to buy large tracts of land and many slaves to work on it. The Civil War serves as a powerful reminder, of how fighting amongst each other, only hurts the nation in the long run.

Who were the three Union soldiers who helped the Southern cause?

Beauregard, Stonewall Jackson and of course, Robert E. Lee, amongst others, brought major victories for the Southern cause. Their military tactics and strategies were precise and effective. But the Union army wasn’t lacking in talent either.

Why did the Union blockade the Southern ports?

In what was a smart and cunning war move, the immense Union Navy started a blockade on all Southern ports, lying on the Atlantic coast and the Gulf coast, to prevent any resources being sent to and from the Southern states.

How many lives were lost in the American Civil War?

The American Civil War was a war that tore America apart. At least 600,000 American lives were lost in this 4 year battle, between the North and the Southern states of America. To learn why the Union or Northern army was triumphant against the South, read on.

What is the North fighting for?

The North was fighting for the eradication of slavery, amongst other causes. This noble cause inspired its soldiers, to fight for basic human rights and freedom of others.

What is the art of war?

The art of war is not only about brute strength or favorable locations. A sharp, keen political and military think-tank is necessary for planning and carrying out of wartime strategies and actions. One cannot compare leadership skills based on the outcome of a war.

How many soldiers did the Confederate army have?

But roughly, the Confederate army could have had between 600,000 and 1,000,000 men. The Union had an estimated 1,550,000 to 2,400,000 soldiers. The Union States had more money and financial resources to fight a war.

Why did the North win the Civil War?

Like any war, the end result is based on who came out ahead, and who met their goals. If that is the base definition of victory, then the North won. The Union was reunited, and the beginnings of the end of forced Slavery were starting to take hold (the 13th amendment wasn’t ratified until the end of 1865).

What were the disadvantages of the Civil War?

The true disadvantage was the lack of a proper railroading system in the South. With less coverage for rail lines at the beginning of the war, the South was forced to move troops and supplies by slower more tedious means. Locomotives and railways were significant factors in the Civil War.

How did the South overcome disadvantages?

Seeing as they needed to start building their own munitions and other industrial products, the South built an industrial economy from the ground up. By the end of the war, the gap between the North and the South in terms of industrial strength had closed, though it was still significant.

Why is transport important in war?

Transport is a huge thing when it comes to war. It influences everything from the economy of the state to their ability to move supplies and troops around. As you might expect, with a larger number of railroads in the North, the north found it easier to move their troops around.

Why was the South at a disadvantage?

Money is almost always one of the most important factors in any war, and the South was at a huge disadvantage directly from the start. By the time the war was going full force, the South was stymied by a Northern blockade, which caused imports and exports to fall nearly 80% by some sources.

How many soldiers did the Union put into battle?

When we look at numbers of actual fighting men, you see that advantage realized. During the duration of the war, the Union put forth 2,128,948 soldiers into battle. That number varies based on what source you look at. Some are closer to three million for the North, while others have it closer to 1.8 million. For the South, numbers are also varied, but all point to their numbers coming in at about half of the Union’s fighting forces (anywhere between 750,000 and 1.2 million).

What is the difference between a larger force and a smaller force?

A larger force has a significantly higher chance of winning against a smaller force. And while there are innumerable instances throughout history that challenge that idea, for the most part if you go into a battle with more people, you’re going to have a higher chance of winning. So is it any surprise really that when you discover that the North had a significant population advantage over the South that the South had a problem keeping up? The North could afford to lose more people, could afford to send more soldiers at a particular area (even if they had lost that area in battle before), and they could perform in more theaters of war at once with more people than the South ever could.


Manufacturing Capacity

When it comes to actually fighting, there are some essentials that an army needs to be backed by — chief among them is the weapons of war. Southern historian Shelby Foote noted that the Industrial Revolution in the United States was in full swing at the time of the Civil War and much of that growing industrial strength wa…
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  • Very closely related to industrial output is what the South could trade for those necessary war goods. When all is well, the South’s cotton-based economy was booming due to worldwide demand for the crop. The trouble was that the population density in the South was so low that much of the wealth of the United States (and the banks that go along with that money) were ove…
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Ground Transport

  • Earlier I noted the Southern economy was poorly planned for fighting any war. That situation becomes more and more dire when fighting the war on the South’s home turf. The North’s industrialization required means of transport for manufactured goods and that meant a heavy investment in the fastest means of overland commercial transport available at the time: railroad…
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  • People who live in a country are good for more than just paying taxes to fund a functional government and its armies, they also fuel the strength, reach, and capabilities of those armies. In the early battles of the Civil War, the South inflicted a lot more casualties on the North while keeping their numbers relatively low. But the North could handle those kinds of losses, they had …
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  • Replacing troops was a contentious issue in the Confederate government. The Confederacy was staunchly a decentralized republic, dedicated to the supremacy of the states over the central government in Richmond. Political infighting hamstrung the Confederate war effort at times, most notably in the area of conscription. The Confederate draft was as unpopular in the South as it w…
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1.6 simple reasons the Union won the Civil War


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