Knowledge Builders

why would a company outsource parts of its supply chain

by Reina Fay Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why Companies Are Outsourcing Parts of Their Supply Chain Processes

  • Improve IT capabilities. Technology is a critical part of the supply chain, but when it comes time to implement a new tool or upgrade, things can become tricky.
  • Meet demand expectations. ...
  • Maximize benefits. ...

Companies can outsource their supply chain to facilitate efficient service and business growth. Getting entangled with the strategic and tactical details involved in SCM can sidetrack businesses from their core competencies.

Full Answer

What is supply chain management outsourcing?

Supply chain management outsourcing means hiring an outside business or organization to handle either specific parts of your supply chain or the entire process. Doing so can help minimize overall costs, offer greater flexibility, and more readily meet demands. But why are companies increasingly trending towards supply chain management outsourcing?

Why should you outsource your business functions?

Outsourcing your functions even at the initial stage of your business can turn out in your favor, just as it benefited the following companies that have thrived under by outsourcing.

Why should you outsource logistics data to BPO?

Rather than heavily investing in new tools or waiting years for a new system to be developed internally, businesses can use BPO. Outsourcing logistics data and integrating it with a provider that specializes in supply chain solutions will yield actionable suggestions to improve operations.

How to ensure your organization’s supply chain is ready for the future?

Organizations must ensure that their new solution integrates well with other parts of the supply chain as well as their own infrastructure. This can create a domino effect of necessary changes across the board which may not be followed through.


Why should businesses outsource supply chain?

By outsourcing the logistics and fulfillment process – from supply planning, product planning, demand planning, sales and operations planning, and supply management – a business can better prepare for seasonal trends and unforeseen supply chain issues.

What does it mean to outsource supply chain?

Outsourced supply chain management refers to hiring a third-party logistics (3PL) company to manage, improve and optimize the supply chain. This allows ecommerce businesses to delegate storage and time-consuming ecommerce fulfillment tasks while saving money and improving their supply chain velocity.

What are the Top 5 reasons companies use outsourcing?

Why Do Businesses Outsource?Reduce and control costs of operation (this usually the main reason).Improve the company's focus.Liberate inner sources for new purposes.Increase efficiency for some time-consuming functions that the company may lack resources for.Use external resources as much as possible.More items...•

Why would a company outsource?

Companies outsource jobs and services for several reasons. These reasons may be cost saving, cutting back on resources, making more room for growth, remaining on top of the industry ranks, and more. Businesses are better off with outsourcing as one of their major business models.

When should a company outsource the supply chain?

Outsourcing allows businesses to adapt to changes in customer demands quickly. Another plus is that when you outsource, you can expand or downsize faster, without having to worry about laborers and their laws. Outsourcing reduces the financial risks of the investment in equipment, property, and transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing in supply chain operations?

One reason is it comes with a fair share of risks and benefits that if not balanced, will take its toll on the company's revenue.Benefits. ... Lower cost. ... More time for business building. ... Satisfied customer demand. ... Risks. ... Hidden fees. ... Compromised quality. ... Poor integration.

Is outsourcing the supply chain good or bad?

Outsourcing leads to the fragmentations and disintegration of the supply chain, bringing in numerous independent subcontractors and increasing the overall complexity and management of the supply chain. What HP needs is a competitive supply chain with an improved visibility of the product supply.

What is an example of outsourcing?

Advertising, office and warehouse cleaning, and website development are the best examples of outsourcing. Most business owners delegate authority to outsourced specialists when it comes to bookkeeping, maintenance, recruitment. This helps enterprises to focus most of their resources on the main activity.

Why do companies outsource logistics?

By outsourcing your logistics to a partner you will be able to transform some direct costs linked to the logistic activity into variable costs. With our logistics solutions the customer who outsources its logistics won't have to invest in spaces and warehouses, systems and technologies, employees and safety measures.

What are advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing?

The benefits of outsourcing can be substantial - from cost savings and efficiency gains to greater competitive advantage. On the other hand, loss of control over the outsourced function is often a potential business risk.

Improve IT capabilities

Technology is a critical part of the supply chain, but when it comes time to implement a new tool or upgrade, things can become tricky. Organizations must ensure that their new solution integrates well with other parts of the supply chain as well as their own infrastructure.

Meet demand expectations

If your organization can’t keep up with customer demand or has stagnated due to lack of resources, it’s likely that many of these clients will not be happy with the service. Being able to only supply a finite number of products will make it extremely difficult to grow the brand and establish a loyal customer base.

Maximize benefits

These advantages serve as a considerable case for investing in BPO for supply chain processes. With these solutions, businesses can focus more on their core operations, lower regulatory prices, improve service, decrease risks and free up internal resources, Supply Chain Digital’s Freddie Pierce stated.

Why do you need to outsource shipping?

Cost-effective shipping and handling: Outsourcing can save your business a large amount of money over time. When you use a fulfillment provider such as Gooten to handle your supply chain, it generally takes a margin only when you make a sale so that you aren’t paying up-front fees. This cost structure takes everything you need into account so that you never need to worry about unexpected charges hitting your bottom line. Additionally, most fulfillment providers get reduced shipping rates from preferred carriers and can pass those savings on to you.

Why are supply chains so complex?

As supply chains become increasingly complex due to the proliferation of commerce channels and higher consumer expectations, businesses are turning to outsourced functions that can deliver on speed, quality and cost.

What is outsourcing fulfillment?

Outsourcing fulfillment occurs when a business hires a third-party provider to manage some or all aspects of the logistics process, which can include storing inventory, fulfillment of orders, producing items and shipping orders. An outsourcing provider should be a fellow business partner that understands your goals, objectives and values, and should not be a cut-and-dry transactional supplier. At the end of the day, they should complement and enhance your needs so that you can spend more time on your core competencies and ultimately grow your business.

How does insourcing help in the long term?

Resource intensive. As mentioned before, insourcing can lead to cost savings in the long term if companies manage the process strategically and carefully. Most of the time, businesses will end up spending more money when they bring operations in-house because they pay for full-time employees, rent to store inventory and expensive equipment. All these costs can add up quickly!

How does outsourcing save time?

Greater Efficiencies: Outsourcing saves businesses a ton of time and money by streamlining their operations. Instead of focusing energy on fulfilling orders or managing shipping, businesses can concentrate on what they do best — designing, marketing, and selling.

Why is supply chain not a key business differentiation?

The supply chain functions that are brought in-house are usually not a part of a company’s key business differentiators — meaning there is a great risk of making errors and processing orders incorrectly, which will lead to frustrated customers. By concentrating less on logistics, businesses should focus on what they do best — designing, marketing and selling — in order to grow the business.

Is outsourcing a supply chain good?

Many businesses are starting to understand the value of outsourcing their supply chain. It’s also never been easier to implement, especially when the company utilizes a hybrid approach that integrates directly into its current infrastructure. There’s no need to start from scratch or completely replace a well-oiled machine. Outsourcing some or all of your operations can help you build the perfect supply chain for your business so that you can focus on what you do best.

Why do companies outsource supply chain management?

Doing so can help minimize overall costs, offer greater flexibility, and more readily meet demands.

Why do companies need supply chain management outsourcing?

Supply chain management outsourcing allows you to spend more time focusing on the more important aspects of your business, such as scaling and networking. You can spend more time building stronger customer relationships, offering customer support, and being more present in your business.

What is supply chain management?

Supply chain management refers to the overseeing of all the design, procurement, manufacturing, transporting, packaging, and redesign components involved in your company’s supply chain process.

Is supply chain management outsourcing good?

While the possibility of supply chain management outsourcing can absolutely make a company more competitive, reduce the possibility of supply disruptions and resulting headaches, and free up human and actual capital, there is still a major risk: selecting the wrong partner.


Why would a company outsource parts of its supply chain? Explain the value of this practice and why so many companies use it today. What are some operational challenges that outsourcing can present?

Sample Answer

A company may outsource parts of its supply chain to reduce its operational costs by reducing the amount of money it pays employs as wages to handle supply chain operations. A company may also outsource parts of its supply chain to reduce regular costs associated with supply chain management.

Why do companies need outsourcing?

Outsourcing helps companies focus exclusively on growing their businesses. By outsourcing work to professionals and experts, entrepreneurs can save overhead costs that come with hiring staff and buying software in-house.

Who is Slack outsourcing to?

Slack – Slack outsourced its software development to design firm MetaLab, which created the logo, designed a marketing website and built the web and mobile apps. By outsourcing to the design firm, Slack was able to save time and money, and get important feedback that helped the team launch a product that has revolutionized the market.

What is SeatGeek outsourced?

SeatGeek – After relying on outsourced developers for building the website and database structure, SeatGeek was able to save tremendous capital to invest in other business processes, and subsequently began using outsourced vendors for other responsibilities.

Why did Basecamp outsource its app development?

Basecamp – Basecamp outsourced its app development to remote developers to optimize its cost-opportunity gain. Outsourcing the product development strategy helped the firm improve its product and generate more revenue.

Where are Apple products made?

Apple – Apple outsources much of its supply chain to offshore partners. Though its products are designed in California, Apple devices are manufactured all around the world.

Is Ford manufactured offshore?

Ford Motor Company – Many components of a Ford vehicle are manufactured offshore. Apart from manufacturing, Ford also has been known to outsource research and development, customer support, and IT solutions offshore.

Does Google have outsourced support?

Google – Whether it involved IT specialists, developers or virtual assistant work, Google has been taking advantage of outsourced staff for years. The company outsourced its phone and email support for AdWords to around 1,000 representatives located all over the world. Google also partnered with a technology services provider, Globant, for the successful development of Project Ara and related software.


1.7 reasons why you should outsource your supply chain


7 hours ago  · Let’s explore some of the benefits of outsourcing your supply chain. 1. Strategic positioning. Companies can outsource their supply chain to facilitate efficient service and business growth. Getting entangled with the strategic and tactical details involved in SCM can sidetrack businesses from their core competencies.

2.Why Companies Are Outsourcing Parts of Their Supply …


4 hours ago  · Why Companies Should Consider Outsourcing Some or All of Their Supply Chain. As supply chains become increasingly complex due to the proliferation of commerce channels and higher consumer expectations, businesses are turning to outsourced functions that can deliver on speed, quality and cost.

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14 hours ago Increase Redundancy. A lot of different infrastructure is utilized during the supply chain management process, a third-party can properly outsource appropriate steps in the process rather than handling it all in-house. The benefits include improved reliability and availability of the system. Manage Complexity.

4.What is Supply Chain Management Outsourcing?


9 hours ago  · Outsourcing in supply chain management is the outsourcing of a large part of a company’s supply chain to remote and foreign employees. This allows companies to focus on their main competencies while ensuring that their needs are met while reducing overhead expenses. Supply chain management outsourcing is more common than ever.

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29 hours ago Supply chain outsourcing – Supply chain outsourcing is a form of subcontracting wherein manufacturer gets parts of its supply chain outsourced to contract manufacturers. Contract manufacturer handles outsourced supply chain on behalf of …

6.Why Would A Company Outsource Parts Of Its Supply …


36 hours ago  · A company may outsource parts of its supply chain to reduce its operational costs by reducing the amount of money it pays employs as wages to handle supply chain operations. A company may also outsource parts of its supply chain to reduce regular costs associated with supply chain management.

7.Solved Why would a company outsource parts of its …


7 hours ago Why would a company outsource parts of its supply chain? 1. Cost benefit. By outsourcing, the cost of operations is considerably reduced. 2. strategy: It gives the company a competetive advantage over their competetitors. 3. Speedy delivery because o… View the full answer

8.10 Companies That Have Benefited from Outsourcing


5 hours ago  · Outsourcing helps companies focus exclusively on growing their businesses. By outsourcing work to professionals and experts, entrepreneurs can save overhead costs that come with hiring staff and buying software in-house.

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