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why you should drink water instead of soda

by Emory Cruickshank Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Drinking water keeps your mouth clean and produces enough saliva to digest your food properly. Plus, water keeps your mouth, nose, and eyes moist like they need to be. Drinking more soda leads to increased fat. However, drinking more water leads to weight loss.Jul 23, 2019

Full Answer

Why should you drink water instead of soda?

Why Is Water Better to Drink Than Soda?

  • Calories. The Mayo Clinic reports that you gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn off 2. ...
  • Obesity. CNN reports that obesity is a major public health problem that's partly caused by soda intake. ...
  • Sugar. Sugar has been tied to a number of health problems, such as diabetes and cavities. ...
  • Diet Soda
  • Sweetness. ...
  • Appetite and Weight Loss. ...

What happens if you only drink soda vs. Water?

“As a result, drinking soda will actually dehydrate you. This can strain your body to find sources of water — which puts a good deal of stress on your kidneys. If you need something to quench your thirst and rehydrate, water is always the best choice. If you prefer something with more flavor, try adding fresh fruit to your water.”

What can I drink as a soda alternative besides water?

What can I drink in place of diet soda?

  • Iced Tea. PIN IT. …
  • Sparkling Water with Fruit. If the fizziness is what you like about soda, sparkling water can be a great alternative. …
  • Iced Coffee. PIN IT. …
  • Sparkling Water with Juice. …
  • Water. …
  • Kombucha. …
  • Homemade Smoothie. …
  • Coconut Water.

Is it better to drink alcohol without water or soda?

When you drink an alcohol beverage, it immediately begins to be absorbed into your bloodstream, partly from your stomach and more actively from your small intestine. When drinking alcohol beverages, adding water or other drinks without alcohol will dilute the alcohol in your stomach and will slow absorption.


What happens if I drink water instead of soda?

Replacing a can of soda with a glass of water every day will save you approximately 100 calories, which can make a huge difference in your daily calorie intake over time. Most sodas contain 40 to 80 grams of sugar per can or bottle, which is the equivalent to eating 20 to 40 sugar packets!

What is better to drink water or soda?

It's no secret that water is the healthiest beverage option out there—no calories, no sugar, just hydration. But while water only has positive benefits for you, soda has nothing for you.

Why is water better than diet soda?

While both diet soda and water have zero calories, water doesn't have the artificial sweeteners that have been associated with increased calorie intake. The bottom line is that water is that whether being physically active or not, consuming water will help keep the body more hydrated than diet soda.

Is it OK to drink just water?

Given the constant reminders about how water is essential to the body and how important it is to drink water every day to support good health, it may seem impossible that drinking only water could be bad for you. But as it turns out, drinking only water over a period of time could indeed cause certain health problems.

What happens if you drink only water?

When you drink only water for 30 days, your body removes irritable, harmful toxins and waste products from your vital organs. This makes your body cleaner and helps trim belly fat.

Can you lose weight by replacing soda with water?

Drinking water could help reduce your overall liquid calorie intake. Because water contains no calories, filling your glass with H2O instead of higher calorie alternatives such as juice, soda, or sweetened tea or coffee can reduce your overall liquid calorie intake.

Can you lose weight by switching from soda to water?

If you are trying to drink less soda to reduce sugar and calories, what you drink instead makes a big difference. "No surprise here, water is best. If you trade one 20-ounce soda a day for water, you'd cut out 52 pounds of sugar a year," said Calvo.

How much weight will I lose if I replace soda with water?

If you drink about three cans of regular soda each day, switching from soda to water can help you lose almost 1 pound per week.

What is the compound that is used to sweeten diet soda?

Formaldehyde. Save the formaldehyde for your funeral. This compound occurs when aspartame breaks down in your body. Aspartame is commonly used to sweeten diet sodas and has an unending list of dangers associated with its consumption.

Is soda a carcinogen?

I am beginning to think that soda is just one great big can of carcinogens.

How many calories can you save by drinking two 12 oz cans of water a day?

Many weight loss success stories begin with this simple switch– after all, swapping two 12 oz. cans a day for two glasses of water could legitimately save 1960 calories per week.

How many sugars are in a 12 oz can of soda?

Well, let’s analyze the stats: one 12 oz. can of soda (such as, say, a Coca-Cola) has 39 grams of sugar, which is roughly the same as consuming 10 whole sugar cubes (that’s right– not 1, but 10). Cutting just one 140 calorie soda can per day is equivalent to skipping enough calories to lose 14.5 pounds in a year.

What does "don't drink your calories" mean?

Glug glug glug. “Don’t drink your calories” is a standard piece of weight loss advice. But what does that mean? For starters, among the most simple and effective ways to cut calories (while not ending up feeling deprived and hungry) is to swap soda for water.

Is diet soda good for you?

Plus, don’ t think drinking “diet” soda allows anyone off scot- free! Diet soda may be calorie-free, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for the body. In fact, they’ve been linked to weight gain and obesity as well as Type 2 Diabetes Replacing sweetened caloric beverages with drinking water is associated with lower energy intake. Stookey, JD., Constant, F., Gardner, CD., et al. Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA. Obesity 2007 Dec; 15 (12):3013-22..

Does drinking soda increase blood pressure?

And a recent study even claims drinking more than one soda daily increases blood pressure. Sugar-sweetened beverage, sugar intake of individuals, and their blood pressure: international study of macro/micronutrients and blood pressure.

Does drinking water help with energy?

Obviously, that’s not exactly how things in the human body work– but that doesn’t mean it’s far off.One study showed that overweight female participants who switched sweetened caloric beverages (soda, juices, etc…) for water decreased their total energy by 200,000 calories over one year Replacing sweetened caloric beverages with drinking water is associated with lower energy intake. Stookey, JD., Constant, F., Gardner, CD., et al. Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA. Obesity 2007 Dec; 15 (12):3013-22.. Couple that with the pros of drinking water (such as the fact that downing a 17 oz. of water per day speeds metabolism by 30%) and the switch seems like a no brainer.

How to improve water hydration?

One of the easiest ways to improve your hydration is through home water delivery or office water delivery services.

How many calories are in a diet soda?

A large soft drink from a fast food restaurant can boast upwards of 500 calories, and that’s before you add in the curly fries and Big Montana. When choosing between a zero calorie diet soda and a couple hundred calorie regular soda, the diet soda seems like the smarter option.

Why is water good for your skin?

Water improves your skin’s elasticity. It is one of the best ways to keep your skin moisturized, especially combined with applying good lotion and drinking less tea and soda, which dehydrate you. Water is good for muscle and joint protection. Water provides lubrication for your muscles and joints.

Is diet soda bad for you?

Weight gain caused from diet soda can lead to other health risks. These risks include diabetes, heart disease, cancer and more. It’s harmful to your kidneys. Diet soda drinkers face the risk of kidney decline more so than regular soda drinkers.

Does diet soda make you eat more?

Recent studies suggest that diet soda might make you eat more. Why? Because it causes a blood sugar spike that may inhibit the signal in your body that tells you when you’re full. Here are some more potential diet soda drawbacks:

Is aspartame safe to drink?

While the Food and Drug Administration currently recognizes aspartame as safe for consumption, the Environmental Protection Agency and other organizations are more wary. Multiple studies show that the aspartame in diet soda is linked to increased cancer risks.

Is drinking water before or after exercise good for your kidneys?

Water provides lubrication for your muscles and joints. Drinking water before and during exercise can also help in reducing the risk of muscle cramping and fatigue. Water is good for your kidneys. Dehydration can make you more likely to develop kidney stones.

How to make water taste better?

To make water more flavorful, try adding sliced lemon or a teaspoon of 100 percent fruit juice.

How much soda does it take to gain weight?

CNN reports that obesity is a major public health problem that's partly caused by soda intake. ABC News says consuming two 20 oz. sodas per day can lead to 52 pounds of weight gain over the course of one year.

How much soda does the average American drink?

ABC news reports that the average American guzzles about 50 gallons of soda per person, per year. In fact, soda has become the primary source of calories in the American diet.

How many calories are in a can of soda?

According to LIVESTRONG's Daily Plate website, a 12 oz. can of Coke contains 140 calories . On the other hand, unflavored water is calorie-free. The Mayo Clinic reports that you gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn off 2. Soda, being relatively high in calories, can contribute to this energy imbalance.

Does soda cause obesity?

Researcher David Ludwig of the Harvard School of Public Health says soda intake is closely linked to obesity risk. On the other hand, water, being calorie-free, does not increase the risk of obesity.

Does drinking water reduce appetite?

Science Daily reports that water intake may curb appetite--something soda doesn't do. The website says drinking 16 oz. of water before a meal is enough to reduce appetite and overeating and that if you make drinking water a habit, it can be effective for weight loss.

Is water calorie free?

While soda if full of empty calories and sugar, water is 100 percent calorie-free and has many advantages over soda.

Why is it important to drink water?

Water helps to flush out all the body waste in your body. If you don’t drink enough, you will experience digestive problems like constipation, increased risk of heartburn, and even stomach ulcers. Especially during the summertime, it’s extremely important to stay cool.

Why should we reach for water?

Why You Should Always Reach for Water: The Dangers of Sugary Drinks. Summer in the south is hot and humid. Spend any amount of time outside, especially if it involves running around, and you’ll be craving something to cure your dehydration. But unfortunately for a lot of people in the south, that cure involves something sugary and sweet, like soda.

Why is it important to keep yourself hydrated?

When you keep yourself fully hydrated, you also keep your blood happy and healthy, meaning oxygen has an easier time being carried through your body. In addition, your blood will become thicker if you’re not drinking enough water, leading to increased blood pressure.

Is soda addictive?

That means soda has not one but two addictives in its formula. Children and teenagers are often the biggest consumers for soda, which means when they grow into adults they may have a harder time eating a healthier diet and may have delayed brain function.

Is soda a dehydrator?

Sodas are actually dehydrating, meaning it has the opposite effect than a cup of water would do. Aside from sugar being addictive, caffeine has also been found to have addiction-like symptoms for its consumers. That means soda has not one but two addictives in its formula.

Does soda have nutritional value?

Check out the nutritional value information on the back of a soda. You probably won’t be surprised to see that it has absolutely no nutritional value for you, except for the fact that they’re high in sugar and calories. That combo leads to a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, and blood sugar imbalances. Even if you reach for a soda ...

Does drinking water make you fuller?

However, drinking more water leads to weight loss. In fact, if you drink water before every meal, it will help you feel full faster, preventing overeating.

How to rethink your drink?

Tricks to Rethink Your Drink: 1 Need more flavor? Add berries or slices of lime, lemon, or cucumber to water. 2 Missing fizzy drinks? Add a splash of 100% juice to plain sparkling water for a refreshing, low-calorie drink. 3 Need help breaking the habit? Don’t stock up on sugary drinks. Instead, keep a jug or bottles of cold water in the fridge. 4 Water just won’t do? Reach for drinks that contain important nutrients such as low fat or fat free milk, fortified milk alternatives, or 100% fruit or vegetable juice first. 5 At the coffee shop? Skip the flavored syrups or whipped cream. Ask for a drink with low fat or fat free milk, a milk alternative such as soy or almond, or get back to basics with black coffee. 6 At the store? Read the Nutrition Facts Label to choose drinks that are low in calories, added sugars, and saturated fat. 7 On the go? Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it throughout the day. 8 Still thirsty? Learn how to drink more water.

What is sugary drink?

Sugary drinks (also known as sugar-sweetened beverages) are any liquids that are sweetened with added sugars. Beverages such as regular soda (not sugar-free), fruit drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened waters, and coffee and tea beverages with added sugars are sugary drinks.

What happens if you drink soda vs water?

What Happens if You Only Drink Soda vs. Water? Drinking too much soda can cause an array of negative effects in your body, even if you drink diet soda. Carbonated soda drinks do not contain any beneficial nutrients, but typically contribute excessive calories and sugar to your diet. Start swapping out one soda per day for a bottle of water.

How much weight gain can you get from drinking soda?

Weight Gain. If you drink only soda as your beverage of choice, you may be at risk for weight gain. Consuming an extra 3,500 calories leads to 1 pound of weight gain, explains the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

How does sugary soda affect your teeth?

Sugary beverages coat your teeth, gums and tongue for hours after you drink them. This effect breaks down enamel on your teeth, making them more susceptible to rotting. If you like to enjoy a soda here and there, drink it through a straw.

Does drinking soda affect your blood sugar?

The sugar in soda doesn't just affect your weight, it can affect how you feel as well. Because the sugar in soda is a simple sugar that absorbs extremely quickly, drinking soda leads to a spike in your blood sugar. Your body isn't naturally prepared to deal with this blood sugar spike, so it overcompensates, releasing hormones that make your blood sugar plunge too low. These spikes can crashes can make you feel tired, irritable and hungry — and if you have diabetes, they are dangerous. Water, on the other hand, has no sugar to raise your blood sugar levels, making it a healthier choice.

Can you drink soda when you are exercising?

Caffeine is a natural diuretic and causes your body to excrete fluid through urine. Since caffeinated sodas can make you need to use the restroom frequently, do not consume them if you are exercising or if you live in a hot climate.

Is water calorie free?

Since water is calorie-free, you can drink as much as you want without worrying about weight gain. Flavor your water with fresh mint leaves, lemon wedges or orange slices. These ingredients add plenty of flavor to your water, but contribute few, if any, calories.

Does drinking water help with tooth decay?

This way, the beverage goes right into the back of your mouth and it is less likely to corrode your teeth. Water does not contribute to dental decay. In fact, water is fluoridated and actually helps strengthen your teeth.


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