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will a lemon tree grown from seeds bear fruit

by Cole Jaskolski Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How long does it take to grow a lemon tree from seed? It takes around three to six years to grow a mature lemon tree from seed, with fruit starting to be produced at around year five. However, it only takes a few months to get a small lemon tree that will look pretty in a pot in your home.Jul 11, 2021

Full Answer

Can a lemon tree produce a new variety of lemon?

It won't produce a new variety of lemon seeds unless it's near another compatible fruit tree

Do lemons have seeds?

While this lemon plant produces consistently good fruit, the seed inside that fruit should be considered a whole new variety that is yet unknown. Each seed will contain an unpredictable collection of genetic traits gleaned from a much larger gene pool.

How do you grow a lemon tree from a seed?

When the plant outgrows its seedling pot, put it in a planting pot and make sure to repeat the watering steps above. Older plants need less water than their younger counterparts but do keep the soil moist and fertilized nonetheless. After their third year, healthy lemon trees begin to produce fruit.

Can you grow a lemon tree indoors?

Save some seeds and find out! During the winter months, these abundant fruit trees can grow indoors and will produce beautiful blooms that will make the house fragrant. First, make sure the seeds you use are from organic lemons (non-organic lemons often contain non-sprouting seeds).


How long does it take for a lemon tree to bear fruit from seeds?

After their third year, healthy lemon trees begin to produce fruit. One that happens, a tree can yield a harvest consistently every year under the right climate and soil conditions. After a tree starts blossoming, it takes 4-12 months before a harvest, which usually takes place between summer and winter.

Will citrus grown from seed bear fruit?

Citrus often comes true from seed - meaning that a tree grown from seed will produce fruit like the parent tree. But not always. While it is fun growing an orange tree from a seed, the taste can be disappointing, especially after such a long wait for fruit.

Can you plant lemon seeds from a store bought lemon?

Depending on the cultivar, freshness of the seed and growing conditions, fruit production from seed-grown lemon trees can take from five to 15 years. Lemons from the grocery store can inexpensively provide seeds to grow lemon trees.

Why is my lemon tree not producing fruit?

A Eureka lemon or other variety of lemon tree might not be bearing include poor watering practices, poor cultivating practices, incorrect temperature, insufficient light, lack of nutrients in the soil, disease or pest infestation, and/or a bad rootstock. Lemon trees thrive the best USDA zones 9-11.

Does citrus grow true from seed?

Citrus trees grown from seed are usually used as rootstock, because they do not grow true to type, are not as prolific, and can take up to ten years before bearing fruit.

How do I get my lemon tree to bear fruit?

Fertilize a lemon tree in spring with an appropriate food, including the addition of phosphorus to encourage blooming and fruiting, and prune only where necessary. Fruits will set on the ends of branches, so it is best to remove only dead wood and problem branches.

Do lemon seeds need to dry before planting?

You can plant the extracted seeds, but for the best chances of germination, dry the seeds completely on nonstick paper or aluminum foil before planting. Keep seeds out of direct sunlight. If you aren't ready to plant the seeds, dust the dry seeds with a fungicide to prevent rotting and store them in polyurethane bags.

Do you have to peel lemon seeds before planting?

Peel off the white skin from the seeds (OPTIONAL) Be careful, though, not to cut through the seeds or you might puncture the sprout inside. Note: Some tutorials on how to grow lemon trees from seeds also recommend peeling off the second (brown) skin layer to accelerate the sprouting process even further.

How long does it take for a lemon tree to produce fruit?

A lemon tree will produce fruit 1 to 3 years after planting – you will get fruit sooner if you buy larger, more established trees. A lemon may take 6 to 9 months to fully ripen. Different varieties produce fruit at different times of the year, although some lemon trees can bear fruit year-round. Of course, it may take a longer time ...

Why isn't my lemon tree producing fruit?

Even a tree that is mature may not produce fruit for several reasons. The wrong environmental conditions could delay fruit production on your lemon trees by a year or more. To get your lemon trees to produce fruit, you will have to give them the proper care.

How big is a Meyer lemon tree?

The mature tree is 8 to 10 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet wide. The tree will bear fruit in 1 to 2 years. For more information, check out the Meyer Lemon on the Stark Brothers website.

How many lemons can a lemon tree produce?

A single lemon tree can produce thousands of lemons, although you may not get quite that many from your tree! According to the University of Florida Extension, a young lemon tree that is around 3 years old can start producing 38 pounds of lemons per year.

Why does my lemon tree drop fruit?

A lemon tree may drop some of its fruit before maturity, sometimes known as “June drop”. This is so that the plant does not produce more fruit than it can support . This is simply a tree’s way of keeping only as much fruit as it can reasonably support to maturity.

Why is my lemon tree dying?

Over watering can spell death for your lemon tree, due to root rot or fungal diseases. If necessary, you can plant your lemon tree on a mound to assist with drainage. For more information, check out my article on over watering.

What happens to a tree after a year of fruit production?

Essentially, the tree’s resources are exhausted from using so many nutrients to produce a large harvest. The tree then takes a “year off” from fruit production to recover its strength.

How to grow lemons from seeds?

First, make sure the seeds you use are from organic lemons (non-organic lemons often contain non-sprouting seeds). Then, a little potting soil, some compost, a planting pot, a seedling pot, and a sunny indoor location are you need to complete the picture. Just follow these easy steps!

How long does it take for a seedling to emerge from a plant?

Never let the soil dry out, but don’t spray too heavily, either.) About two weeks later, a seedling will emerge. Take the plastic covering off, but continue to keep the soil damp. Make sure the young plant gets eight full hours of light per day and interment doses of organic fertilizer as needed.

Do lemon trees need water?

Older plants need less water than their younger counterparts but do keep the soil moist and fertilized nonetheless. After their third year, healthy lemon trees begin to produce fruit. One that happens, a tree can yield a harvest consistently every year under the right climate and soil conditions.

Can lemon trees grow indoors?

How easy it to grow a lemon tree? Save some seeds and find out! During the winter months, these abundant fruit trees can grow indoors and will produce beautiful blooms that will make the house fragrant. First, make sure the seeds you use are from organic lemons (non-organic lemons often contain non-sprouting seeds).

How long does it take for a lemon tree to grow from seed?

Your seedling will eventually get lemons if the conditions are right. It could take 5-10 years. Since you are growing from seed, it is impossible to know whether the lemons you get from your tree will be anything like the lemon from which you got the seed. Share. Improve this answer.

How tall do lemon trees grow?

Lemon trees are grown as a ornamental trees in some yards and they are normally planted where a person wants a tree about 6 feet in high.

What is a lemon?

A lemon is a cross between a Citron and a Sour Orange (which is itself a cross of a Mandarin and a Pomelo). So that's 3 parent species in two generations to produce the lemon you got your seed from, which only accounts for the female parent of the tree in your yard. The male part (pollen) could have come from any number ...

Why did they grow limes from seed?

One chapter recounts an effort to grow limes from seed, due to the pervasive presence of a virus in existing trees. Essentially, they grew hundreds of seedlings from limes, and got a tiny number of plants that grew limes. All the others produced some other citrus fruit.

Does cross pollination affect the next generation of fruit?

it will still produce fruit (the same as commercial varieties), but the "new variety" thing only happens by cross pollination or if you planted the seeds inside the fruit from your seedling, so it only affects the next generation of seedlings from that fruit.

Why are my lemon trees not producing fruit?

Reasons for No Fruit on Lemon Trees. The first question would be, do the trees flower? Flowers lead to fruit, and a lack of blooms means your tree cannot produce. Some reasons for this would be incorrect cultivation, lack of nutrients, insufficient water and bad rootstock.

How old does a lemon tree need to be to grow?

Lemon tree fruiting occurs at three to five years old, depending upon the rootstock. When growing lemon trees, problems like blossom drop can be frustrating. Many of the newly forming fruits will fall off well before they can begin to grow. This lack of fruit set may be due to an excess of fruits, too much water, low nutrients or exposure to cold.

How to protect lemon tree from freezing?

Choose a well drained area with shelter from damaging and drying winds. Use thermal covers or even just an old blanket to protect new buds or little fruits when unexpected freezes occur.

Do dwarf stocks bear fruit?

Dwarf stocks produce the best fruit and will bear more quickly than full sized trees. You can always wait a year after good cultivation and see if fruit comes the second year. This is especially true if you have neglected lemon trees.


1.Will a lemon tree grown from seed bear fruit? - Quora


14 hours ago According to the University of Minnesota Extension, lemon trees grown from seed will rarely produce fruit. Keep this in mind if you are thinking of growing a tree from lemon seeds – it can be a fun experiment, but it might not work out the way you are hoping.

2.When Does A Lemon Tree Produce Fruit? (3 Things You …


9 hours ago How long does a lemon tree take to bear fruit from seed? When you’re germinating lemon seed, it takes 1 to 2 weeks for it to grow. Later it takes anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks before it gets ready to be planted outdoor or transplanted in a bigger pot.

3.Grow Your Own Lemon Tree From Lemon Seeds


13 hours ago In contrast, acid citrus species are easy to grow in containers inside and many will bear several crops of fruit per year if given optimum growing conditions. Citrus trees grown indoors require a nursery container at least 14 inches in diameter with a …

4.Videos of Will A Lemon Tree Grown From Seeds Bear Fruit


34 hours ago  · So if you want to tinker as a botanist though lemons, you can expirement with growing a lemon seed you get from your tree planted from seed, you may be lucky and get a sweet, large sized lemon If you care for your lemon tree with fertilizer, moist soil, and keeping it in direct sun, it will bear fruit in at least 3 years (well it depends on how much hours of sun your …

5.Will I get lemons from a tree grown from a lemon seed?


13 hours ago So growing a fruit tree from fruit seed is unlikely to produce a plant that will yield edible fruit.Fruit varieties grown today are the results of years, even decades, of breeding to create that supersweet apricot or seedless grape. Nearly every fruit tree sold today is …

6.Lemon Tree Fruiting - Tips To Encourage Fruit On Lemon …


20 hours ago

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