Knowledge Builders

will gnats hurt my plants

by Prof. Harold Batz IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Symptoms of fungus gnat infestation:

  • When roots are damaged, plants can show various signs of disease including yellow leaves, wilting, spotting, and drooping.
  • Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies can occur (sickly growth, leaf discolouration, etc.) despite correct pH and proper nutrients.
  • Seedlings weaken, fall over, and die (“damping off”).
  • Stunted growth and low yields.

Adult fungus gnats don't damage plants or bite people; their presence is primarily considered a nuisance. Larvae, however, when present in large numbers, can damage roots and stunt plant growth, particularly in seedlings and young plants.

Full Answer

Are gnats bad for plants?

The adult gnats don’t do much damage to plants, either; rather, it’s the larvae that will munch on your plant's tiny feeder roots, limiting the plant's ability to take up nutrients and stunting its growth. This is more of a problem in nurseries, where susceptible young seedlings are grown in damp conditions.

How do you get rid of gnats on indoor plants?

What home remedy kills gnats in houseplants?

  1. Sticky fly traps are the best gnatcatcher. You can either make your DIY gnat trap or buy a ready-made sticky fly trap. ...
  2. Smother your plant's soil. It's easy to prevent the larvae from climbing out and thriving by layering a chunky layer of course sand or aquarium gravel over the top ...
  3. Use the power of spuds. ...
  4. Spray vinegar on your plants. ...

More items...

How to get rid of gnats in plants?

Time for some good news, you CAN get rid of flying insects like these ones. And you will. By employing the power of cleaning, clever repotting, using vinegar, essential oils and better plant care you will quickly be able to get rid of gnats in house plants and other areas around the house.

How to get rid of fungus gnats in houseplants?

You will need:

  • A wide saucer or jar
  • Apple cider vinegar, beer, or wine (yeah, we’re not sure about using up wine that way either)
  • A few drops of dishsoap


How do I get rid of gnats in my potted plants?

Hydrogen peroxide solution is a quick, cheap, and effective way to kill larvae on contact. Mix four parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide and spray down your soil. Fungus gnats are annoying, but they're no match for a plant parent with a plan.

How do you get rid of gnats without harming plants?

Hydrogen peroxide is a quick and effective way to get rid of larvae, killing them on contact. Mix four parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide and soak your soil with the solution. Neem oil can also be diluted with water and applied to the soil to kill larvae.

Should I throw away plant with gnats?

As the adults lay their eggs and multiply, the infestation continues to grow. Rest assured, however, that you can get rid of fungus gnats without having to trash all of your plants. If the infestation is new, let the soil of infected plants dry out completely, which kills the larvae.

Are gnats harmful to indoor plants?

While gnats can be a nuisance, the good news is that they're typically not lethal to your houseplants. However, their larvae can cause lasting root damage to your plants if left unchecked. Luckily for you, adult fungus gnats only live a few days so once their larvae are gone, your plants will be gnat-free.

What kills gnats permanently?

Here's how it works: Bleach is a most effective method of removal for gnats that tend to congregate around drains. Whether it's your sink, bathtub, or shower drain, pouring a half cup of bleach down the drain should wipe them out.

What's the fastest way to get rid of gnats?

The most popular option is a vinegar trap, which is simple and cost-effective to create. Simply place a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of dish soap, and a tablespoon of sugar in a bowl and stir. Set your bowl in an area where gnats are prevalent, such as your kitchen or bathroom.

Will changing soil get rid of gnats?

Repotting is an effective way of getting rid of the gnat larvae. Clean the pot thoroughly and place the plant in new, clean potting soil. The rotting roots, plant remains and damp soil that fungus gnats love so much will be completely gone.

Does cinnamon get rid of gnats?

Control Fungus Gnats, Cinnamon A Natural Option A common and easily available natural fungicide, cinnamon powder is very effective when it comes to curbing fungus gnats. Effective against damping off, cinnamon powder destroys the fungus on which the larvae feed.

Why do my houseplants have gnats?

These pests are attracted to the damp soil of potted houseplants. They need the moist soil as a haven to lay their eggs, and the organic matter in the soil feeds their larvae. Besides being annoying, this feeding behavior can damage your plants. The good news is that fungus gnats do not bite people or pets.

Do gnats lay eggs?

Specifically, female gnats lay their eggs in the following habitats: Fruit fly lay eggs under or one the surface of fresh and decomposing fruits and vegetables, plus the surface of locations where moist, organic debris is allowed to accumulate.

How long do indoor plant gnats live?

about one weekAdults live for about one week. Fungus gnats are completely harmless to humans, since they can't bite and don't spread diseases. They can be a problem for houseplants, however, when their population explodes and their larvae starts to feed on plants' thin roots.

How long do gnats live indoors?

Gnats live an average of one week's time. However, they are only fully grown gnats for a week or so, meaning the rest of their life cycle takes up the rest of that time. Most of the time, gnats lay their eggs in soil, both indoors and out.

What naturally kills gnats in plants?

Hydrogen Peroxide Drench Mix one part 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with 4 parts of water and pour this over the soil of your plant. The hydrogen peroxide works by killing all the fungus gnat larvae, which is the only true way of killing off the gnat population.

What is a natural way to get rid of gnats?

How to Get Rid of Gnats in the HouseMake a Gnat Trap. Use a small saucer to mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of dishwashing soap and a little sugar. ... Use Flypaper. ... Clean Drains. ... Set a Fruit Trap. ... Use Leftover Wine. ... Spray. ... Call a Pro. ... Lure Them to Sticky Cards.More items...

Does cinnamon get rid of gnats?

Control Fungus Gnats, Cinnamon A Natural Option A common and easily available natural fungicide, cinnamon powder is very effective when it comes to curbing fungus gnats. Effective against damping off, cinnamon powder destroys the fungus on which the larvae feed.

How do you get rid of little flies around plants?

Yellow sticky traps work by trapping the adult fungus gnats and breaking their lifecycle. Simply hang up a trap near affected plants, or attach it to a bamboo cane inserted into the compost. Keep the trap near soil level, as gnats rarely fly far from the compost.

Gnats Love Moist Potting Soil

Fungus gnats are tiny black insects, only about 1/4 inch long, whose larvae pose a potential threat to the health of your plants.

Gnats in the Home

The more you water your plants, the more fungus gnats will thrive. They are attracted to and love to live in extremely moist, overly watered soil.

Gnats in the Greenhouse

Gnats love the outdoors and all the moist soil that comes with the territory.

Gnats in Outdoor Gardens

Gnats can be found outdoors anywhere there is moist soil and decaying organic matter.

Gnats in the Yard

If you are attracting gnats to your yard, the odds of them getting into the outdoor gardening areas is a given.

Wrapping It Up

By keeping your outdoors neat and dry, you help keep the gnat population down. This decreases the odds of gnats getting inside your home.

What do fungus gnats eat?

Just as they feed on the potato slices, fungus gnat larvae also feed on other organic matter such as plant roots, fungi and mulch. As the larvae eat delicate root hairs and small feeder roots, plants are unable to absorb sufficient water and nutrients from soil. Feeding damage includes stunted plant growth and yellow or dropped leaves. Diseases may be spread among plants as the larvae feed on an infected plant and then move to a healthy plant. Disease pathogens are transmitted through the larvae’s saliva.

How to detect fungus gnats?

Visual detection of the harmless adults is proof positive that their unseen larvae are also present. To detect and monitor the presence of the la rvae, you can press potato slices halfway into the soil around plants. The larvae move toward the potatoes and feed ...

What happens if you water plants before they dry?

If plant roots dry before you water them again, the larvae will die. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a biological insecticide with varying strains that target specific pests. Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (Bti) is the formulation that is effective as a soil drench to kill fungus gnats.

How do potato larvae move?

The larvae move toward the potatoes and feed on them. Every few days, as you lift the potato slices and examine their undersides, you’ll be able to identify the larvae. They are legless and virtually transparent except for their dark heads.

Can fungus gnats kill plants?

By Victoria Lee Blackstone. If a flurry of tiny winged creatures rises like a cloud of dust as you approach your plants, fungus gnats may be the culprit. Although they are bothersome, they are not harmful to plants. Their larvae, however, lurk surreptitiously underground and feed on plant roots. In severe infestations, the larvae can kill plants ...

Can you overwater a fungus gnat?

Although it is impractical to withhold all water from plants, overwatering them not only is unnecessary but also encourages fungus gnats to breed. Dripping faucets or low spots in the garden that don’t drain well are other favorable environments for fungus gnats. Even organic fertilizers, such as bone meal and manure, feed fungus gnat larvae.

Can fungus gnats live without water?

Because fungus gnat larvae cannot live without moisture, the simplest control method is withholding water from plants. If plant roots dry before you water them again, the larvae will die. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a biological insecticide with varying strains that target specific pests. Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (Bti) is the formulation that is effective as a soil drench to kill fungus gnats. Organic pyrethrin or synthetic pyrethroid insecticides, such as permethrin and bifenthrin, are other effective treatments against larvae.

What Causes Fungus Gnats?

Fungus gnats tend to remain near their source of food—the organic matter and fungus in the soil. The adults lay their eggs in the soil, and the emerging larvae feed on the organic material in the soil as well as the plant’s root hairs. The larvae are 1/4 inch-long, translucent white or gray worms with shiny black heads. They may go unnoticed at this stage unless you have a crop of them, then you could see slime trails similar to those of snails and slugs.

What do gnats eat?

Fungus gnats tend to remain near their source of food—the organic matter and fungus in the soil. The adults lay their eggs in the soil, and the emerging larvae feed on the organic material in the soil as well as the plant’s root hairs. The larvae are 1/4 inch-long, translucent white or gray worms with shiny black heads.

What do fungus gnats look like?

Besides being annoying, this feeding behavior can damage your plants. Although they look a lot like tiny mosquitoes, fungus gnats are small flies of the Orfelia and Bradysia species. They can be identified by their narrow legs, light gray or clear wings, and segmented antennae that are larger than their heads.

What is the best way to control gnats in a pond?

However, if you would like to give botanical controls a try, the best choice is Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (Bti), bacteria that are used for mosquito control in ponds. These bacteria also control gnats but pose no risk to people or pets. Look for "Bt" in the form of mosquito dunks or granules (in the pest control section or near pond supplies in a home or garden center). You will probably need more than one application, but follow label instructions. Mosquito dunks are dissolved in water and the solution is used for watering the plants. Granules are sprinkled over the soil so some bacteria is introduced with each watering. 1

What insecticides kill fungus gnats?

Biological and synthetic insecticide sprays are effective for quick results against fungus gnats, but they are not a long-term solution and are seldom necessary. Common options include pyrethrins, permethrin, and bifenthrin. Sprays can harm beneficial insects, so use them carefully and judiciously. Typical application involves spraying the soil surface and the plant parts where adult gnats tend to land.

How do gnats get into a house?

Fungus commonly gnats get into a house either because the plants have been outdoors, where adult gnats can lay their eggs into the soil, or the plants came from their source with contaminated soil. The only way to prevent this migration is to avoid bringing the plants inside.

How big do fungus gnats get?

The adults grow to about 1/16 to 1/8 inch long. Featured Video. The good news is that fungus gnats do not bite people or pets. The adult gnats don’t do much damage to plants, either; rather, it’s the larvae that will munch on your plant's tiny feeder roots, limiting the plant's ability to take up nutrients and stunting its growth.

How to get rid of flying gnats?

Treatments aimed at the adults, eggs and larvae require different approaches. Yellow sticky card "traps" are very effective at reducing a flying gnat infestation. These small cards are relatively inexpensive and perch in the plant's pot on a stick. One card is good for a large area and can trap numerous gnats. They are a very good approach to capturing the adults, particularly adult females, thus reducing the number of larvae in the next generation. I use them all year to monitor for their presence, since I have many indoor plants.

How to prevent fungus gnats from laying eggs?

Another strategy to minimize fungus gnat problems is to allow the soil to dry between watering, especially the top one to two inches . A drier growing medium can decrease the viable population of eggs and larvae as well as reduce the attractiveness of the soil to egg-laying adult females. Cultivating the top layer of soil to expose eggs and larvae to air also can also be effective.

How to tell if you have a fungus gnat?

You will know you have them when you see very tiny delicate, grayish or black, mosquito-like flies (1/8 inch long) flying around your plants, especially when you are watering them. Fungus gnat larvae usually are located in the top 2 to 3 inches of the soil, depending on moisture level, and primarily feed on plant roots, fungi, and decaying plant matter.

How long do gnats live?

Adult gnats live about one week and can lay up to two hundred eggs during their short lifetime in moist potted plant soils. Within four to six days, tiny larvae emerge and feed on plant roots during their two-week stage as larvae. Their pupal stage lasts only three to six days. Then young adults leave the soil and begin the next generation. The entire life cycle from egg to adult may be completed in as little as three weeks, depending on temperature. Because of this, plants can host each stage—egg, larval, pupal, and adult—in multiple generations at once.

Do gnats bite people?

Gnats are not strong fliers and emerge from soil when disturbed. Adult fungus gnats actually do not damage plants nor do they bite people. But the adult gnat's presence is considered a real nuisance and its larvae can actually damage a plant. In addition to seeing adult gnats flying around, you may see symptoms of this infestation in your plants, including sudden wilting, loss of vigor, poor growth, and yellowing. Any plant is a target, but African violets, geraniums, carnations, cyclamens, and poinsettias are especially prone to attack.

Can fungus gnats come in from outside?

While fungus gnats can come in from the outside with the plants you bring in for the winter, they also hitchhike home in newly purchased plants. Before purchase, turn up soil near the base of a potential new plant and look for glossy larvae or flying gnats. Regardless of whether you see the gnats, it is a good thing to isolate any new plant for a few weeks and especially those coming in from outside.

Why are gnats bad for plants?

Gnats tend to be attracted to decaying organic matter and moisture, both of which are often found in potted plants. This problem can get especially bad if you're over-watering your plants. Try to cut back on how often you're watering your plants if you can.

How to keep gnats away from my garden?

Put a fabric softener sheet on top of the soil to repel the gnats. Choose any brand of fabric softener sheet that you’d like and place it evenly on the soil so it’s covering it up entirely. The sheet will prevent the gnats from laying their eggs in the soil and the scent will keep them away.

How to get rid of gnats in my house?

If you have items like apple cider vinegar, dish soap, or fabric softener sheets at home, these can be used to get rid of the gnats. After just a few days, your houseplants will be gnat-free.

What is the best way to get rid of gnats?

Fabric softener sheets are great for getting rid of gnats because many of them contain linalool, which is an ingredient that naturally repels lots of insects. ...

How to catch gnats in a plastic cup?

Create a trap to catch the gnats using vinegar and dish soap. Pour about 0.5 in (1.3 cm) of apple cider vinegar into a clean plastic cup. Stir in 2 drops dish soap using a spoon so that the two ingredients are well combined, and place transparent tape over the top of the cup so it’s entirely covered.

What to do with dead plants?

Consider composting the dead plant material or throwing it in the trash if composting isn't possible.

What to do if sticky trap is covered in gnats?

Once the sticky trap is covered in gnats, throw it away and replace it with a new one if needed.

What plants are at risk for gnats?

Especially at risk to fungus gnat larvae are African violets, geraniums, poinsettias, and carnations.

How to kill gnats in pots?

Hydrogen peroxide (the standard 3% topical variety) can be used as a soil drench. Mix one part peroxide with four parts water, and pour it through the soil at the root zone until it begins to come out of the base of the pot . The peroxide kills fungus gnat larvae on contact.

What are the pests that can destroy indoor plants?

One of the most frustrating pests in many indoor gardens is the dreaded fungus gnat and its young, the fungus gnat larvae. These little buggers can absolutely destroy your plants if you’re not vigilant — and they can do it quickly. The primary way that fungus gnats affect your plants is through their larvae. They lay eggs in your growing medium.

How big do black gnats get?

These tiny black gnats rarely get any larger than an eighth of an inch long. The larvae themselves grow a bit larger than the adult gnats. Fungus gnat larvae have a black, shiny head with a white to clear body that can reach almost a quarter inch in length.

How long does it take for a fungus gnat to grow?

About four to six days after the eggs are laid, the larvae emerge. These larvae will be extremely tiny at first. During the roughly two-week period in which fungus gnat larvae are growing, they rapidly increase in size by eating their way through organic matter in the soil.

Why are my plants turning yellow?

If you have plant problems and suspect it might be the work of fungus gna ts, be on the lookout for yellow leaves that otherwise appear normal, or extremely slow growth. Both are symptoms of fungus gnat larvae in the soil.

How many types of gnats are there?

Types of Fungus Gnat Larvae. There are six different families of insects which make up the broader category of fungus gnats. These six families include the Sciaridae, Mycetophilidae, Ditomyiidae, Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, and Keroplatidae.

How to get rid of gnats in plants?

Another practical solution that will get rid of gnats in plants in your home is to make a trap using apple cider vinegar. Pour some vinegar into a shallow bowl and add a few drops of dish soap to the mix. Place some plastic wrap over the top. Use a toothpick to punch several small holes in the top of the Saran wrap.

How to make gnat spray for plants?

To make this homemade gnat spray for plants, combine the ingredients in a large container, mixing well. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, and spray the undersides and tops of the plant’s leaves and stems.

How Do I Get Rid of Plant Flies on my Indoor Plants?

The first thing that you will need to do to get rid of these houseplant pests is to remove the top two inches of soil from each house plant.

How many eggs do fungus gnats lay?

Even though their life cycle is only around four weeks, female adult fungus gnats can lay up to 300 eggs on the top of the soil during their life, quickly leading to fungus gnat infestation if not treated. (schan/ tb1234. tb1234.

How to kill gnats in a pot?

1 part peroxide. Several drops of liquid dish soap. tb1234. Pour it over the potting mix at the plant roots, until it starts to come out of the base of the pot. It is safe to use hydrogen peroxide for plants and will effectively kill adult gnats and their larvae.

How to keep gnats from finding my house?

Finally, to help keep gnats from finding their way inside your home, make sure to seal up any cracks and crevices around your doors and windows, and make sure there are no holes in your window screens.

What happens if you overwater a plant?

When you overwater your plants, it can lead to the roots, stems, and crowns of your plant to rot. Fungus gnat larvae thrive on this rotting plant matter, which can quickly lead to another infestation of tiny flies.

How to get rid of gnats in house?

How to Get Rid of Gnats in the House. Gnats reproduce in cycles and their populations can increase quickly, so you may need to use more than one method to get rid of them completely. Try these natural controls before you reach for pesticides or insecticides: 1.

What is a Gnat Anyway?

Not all gnats are bad. Some help pollinate plants and devour aphids, scale and other pests that damage or destroy ornamentals and food crops .

Why do my houseplants turn yellow?

Adult gnats are simply annoying, but their larvae can feed on plant roots , causing the plant's leaves to turn yellow and drop or the entire plant to wilt and die.

How to keep gnats away from my TV?

To discourage them, switch to yellow "bug lights" or low voltage bulbs, or keep lights near doors and windows turned off. Some pest control manufacturers add a pheromone that attracts gnats to their light traps and report this can help when used as part of a larger gnat management effort.

What are gnats in 2020?

February 03, 2020. Photo by: Lyudmila Mikhailovskaya. Lyudmila Mikhailovskaya. By: Lynn Coulter. Gnats — small, flying insects with long legs — are worse than annoying when they show up in your home or outdoor living spaces. They can damage plants and even cause health problems.

What color are gnats?

Gnats are drawn to the color yellow and can be trapped on special yellow cards covered with a sticky adhesive. For best results, use small cards or cut larger ones into small squares. Lay them on the soil in your potted plants or attach them to twigs or skewers stuck into the pots.

Where do gnats swarm?

What to Do About Gnats. These tiny insects often swarm around the damp soil in potted plants or near bruised or over-ripe fruit in your kitchen. You may also spot them around your sink, where they're drawn to decomposing food in the garbage disposal, or outdoors around light fixtures on porches and patios.

How to get rid of fungus gnats in potted plants?

If indoor potted plants are affected by fungus gnats, then remove the top 2 inches of soil around each plant . Discard the soil -- along with the soil-dwelling larvae -- in a sealed plastic bag, and replace the pots' removed soil with sand. The sand makes the soil inhospitable to female fungus gnats looking for organic material in which to lay eggs. Allow the soil under the sand to dry out before each watering.

How often do flying gnats emerge?

Warm temperatures speed the life cycle; in some cases, a new generation of flying adults can emerge every 17 days. The best results are obtained when targeting the larvae, rather than the adults, to control fungus gnats.

How often should I apply BTI to fungus gnats?

Because Bti is a biological control for fungus gnats, it has little residual effect. Reapply at least every five days until the fungus gnats are gone. If the gnat infestation is heavy, make three weekly applications of the mixture. The most-used form of Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, controls caterpillars but is not effective against fungus gnat larvae.

How long does it take for a fungus gnat to hatch?

Fungus gnats are 1/16 to 1/8 inch long, with dark bodies and light-gray wings. Female fungus gnats seek moist, organic soil media to deposit their eggs, which can hatch in three days, depending on temperature. While the adult gnats are mostly annoying, Missouri Botanical Garden points out that their larvae damage plant roots during ...

Can you use insecticides on fungus gnats?

In general, the University of Cali fornia Integrated Pest Management program does not recommend using insecticides for fungus gnats in homes and instead recommends the use of cultural and mechanical controls. Some organic pesticides are considered relatively safe, however, and are labeled for fungus gnat control.

Can you spray pyrethrin on plants?

Both pyrethrin sprays and insecticidal soap sprays are organic options that can be used to target adult insects, although that method is not as effective as targeting the larvae. In severe infestations, Master Gardener Jeanne Rose says you can spray indoor plants with a ready-to-use pyrethrin spray formulated for use on houseplants.

Can gnats harm plants?

Although adult fungus gnats (Bradysia and Orfelia spp.) don’t harm people or plants, female gnats lay eggs in plants' soil. When the eggs hatch, the larvae that emerge can damage roots and stunt plant growth. While you can apply a pesticide for fungus gnats, biological, cultural and mechanical methods are also effective methods for keeping fungus ...


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