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why is the book called house of the scorpion

why is the book called house of the scorpion

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
Why is the book called House of the Scorpion? Often, even today, wealthy, powerful families have a crest that has symbolic meaning for their house or family. So in The House of the Scorpion , the word house refers to the Alacrán family, and the scorpion refers to the symbol that El Patrón has chosen to represent that family.
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how much does trenchless pipe repair cost

how much does trenchless pipe repair cost

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
May 07, 2019 · So, let’s take a look at the cost now… How much does trenchless sewer repair cost? Trenchless sewer repair typically ranges between $135-$285 per linear foot of pipe. The actual cost depends on various factors including: Where you live; The type of trenchless method used; Pipe size; Pipe shape; Pipe location; Pipe condition
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can you separate bunk beds

can you separate bunk beds

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
Mar 07, 2022 · They take up less floor space than two separate beds and are fun for children to sleep and play on. Some bunk beds are designed to be separated, and this can be accomplished with a few basic tools. Measure the height of the legs on the bottom bunk, from the bottom of the base to the floor. Then measure the same distance down the vertical post from the bottom of …
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what causes flexion at the hip

what causes flexion at the hip

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
What causes flexion at the hip? Contraction of the iliacus and psoas major produces flexion of the hip joint. When the limb is free to move, flexion brings the thigh forward. When the limb is fixed, as it is here, flexion of both hips brings the body upright.
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what is salt and vinegar seasoning

what is salt and vinegar seasoning

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
Apr 03, 2020 · What is salt and vinegar seasoning? I am a huge fan of salt and vinegar chips. So to start we all know the main chemical used as the flavoring agent in Salt and Vinegar seasoning is Sodium Diacetate and industrially it is made by combing Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) with Glacial Acetic Acid (99% Pure Vinegar ) to form Sodium Acetate.
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how does a driveway sensor work

how does a driveway sensor work

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
How do driveway motion sensors work? Driveway motion detectors work in various ways, but most use infrared cameras to do the job. These sensors send out an infrared beam. When the beam breaks, an alert is sent to the homeowner that something is going on in the driveway. These sensors may also have motion-activated cameras that switch on or provide a feed when they …
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what do you put on your lawn in the winter

what do you put on your lawn in the winter

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
Dec 17, 2020 · One way to improve drainage and ensure your grass is getting the nutrients it needs to stay healthy is to aerate your lawn in winter. You can do this with a power aerator if you have a large yard. This machine will puncture the earth, …
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where does myeloid hemopoiesis take place in adults

where does myeloid hemopoiesis take place in adults

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
Apr 19, 2022 · In adults, hematopoiesis of red blood cells and platelets occurs primarily in the bone marrow. In infants and children, it may also continue in the spleen and liver. In infants and children, it may also continue in the spleen and liver.
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how do i clean my tsp

how do i clean my tsp

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
Feb 26, 2022 · For mildew killing, household bleach is added to the TSP/water mixture. The recommended ratio is 1 part household bleach to 4 parts water. Mix the Solution Mix 1/2-cup of TSP per 2 gallons of water for heavy-duty cleaning or 1/4-cup of TSP per 2 gallons of water for household cleaning. Make sure that the water is hot, as this allows the TSP to become soluble.
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can peonies survive winter

can peonies survive winter

Published 2 years agoUpdated 1 year ago
Dec 01, 2021 · Don’t worry too much about your prized peonies, as these beautiful plants are extremely cold tolerant and can withstand subzero temperatures and winters as far north as USDA plant hardiness zone 3. In fact, a lot of winter peony protection is ill-advised because these tough plants actually need about six weeks of temperatures below 40 degrees F. (4 C.) in order …
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