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do japanese blueberry trees drop berries

by Kari Schultz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Japanese blueberry trees may drop berries if they are not receiving enough water or if they are infected with a disease or pest. How do you revive a dying blueberry plant? As the best way to revive a dying blueberry plant will vary depending on the exact cause of the plant’s decline.

The tree naturally sheds a lot of leaves and berries, but there is a problem if it is excessive and the branches are starting to become bare. First things first, look at the color of the leaves that have fallen.

Full Answer

Do Japanese blueberry trees produce fruit?

The name is a bit deceptive; this tree is valued for its appearance rather than its ability to produce fruit. Japanese blueberry trees ( Elaeocarpus decipiens) are a versatile decorative tree able to serve as an accent or as an entire privacy row. It does indeed produce small blue berries, but they are unfortunately inedible for humans.

What does a Japanese blueberry tree look like in the fall?

Produce urn-shaped, white or pale green, fragrant flowers in the spring. Blooms turn into olive-shaped, dark blue inedible berries. Leaves are glossy and dark green, turning red in the fall. Although Japanese blueberry trees are hardy, scale insects can be a problem.

What are the causes of scale on Japanese blueberries?

Different species of scale infest various areas of Japanese blueberry trees, such as the bark, leaves and berries. You can tell if scale infects your tree by scraping the bark for any indication of scale insects living under sooty mold. You can use a power washer to remove the insects and mold from your Japanese blueberry trees.

What are the diseases of the Japanese blueberry tree?

The Japanese blueberry tree is a hardy specimen that suffers from no known pest problems or plant diseases, although the bluish-black, olive-like fruits sometimes litter the landscape.


Do Japanese blueberry trees produce fruit?

Japanese blueberry trees are beloved not for their fruit production, but for their contribution to beautiful landscaping. Often used as beautiful privacy screens, Japanese blueberries are among the best ornamental trees for growers in warm regions.

Are Japanese blueberry trees messy?

They do best in USDA growth zones 8 to 11. They require very little care, are drought tolerant once they are established, and take well to pruning. One drawback to note for the Japanese blueberry is they are a messy tree that may require some cleanup.

Can you cut back a Japanese blueberry tree?

Depending on the weather, prune around late February and early March. If growing one in tree form, prune off suckers at the bottom as they appear. Prune the lower suckers because they take food and water from the main tree. As the tree grows, feel free to prune a Japanese Blueberry to fit your needs structurally.

Does a Japanese blueberry flower?

In Spring, the Japanese Blueberry produces inconspicuous white flowers that give way to small dark blue fruits that are attractive to wildlife, especially birds.

Can you keep a Japanese blueberry tree small?

Pruning: The Japanese blueberry tree tolerates pruning well in its youth to form an attractive shape. It can be pruned to maintain its natural growth or formed into a cone shape. Without pruning, the tree will slowly grow to a height of 60 feet.

Do Japanese blueberry trees lose their leaves in the winter?

Normally, the leaves of the Japanese blueberry tree will fall after 2-3 years and be replaced by new leaves. The tree naturally sheds a lot of leaves and berries, but there is a problem if it is excessive and the branches are starting to become bare. First things first, look at the color of the leaves that have fallen.

How big does a Japanese blueberry tree get?

between twenty and thirty-five feetJapanese blueberry tree is a low maintenance, small to medium sized tree that typically matures at between twenty and thirty-five feet in height with a similar canopy width, but it may become taller with age.

Is Japanese blueberry tree fast growing?

The growth rate of the Japanese Blueberry tree is slow to moderate. The trees take up to 2 years to begin growing when planted from seed. Japanese Blueberries make excellent screening trees, but considering the growth rate, look for a more mature Japanese Blueberry at a nursery or garden center.

Why is my Japanese blueberry tree turning red?

Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of red leaves, which can be resolved with Epsom salt. Another problem you may encounter when dealing with nutrient deficiencies in your blueberry plants' soil is magnesium deficiency. You can spot this if you notice the veins in your plant's leaves turning red.

How do you take care of a Japanese blueberry tree?

Planting & Care Requirements Install your Japanese blueberries in good fertile soil that's well-drained, then water on a regular basis. If the roots stay overly wet, you'll be looking at some sad soggy trees. Fertilize with a quality palm fertilizer in March, June and October.

Is Japanese blueberry tree fast growing?

The growth rate of the Japanese Blueberry tree is slow to moderate. The trees take up to 2 years to begin growing when planted from seed. Japanese Blueberries make excellent screening trees, but considering the growth rate, look for a more mature Japanese Blueberry at a nursery or garden center.

How deep are Japanese blueberry roots?

The Japanese Blueberry root system does not grow deep into the ground but prefers to spread beyond the drip line. If the tree reaches 30-feet in height, for example, the roots may reach as far as 40-feet, according to the National Gardening Association.

How tall do Japanese blueberries get?

20 to 35 feetIt is typically found in evergreen forests from 1,300 to nearly 8,000 feet in elevation through much of China and in Vietnam growing to 20 to 35 feet in height with an equal spread, but becoming larger with time (mature trees in nature are known to be 60 feet).

Why Do People Love The Japanese Blueberry Tree?

Japanese blueberry trees are very beautiful and beneficial additions to your yard. They can grow up to 30 feet wide and 40 feet tall but can be pruned into many different shapes. Their leaves are a rich, deep green that occasionally turns red before falling. They bloom the prettiest white flowers during spring.

Prime Environment Japanese Blueberries

Japanese blueberry trees are generally very hardy and can withstand drought once they are established. However, they won’t reach their maximum potential unless you put them in the right place with the right soil and conditions.

Problems That Can Arise With Japanese Blueberry Trees

You have spent so much precious time and money on maintaining your beautiful blueberry tree that it is no wonder why you’ve become frustrated if you experience a problem with it.

Wrapping Up

Good maintenance of your Japanese blueberry tree will give it the best chance of flourishing into a gorgeous tree, shrub, or topiary, depending on your tastes. Its versatility and attractiveness make it a highly sought-after tree by those who have discovered it.

What is scale in blueberry trees?

Scale is an insect that manufactures honeydew, which is a breeding ground for sooty mold. Different species of scale infest various areas of Japanese blueberry trees, such as the bark, leaves and berries. You can tell if scale infects your tree by scraping the bark for any indication of scale insects living under sooty mold.

How big do Japanese blueberries get?

Do Japanese Blueberry Trees Have Many Problems? Japanese blueberry ( Elaeocarpus decipens) is an evergreen tree that grows from 30 to 40 feet high and just as wide. It grows well in USDA hardiness zones 8b to 10b.

What color are the leaves on the sage?

Leaves are glossy and dark green, turning red in the fall.

Do Japanese blueberry trees shed leaves?

Also, even though these are evergreen trees, they do shed some leaves that can be annoying to some gardeners. You can avoid this problem by planting your Japanese blueberry trees in areas with little foot traffic. They make wonderful backdrop plantings, single yard trees and privacy hedges.

Can you prune a Japanese blueberry tree?

They make attractive, evergreen shade trees, and you can prune them to keep them to a reasonable height. Here are a few characteristics of Japanese blueberry trees: Produce urn-shaped, white or pale green, fragrant flowers in the spring. Blooms turn into olive-shaped, dark blue inedible berries.

What is the best zone for Japanese blueberry trees?

Care & Maintenance of the Japanese Blueberry Tree. The Japanese blueberry (Elaeocarpus decipiens) tree is an ideal landscaping addition, especially if you have a narrow space that needs filling. Tall and thin, the evergreen tree grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 8 through 11. It needs full sun exposure for ...

How to grow Japanese blueberry trees in Florida?

Prepare the soil for your tree with organic peat humus or top soil, suggests South Florida Plant Guide; mix it with composted cow manure and place the tree into its spot.

What is the best hedge to plant in the fall?

If you want a dense hedge, Shogun ‘Little Emperor’ is an ideal choice. In the fall, the leaves turn red, adding color to the hedge, and every few years, they drop off and are replaced. Plant each adjacent to the other, leaving a few feet between each planting to adjust for growth.

How tall is a Japanese blueberry?

A Japanese blueberry column can grow to 30 feet tall and up to 20 feet in width. It needs constant attention as it grows to attain the column shape, with pruning necessary yearly. In spring, small white flowers appear, heralding the arrival of the non-edible, non-staining berries. Disease free, the Japanese blueberry is attractive to bees, birds and butterflies.

What is Jann's career?

A versatile writer, Jann enjoys research as well as doing the actual writing. A career in television writing, as a magazine editor and celebrity interviewer , Jann adapts to her environment, having traveled the world, living overseas and packing and unpacking her treasures for a new location over 30 times.

Where did blueberry trees originate?

As it name indicates, the Japanese blueberry tree originated in East Asia and was first collected by Charles Wright in 1853 in Japan's Ryukyu Islands. Morgan “Bill” Evans, landscape designer of Disneyland and other Disney properties, first introduced the tree to America’s West Coast as part of what he called his Shogun horticulture series, ...

Do Japanese blueberries have a column shape?

It needs constant attention as it grows to attain the column shape, with pruning necessary yearly. In spring, small white flowers appear, heralding the arrival of the non-edible, non-staining berries. Disease free, the Japanese blueberry is attractive to bees, birds and butterflies.

Why do Japanese blueberries need fertilizer?

Apply fertilizer for general use each year in the spring to strengthen the soil and raise the tree to grow new leaves. Chlorosis is harmful to the Japanese blueberry tree, a disease commonly caused by a lack of nutrients in the soil.

How tall does a Japanese blueberry tree grow?

At maximum, with a spreading of 30 feet, the Japanese Blueberry Tree can grow up to 40 feet tall.

How long does a sage tree last?

It is growing at a moderate rate and can be anticipated to last for six decades or more within suitable conditions. This is a stunning, broad-leaved evergreen tree from East Asia.

What is the color of Japanese blueberry?

An outstanding ornamental tree that can also be grown as a tall screen or hedge is this extensively branched, upstanding variety; mature leaves turn a spectacular red color and likely remain until new leaves grow; delicate flowers are exceptionally aromatic; fruits are dark cobalt blue.

Why do trees have chlorosis?

In soils with extremely high pH or too compacted, the tree appears to develop chlorosis. The tree doesn't like sandy fields. In the first growing season of the tree, water is supplied periodically to keep the soil moist and to help the tree develop a good root base.

When do Japanese blueberries grow?

Japanese Blueberry tree grows up with branches in early to mid-summer with a delicate aromatic tipping creamy white bell-shaped flowers. It has an enticing dark green leaf that shines in spring with coppery-bronze color. The shiny tipped leaves are very elegant and in the winter they grow dark green. The fruits are vivid royal blue drupes seen in late fall. If left to drop on the grounds or sidewalks, the fruit may be sticky and may demand periodic clean-up.

When do bronze leaf trees grow?

Bronze-colored leaves appear in spring and eventually grow into a lustrous, glossy dark green.

What is a Japanese blueberry tree?

A small tree with majestic presence, Japanese blueberry combines tropical foliage with an appealing Christmas tree look. This beautiful accent is under-used because not many people have discovered it. But its good looks, low maintenance requirements, and small size make it ideal for plant nuts and armchair gardeners alike.

Where does the narrow form fit?

The narrow form fits in almost anywhere, even in areas of limited space.

Can you trim a tree to the ground?

Most people leave the tree's foliage full to the ground - though you can trim up the base for a more classic tree look. It can be manicured to use in formal designs or branch-trimmed occasionally for use in more casual, eclectic landscapes.

Can you cut back a tree branch?

Depending on the look you want, you can cut back branches now and then to retain a nice form, or shear into a perfect cone-shape.


1.All About Japanese Blueberry Trees - Minneopa Orchards


32 hours ago Normally, the leaves of the Japanese blueberry tree will fall after 2-3 years and be replaced by new leaves. The tree naturally sheds a lot of leaves and berries, but there is a problem if it is …

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14 hours ago One drawback to note for the Japanese blueberry is they are a messy tree that may require some cleanup. Much like pine trees that drop needles all year long, this tree drops leaves all year long …

3.Care & Maintenance of the Japanese Blueberry Tree


11 hours ago Japanese blueberry trees may drop berries if they are not receiving enough water or if they are infected with a disease or pest. How do you revive a dying blueberry plant? As the best way to …

4.Japanese blueberry tree pros and cons


11 hours ago  · A Japanese blueberry column can grow to 30 feet tall and up to 20 feet in width. It needs constant attention as it grows to attain the column shape, with pruning necessary yearly.

5.Japanese Blueberry -


29 hours ago  · Japanese blueberry trees can grow quite large, so make sure you have enough room for it to reach its full potential. Once it starts producing fruit, the branches will become …

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