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how did aristotle impact psychology

by Mr. Zion Kertzmann II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Aristotle regarded psychology as a part of natural philosophy, and he wrote much about the philosophy of mind. This material appears in his ethical writings, in a systematic treatise on the nature of the soul (De anima), and in a number of minor monographs on topics such as sense-perception, memory, sleep, and dreams.

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How did Aristotle affect psychology?

Aristotle believed that, alongside the 'Libido,' were 'Id' and 'Ego,' the idea of desire and reason, two forces that determined actions. Aristotle's psychology proposed that allowing desire to dominate reason would lead to an unhealthy imbalance and the tendency to perform bad actions.

Why is Aristotle important in psychology?

Aristotle is often regarded as the father of psychology, and his book, De Anima (On the Soul), the first book on psychology. He was concerned with the connection between the psychological processes and the underlying physiological phenomenon.

What was Aristotle's contribution to physiology?

His contribution to comparative anatomy, as well as to human anatomy, was enormous. He founded the anatomical discipline on precise descriptive and scientific ground. He also coined a series of technical terms, which are still in use in the modern nomenclature. His observational skill was astounding.

What was the impact of Aristotle?

Aristotle's greatest impacts can be seen in his creation of a logic system, established many fields of sciences, and creation of a philosophy system which serves as one of the foundation works of philosophy even to this day. Aristotle was the first person to create and widely disseminate a system of logical thought.

Is Aristotle the father of psychology?

Aristotle - Father of Ancient Psychology. Wilhelm Wundt is the man most commonly identified as the father of Modern Psychology. William James: The Father of American Psychology; he helped establish psychology in the U.S. and his book, The Principles of Psychology, became an instant classic.

How did philosophy contribute to psychology?

Psychology arises out of philosophy. It arose in order to include the empirical method when examining questions posed by philosophy. Therefore, philosophy has brought various topics of study to the field of psychology, like sensation, perception, intelligence, and memory.

Why is Aristotle important today?

Aristotle has created a basis for a great deal of today's scientific knowledge, such as the classification of organisms and objects. Though erroneous by current standards, his four-element system of nature (i.e. minerals, plants, animals, and humans) has guided scientists for centuries in the study of biology.

What was Aristotle's main theory?

In metaphysics, or the theory of the ultimate nature of reality, Aristotelianism involves belief in the primacy of the individual in the realm of existence; in the applicability to reality of a certain set of explanatory concepts (e.g., 10 categories; genus-species-individual, matter-form, potentiality-actuality, ...

What was Aristotle's greatest contribution to science?

Aristotle's contribution to science is perhaps best demonstrated by his classic description of the growth of a chick inside an egg. How a chick hatches from an egg was not to be determined by philosophy, but rather by a simple experiment. Eggs were to be placed under hens and opened in sequence, one each day.

Who is Aristotle and why is he important?

Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, who made important contributions to logic, criticism, rhetoric, physics, biology, psychology, mathematics, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. He was a student of Plato for twenty years but is famous for rejecting Plato's theory of forms.

How did philosophy change after Aristotle?

After Aristotle had completed his great speculative system, philosophy moves toward a new emphasis. Four groups of philosophers helped to shape this new direction, namely, the Epicureans, the Stoics, the Skeptics, and the Neoplatonist.

What philosophers did Aristotle influence?

Aristotle (/ˈærɪstɒtəl/; Greek: Ἀριστοτέλης Aristotélēs, pronounced [aristotélɛːs]; 384–322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece....AristotleSchoolPeripatetic school Aristotelianism Classical republicanismNotable studentsAlexander the Great, Theophrastus, Aristoxenus14 more rows

What was Aristotle's contribution to medicine?

Aristotle, one the greatest minds that ever existed, is indeed the godfather of evidence-based medicine. His teachings of logic and philosophy have been a driving force continuously guiding medicine away from superstition and towards the scientific method.

What are the three main ideas of Aristotle?

To get the basics of Aristotelian ethics, you have to understand three basic things: what Eudaimonia is, what Virtue is, and That We Become Better Persons Through Practice.

What is Aristotle's most famous work?

Aristotle: Five Key WorksNo. 1: Nicomachean Ethics. Based on notes from his lectures in the Lyceum, Aristotle posits happiness (eudaimonia) or 'living well' as the primary goal in human life. ... No. 2: Politics. ... No. 3: Metaphysics. ... No. 4: Poetics. ... No. 5: On the Soul (De Anima)

What was Aristotle's study of psychology?

Aristotle's psychology included a study into the formation of the human mind, as one of the first salvos in the debate between nature and nurture that influences many academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, education, politics and human geography. Aristotle, unlike Plato, was a believer in nurture, ...

What was Aristotle's philosophy?

Aristotle's psychology, as would be expected, was intertwined with his philosophy of the mind, reasoning and Nicomachean ethics, but the psychological method started with his brilliant mind and empirical approach.

What did Aristotle believe about impulses?

Aristotle's Psychology of Impulses and Urges. Continuing this line of thought, Aristotle attempted to address the relationships between impulses and urges within the human mind, many years before Freud resurrected many of the basic tenets of Aristotle's psychology with his psychoanalysis theory. Aristotle believed that, alongside ...

Why is the history of psychology so hard to pinpoint?

The History of Psychology. The beginning of the history of psychology is hard to pinpoint, mainly because it is difficult to establish exactly what psychology is. This article is a part of the guide:

What did Aristotle propose?

Aristotle's psychology proposed that allowing desire to dominate reason would lead to an unhealthy imbalance and the tendency to perform bad actions. Here, Aristotle's thought created a paradigm that remained unchallenged for centuries and one that still underpins the work of modern psychology and philosophy, where desire is renamed as emotion and reason as rationality.

What is the first known text in the history of psychology?

Aristotle's Psychology - Para Psyche. Aristotle, building upon the work of the earlier philosophers and their studies into mind, reasoning and thought, wrote the first known text in the history of psychology, called Para Psyche, 'About the Mind.'.

Which psychologist proposed that the mind was the first entelechy?

In Para Psyche, Aristotle 's psychology proposed that the mind was the 'first entelechy,' or primary reason for the existence and functioning of the body.

What is Aristotle's philosophy of wisdom?

Aristotle believed that practical wisdom is the main virtue of human beings and that it allows you to make better decisions.

What does Aristotle say about self-regulation?

Nevertheless, Aristotle states that, through self-control and self-regulation, it’s possible to acquire these strengths, even if it requires some conscious effort.

What are some examples of positive psychology?

American psychologist and writer Seligman and his colleagues wrote the article “Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions”, in which they discuss how “practical wisdom” can improve well-being. Carnier and Gomez also described these actions in their article “Contributions from positive psychology”. Some examples are: 1 Writing down three things you’re thankful for once a day. 2 Also, writing a thank you card to someone who’s important to you. You can send it or give it to its intended recipient or simply keep it for yourself.

Who wrote the article Positive Psychology Progress?

American psychologist and writer Seligman and his colleagues wrote the article “Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions”, in which they discuss how “practical wisdom” can improve well-being. Carnier and Gomez also described these actions in their article “Contributions from positive psychology”. Some examples are:

Can positive psychology cover up problems?

However, it’s also vital to point out one thing. Positive psychology shouldn’t cover up or mask problems. In other words, you shouldn’t pretend that everything is fantastic and wonderful. You can use positive psychology to your advantage, as long as you avoid the lies that cloud this field.

Who believed virtue has to be learned through experience?

These types of actions can bring you closer to the “wisdom” that Aristotle mentions. He believed virtue has to be learned through experience, which psychologists Schwartz and Sharpe also supported.

Is positive psychology a modern philosophy?

Although positive psychology now has a place on modern-day bookshelves, the truth is that its basic principles are far from “modern”. Aristotle first spoke about positivity in his works centuries ago. This article will explain the influence of this important philosopher in positive psychology. Also, it’ll touch on how he interpreted this concept and how it evolved into the concept we know today.

What was Aristotle's contribution to psychology?

His most general contribution was to locate the intellectual and motive features of mind in the natural sciences, while reserving the moral and political dimensions of human life to a much enlarged conception of nature itself. At the level of basic processes his psychology was biological and ethological, grounded in considerations not unlike those that Charles Darwin would develop centuries later. If his own version of empiricism did not go so far as to submit scientific truths merely to confirmation by the senses, it did establish the validity and importance of the world of sense. In the process, he presented the senses themselves as objects of study. He also proposed the first laws of learning, loosely drawn around the principle of association and fortified by principles of reinforcement. Except for his retreat toward a somewhat fatalistic hereditarianism in the Politics, he consistently emphasized the part played by early experience, education, practice, Habit, and life within the polis itself in the formation of the psychological dispositions. In this way, he presented human psychology as a developmental subject whose parent science was at once civics and moral philosophy.

What is Aristotle's theory of psychic functions?

Aristotle’s theory of psychic functions covers the range from nutritive and reproductive processes to abstract rationality. The various powers (dunameis) or faculties of the soul differ in different species. The dividing line between the animal kingdom and all else is marked off by the power of sensation, this function being, says Aristotle, part of the very definition of “animal.” Indeed, Aristotle subsumes a number of psychological functions, some quite complex, under perception. As a result, although he reserves abstract rationality to adult human beings, he grants nonhuman animals wide-ranging cognitive, emotive, and motivational states and dispositions.

How does Aristotle explain the mind?

After rejecting the Platonic theory of natively possessed “true forms” in Book 2 of On the Soul, Aristotle considers how the mind comes to comprehend universal propositions that could not be given in experience. His solution calls for a distinction between the actual and the potential: mind has the potential for such comprehension, but for this to be actualized, it must be acted upon by the world. What the mind thinks must be in the mind, he says, as characters can come to be on a wax tablet on which as yet nothing has been etched. As a composite of complex processes, mental life must be supplied with information, else there would be nothing for the perceptual-cognitive processes to work on. Thus, the external world must cause physical responses in the sensory organs, these responses coming to depict or represent or stand as codes for the objects that cause them. Sensations set up certain motions within the soul. These subside in time but, if they have been produced often enough, they can be recreated, or at least a likeness of them can be re-created under comparable conditions. Through repetition (by custom or habit), certain movements reliably follow or precede others. Attempts to recall past events are only attempts to initiate the right internal events. This is why, when attempting to recall a sequence of events or objects, one must find the beginning of the appropriate series. When successful, an entire train of previously established associations is set in motion.

How long did Aristotle study?

Aristotle studied in Plato’s Academy for 20 years, from its founding (c. 347 BCE) until Plato’s death (c. 347 BCE). His father was personal physician to the Macedonian king Amyntas II, father of Philip II and grandfather of Alexander the Great, whose teacher Aristotle became.

Did Aristotle have a philosophy?

Though a devoted admirer and friend of his great teacher, Aristotle departed from Platonic philosophy in the range and details of his inquiries and in the mode of inquiry. His classical formulation of psychic processes in On the Soul has often been relied on to the neglect of his other works. However, any attempt to comprehend his remarkably complete and systematic psychology requires a generous sampling from many of his treatises, including those devoted to logic, ethics, politics, and metaphysics.

What is Aristotle's way forward?

Aristotle’s characteristic way forward when confronting such puzzles and impediments, whether substantive or methodological, is to engage in his endoxic method. This he does very clearly in De Anima i—which brings us to our second reason for reflecting first on that book before turning to the more often discussed material of the following two books, where we encounter Aristotle’s positive theory of the soul and its capacities. If it seems anodyne to recommend that we read the first book before the second, it is perhaps worth remembering that even otherwise excellent translations sometimes omit some or all of De Anima i, as being merely doxographical. Still, when we do read it, we discover in that doxography Aristotle’s investigations into a broad spectrum of views, beginning with those of Thales and ranging right up to Plato, whose account of reason ( nous) in the Timaeus commands his special interest. He initially endorses two principal commitments which he represents his predecessors as being virtually unanimous in accepting:

How does Aristotle open De Anima?

Aristotle opens De Anima by setting forth in exceptionally clear terms the questions of concern to him in psychological theory:

Does Aristotle have a positive account of the soul?

Aristotle does have answers to these questions, but they are not always on the surface of his positive account. We see, then, that to understand how he conceives of the soul and its relation to the body, we should attend closely to Aristotle’s criticisms of his predecessors. These tell us both what in his view a successful theory of soul must accomplish and also what pitfalls it must avoid.

What is Aristotle's treatment of thought?

Aristotle’s treatment of thought resembles, in certain large-scale features, his treat-ment of perception. Just as he distinguished a basic form of perception, which wecalled “sensation,” from other forms of perception, he also singles out a basic form ofthinking from more complex ones that include propositional thought and reasoning.This basic form of thinking or nous is perhaps best thought of as “understanding.” Itsobject is always a nature or essence,54 about which one cannot be in error: either onegrasps it or one doesn’t.55 Its infallibility, like the infallibility of sensation, can be tracedto the simple causal model that underlies both accounts. Understanding is about theobject that brings it about, which causes the understanding to become like it in form,without becoming the object itself (De An. III.4, 429a13–18; Met. L.7, 1072a30).For humans, each act of understanding is grounded in phantasia and so ultimatelyperception. Without any sensory experience, humans could not learn or grasp any-thing (De An. III.8, 432a3–8). But we also retain the contents of such experiences inmemory, which allows us to have the objects of understanding available within us andso think whenever we want (II.5, 417b19–26; III.4, 429b5–9). The objects of under-standing are said to be “in” phantasmata. Hence, their contents in some sense dependon quasi-perceptual content (see p. 332 above) which therefore constrain what weare capable of understanding.56 But even if concepts are not without phantasmata, theyare not reducible to phantasmata either (III.8, 432a12–13), since understanding is “ofthe universal” (II.5, 417b22–23). This difference is plainly due to the interaction ofphantasmata and the understanding, but on this crucial question Aristotle says verylittle. According to one common interpretation, it consists in the literal “abstraction”

What is Aristotle's philosophy?

Aristotle’s psychology – what he calls the “study of the soul” (hE tEs psuchEs historia)– occupies a prominent place both in his own philosophy and in the Western philo-sophical tradition as a whole. In his own system, psychology is the culmination ofmetaphysics and natural science. For Aristotle, living things are the paradigm ofnatural objects and substances in general, and so offer the best case for the applicationof his theories. Psychology also serves as a foundation for the rest of his philosophy, inso far as it provides a framework for understanding thought, speech, and action, andto various extents his logic, rhetoric, politics, and ethics all draw on these views. Itsinfluence on subsequent philosophers has also been great. During the Roman empire,later Platonists appropriated many of his doctrines, especially those concerned withcognition. In medieval scholasticism, they become part of a common legacy, sharedwidely by philosophers who differ in many other respects. They thus belong to thebackdrop against which early modern philosophers attempted to distinguish themselves,a point of reference and a point of departure to which some twentieth century philo-sophers sought to return, in their efforts to shake free of Descartes’ grip. Many stillregard Aristotle’s theory as offering an attractive middle course, which avoids theextremes of both extravagant dualism and crude materialism. With so much at stake,it is not surprising that there has been heated controversy about Aristotle’s psycho-logy in recent years, as regards both its precise nature and its viability.

What is the main concern of Aristotle's De Anima?

One of the chief concerns of Aristotle’s treatise De Anima is the relation of the soul tothe body.4 Aristotle wants to account for the way in which they can be said to be“one,” as well as the way in which they differ; and he repeatedly returns to the ques-tion of whether there is any sense in which the soul can be said to be “separable”(chOristos). His own solution appeals to the central concepts of his metaphysics. Heregards the body as the matter and the soul as the form of a living thing (De An. II.1,

How long did Aristotle influence philosophy?

Over time, they came to lay the foundation of more than seven centuries of philosophy. Aristotle’s influence on Western thought in the humanities and social sciences is largely considered unparalleled, with the exception of his teacher Plato’s contributions, and Plato’s teacher Socrates before him. The two-millennia-strong academic practice of interpreting and debating Aristotle’s philosophical works continues to endure.

Who is Aristotle in philosophy?

Aristotle (c. 384 B.C. to 322 B.C.) was an Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist who is still considered one of the greatest thinkers in politics, psychology and ethics. When Aristotle turned 17, he enrolled in Plato ’s Academy. In 338, he began tutoring Alexander the Great. In 335, Aristotle founded his own school, the Lyceum, in Athens, where he spent most of the rest of his life studying, teaching and writing. Some of his most notable works include Nichomachean Ethics, Politics, Metaphysics, Poetics and Prior Analytics.

Why did Plato die?

Plato died in 347 B.C. Because Aristotle had disagreed with some of Plato’s philosophical treatises, Aristotle did not inherit the position of director of the academy, as many imagined he would. After Plato died, Aristotle’s friend Hermias, king of Atarneus and Assos in Mysia, invited Aristotle to court.

Why did Aristotle go to Athens?

When Aristotle turned 17, Proxenus sent him to Athens to pursue a higher education. At the time, Athens was considered the academic center of the universe. In Athens, Aristotle enrolled in Plato ’s Academy, Greek’s premier learning institution, and proved an exemplary scholar. Aristotle maintained a relationship with Greek philosopher Plato, ...

Why did Aristotle write rhetoric?

In Rhetoric, Aristotle observes and analyzes public speaking with scientific rigor in order to teach readers how to be more effective speakers. Aristotle believed rhetoric was essential in politics and law and helped defend truth and justice. Good rhetoric, Aristotle believed, could educate people and encourage them to consider both sides of a debate. Aristotle’s work explored how to construct an argument and maximize its effect, as well as fallacious reasoning to avoid (like generalizing from a single example).

What was Aristotle's most famous work?

Some of his most notable works include Nichomachean Ethics, Politics, Metaphysics, Poetics and Prior Analytics.

What is the study of Aristotle's poetry?

Poetics is a scientific study of writing and poetry where Aristotle observes, analyzes and defines mostly tragedy and epic poetry. Compared to philosophy, which presents ideas, poetry is an imitative use of language, rhythm and harmony that represents objects and events in the world, Aristotle posited. His book explores the foundation of storymaking, including character development, plot and storyline.

What did Aristotle use to study nature?

But unlike Plato and Socrates, Aristotle displayed an instinct to use scientific and factual reasoning in his study of nature, a trait his predecessors routinely discarded in favor of their philosophical thoughts.

What did Aristotle believe about motion?

Similarly, Aristotle believed that any kind of change meant something was in motion. In a rather self-contradicting way (at least the initial interpreters found it to be so), he defined the motion of anything as the actuality of a potentiality. In its entirety, Aristotle understood physics as a part of theoretical science that was in sync with natural philosophy. Perhaps a more synonymous term to attach to Aristotle’s interpretation would be “physis” or simply the study of nature.

How long has Aristotle been alive?

It has been more than 2,300 years since the last day of the Aristotelian era in ancient Greece yet the research and work of Aristotle remain as influential today as it ever was. From fields that lean towards structurally scientific orientation such as physics and biology, to the very minute details about the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, his multitudinous all-round contributions truly make him one of the most influential people in human history.

What is a syllogism?

Syllogism is a certain form of reasoning where a conclusion is made based on two premises. These premises always have a common or middle term to associate them, but this binding term is absent in the conclusion. This process of logical deduction was invented by Aristotle, and perhaps lies at the heart of all his famous achievements. He was the first person to come up with an authentic and logical procedure to conclude a statement based on the propositions that were at hand. These propositions or premises were either provided as facts or simply taken as assumptions. For instance: Socrates is a man. All men are mortal. These two premises can be concluded as “Socrates is mortal.”

What did Aristotle mean by the genus of a living being?

Aristotle meant the genus of a living being to represent its collective family/group as a whole.

When did Aristotle write his poetry?

Many of the records of Aristotle’s views on art and poetry, much like many other documents of his philosophical and literary works, were composed around 330 BC. Most of these exist and survive to this day because they were duly noted down and preserved by his pupils during his lectures.

Who is the father of zoology?

Aristotle is also known as the Father of Zoology. As evident from his classification of living beings, all his classification procedures and several other treatises primarily involved different species of the animal kingdom only. However, he wrote a number of treatises that revolved around different aspects of zoology as well. Some of his popular treatises such as History of Animals, Movement of Animals, Progression of Animals and others were based on the study of different land, water, and aerial animals. Unlike his predecessors who merely documented their routine observations of nature, Aristotle worked on outlining specific techniques that he would use to make specific observations.

How did Aristotle influence the sciences?

Today, in the sciences, relatively few Aristotle's ideas are still utilized; however, his key understanding of logic used to create a scientific theory, particularly through induction and deduction, has influenced the sciences. His emphasis on empirical research was also new and became another key tenant of modern science.

Why was Aristotle's theory so influential?

Nevertheless, Aristotle's ideas were so influential because many of his concepts were adopted and held for centuries or even millennia. For instance, his belief that the Earth was the center of the universe was eventually adopted as a core belief by the Catholic church. Thus, his ideas also began to be adopted by later religious authorities.

Why was Aristotle an important Philosopher?

Although several well known Greek philosophers lived and even taught Aristotle (384-322 BCE), Aristotle's views on ethics and morality were the most influential of any scholar to modern philosophy. While many of Aristotle's works have not survived, he likely authored well over a hundred large works. His surviving works influenced Greek and Roman thought, with this philosophy coming down to our societies, particularly in the West.

How has Aristotle Impacted the Modern World?

Aristotle's philosophies and ethics have been very influential. Many logicians state that Aristotle produced the definitive work on logic, and there is no sense of even changing it, although this has now changed. Nevertheless, his logic and ethics ideas are now central to many philosophies that subsequently formed the foundations of Western ideals. Modern philosophy developed later by Kant often sees Aristotle as a core foundation for their thinking, particularly as it emphasized ethics and virtue and the tenants required to develop these.

What did Aristotle contribute to the world?

Aristotle died in 322 BCE, but he made lasting contributions to science, philosophy, and thought. He was remarkable for his time. Even though his scientific theories were generally inaccurate, they played a role in developing the sciences both in his world and Europe after they were reintroduced to Europeans by Islamic scholars in the Middle Ages.

How many species of animals did Aristotle identify?

His classifications were based on shared features, which is more similar to our form of classification. He successfully identified more than 600 species of wildlife. Aristotle also noted how geological features are changing, and they are difficult to observe because the timescales are often longer than human life.

What did Aristotle write about?

Aristotle wrote about how poems and tragedy should be composed and key components that they should have , ...

What does addiction mean in Aristotle?

Let's see! The term "addiction" refers to some loss of voluntary control. But how much loss? We do decide to take each drink. Aristotle acknowledges that that aspect of our behavior sure looks voluntary, "for the principle that moves the instrumental parts of the body in such actions is in him, and the things of which the moving principle is in a man himself are in his power to do or not to do."

Which philosopher would have us consider that some voluntary actions are, at the same time, involuntary?

But Aristotle would also have us consider that some voluntary actions are, at the same time, involuntary.


Life and work

  • Aristotle (384322 BC) was born in Macedon, in what is now northern Greece, but spent most of his adult life in Athens. His life in Athens divides into two periods, first as a member of Platos Academy (367347) and later as director of his own school, the Lyceum (334323). The intervenin…
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  • Because of the long tradition of exposition which has developed around Aristotles De Anima, the interpretation of even its most central theses is sometimes disputed. Moreover, because of its evident affinities with some prominent approaches in contemporary philosophy of mind, Aristotles psychology has received renewed interest and has incited intense interpretative dispu…
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  • One way of appreciating this is to consider a second general moral Aristotle derives from hylomorphism. This concerns the question of the separability of the soul from the body, a possibility embraced by substance dualists from the time of Plato onward. Aristotles hylomorphism commends the following attitude: if we do not think that the Hermes-shape persi…
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  • Although willing to provide a common account of the soul in these general terms, Aristotle devotes most of his energy in De Anima to detailed investigations of the souls individual capacities or faculties, which he first lists as nutrition, perception, and mind, with perception receiving the lions share of attention. He later also introduces desire, evidently as a discrete fac…
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  • The significance of this observation resides in the thought that any adequate account of nutrition will make ineliminable reference to life as such. This in turn entails that it will not be possible to define life as the capacity for taking on nutrition. For then we would have a vicious circularity: a living system is the sort of thing which can take on nutrition, while nutrition is whatever stuff is s…
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  • This hylomorphic restriction on the suitability of subjects of change has the effect of limiting cases of actual perception to those instances of form-reception which involve living beings endowed with the appropriate faculties. It does not, however, explain just what those faculties are, nor even how they are made like their objects of perception. Minimally, though, Aristotle claims t…
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  • His primary investigation of mind occurs in two chapters of De Anima, both of which are richly suggestive, but neither of which admits of easy or uncontroversial exposition. In De Anima iii 4 and 5, Aristotle approaches the nature of thinking by once again deploying a hylomorphic analysis, given in terms of form reception. Just as perception involves the reception of a sensible form b…
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  • This approach to the nature of thinking has some promising features. Both in its own terms and in virtue of its fitting into a broader pattern of explanation, Aristotles hylomorphic analysis merits serious consideration. At the same time, one of its virtues may appear also as a vice. We noted in discussing Aristotles hylomorphic analysis of change generally that his account requires the exi…
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  • This second type of change, which Aristotle maintains is the appropriate model for many psychic activities, is either not an instance of alteration or is a different kind of alteration, where one should not speak of being affected, unless <one allows that> there are two kinds of alteration (De Anima ii 5, 417b616). Perhaps Aristotles position will then be that the mind, at least insofar as it…
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  • In both perception and thinking, animal souls are in some ways active and in some ways passive. Although both mind and the sensory faculty receive their correlative forms when perceiving or thinking, neither is wholly passive in its defining activity. Perception involves discrimination, while thinking involves selective attending and abstraction, both activities, in the sense that each requi…
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  • Aristotle displays some hesitation in his discussion of desire and its relation to practical reason in the aetiology of animal action. Some have consequently concluded that his treatment can be regarded as at best inchoate or, worse, as positively befuddled. There seem to be no grounds for any such harsh assessment, however. Equally likely is that Aristotle is simply sensitive to the co…
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Aristotle's Psychology and The Influence of Plato

To give Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) complete credit for being the first thinker to develop a theory of proto-psychology is unfair to some of the other philosophers from Greece and beyond. However, whilst there is little doubt that the Babylonians and Buddhists, amongst others, developed concepts involving the mind, thought a…
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Aristotle's Psychology - para Psyche

  • Aristotle, building upon the work of the earlier philosophers and their studies into mind, reasoning and thought, wrote the first known text in the history of psychology, called Para Psyche, 'About the Mind.' In this landmark work, he laid out the first tenets of the study of reasoning that would determine the direction of the history of psychology; many of his proposals continue to influenc…
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Aristotle's Psychology of Impulses and Urges

  • Continuing this line of thought, Aristotle attempted to address the relationships between impulses and urges within the human mind, many years before Freud resurrected many of the basic tenets of Aristotle's psychology with his psychoanalysis theory. Aristotle believed that, alongside the 'Libido,' were 'Id' and 'Ego,' the idea of desire and reason...
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The History of Psychology and Ancient Greek Medicine

  • Plato and Aristotle adopted a philosophical and abstract approach to defining human behavior and the structure of the mind, but that was not the only contribution of the Hellenistic philosophers. The development of Ancient Greek medicine introduced the study of physiology into the history of psychology, proposing that there were physical reasons underlying many mental ai…
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The History of Psychology - Galen and The Four Humours

  • Following on from Hippocrates was the physician, Galen, who provided the link between the Greeks and Islamic psychology. Of Greek extraction, this brilliant physician and researcher earned the respect of successive Roman emperors for his skill and ability, and he went on to produce volumes of work covering many aspects of the human condition, from psychology to eye surger…
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The Coming of The Islamic Golden Age and The Growth of Psychology

  • There is little doubt that the Ancient Greeks laid out the course of modern psychology, although due respect has to be given to the Chinese, Indian and Persian scholars who made contributions outside the scope of this history of psychology, but which influenced modern thought in many disparate ways. The Islamic expansion saw a culmination of this process and an integration of …
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1.Aristotle’s Psychology - Stanford Encyclopedia of …


33 hours ago No figure from antiquity until the seventeenth century would be as important to the history of psychology as Aristotle. His most general contribution was to locate the intellectual and motive features of mind in the natural sciences, while reserving the moral and political dimensions of human life to a much enlarged conception of nature itself.

2.Aristotle's Psychology - History of Psychology - Explorable


11 hours ago First, Aristotle has a specific agenda in psychology, set forth in a series of questions which condition the direction and character of his investigations. Second, his critical remarks reveal what he thinks is lacking in the approaches to the soul adopted by his predecessors, and so also, by implication, what he takes himself to have accomplished by the time he has completed his …

3.Aristotle's Psychology - History of Psychology


36 hours ago sophical tradition as a whole. In his own system, psychology is the culmination of metaphysics and natural science. For Aristotle, living things are the paradigm of natural objects and substances in general, and so offer the best case for the application of his theories. Psychology also serves as a foundation for the rest of his philosophy, in

4.Aristotle’s Psychology - Stanford Encyclopedia of …


29 hours ago  · This impact includes his deduction and induction ideas, and he also heavily emphasized the ideas of empirical research or observation. While earlier scientific philosophers were more theoretical and less observation oriented, Aristotle tried to make observations around him, including organizing trips to places, such as Lesbos or dissecting animals to understand …

5.17 Aristotle’s Psychology - University of Michigan


8 hours ago  · Aristotle acknowledges that that aspect of our behavior sure looks voluntary, "for the principle that moves the instrumental parts of the body in such actions is in him, and the things of which ...

6.Aristotle - Psychology, Quotes & Works - Biography


9 hours ago

7.Top 10 Contributions of Aristotle - Ancient History Lists


20 hours ago

8.How did Aristotle fundamentally change philosophy and …


29 hours ago

9.Aristotle and Addiction | Psychology Today


27 hours ago

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