Knowledge Builders

how do i use terraform in gcp

by Prof. Sienna Cummerata V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do you use Terraform in GCP?

Get started with TerraformCreate the directory.Create the Virtual Private Cloud network and subnet.Create the Compute Engine VM resource.Initialize Terraform.Validate the Terraform configuration.Apply the configuration.

How do I create a GCP project using Terraform?

After creating your GCP account, create or modify the following resources to enable Terraform to provision your infrastructure: A GCP Project: GCP organizes resources into projects. Create one now in the GCP console and make note of the project ID. You can see a list of your projects in the cloud resource manager.

Does Terraform work with Google cloud?

You can also use a Google Cloud Service Account with terraform. From the service account key page in the Cloud Console choose an existing account, or create a new one. Next, download the JSON key file. Name it something you can remember, and store it somewhere secure on your machine.

Why Terraform is used in GCP?

Terraform is a tool and has become more popular because it has a simple syntax that allows easy modularity and works against multi-cloud. One important reason people consider Terraform is to manage their infrastructure as code.

How do I run Terraform on cloud build?

ObjectivesSet up your GitHub repository.Configure Terraform to store state in a Cloud Storage bucket.Grant permissions to your Cloud Build service account.Connect Cloud Build to your GitHub repository.Change your environment configuration in a feature branch.Promote changes to the development environment.More items...•

What are Terraform commands?

The CDK for Terraform CLI has the following commands:completion.convert.deploy.destroy.diff.get.init.login.More items...

How do I import Terraform into GCP?

Import your Google Cloud resources into Terraform stateOn this page.Before you begin.Generate Terraform code for your resources.Create Terraform modules from the generated code.Import the modules into the Terraform state.Next steps.

Does Google use Terraform internally?

Terraform is also one of the tools that Google uses internally to manage infrastructure on-premise and in their cloud.

How do you apply Terraform?

Apply configurationLock your project's state, so that no other instances of Terraform will attempt to modify your state or apply changes to your resources. ... Create a plan, and wait for you to approve it. ... Execute the steps defined in the plan using the providers you installed when you initialized your configuration.More items...

Which language is used for Terraform?

Terraform users define and enforce infrastructure configurations by using a JSON-like configuration language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). HCL's simple syntax makes it easy for DevOps teams to provision and re-provision infrastructure across multiple cloud and on-premises data centers.

What are three Terraform cloud features?

»Terraform Cloud Plans and FeaturesFree Organizations. ... Paid Features. ... Changing Your Payment Plan. ... Remote Terraform Execution. ... Workspaces for Organizing Infrastructure. ... Remote State Management, Data Sharing, and Run Triggers. ... Version Control Integration. ... Command Line Integration.More items...

Can I use Terraform without cloud?

Yes, Terraform installation is packaged in a container and available on Docker Hub. Thereby, it will be easy to use it with Cloud Build. Second step: How to manage tfstate files? Steren tweet shows how to push a file from Cloud Build environment to Google Cloud Storage at the end of the process.

How do I create a Gcloud project?

Create a Google Cloud project If you haven't already created a Google Cloud project for your app, follow the steps below. Open the Google Cloud projects list. Click Create Project. Fill out the project information.

How do I create a GCP?

Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences....To create a Google Cloud account:Open Google Cloud console in a browser.When prompted to sign in, create a new account by clicking Create account:Follow the instructions to register your corporate email address as a Google account.More items...

How do you structure a Terraform project?

Best practices for using TerraformFollow a standard module structure.Adopt a naming convention.Use variables carefully.Expose outputs.Use data sources.Limit the use of custom scripts.Include helper scripts in a separate directory.Put static files in a separate directory.More items...

How do I deploy a project in GCP?

Deploying to Google Cloud Platform (GCP)Prerequisites.Login to Google Cloud.Deploying to Google Cloud Functions.Deploying to Google App Engine Standard. Building the application manually. ... Deploying to Google App Engine Flexible Custom Runtimes.Deploying to Google Cloud Run.Using Cloud SQL. ... Going further.


The purpose of this article is to show a full Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environment built using Terraform automation. I’ll walk through the setup process to get Google Cloud Platform and Terraform.

Downloading and configuring Google Cloud SDK

Now that we have Terraform installed, we need to set up the command line utility to interact with our services on Google Cloud Platform. This will allow us to authenticate to our account on Google Cloud Platform and subsequently use Terraform to manage infrastructure.

Configuring our Service Account on Google Cloud Platform

Next, I will create a project, set up a service account and set the correct permissions to manage the project’s resources.


Terraform elaborates all the files inside the working directory so it does not matter if everything is contained in a single file or divided into many, although it is convenient to organize the resources in logical groups and split them into different files. Let’s look at how we can do this effectively:

Samples and ideas to get started with GCP and Infrastructure as Code

R ecently I’ve been working a lot with the Google Cloud Platform, which I love. I’ve been building (and destroying!) large amounts of cloud infrastructure working on both fun and serious projects, and I’ve been using Hashicorp’s Terraform to help me do this.

Terraform Backends

Terraform needs somewhere to store the state file that it uses to manage everything. By default it will store this locally to the configuration files being used, which is fine in development circumstances, but for anything more it isn’t a suitable option.

Service Accounts and IAM

Once we start working with resources in GCP, we should think about how we secure and provide access them. We can control how our code access resources by creating Service Accounts and associated Keys, and using IAM to bind the Service Accounts to the resources with only the permissions they need (the least privilege principle).

Building a GKE Cluster and working with it

I work a lot with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google’s managed Kubernetes offering in GCP. One thing I find very useful with Terraform is that I can combine providers; I can use the GCP provider to provision my clusters, and in the same Terraform configuration use the Kubernetes provider to bootstrap and configure the cluster.

In Summary

Infrastructure as Code is a paradigm that has massive benefits, and is seeing huge growth right now. Terraform is a really great tool for reaping these benefits on projects large and small.

Creating a GCP Project with Terraform

Like most jobs today, mine requires me to automate as much of it as possible. One of the things that seemed like an easy goal was to auto the creation of a GCP Project using a tool. We used to use Google Deployment Manager, but soon found it was more of a pain than we wanted to keep up to date.

Project Layout

When creating this I laid out the files in easy to use sections. I also made sure to use the depends_on line a lot so I could ensue that everything was working in the order I wanted

Project Files

Below I will break down each file and what iot is used for as well as the code inside of it

Running the terraform script

Running the script is pretty easy. The first step is making sure you have terraform installed by going to their website. Once you have this installed and all the scripts are in the same directory, you can run some simple commands.

How to use GCP Secret Manager to Manage your Secrets using Terraform

You are going to start building your first application in GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and the question popup into your mind: How am I going to manage my credentials and secrets?

2. Enabling Secret Manager API (optional)

Before we can use the Secret Manager in our Terraform code, we will need to enable the Secret Manager API in our project. This step is mandatory.

3. Setting up Service Account Permissions

We need to update our Service Account with extra permissions. We open the GCP Portal and go to IAM & Admin and select IAM.

4. Creating the Provider file

Providers are used in Terraform to interact with Providers using API calls.

5. Creating the Secrets

In this section, we are going to create secrets in the Secret Manager.

5.1. Creating the Secrets with Automatic Replication

In the example below, we are going to create one secret to store the admin password, and we will allow GCP to choose the best location to replicate our secret.

5.2. Creating the Secrets with User-Managed Replication

In the example below, we are going to create one secret to store the admin password, and because our services are located in Europe, we will tell GCP to use the two defined European locations to replicate our secret.


1.Get started with Terraform | Google Cloud


18 hours ago In Terminal and run below command for formatting Terraform files. Run again "terraform init" command. Run "terraform plan" command to check execution plan. Finally run "terraform …

2.Videos of How Do I Use Terraform In GCP


2 hours ago Run a simple web server on Compute Engine by using Terraform to provision the resources. Reference of basic Terraform commands. Store Terraform state in a Cloud Storage bucket. …

3.Terraform on Google Cloud documentation


19 hours ago  · Explore some commonly used Terraform commands: 1) terraform init – To download the provider needed to communicate with the REST API of the GCP & to validate it. 2) …

4.A complete GCP environment with Terraform | by Zuhaib …


20 hours ago  · INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this article is to show a full Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environment built using Terraform automation. I’ll walk through the setup process to get …

5.Using Terraform with GCP. Samples and ideas to get …


6 hours ago  · First you’ll need to create a Service Account and provision a a key for it, you can find more on doing that here in the GCP documents. Once that’s done, create a GCS storage …

6.Build Infrastructure - Terraform GCP Example - HashiCorp …


11 hours ago You have now created infrastructure using Terraform! Visit the GCP console to see the network you provisioned. Make sure you are looking at the same region and project that you configured …

7.Using Terraform To Create A GCP Project


27 hours ago  · To apply the terraform changes, you can run the following command and terraform will print out everything it wants to do, and then do it. terraform apply …

8.How to use GCP Secret Manager to Manage your Secrets …


34 hours ago  · 1. Prerequisites. This is the list of prerequisites required: GCP Subscription: If we don’t have a GCP subscription, we can create a free account at before …

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