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how do you grow cup and saucer vine from seed

by Dejah Bode Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

  • Planting. Plant your cup-and-saucer vine seedlings outdoors once nighttime temperatures are consistently about 50 degrees F.
  • Culture. Keep the plant moist until it is established, but allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry between waterings -- test with your finger to be sure.
  • Maintenance. As the plant grows, it produces tiny tendrils from the ends of the terminal leaves on each stem, which wrap around surfaces such as lattice, fence links or wire ...

Cup and saucer vine grows so quickly that it's usually started from seed rather than from nursery plants. Direct-sow seeds in the garden in spring after all danger of frost has passed, or get a head start on your seasonal garden by starting seeds indoors six to eight weeks before your last frost in spring.May 24, 2021

Full Answer

Can you grow Cup and saucer vine from seed?

You will rarely find seedlings of a cup and saucer vine. The vines grow too quickly and become very tangled. You can direct seed after all danger of frost or get a head start by starting seeds indoors, 6 to 8 weeks before your last frost.

How do you fertilize a cup and saucer vine?

Feed your cup and saucer vine with a tomato-based fertilizer once every two weeks when the buds appear. You can also provide a light layer of compost halfway through the growing season.

How do you prune a cup and saucers vine?

Pinching off the end of a stem and pruning side branches off low helps encourage more foliage at the bottom of the plant -- useful if you're using your cup-and-saucer vine as a screen. Seed pods form in the fall, and you may have volunteer seedlings in the spring that you need to remove.

How much sun do Cup and saucer vines need?

Cup and saucer vines need full sun to bloom well. If you live in an especially hot climate, your vines can probably tolerate a bit of afternoon shade, but you should still aim for at least six to eight hours of sunlight each day.

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How do you plant cup and saucer vine seeds?

Growing Cup And Saucer Vines Starting cup and saucer vine seeds is not difficult, but it's best to scratch them a bit with a nail file or soak them overnight in water before you plant to encourage germination. Sow the seeds on their edge in seed trays filled with soil-based seed compost.

How long does it take for cup and saucer vine to bloom?

The vines begin to flower about five months after they were sown, so time your planting accordingly. In other words, start them in February if you want them in bloom by July, but don't move them outdoors until after your last spring frost.

How fast do cup and saucer vines grow?

Cup-and-Saucer Vine, Cobaea scandens In colder climates, consider it an annual but don't worry—it can easily 10 feet in a single season.

Do Cobaea seeds need light to germinate?

Cobaea must be mature enough to bloom. As such, must produce a certain number of leaves during a period of summer with high ultraviolet light (as in Central America). Thus it is believed that light intensity and maturity stimulated plants to bloom.

How long do cup and saucer vine seeds take to germinate?

two to four weeksGrow Cup and Saucer Vine From Seed Germination can be erratic, but you should see sprouts within two to four weeks.

Is cup and saucer vine an annual?

Cup-and-saucer vince (Cobaea scandens) is a perennial climbing vine with purple flowers shaped like tea cups (which "sit" in more petals shaped like saucers). It likes warm weather and in climates colder than USDA growing zone 9 can be grown as an annual.

Do hummingbirds like cup and saucer vine?

Cup and Saucer Vine Grow in full sun and provide a bit of afternoon shade in hotter regions. Why we love it: The flowers have a sweet musky fragrance and are reportedly pollinated by bats.

Do you pinch cup and saucer vine?

Because young Cup and Saucer vines are sensitive to the cold, you may have to protect them from late frosts. To keep them at manageable size, pinch out the tips of the vine. Pinching back makes for a bushier plant and increases the number of flowers.

Do you soak Cobaea seeds?

Soak the seed for two hours in lukewarm water before sowing. Sow the seeds into individual small pots containing good quality seed compost.

How long do Cobaea Scandens take to germinate?

Germination usually takes 20 to 30 days. Once germinated the seedlings should be moved to larger 5 inch, 12cm pots with stakes inserted so that the young stems have something to twine around. Grow on at a cooler temperature.

Can you grow Cobaea indoors?

When grown in frost-free zones, allow the vine to cling and climb outdoors against a trellis, fence, facing wall, or other rough surface structure. In cooler regions, the plant should be grown indoors or in enclosed areas, such as a greenhouse, conservatory, or an enclosed porch.

Do you pinch out Cobaea?

It's best to support the plant, which produces tendrils to cling onto the support. They like full sun and well-drained soil. You can help the vine by training it onto a trellis or support as it grows. Pinching out the tip of the vine will make it grow lateral shoots.

1.Videos of How Do You Grow Cup and Saucer Vine from Seed


33 hours ago  · Cobaea scandens hails from warm climated (it’s at home in Mexico and Venezuela) and should be grown as an annual in regions colder than USDA growing zone 9.. With its speedy growth rate and cloaking tendencies, cup-and-saucer brings to mind another purple climber, morning glory, but C. scandens has longer-lasting flowers and stems that with beautiful …

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