Knowledge Builders

how do you remove old popcorn ceilings

by Amir Hammes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Part of a video titled How to Remove Popcorn Ceilings | DIY HOME REMODEL
If you don't you can get on a ladder. Once it's wet enough you'll find out and you'll just gentlyMoreIf you don't you can get on a ladder. Once it's wet enough you'll find out and you'll just gently take your blade keep it flat not too much like that or old gal's adramal.

Full Answer

What is the best way to remove popcorn ceilings?

The essential popcorn ceiling removal tools include:

  • Putty knife or taping knife
  • Drop cloths or plastic sheeting (plastic sheeting is considered a better option due to its waterproof nature)
  • Garden sprayer
  • Safety goggles
  • Dust mask

What to do after your popcorn ceiling is removed?

What to Do After Removing Popcorn Ceiling

  • After Scraping. Assuming you have already gone through the time-consuming process of scraping the popcorn texture off of your ceiling and then wiping it down, you’re ready to begin the ...
  • Protect the Drywall. ...
  • Get Your Ceiling Primed and Painted. ...
  • Frequently Asked Questions. ...

How do I clean a dirty popcorn ceiling?

What You Need

  • Do the Prep Work. Remove as much furniture as possible from the room. ...
  • Remove the Dust. The first step is to remove all of the dust particles and spider webs that have been trapped between the texture bumps.
  • Brighten Dingy Areas. ...
  • Whiten Dark Stained Areas. ...
  • Circulate Air to Speed Drying. ...
  • Do a Final Clean Up. ...

How much does it cost to replace popcorn ceiling?

“Covering a popcorn ceiling costs about the same amount as any other drywall project,” Carson explains, “or about $160 to $200 for a 12-by-12-foot room.” But this is only for the materials for covering the ceiling with drywall.


What is the easiest way to remove popcorn ceiling texture?

When scraping popcorn ceilings, you'll want to use a 4-inch utility knife or a drywall knife to chip away at the texture and create a smooth surface. You'll probably need to skim it with a thin layer of joint compound to smooth out imperfections, then sand it smooth before repainting.

What is the best way to get rid of popcorn ceiling?

“Use a wide putty knife or drywall taping knife and gently run it along the wet ceiling,” he says. Be careful not to gouge the ceiling beneath. (Filing the edges of your putty knife can help avoid gouges.) Make your way around the room, until all the texture has been removed.

Can I remove a popcorn ceiling myself?

If the material is found to contain over 1% asbestos then by law you can not remove it yourself and will need to contact a professional asbestos removal company or leave the ceiling as is. Even if it doesn't contain asbestos, it's important to wear an appropriate dust mask or respirator when removing the ceiling.

Is it worth removing popcorn ceiling?

Removing popcorn ceilings will almost always increase a home's value. Not only is the design trend no longer desirable, but it also poses safety concerns for home buyers. To understand further, it helps to learn more about why popcorn ceilings were once a popular design choice—as well as why they no longer are.

Does all popcorn ceiling have asbestos?

Popcorn ceilings were extremely popular from the 1950s to the 1980s. Before the dangers of asbestos were widely known, most popcorn ceilings were made from this deadly material. If you have popcorn ceilings in your home, they're likely safe if left undisturbed.

How can I tell if my popcorn ceiling has asbestos?

You can test a popcorn ceiling for the presence of asbestos by carefully scraping a small sample into a plastic bag and having it tested at an EPA-accredited lab. While homeowners are allowed to remove a popcorn ceiling that contains the material, a professional asbestos remediation company should do the job.

How much does it cost to have popcorn ceiling removed?

Popcorn ceiling removal cost ranges from around $898 to $2,847, with the average homeowner paying $1,853 for professional removal. Popcorn ceilings were all the rage in the 1970s and 1980s—everyone wanted them.

How long does it take to remove popcorn ceiling?

It depends on the size of the job, however we can almost always have your popcorn ceilings removed in just one day. What do you replace popcorn ceilings with? That's up to you! We'll apply knockdown to smooth out your ceilings when we're done, and from there you can choose to refinish your ceilings however you like.

Is it cheaper to remove popcorn ceiling or cover it?

On average, it is $876 to $1,730 cheaper to cover popcorn ceilings versus having to remove them. For those with homes built before 1990 and dealing with asbestos knockdown ceilings, you can save thousands by covering them up.

Why are houses built with popcorn ceilings?

The original purpose of popcorn ceilings was to make life a little easier. Popcorn ceilings began as a cost-effective means of making a home look nice without all the extra effort of fixing, painting, sanding, repainting, and general maintenance and upkeep.

What is the purpose of popcorn ceilings?

Many homes built in the late 1930s through the 1990s have popcorn ceilings or some type of texture applied overhead. It was used to cover up a lot of flaws in the ceiling. It was time-effective and cost-efficient. Often called an acoustic ceiling, it also served the purpose to absorb sound and reduce noise.

Is it cheaper to remove popcorn ceiling or cover it?

On average, it is $876 to $1,730 cheaper to cover popcorn ceilings versus having to remove them. For those with homes built before 1990 and dealing with asbestos knockdown ceilings, you can save thousands by covering them up.

How much does it cost to have popcorn ceiling removed?

Popcorn ceiling removal cost ranges from around $898 to $2,847, with the average homeowner paying $1,853 for professional removal. Popcorn ceilings were all the rage in the 1970s and 1980s—everyone wanted them.

How much does it cost to skim coat a popcorn ceiling?

Hiring a Contractor. Skim coating a room yourself costs you about $50 in materials and $430 in tools if you don't have the tools already. Hiring a local drywall contractor is usually $50 to $100 per hour, and the average room takes four to six hours to complete—totaling a labor cost of about $200 to $600.

How to catch popcorn before it hits the floor?

Use a mud pan— the kind for holding joint compound—to catch the wet popcorn before it hits the floor. That way, you’re not tracking it all over the place when you walk and move the ladder around. Also, use the edge of the pan to clean off your scraper when it gets loaded up with wet popcorn. 11 / 12. Family Handyman.

How long to wait to spray popcorn?

If that happens, respray the area and wait another 10 to 15 minutes before scraping.

Can you use canvas drop cloths on popcorn ceilings?

Don’t use canvas drop cloths because water can soak through. Cleanup is easier with plastic too, because you can just ball it all up when you’re done working and throw it in the trash. Leave the plastic in place after popcorn ceiling removal to catch the mess you’ll make repairing and sanding the ceiling later. 4 / 12.

Can you scrape a ceiling before painting?

Scraping alone won’t leave you with a paint-ready ceiling. You’ll probably have small dings and gouges to fix. At a minimum, you’ll have to sand the ceiling to get it perfectly smooth before painting. Originally Published: October 17, 2019.

Can you leave popcorn ceiling fans in place?

You might think it’s easier to leave light fixtures and ceiling fans in place as you figure out how to remove popcorn ceiling, but they’ll just be in your way and get covered with wet popcorn. Plus, you don’t want to accidentally spray water into an electrical fixture.

Can asbestos be found in popcorn ceilings?

Any popcorn ceiling installed before 1980 might contain asbestos —a known cause of lung cancer. Before trying to figure out how to remove any popcorn ceiling texture, contact your local health department and ask about getting a sample tested. So you’re wondering how to remove a popcorn ceiling with asbestos? If the test comes back positive, cover the popcorn with new drywall or tongue-and-groove planks, or hire an asbestos abatement contractor to help in removing popcorn ceiling.

Ready to Remove

You won't need a lot of tools to remove this ceiling finish yourself, says Docia Boylen, the owner and general manager of Handyman Connection of Golden. For the best results, she recommends using a scraper (think a four- or six-inch mud knife), a ladder or scaffolding, and a spray bottle filled with water.

Step by Step

To get started, Boylen says you should spray a two-foot by two-foot section with water and let it soak before going in with your scraper.

Protect Yourself

Another important step is to check for asbestos before you begin the removal process, especially if your home was built before 1980, suggests Liz Walton, an interior designer and the owner of Philadelphia's premier design studio Liz Walton Home and The Interior Design Blueprint.

How long does it take to remove popcorn from the ceiling?

You’ll also want to wear a dust mask and safety glasses. And make sure you’re prepared for a long project. For experienced DIYers or professionals, estimates say it can take about 20 hours to remove 500 square feet of popcorn from the ceiling. For the less experienced, it will likely be longer, and it can also be quite difficult on your body, with all that time on a ladder. Plan to take plenty of breaks so you don’t overextend yourself.

What to do after sanding a ceiling?

After sanding the ceiling, give it a fresh coat of paint. Once the paint job is complete, remove the plastic sheeting, reinstall fans or lights, and enjoy your newly smooth ceiling.

Why do builders use textured ceilings?

Builders installed the textured treatment to help absorb sound from above or cover up imperfections in the ceiling. (It also helped skip some steps and save money, since it eliminates the need to paint the finished surface.)

Can you test for asbestos in popcorn ceiling?

Test for Asbestos Before You Begin Popcorn Ceiling Removal. Before you start, it’s important to make sure that your ceiling doesn’t have asbestos. “Prior to the early 1980s, asbestos was an ingredient that many used in textured popcorn ceilings,” says Krzyston. “The popcorn texture was used to help home builders deal with sound travel, ...

Can you sand popcorn ceilings?

When you remove the popcorn ceiling, you might find hidden imperfections, like visible joints or screws; you can also cover these with joint compound and then sand them.

Can you cover up a ceiling with drywall?

If scraping away the texture on your ceilings sounds like too much of a mess (and you should definitely prepare for a mess), or your ceilings are particularly damaged, it may be easier to cover the whole thing up. Although installing a new layer of drywall is possible if you want a fresh start, there are also a few potentially easier options. For instance, you can find some pretty convincing faux tin tiles that can be attached to the ceiling with construction adhesive. If you favor wood paneling, you can attach wall planks directly to the ceiling with a nail gun.

Do you need to furring strips on textured ceiling?

With highly textured ceilings you’ll need to install furring strips to your ceiling and then attach the paneling to the strips to avoid an uneven look. Note that with this method, you will need to remove small sections of the popcorn texture in order to attach the furring strips, so testing for asbestos is still essential.

How Long Does It Take to Remove Popcorn Ceiling?

To give you an idea of how much time you will spend, traditional scraping and resurfacing methods require 20 hours for a ceiling that is 500 square feet.

Why Should You Remove Your Popcorn Ceiling?

One of the main reasons you should consider removing your popcorn ceiling is that it’s outdated. It can be challenging to achieve the ideal aesthetic in your home with the constant appearance of popcorn ceilings throughout.

What is popcorn ceiling made of?

Some popcorn ceilings were made with asbestos, a mineral fiber found in soil and rock. If your home was built before 1980, you should test to determine whether asbestos is present in your popcorn ceiling. Breathing in asbestos can cause serious long-term health effects.

Why is popcorn ceiling so hard to maintain?

Popcorn ceilings are difficult to maintain, as the smallest nick or bump can cause pieces of it to crumble off. Plus, all of its grooves and textures make it difficult to keep clean.

Does popcorn ceiling contain asbestos?

It’s important to note that even if your popcorn ceiling doesn’t contain asbestos , it is highly recommended that you wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent dust particles from causing damage to your health.

Gather Tools and Materials

Ladder – Use a ladder to reach high ceilings and tight corners. Have a partner stand nearby for added safety.

Prepare the Workspace

Move small furniture items from the immediate area and cover larger pieces and other personal belongings with a tarp to shield them from dust and debris.

Remove the Popcorn Ceiling

Prepare to scrape off the textured material. Make sure to wear the proper safety protection when removing popcorn ceiling.

Patch the Ceiling

You may need to patch some areas of drywall after the texture has been removed. Popcorn ceilings conceal imperfections that will become visible once the surface is uncovered.

What is a popcorn ceiling?

Sometime in the 1950s, the textured finish commonly known as a popcorn, cottage cheese, or acoustic ceiling came into vogue. These ceilings were ubiquitous in homes built in the 1950s through the 1980s, though they became a bit less common in new homes built after that. Thanks to their sound-dampening benefits, nostalgic style, and budget-friendly textured technique, popcorn ceilings are still found in many homes around the country—even in some new constructions. However, their fragile texture and permeable nature present a distinct cleaning challenge. Our cleaning experts at Merry Maids® have some tips on the best ways to safely clean popcorn ceilings—without making an even bigger mess.

Why is my popcorn ceiling turning white?

Popcorn ceilings are a magnet for stains caused by residue from things like grease, mildew, and cigarette smoke, turning a bright white surface dingy and discolored . These stains can be tricky to remove, but not impossible! Before trying any of these techniques, start by dusting the ceiling using one of the above methods.

What to use to clean cigarette smoke?

Option 1: Warm water and liquid dish soap. Use this mixture for everyday stains like cooking grease or cigarette smoke.

Can you use duct tape on popcorn ceiling?

A sticky lint roller can collect dust and spiderwebs from a popcorn ceiling, too. You can also wrap duct tape around a soft paint roller, sticky side out, to achieve the same effect but with a larger surface area.

Is popcorn ceiling asbestos?

First, and most importantly, the materials used to create popcorn ceilings often contained asbestos before it was banned in the U.S. as a known carcinogen. While ceilings in homes built after 1978 should be asbestos free, ...


1.How to Easily Remove Popcorn Ceiling - This Old House


36 hours ago  · Removing a popcorn ceiling is simple with the right tools and supplies. You can easily identify popcorn ceilings, also referred to as "acoustic ceilings," by...

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34 hours ago  · How to Remove Popcorn Ceilings | DIY HOME REMODELIn this DIY video we'll go through how to remove popcorn ceiling (also known as acoustic ceilings) from your...

3.Videos of How Do You Remove Old Popcorn Ceilings


20 hours ago  · Make your way around the room, until all the texture has been removed. You may need to go over stubborn areas more than once. Patience and persistence is a virtue when …

4.How to Remove Popcorn Ceilings | The Home Depot


33 hours ago  · How to Remove Popcorn Ceiling Step 1: Test for Asbestos and Lead Paint. When tackling the best way to get rid of popcorn ceiling textures, you must... Step 2: Turn …

5.How to Remove a Popcorn Ceiling | Martha Stewart


27 hours ago Painter’s tape – Use to secure drop cloth or tarp along the floor. Plastic sheeting – Use to cover nearby walls and lighting fixtures. Safety gear – Protect your eyes, nose and mouth from …

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7.How to Remove Popcorn Ceilings | DIY HOME …


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8.How to Remove Popcorn Ceiling in 8 Steps | Oahu Pro …


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9.How to Remove Popcorn Ceilings - The Home Depot


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10.How to Clean a Popcorn Ceiling | Merry Maids®


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