Knowledge Builders

how do you start a snapdragon from seed

by Mertie Carter Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Start Snapdragons From Seed
  1. Choose and prepare the containers. Choose a container (or several) with drainage holes. ...
  2. Sow the seeds. Since snapdragon seeds are so small, you will not need to bury them in holes in the soil. ...
  3. Water. Water the soil evenly. ...
  4. Thin the seedlings. ...
  5. Harden off. ...
  6. Transplant.
Jun 7, 2021

How long does it take to grow snapdragon from seed?

8-14 daysSow snapdragon seeds indoors 12 weeks before last frost using a seed starting kit. Sow seeds thinly and barely press into seed starting formula do not cover with soil. Keep the soil moist at 65 degrees, as snapdragons prefer cooler soil so do not use bottom heat. Seedlings emerge in 8-14 days.

When should I start my snapdragon seeds indoors?

When planting snapdragon seeds, the optimum time to start snapdragon seeds indoors is about six to ten weeks before the last frost in spring. Snapdragons are slow starters that germinate best in cool temperatures. Some gardeners have good luck planting snapdragon seeds directly in the garden.

Are snapdragons hard to grow from seed?

Snapdragons are easiest to grow from seed indoors in early spring. Prepare seedling pots with seed substrate (rather than regular potting soil). Scatter the seeds on the surface of the substrate and press lightly. Keep them in a warm, sunny window.

Do you need to chill snapdragon seeds?

Growing Tips: Snapdragon Germination is improved by pre-chilling seed in the refrigerator for 7-10 days before planting. DO NOT cover seed with soil, it needs light to germinate. Germinates in approx. 10 to 14 days with an optimum soil temperature of 65-70 degrees F.

Do snapdragons come back every year?

They're also short-lived, which means although they are perennials, you can't expect the same plant to come back each year for decades. For these reasons, you'll often see snapdragons referred to as biennials, annuals, hardy annuals, tender perennials, or semi-perennials.

How often do you water snapdragon seeds?

Keep seedlings moist for the first few weeks. Once established, snapdragon will need approximately 1 inch of water per week in times of no rainfall. Water near the crown of the plant and avoid overhead watering to keep your snapdragon healthy. Once established, let the top inch of soil dry fully before watering.

Do snapdragons reseed themselves?

Snapdragons self-seed readily. Mulching under the plants may inhibit self-seeding.

Can you save snapdragon seeds?

How to Save Snapdragon Seeds. Put the seeds in a paper envelope and store them in a cool, dark place until spring planting time. Don't store the seeds in plastic because they may mold. Harvesting snapdragon seeds is that simple!

Do snapdragons need heat to germinate?

If you are sowing the seeds in a space with little light, place the plants 3-4 inches below fluorescent light bulbs or grow lights. Leave the lights on for 16 hours per day and turn them off at night. Bottom heat isn't necessary for snapdragon germination. Be sure the seedlings have plenty of air circulation.

Can snapdragons grow in pots?

Growing snapdragons in pots isn't difficult, especially if you've grown them previously in beds. They prefer full sun, but with a container you can move them around to catch the light. Make sure the container drains well, and that you water it regularly.

Can I grow snapdragons indoors?

Snapdragons can do well indoors. However, they need six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily to grow and produce the most abundant flowers. Even the sunniest indoor location is not likely to receive this much sunlight, especially during the winter.

What kind of soil do snapdragons need?

Snapdragons grow best in cool weather and can tolerate a light frost. They perform best in full sun to part shade in rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5–5.8. Amend poor soils with an application of organic matter, such as compost.

Do snapdragons need cold stratification?

Although snapdragons will germinate better if you chill them beforehand, they only need seven to ten days of cold stratification before sowing, so there is no need to store them in the fridge the entire time. If you store them properly, they will remain viable for up to three years.

Do snapdragons need heat to germinate?

If you are sowing the seeds in a space with little light, place the plants 3-4 inches below fluorescent light bulbs or grow lights. Leave the lights on for 16 hours per day and turn them off at night. Bottom heat isn't necessary for snapdragon germination. Be sure the seedlings have plenty of air circulation.

What time of year do you plant snapdragons?

springSnapdragons are cool-season lovers and do best when planted in early spring or autumn. Plants can handle light frosts but not hard frosts. The ideal time to plant snapdragons would be in early spring right after the last frost.

How cold can snapdragons tolerate?

Snapdragon Cold Hardiness Many snapdragons are hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones as low as Zone 7, which has average annual minimum temperatures of 0 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. According to Cornell University, snapdragons can be overwintered in zones 5 to 7 with protection in the form of mulching.

How to plant snapdragons?

How to Plant Established Snapdragons. You can plant an established snapdragon plant into your garden one to two weeks before the last frost date: Choose and prepare the flower bed. Snapdragons prefer full sun, so be sure to pick a spot that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.

How to grow snapdragons in the sun?

Choose a container (or several) with drainage holes. Snapdragons will do best in well-draining soil, with plenty of organic matter, and a soil pH between 6.2 to 7.0. Since snapdragons do best in full sun—at least six hours of direct sunlight per day—choose a sunny spot inside your home to plant them. Sow the seeds.

How to keep snapdragons blooming?

If the weather starts to get too hot, mulch around the base of the plants to keep the soil cool and make the blooms last longer. If you keep watering your snapdragons through the summer (even when they’re not producing blooms), you may be able to encourage a fall bloom once the weather begins to cool again.

How to deadhead a flower?

To deadhead, locate individual blossoms that have begun to wilt and produce seed pods, and pinch off the flower (including the seed pod). When you see an entire stalk of flowers that have gone to seed, trim off the flower stalk with shears (to about a third of its height) to encourage the plant to send up a new stalk.

How to grow a sage plant from seed?

Water the soil evenly. You’ll need to keep the soil moist as your seeds germinate and grow. Thin the seedlings. Once your seedlings reach one to two inches tall, you’ll need to thin them back to between six and 12 inches apart to prevent competition. Harden off.

Do Snapdragons need water?

View Class. Snapdragons are low-maintenance plants that only need basic flower care to bloom happily in your garden: Water. Snapdragons need moist soil to grow—routine watering is crucial for the plants as they begin to establish their roots.

How to make snapdragons bloom longer?

Amend the soil with organic matter, such as composted leaves, so the snapdragons will produce long-lasting flowers. To work organic matter into the soil, till the soil to a depth of six inches, apply six inches of organic matter, and mix. Make sure the soil drains well. Adding organic matter will help with drainage.

Where do snapdragons grow?

The snapdragon is a fragrant perennial native to the Mediterranean. It's colorful blossoms look similar to open mouths. Snapdragons are started from seed indoors and planted just before the last frost of the year. They grow best in cooler regions and tend to die back when the weather gets hot.

How to get rootball out of pot?

Squeeze the sides of the pot to loosen the rootball. Gently pinch the stem and hold the pot upside down, if the rootball does not slide out immediately then gently pull on the base of the stem. Put the rootball in the hole and cover with soil, compact lightly with your hands and then water vigorously .

How to keep snapdragons alive?

Mulch the planting bed when the weather grows warm. Use an organic mulch to cover the area around the snapdragons' roots. This will keep the root systems cool as the weather begins to get hot, and should help your snapdragons last longer before they begin to die off in the summer heat. ...

How long does it take for a sage plant to sprout?

Keep them at a steady temperature between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The seedlings will take 10 to 14 days to sprout. Pinch off the tip of the stems when the seedlings have six leaves.

Can you water snapdragons?

Overwatering will cause mold to grow on the plant, so wait until the soil feels a little dry before watering your snapdragons. When you water, water near the crown of the plants, rather than watering from overhead. The pressure from overhead watering can damage the flowers, so it's best to water closer to the roots.

Can ants kill snapdragons?

Community Answer. Ants are harmless to snapdragons; however, their presence could indicate an aphid infestation. Check the plants for aphids, and use an appropriate insecticide or insecticidal soap. Aphids are ubiquitous, and exterminating them is impossible; the most you can do is attempt to keep their population low.

How to collect Snapdragon seeds?

Snapdragon seed collecting is fun and easy. Be sure the pods are dry, then pinch them from the plant and shake the dry, brittle seeds into your hand or a small bowl. If you can’t hear the seeds rattling in the pods, let the pods dry for a few more days before harvesting.

What do snapdragon seed pods look like?

When the snapdragon flowers die, the dried seed pods, which look like tiny, brown, shrunken skulls, prove just how beautiful and strange nature can be. Watch for the seed pods in late summer, then get your camera because your friends will never believe it!

Why do Snapdragons open and close?

Snapdragons are familiar, old-fashioned flowers named for the blooms that resemble little dragon jaws that open and close when you gently squeeze the sides of the flowers. The segmented blooms must be pollinated by big, strong bumblebees because honeybees aren’t sturdy enough to open the jaws.

How to store seeds for spring planting?

Put the seeds in a paper envelope and store them in a cool, dark place until spring planting time. Don’t store the seeds in plastic because they may mold.

How to grow the best snapdragons in your neighborhood

Snapdragons have tall spikes of beautiful colored flowers that make a dramatic statement in any home garden. These plants are cool climate plants that are perfect for growing in northern climates. Snapdragons are perennial in southern zones with mild winters but usually grow as annuals. They work great in beds and borders.

Snapdragons from Seed & Planting out seedlings

For early blooms, sow snapdragon seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks in early spring before the last frost date in your area. Flower seeds are large and easy to plant. Sow seeds on the surface of sterilized potting soil. Seeds require the sun to germinate, so provide adequate lighting. Snapdragon seeds will germinate in 10-14 days.

Snapdragon Care For Better Flowering and Longer Life Span

Pinch the young plants back a month after being placed in the garden. Pinching out will encourage branching and bushier plants with more flowers. It will delay blooming by a few weeks, but the increased flowering makes up for the downtime.

Pests That affect Snapdragon Plants

Like all annuals grown in the garden, the snapdragon is susceptible to several pests causing issues with the growth and flowers of the plant. There are ways to combat these pests without losing your displays.

Diseases that impact snapdragons

Several diseases impact snapdragons and cause gardeners headaches, whether you’re growing snapdragons from seed or buying them from a garden center. My best tip for any new gardening just starting is to ensure that your garden stays clean and that debris is disposed of regularly.

Growing Snapdragons from Seed to Flower

Growing snapdragons from seed is a gratifying task. The blooms make excellent cut flowers, and a large display of flowering snapdragons is a sight to behold. I hope you found all the information you need to grow these beautiful plants in your garden this summer. If you do, drop us a line or tag us on social, we would love to see your gardens!


1.Videos of How Do You Start A Snapdragon from Seed


22 hours ago  · Planting Snapdragon Seeds Directly in the Garden. Plant snapdragon seeds in loose, rich soil and full sunlight. Sprinkle snapdragon seeds lightly on the surface of the soil, …

2.Snapdragon Seed Propagation: How And When To Plant …


35 hours ago  · Pick a sunny location and prepare the soil by working it until it is soft and crumbly. Moisten the planting area with water. Sprinkle the seeds on the surface, and keep the soil …

3.How to Grow Snapdragons: 12 Steps (with Pictures)


19 hours ago  · Snapdragons are easiest to grow from seed indoors in early spring. Prepare seedling pots with seed substrate (rather than regular potting soil). Scatter the seeds on the …

4.Starting Snapdragons from Seed for cut flowers! - YouTube


26 hours ago Finally Understand! The snapdragon seeds should be sown indoors 12 weeks before the last frost. Don’t press into the seed starting formula if you want the seeds to cover the soil. The soil …

5.The Best Way To Germinate Snapdragon Seeds - YouTube


31 hours ago Snapdragons from Seed & Planting out seedlings. Sowing Seeds indoors. For early blooms, sow snapdragon seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks in early spring before the last frost date in your area. …

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