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how do you tell if a cats tail is broken

by Vicenta Feeney Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Signs of Break, Fracture or Dislocation of Your Cat's Tail

  • Kink or bump in the tail
  • Swelling in tail
  • Slightly drooping tail
  • Pain or sensitivity
  • No movement in tail

Cats with a tail pull injury might show any of these symptoms:
  1. A tail that drags or never held high.
  2. Involuntary dribbling of urine.
  3. A dilated, flaccid anal sphincter with or without diarrhea or fecal incontinence.
  4. Incoordination of the rear legs.
Aug 21, 2021

Full Answer

How do I know if my cat has a broken tail?

One easy way to check if your cat's tail is broken is to run your thumb and two fingers up and down the tail without applying pressure. If you feel a kink or a bump, it may be broken.

Why does my cat have a broken tail?

  • Closing a door on a cat’s tail.
  • Stepping on the tail.
  • Pulling the tail when the cat darts past you.
  • Cat fights can cause breaks if the cat gets bitten on his tail.
  • Collision with moving vehicles.

What does a vet do if a cat has s Broken Tail?

The vet can address the injury without additional damage to the tail. Your cat may need a partial or full amputation of his tail if he has a degloving injury, deep cut, or if his tail is deeply or mostly severed. Your vet can also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection which is highly likely with any open wound.

How to treat a cat's broken tail?

Therefore, any home treatment is just to stabilize the injury until your cat can be seen by your veterinarian. Any areas that are bleeding or where bone is sticking out should be covered with sterile gauze or a clean cloth if possible. The broken bone(s) should be disturbed as little as possible.


What causes a cat's tail to be broken?

The cause of an injured or broken tail is always an injury. Perhaps your cat was outside exploring when an accident occurred where they fell or something fell on their tail. When a cat injures their tail, it can be fractured, broken or even dislocated. Minor injuries may include scrapes, hair loss, swelling or a bit of bleeding.

What to do if your cat has a broken tail?

The most important thing to do when your cat has suffered a tail injury or is experiencing symptoms from an injured or broken tail is to go to your veterinarian as soon as possible. The faster you go to the veterinarian and get the injury treated, the faster your cat will heal and recover from their unfortunate injury.

What is the tail of a cat?

Cat tail anatomy. A cat's tail is made up of about 22 caudal or coccygeal vertebrae, which are small rectangular-shaped bones that decrease in size from the base to the tip. The feline tail is a continuation of their spine. The sacrum around the hip separates the lumbar vertebrae from the tail vertebrae. The spine of cats is more flexible ...

What are the most common injuries to cats?

Mayor injuries may include nerve damage, blood vessel damage, broken bones, etc. With that being said, the most common cat tail injury is a fractured tail as it can be caused by a wide variety of accidents. Fractured cat tails near the base are more severe as it can also ...

Why does my cat wag his tail?

Nerve damage in a cat's tail injury is usually indicated by a limp tail, lack of movement in their tail and difficulty with bowel movements. They will probably be crying, hiding, being aggressive or immobile due to the pain. Learn more about the movements of a cat's tail and its meaning in our article about why cats wag their tail.

Why is the spine of a cat more flexible than that of a dog?

The spine of cats is more flexible than that of dogs, especially around the area of the tail which allows them a lot of mobility and flexibility, in addition to serving as an axis of rotation when they fall to readjust their posture and intervenes in the centre of stability.

How to calm down a cat?

To help them calm down you can make sure they are in a comfortable and cosy place, perhaps their cat bed, box or cat carrier. Leave a fresh bowl of water near them, speak to them softly and pet their head so they can try to calm down.

What does it mean when a cat's tail is broken?

What looks like a broken tail can be the result of a few different types of injuries. Your cat may have a bone fracture, a dislocated vertebrae, or an injury from its tail being pulled. In all cases, the nerves and blood vessels in the area are often damaged, Aimee Simpson, DVM, medical director of VCA Cat Hospital of Philadelphia, says.

What Happens When a Cat Breaks Their Tail?

Although the spinal cord stops before reaching the tail, numerous nerves branch off from it and continue traveling through the tail.

How Long Does It Take for a Broken Cat Tail to Heal?

It takes time for a broken tail to mend, especially for nerves to repair. A full recovery can take up to six months.

What to do if your cat has a bladder injury?

The best treatment for less complex injuries is rest. Your veterinarian may also prescribe a pain reliever. If nerves that control the function of the bladder or bowel have been injured, your kitty may require more help. Urine that sits in the bladder too long can lead to infection and a full bladder can over stretch bladder muscles.

Why is my cat's tail pointing down?

If so, your cat may have a broken tail or another type of tail injury. A cat’s tail is usually erect and moving. It can clue you into your cat’s mood, like when she's irritated and it angrily swooshes back or forth. It also helps your cat with balance. So when your cat’s tail is pointing down, it’s a red flag that something serious is going on.

How to help a cat that can't pee?

If your cat can’t urinate on its own, you can express it by hand three to four times a day. This involves gently squeezing the bladder to push urine out—your veterinarian can demonstrate how to safely do this and may also prescribe medication to help. Some cats also need stool softeners and enemas, Simpson says.

How to tell if a cat has a limp tail?

The most common sign of injury is a limp tail. But there may be additional signs since some of the nerves at the base of the tail also control the hind legs, bladder, and bowel, explain the experts at Mar Vista Animal Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. If your cat is injured at the tail base, they may have trouble moving their back legs.

What are the symptoms of a cat's tail?

Understanding common tail traumas. The most common symptoms of tail injuries include: a limp tail. lack of tail movement.

What happens when you pair your cat's tail?

A cat’s tail extends from its spine. Like other parts of the body, the tail contains bones, muscles, blood vessels and nerves.

What to do if your cat has nerve damage?

If there has been nerve damage due to the injury, your cat may need surgery to repair the nerves and restore proper function. This is usually one of the most severe outcomes, and your vet can provide more information about your cat’s particular injury and treatment plan.

Why is my cat not able to control his bowels?

If your cat’s tail has been injured near the base , it may have also suffered nerve damage . The nerves in this area help control your cat’s urination and defecation. Thus, in the event of nerve damage, your cat might not be able to control its bowels properly. If your cat is having trouble.

Why is my cat's tail so severe?

Fractures that are closer to the base of the tail (near the cat’s body) are typically more severe than ones near the tip of the tail, since the base has more nerves and blood vessels to potentially damage. If your cat’s tail has been injured near the base, it may have also suffered nerve damage.

Why is my cat's tail hanging low?

If your cat’s tail is hanging low constantly and can’t move on its own, it most likely suffered nerve damage in an injury. Whether you witness a tail injury or not, you’re most likely going to be able to identify that something is wrong with your cat’s tail.

How to stop a cat from hurting his tail?

Try to avoid touching the tail, as this might cause your cat pain. If you must touch it, be extremely gentle and move slowly. Do not manipulate it or you may end up worsening the injury. Call your vet: If you believe your cat is suffering from a tail injury, you should contact your vet right away.

How do you know if your cat has a tail injury?

Your cat's changed behavior might be one of the first signs you notice that alerts you to a tail injury. Your cat may begin dragging his tail or keeping it low to the ground all the time, dribbling urine randomly, or having diarrhea. Your cat may begin walking unevenly or losing coordination in his back legs.

What test is done on a cat's tail?

The vet will examine the tail for signs of physical or neurological damage. If the vet suspects nerve damage, your cat may have an electromyogram test. Anal sphincter and tail muscles are tested for nerve input. This lets the vet know if the tail will be able to recover.

Why does my cat's tail kink?

If you happen to notice a hard, non-painful kink in your cat’s tail, it’s probably because he was born with the kink in the tail or it's an old, already healed injury. Never pull or try to remove a severed portion of tail since there are tough tendons and sensitive nerves.

What happens if a cat doesn't lift his tail?

It's not surprising then that cats can end up with a variety of injuries, including damage to the tail. If your cat comes home and will not lift his tail or it seems bent or broken, your cat may have a tail injury or even a broken tail. You may even see an open wound, blood or bone.

How to calm a cat when he is in pain?

Stay close to him and speak in gentle comforting tones. You may want to loosely wrap your cat in a towel and place him in his carrier when you bring him to the vet's. This will calm him.

How to keep a cat from soiling his tail?

Keep any wounds or incisions clean. Check the wound at least once a day. Your cat may soil himself with urine or feces since it may be too painful to lift his tail or if there's nerve damage. Sometimes wounds will have crusted blood, discharge, hair, litter, or other debris stuck to or around them.

Why does my cat poop when he is not urinating?

If your cat is leaking urine or feces or not urinating or defecating at all, he could have nerve damage affecting these functions.

How to tell if your cat has a broken tail?

There are a number of tell-tale signs which indicate your cat may have a broken tail. These include: Limp tail. Tail held low to the ground. Involuntary urination. Diarrhea. Difficulty walking. No feeling in the tail. Sensitivity or pain to the touch.

What happens if you break your tail?

Sometimes the break is so severe that there is nerve damage, and the tail must be amputated. Broken tails can cause bowel and bladder problems, as well as damage to the anus.


1.How to know if your cat's tail is broken and what to do?


21 hours ago  · How to tell if your cat’s tail is broken or injured. Whether or not you witnessed the injury, there are different ways to tell if your cat has injured its tail or even broken its tail. The …

2.How to Tell if a Cat's Tail Is Broken and What to Do


27 hours ago  · Whether you have witnessed the injury or not, there are different ways to know if your cat has injured their tail or has even broken their tail. The most common symptoms …

3.How to Tell If Your Cat Has a Broken Tail - Yahoo!


11 hours ago  · How to Tell If Your Cat Has a Broken Tail. If your cat’s tail is hanging down, it might sign that it’s broken or injured. Find out how long a broken tail takes to heal and what’s …

4.I Think My Cat's Tail Is Broken! What Should I Do? - Pet …


29 hours ago  · How do you know if my cat’s tail is broken? Cats with a tail pull injury might show any of these symptoms:A tail that drags or never held high.Involuntary dribbling of urine.A …

5.How to Treat a Cat's Broken Tail: 9 Steps (with Pictures)


30 hours ago  · If the tail is in a hooked-down position, covering the cat’s anus, then they she most likely is in a defensive posture ready to express aggression if she needs to. If her tail is tucked …

6.Tell-Tale Signs of a Broken Cat Tail - VetInfo


17 hours ago  · Examine the cat's tail for injury. Gently feel along the length of the tail. Signs of injury or break include tender, swollen or bent areas. If you notice redness, tenderness, and …

7.Videos of How Do You Tell If a Cats Tail Is Broken


25 hours ago If you want to know if a cat's tail has been broken, look at the tip of the tail. If it is bent, then it was probably broken.

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