Knowledge Builders

how large do snake plants get

by Jean Jacobson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

six inches to eight feet tall

Full Answer

How to make snake plant grow straight correctly?

These 4 snake plant care tips will have your plant thriving

  1. Make sure the pot has proper drainage. Snake plants aren't too picky about their soil: Marino says general indoor potting mix should be fine.
  2. Find the optimal lighting situation. Sure, snake plants are fine in low light situations. ...
  3. Don't overwater your snake plant. ...
  4. Be aware of potential pests. ...

What are the benefits of keeping snake plant at home?

Snake plants are proven to be very useful and can be placed anywhere in the home as they are very visually appealing. They can grow both indoors as well as outdoors. The biggest advantage of a snake plant is you get fresh indoor air, an attribute that keeps you healthy in the cheapest way.

Can snake plants survive cold weather?

Snake plants cannot stand cold weather. They are at their best state when the temperature is between 55° to 90°. Being tropical plants, snow, frost, and temperature below 55° lower the chances of their survival. So when growing them outdoor, make sure they are kept warm and move them inside the greenhouse if the weather is too chilled.

How do you grow a snake plant?

The Best Conditions For Snake Plant Propagation

  • Bright, indirect light.
  • The right pot
  • Clean pots and utensils.
  • The right soil medium
  • The right amount of water


How big do snake plants get indoors?

Size. Snake Plants grown as houseplants average in height from 8″ to 7′. You can buy them in 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14″ grow pots.

How big can my snake plant get?

The Snake Plant can grow up to four or five feet tall, though they are generally pretty slow growers.

Do snake plants grow fast?

The snake plant, also sometimes referred to as mother-in-law's tongue, grows about 4-12 inches per year. However, the growth rate can vary significantly between different sub-species.

How tall should you let your snake plant grow?

It can grow around 4 feet tall in good indoor conditions. Mother-in-Law's Tongue. Many people use this common name as a catch-all for Snake Plants in general, but technically it refers to Dracaena (formerly Sansevieria) trifasciata, which looks like the Laurentii without the golden bands at the edges.

How long does a snake plant live?

five to ten yearsGenerally, the snake plant is a slow grower; however, if you place it outdoors in summer, it might experience a boost in growth. How long does a snake plant live? The average lifespan of a snake plant is five to ten years; however, they can live up to 25 years or more.

What are the disadvantages of snake plant?

7 Disadvantages Of A Snake Plant That You Should KnowIt Grows Slow - ... The Problem of Propagation - ... It Is Toxic For Humans & Pets - ... Leaves Falling Over - ... Bringing Bad Luck - ... Cold Temperature Requirements - ... Regular Fungus Attack -

Do snake plants like to be crowded?

Do snake plants like to be crowded? Yes, snake plants do like to be crowded. However when they're severely root-bound the pot can break, or they can have a hard time absorbing the water and nutrients they need.

How often should you water a snake plant?

Your Snake Plant only needs to be watered fortnightly, allowing its soil to completely dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering and root rot. During the winter months feel free to only water your snake plant once a month if the soil is still moist after 2 weeks.

How do I stop my snake plant from growing too tall?

To reduce the height of the plant, cut off the tallest leaves all the way to the soil line. The leaves grow in a rosette pattern from the rhizome in the soil, with the newest leaves at the center of the rosette and the oldest, tallest leaves usually around the outside.

Should I put coffee in my snake plant?

Adding coffee grounds to your snake plant may give a much-needed nitrogen boost to the soil, which could make your snake plants happier and healthier given the proper amount is used. Coffee grounds can help boost the growth of your snake plants by creating an acidic pH, which snake plants thrive in.

Where should I place a snake plant in my house?

Choosing a Location in the HomeSnake plants prefer bright, indirect light and can even tolerate some direct sunlight. However, they also grow well (albeit more slowly) in shady corners and other low-light areas of the home. ... Keep the plant in a warm spot with temperatures above 50°F (10°C).

What are the benefits of a snake plant?

Filter indoor air, even at night. Similar to other household succulents, snake plants help to filter indoor air. ... Remove toxic pollutants. ... Mental health booster. ... Low maintenance and easy to care for. ... Effective against allergies. ... A little feng shui can go a long way. ... Relieves minor physical ailments.

Do snake plants like deep pots or wide pots?

Snake plants are susceptible to root rot, which can be fatal to the plant. The pot you choose needs to be shallow enough that the root system is a bit crowded. A good rule of thumb is a pot 1/3 the size of the roots, in length and width.

How do I stop my snake plant from growing too tall?

To reduce the height of the plant, cut off the tallest leaves all the way to the soil line. The leaves grow in a rosette pattern from the rhizome in the soil, with the newest leaves at the center of the rosette and the oldest, tallest leaves usually around the outside.

Do snake plants like to be crowded?

Do snake plants like to be crowded? Yes, snake plants do like to be crowded. However when they're severely root-bound the pot can break, or they can have a hard time absorbing the water and nutrients they need.

How fast do snake plants multiply?

How Long Does It Take To Propagate A Snake Plant? Snake plants are very slow-growing plants. It will easily take at least six to eight weeks just to see root growth. It may even take two to three months to see any solid roots if your snake plant cuttings are growing in a low-light area.

How Large Do Snake Plants Get?

By contrast, the varieties of Sansevieria trifasciata’ Hahnii’ remain under 6 inches tall and appear like bird nests.

How Big Do Snake Plants Get Indoors?

Snake Plants grown indoors typically reach 7-8 inches. Sansevierias grow slowly to moderately. They increase via underground stems known as rhizomes that sprout new growth.

How Do I Make My Snake Plant Bigger?

Proper maintenance of your Sansevieria is the best way to guarantee its steady growth. Below are suitable conditions to ensure big Sansevieria plants.

Why is My Snake Plant Growing So Tall?

The top reason your snake plant is overly flourishing is due to the availability of optimal conditions. If you provide it with slightly warmer temperatures, you’ll notice that it thrives over time.

How Big Can A Snake Plant Get?

A snake plant is an evergreen plant which can grow from anywhere between 8 to 12 inches.

How To Make A Snake Plant Grow Taller?

Most people who grow snake plants indoor want to find ways to make this plant grow taller and that is what we will tell you today!

Do Snake Plants Like Small Pots?

Snake plants do like small pots. However, as the plant grows bigger, they will need a larger pot but since snake plants are slow growing plants, they take at least 2 to 3 years to reach a size for which they will need another pot.

Can Snake Plants Stay Small?

Snake plants cannot stay small however if you want to tame your snake plant then you can do it through cutting the tallest leaves of your plant all the way to the soil line.

Do Snake Plants Like to Be Crowded?

Although snake plants wont mind being in a crowded pot it might become essential for you to change the pot if the plants have become too big.

Final Thoughts

Snake plants can strive and thrive in minimal environment, and they will do just fine even with little to no care.

Do all snake plants get big?

No, not all snake plants get big. Some types of snake plants stay small, while others can grow to be several feet tall.

Do some snake plants stay small?

Some snake plants stay small, because they don’t have enough food or water.

Where should I place a snake plant in my house?

It is best to place a snake plant in a spot in your house that gets bright, indirect sunlight.

What is the fertilizer for snake plant?

The fertilizer for snake plant is any all-purpose fertilizer that is high in phosphorus.

Are eggshells good for snake plants?

Snake plants are known to be tolerant of a wide range of soils, and eggshells can be added to help improve drainage while providing essential nutrients. However, it is important to crush the eggshells into a powder before adding them to the soil to avoid damaging the roots of the plant.

Does milk help snake plants?

Milk may help snake plants to a limited degree, as it is a source of nutrients. However, it is unlikely to have a significant impact on the plant’s growth or health.

What Type of Snake Plant am I Growing, and How Tall Will It Get?

Review the table below to identify your Snake Plant variety. Keep in mind, and this is not an exhaustive list: there are DOZENS of Snake Plant varieties out there! We’ve limited ours to a few of the most popular types today.

How Fast Do Snake Plants Grow?

For taller varieties (such as Masoniana and trifasciata types), you can expect about two inches of growth per year under proper conditions. Smaller, or “dwarf,” varieties (like Hahnii, Starfish, and baylii) will grow at about the same rate relative to their size. For dwarf variety Snake Plants, you may only see a quarter-inch growth per year.

How To Make My Snake Plant Grow Taller?

Although their pace may be slow, Snake Plants require little prodding to maintain healthy growth. These are steps you can take to help your Snake Plant reach its full vertical potential:

Does Taller Mean Healthier?

Don’t succumb to Snake Plant Size Envy! Bigger is not always better, and, besides, the height of a Snake Plant is only one of its qualities. A better indicator of Snake Plant health is the erectness of its leaves and the depth of their color. Firm leaves mean the plant is adequately watered and free of rot or pestilence.

What if My Snake Plant is Too Tall?

Sometimes, our plants can get out of hand. Maybe you’ve moved to a smaller place or need to readjust your living space and can no longer accommodate a large Snake Plant. You’re in luck! Snake Plants are easily pruned to reduce height or width.

I Just Pruned My Snake Plant, What Should I Do With All These Cutting

In case you don’t know, Propagation is the act of growing new plants from the leaves or cuttings of an established plant. Luckily for Snake Plant owners, these beauties are some of the easiest to propagate! Take a cutting and stick it “feet-first” into some warm water (i.e., with the part closest to the soil in the water ).


Finding the right house plants to fill particular spaces in your home can pose a slightly more significant challenge than, say, finding the suitable lamp or end table: plants grow and change, and not always according to our design intentions! The Snake Plant is no exception, but this shouldn’t discourage hopeful growers from adding this gorgeous green baby to their homes..

How can I make my snake plant grow taller?

You’ll need plenty of light and water to grow your snake plant, and you should repot your sansevieria regularly to give the roots room to expand. It is helpful to have a balanced monthly dose offertilizer. Overdoing any of them will do more harm than good, so use these techniques in moderation.

How long does it take for a snake plant to grow tall?

A snake plant can grow up to 12 feet when planted outdoors and up to 8 feet when grown indoors. These plants can grow up to 24 inches in diameter. Snake plants are a great addition to your garden. They are easy to care for and can be planted in a wide variety of locations.

How long does a snake plant live?

If you place the snake plant outdoors in the summer, it might experience a boost in growth. The average lifespan of a snake plant is five to ten years, but they can live up to twenty years in captivity. Snake plants should be kept in a cool, dark, well-ventilated area.

Why is my snake plant growing so fast?

If grown in a good amount of sunlight, the boost can cause the snake plant to grow rapidly. Depending on the variety of Sansevieria you are growing, the final height and width may be different.

Can you cut the top of a snake plant?

Use a thin knife to cut the individual leaves away, being careful not to damage adjacent leaves. You should remove all the leaves that are too tall. The younger leaves of the plant will continue to grow. If you want to grow more plants, use the leaves that have been pecked off.

When should I repot my snake plant?

Late winter or early spring is the best time to repot your plants. The reason this time works best is that your plant is in the middle of winter and ready for the first frost of the season. If you don’t want to wait until the last minute, you can plant your plants in the spring and let them go dormant for a few weeks.

Should I put coffee in my snake plant?

Adding coffee grounds to your snake plant may give a much-needed nitrogen boost to the soil, which could make your snake plants happier and healthier given the proper amount is used. Coffee grounds can help boost the growth of your snake plants by creating an acidic pH, which will help the plant grow faster.

How Fast Do Snake Plants Grow? And How Big Can They Get?

A mature, healthy Snake Plant can sometimes grow taller than its owner. Give yours proper care and attention, and it could reach 6 feet or more in time.

Final Thoughts

Getting a Snake Plant to grow isn’t all that complicated. It’s mostly about proactively meeting the plant’s needs instead of waiting for it to show signs of distress. Your Sansevieria will probably never win any prizes for speed, but if you follow the simple guidelines above, you should have a tall and gorgeous plant within a few years.

What are snake plants?

Types of Snake Plant 1 Dracaena trifasciata 'Hahnii': It is also called bird's nest snake plant, it grows to only about 6 inches tall. Its leaf clusters form a bird's nest clump. 2 Dracaena angolensi (formerly Sansevieria cylindrical): This cylindrical snake plant has round, stiff leaves that can reach several feet in length. The leaves arch outward from a central crown. 3 Dracaena trifasciata 'Laurentii': This variegated snake plant has creamy yellow leaf margins. To propagate this plant, it must be divided rather than propagated from leaf cuttings. 4 Dracaena trifasciata 'Twist': This plant has twisted leaves striped horizontally with yellow variegated edges. It grows about 14 inches tall. 5 Dracaena trifasciata 'Bantel’s Sensation': This snake plant grows about 3 feet tall and has narrow leaves with white vertical stripes. 6 Dracaena desertii: Sometimes called rhino grass, this plant grows about 12 inches tall with succulent red-tinted leaves.

How tall does a Dracaena snake plant grow?

Dracaena trifasciata 'Hahnii': It is also called bird's nest snake plant, it grows to only about six inches tall. Its leaf clusters form a bird's nest clump.

What type of soil do snake plants like?

Snake plants prefer a loose, well-drained potting mix. This plant will do well in sandier soils. Use a potting media low in peat content. Peat works well in many situations, but it can become tightly packed and sometimes has problems rehydrating or draining. An all-purpose cactus potting soil is a good choice.

Why are my snake plant leaves turning brown?

Healthy snake plant leaves are green with some silver or yellow streaks. Yellow or brown leaves can indicate several conditions, including overwatering, pests, and root rot. You can remedy each of these conditions if you manage the plant's water level appropriately. Overwatering causes root rot and stresses out the plant, making it more susceptible to pests.

Why do snake plants flop over?

Healthy snake plant leaves grow upward and stand erect, but too much water, insufficient light, or poor potting material can make the plant's leaves droop or flop over. If you don't use a well-draining potting mix, the soil becomes soggy and affects the foliage. Move the plant to a brighter location, reduce the frequency of watering, and change the soil to one that drains better, if necessary.

How tall is Sansevieria?

Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii' (bird's nest snake plant) grows to only about 6 inches tall. Its clusters of leaves form a cluster resembling a bird's nest. Sansevieria cylindrica (cylinder snake plant) has round, stiff leaves that can reach several feet in length. The leaves arch outward from a central crown.

Why are snake plants important?

They were first cultivated and kept as treasured houseplants in China because it was believed the eight gods bestowed their virtues (long life, prosperity, intelligence, beauty, art, poetry, health, and strength) upon those who grew the plant.

What is the name of the snake plant with a cylindrical leaf?

Sansevieria cy lindrica: ‘Cylindrical Snake Plant’ — As its name suggests, this species of snake plant has cylindrical leaves that end in a fierce point. ‘Starfish Snake Plant’ — The starfish snake plant has cylindrical leaves that fan out from its base, giving it a starfish-like shape. Sansevieria masoniana:

What to do if a snake plant dies?

Snake plants are resilient and typically recover. However, if the plant continues to die, remove it from its pot, discard of any rotted roots and leaves, and repot in fresh soil.

What is the plant that makes bow strings?

Sansevieria trifasciata, a type of snake plant native of tropical Africa, yields a strong plant fiber and was once used to make bow strings for hunting. For this reason, it also goes by the name “Bowstring Hemp.”.

What kind of potting mix should I use for succulents?

Use a well-draining potting mix. A potting mix designed for "cacti and succulents" is ideal, as it will be more resistant to becoming oversaturated with water.

Why do snake plants rot?

Too much water and freezing temperatures are two of the few things that can really affect this plant. Soggy soil will cause root rot. Native to southern Africa, snake plants are well adapted to conditions similar to those in southern regions of the United States. Because of this, they may be grown outdoors for part of all ...

How to know when to water a garden?

Tip: To know when it's time to water, don't just rely on how the surface of the soil looks. Instead, carefully stick your finger or a wooden chopstick a couple inches into the soil. If you feel any moisture or see soil stick to the chopstick, hold off on watering.

How to grow a sage plant in a pot?

Instead, carefully stick your finger or a wooden chopstick a couple inches into the soil. If you feel any moisture or see soil stick to the chopstick, hold off on watering. Water from the bottom of the pot, if possible. This encourage the roots to grow downward and deep, helping to stabilize the thick, tall leaves.


1.How Big Do Snake Plants Get? (All You Need to Know)


10 hours ago  · Snake Plants grown indoors typically reach 7-8 inches. Sansevierias grow slowly to moderately. They increase via underground stems known as rhizomes that sprout new growth. …

2.How Big Can Snake Plants Get? - Garden Tips for All


31 hours ago How To Make A Snake Plant Grow Taller? Sunlight. First thing you must check in order to make your snake plant grow taller is to check if it is getting adequate sunlight. A snake plant needs ...

3.How Big Can A Snake Plant Get? - Tips on Taller Growth


15 hours ago Snake plants can grow from two to three feet long, depending on how large the pot is. This is based on the type of container you buy. Some snake plants have very small leaves and grow to …

4.How big do indoor snake plants get? - Remodel Or Move


27 hours ago  · Snake Plant varieties reach maximum heights of 3-4 ft., a growth rate of approximately 2 inches per year. Dwarf Snake Plant varieties will top out around 10 to 12 …

5.How Tall Do Snake Plants (Sansevieria) Get? Can I …


1 hours ago A snake plant can grow up to 12 feet when planted outdoors and up to 8 feet when grown indoors. These plants can grow up to 24 inches in diameter. Snake plants are a great addition …

6.How Tall Can A Snake Plant Grow? (Explanation Revealed!)


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