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is purple wandering jew poisonous

by Milton Hamill Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Toxicity: non-toxic
These plants are not poisonous or there is no known record of toxicity.

Full Answer

Is Wandering Jew plant poisonous to cats?

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), the wandering jew can be toxic to cats, dogs, and horses as it contains calcium oxalate crystals in leaves and stems. It may not seriously injure your pet but still chewing it can cause discomfort. This mildly toxic plant can cause skin or bowel irritation in cats.

What is a Purple Heart Wandering Jew?

Wandering jew, walking jew, purple heart, purple queen, and purple secretia are used. It’s also referred to as a combination of any of the above, such as wandering jew purple heart. Phytoremediation is becoming a popular topic in our over-polluted world. And here, the purple heart wandering jew excels.

Is purple queen poisonous to dogs?

Finally, remember that pets and wandering jew don’t mix. While the most common problem is irritated skin, the sap is mildly poisonous as well. Keep it out of the reach of your four-legged family members if you can! While it looks phenomenal in a hanging pot, purple queen is actually quite fragile.

How do you care for a Wandering Jew Purple Queen?

Let’s go over the basics of wandering jew care briefly, but also specifics for the purple queen itself. Opt for bright light conditions. If you’re growing purple heart outdoors, you may want to put it in full sun! It will tolerate partial shade as long as it gets enough ambient light. Temperature matters for this plant.


Is wandering Jew plant toxic to cats and dogs?

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), the wandering jew can be toxic to cats, dogs, and horses as it contains calcium oxalate crystals in leaves and stems. It may not seriously injure your pet but still chewing it can cause discomfort.

What does wandering Jew do to dogs?

Wandering Jew does not necessarily cause a toxic like reaction in dogs, but more of an allergic reaction. There have been no reported cases of ingestion of this plant by a dog, but it can be assumed if it is ingested, he may develop redness, itching, and irritation of the mouth as well.

Why Is My wandering Jew all purple?

Wandering Jew leaves with shades of red, pink or purple in the leaves are the result of anthocyanin pigments. Not all plants produce anthocyanins, and when they do, its under certain circumstances, such as leaves changing colors in fall. Leaves are only variegated if the color lasts year-round.

Is the purple heart plant poisonous to cats?

Toxicity: Mildly toxic to cats, dogs and humans.

Are purple Hearts poisonous to dogs?

It is also widely commercialized as a houseplant. Like other species of the Tradescantia genus, purple heart is toxic to humans1 and toxic to pets2, causing contact dermatitis.

What plant are poisonous to dogs?

The following plants are the most toxic to dogs and should never be made available to them under any circumstances: Castor bean or castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) Cyclamen (Cylamen spp.) Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)

What colors do Wandering Jews come in?

The colorful patterned leaves, green with purple stripes, have a silver shine. The underside of the leaf is a deep purple or magenta color.

Are there different types of wandering Jews?

InchplantPurple heartSmall‑leaf spiderwortMoses‑in‑t...Virginia spiderwortTradescan... sillamonta...Spiderwort/Lower classifications

Are purple plants poisonous to dogs?

Brunfelsia, a plant with purple flowers also known as Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, is also poisonous, especially to dogs and cattle. It grows wild in Florida but is commonly found in gardens all over the Southern US. Tulips, azaleas, rhododendron, lilies, yews, and castor bean plants should also be avoided.

Can you grow purple heart indoors?

Purple heart plants (aka purple queen) are easy to care for, and can grow both indoors or outside. In this post, I'll show you all you need to know in order to keep them thriving. The striking foliage of a purple heart plant makes it a popular choice for landscaping and growing indoors alike.

Is purple heart plant medicinal?

Although also renowned for its ability to effectively remove volatile organic pollutants from the air [17], T. pallida has also been traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-toxic supplement, and to improve blood circulation [18].

How much does wandering jew poisoning cost?

Wandering Jew Poisoning Average Cost. From 534 quotes ranging from $200 - $800. Average Cost. $400.

What is a wandering Jew?

The wandering jew is an invasive weed that causes dermatologic irritation when it comes into contact with your dog. This plant belongs to the Commelinaceae family and the genus Tradescantia. The species can be found spelled one of two ways: Tradescantia flumeninsis or Tradescantia fluminensis. It can also be known by the common names of Variegated wandering jew and Speedy Henry. This plant spreads very quickly and smothers other native plants in the area. It is considered a plant pest in some regions making it unavailable to purchase or distribute.

How to heal a dog from wandering jews?

If your dog is scratching excessively and has some sort of skin irritation or rash, go ahead and take him to the veterinarian. If you are able to stop the scratching before it turns into a skin infection, he will heal much quick and with the least amount of medications possible.

How to diagnose wandering jews in dogs?

Upon arrival, the veterinarian will begin by performing a physical exam.

Is a sage plant toxic to dogs?

It takes over native vegetation very quickly and kills everything out so that it may thrive. While this alone can be frustrating, it is also toxic to your dog. There have not been any reported cases of toxicity from ingestion, but toxicity from coming into contact with the plant.

Can wandering jews poison dogs?

Causes of Wandering Jew Poisoning in Dogs. The exact name of the irritant from the wandering jew plant is unknown. Scientists just know it causes allergic dermatitis in dogs as well as other species when they walk through the plant.

What are the symptoms of wandering jews in cats?

According to the ASPCA, which has a wonderful list of toxic and non-toxic plants, the most obvious symptom your cat (or dog) has been affected by wandering jew plants is a dermatitis-like skin irritation developing. You may notice your pet scratching incessantly as well.

Is wandering jew plant poisonous?

Wandering Jew Plant and Cats: Is It Poisonous? My wandering jew plant is one of the most beautiful houseplants I own. It is also known as Tradescantia zebrina, fluminensis, or pallida. As a plant lover and a cat lover, it’s vital for me to know which of my indoor plants are potentially toxic or poisonous.

Can you grow wandering jews in a hanging basket?

You can grow it in a hanging basket and attach the basket to the ceiling with a pack of wall anchors and ceiling hooks. Not only does this keep your plant out of reach of your cat, but as the wandering jew is a trailing, vining plant, it’ll also drape down nicely in the corner.

Toxicity: non-toxic

These plants are not poisonous or there is no known record of toxicity.


The list of poisonous plants on this website does not necessarily include every poisonous plant that is known or that might be found in a home or yard. The University of Kansas Health System does not advise eating any of the plants listed on this website. We discourage the use of any of these plants for self medication.

Symptoms of Wandering Jew Poisoning in Cats

Wandering Jew is a common houseplant that can be found in many homes. It is a tropical herbaceous vine with heart-shaped leaves. They grow up to about 10 inches and have glossy-green leaves with pale pink, white, purple, or red stripes. Wandering jew can be propagated from both cuttings as well as from seeds.

Protecting Your Wandering Jew Plants From Pets

The houseplant known as the wandering Jew (Tradescantia fluminensis) is cultivated for its bright-colored stems and its ever-growing nature.

How to treat wandering jews in cats?

If your cat shows symptoms like skin allergy or irritation in the abdomen, paws, anal area, and scrotum. Then try any of these following solutions. Give a bathe to your feline if there is any skin allergy or irritation. If you observe any digestive system related problem in your pet, ...

What is a wandering jew?

The Wandering jew ( Tradescantia) is a warm climate tropical plant. This name is used for many different species in the Tradescantia genus that includes approx 75 herbaceous perennial species. Some of them are considered as invasive weeds, and some are popular as outdoor garden plants. Many are popular indoor plants for containers.

How to protect a dog from a wandering Jew?

You can protect your cats and dogs from wandering jew plant or vice versa by locating it in an area which is out of their reach. Growing it in hanging baskets is one of the resorts. If the long trailing vine falling below, keep them short by pruning wandering jew from time to time.

Can wandering Jews grow in pots?

However, the best growth is observed in partial shade and slightly moist soil. Well-drained potting soil and warm surrounding is favorable for indoor wandering jews. You can grow in window boxes, hanging baskets and creative pots. They look best cascading down from a height.


1.Tradescantia Pallida: The Purple Heart Wandering Jew


31 hours ago  · Is purple wandering Jew poisonous? These plants are not poisonous or there is no known record of toxicity. Is the Wandering Jew plant poisonous to dogs? The wandering jew is an invasive weed excellent at smothering other plants in the area and taking over. In addition to this unfortunate quality, it is also toxic to your dog. If you believe your dog came into contact …

2.Videos of Is Purple Wandering Jew Poisonous


28 hours ago In short, the answer is a resounding YES. The plant has sap within the stems that will bother your cat’s digestive tract. It’s important to note that usually there isn’t a toxic reaction to consuming the leaves. But there’s also no reason to risk it, when part of the plant is definitely toxic.

3.Wandering Jew Poisoning in Dogs - WagWalking


10 hours ago Wandering Jew. Type. House plant. Toxicity: non-toxic. These plants are not poisonous or there is no known record of toxicity. Toxic parts. None. Description. Creeping vine; Pointed, green-striped leaves with a purple underside; Long, drooping stems

4.Wandering Jew Plant and Cats: Is It Poisonous? - Epic …


32 hours ago  · The first thing to know is that while this plant is very succulent, it is not poisonous so you don’t have to worry about your cat or dog eating it! However, the wandering Jew tends to produce a sticky substance on some of its leaves, which makes this plant unsuitable for a house with young children.

5.Wandering Jew | The University of Kansas Health System


33 hours ago I didn't find purple queen/purple heart/wandering jew on the ASPCA or Humane Society lists, but like other lists of plants toxic to pets, these lists are not considered "all-inclusive" and are based partly on anecdotal reports. ... Are the purple heart toxic to fish i no a peace lilly is acutally a brazziln sword n can b put n a fish tank n ...

6.Wandering Jew Plant and Cats: Is It Poisonous? - Garden …


7 hours ago Can Cats Eat Purple Wandering Jew? Straying jew has been linked to the death of cats, dogs, and horses because it contains calcium oxalate crystals in leaves and stems, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. ... Is Purple Heart Wandering Jew Poisonous? Finally, make sure that any stray dogs and their owners ...

7.purple queen/purple heart/wandering jew TOXICITY?


24 hours ago

8.Is Wandering Jew Toxic to Cats & Dogs? - Balcony …


34 hours ago

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