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is tricalcium phosphate cancer causing

by Terence Walsh Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Tricalcium phosphate and cancer risks Researchers suggest that diets high in inorganic phosphates


A Phosphate is a chemical derivative of phosphoric acid. The phosphate ion³⁻ is an inorganic chemical, the conjugate base that can form many different salts. In organic chemistry, a phosphate, or organophosphate, is an ester of phosphoric acid. Of the various phosphoric acid…

, which are additives found mostly in processed foods, such as meats and cheese, stimulate the growth of small cell cancers.

Full Answer

What are the dangers of tricalcium phosphate?

Dangers And Side Effects Of Tricalcium Phosphate. if ingested – digestive disturbances, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, decreased appetite, dry mouth, constipation, convulsions, increased thirst and urination, and occasionally vomiting of blood. if inhaled – eye irritation, pneumoconiosis, or respiratory irritation.

What are the side effects of tricalcium phosphate?

What are the health risks?

  • Hypercalcemia. One health risk of tricalcium phosphate is taking too much and developing hypercalcemia. ...
  • Kidney stones. Taking tricalcium phosphate may also increase the risk of developing kidney stones. ...
  • Cardiovascular problems. Several studies have reported an increased risk for cardiovascular events in people who take calcium supplements.

Is tricalcium phosphate bad for your health?

The greater tricalcium phosphate dangers are usually linked to the phosphorus part of this compound. Such can be seen in those with kidney disease and cancer, as well as those with high risks for cancer. Meaning, if you belong to any of the groups mentioned, tricalcium phosphate is indeed bad for your health.

Is tricalcium phosphate bad?

Is Tricalcium Phosphate Toxic? What are the risks of it t bad for you? It has been shown to be safe to consume tricalcium phosphate both by humans and by animals. Calcium phosphates have been found to be beneficial for bone and mineral regeneration in these studies.

What is calcium phosphate made of?

How to increase calcium intake?

Why is phosphorus important?

Can you get hypercalcemia from high calcium?

Is tricalcium phosphate a good supplement?

Can you take tricalcium phosphate with calcium?

Is tricalcium phosphate safe for cancer?

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What Are the Dangers of Tricalcium Phosphate? -

Possible dangers of tricalcium phosphate include respiratory irritation and pneumoconiosis if inhaled, or eye irritation and digestive disturbances if ingested. Tricalcium phosphate is not considered a dangerous substance by safety regulatory standards.

Tricalcium Phosphate Side Effects - Newseed Chemical Co., Limited

Tricalcium Phosphate (Food Grade) E341 (iii) appears as a white odorless powder. It is used as an anti-caking agent, nutritional supplement (calcium intensifier), pH regulator and buffer. This product is often used in flour, additives in milk powder, candy, pudding, condiments, and meat products. Though it’s considered safe, some are convinced it has potentially dangerous […]

Is Tricalcium Phosphate in Pet Food Toxic? | Pets on

If you put on your glasses and read Duke's dog food label, you may have come across the ingredient "tricalcium phosphate." With so many additives in food, it's difficult to understand what's healthy, and necessary, versus what's an enhancer.

What happens if you have too much phosphate in your body?

Too much phosphate in the body can cause health problems, like – osteoporosis and kidney damage.

Where is phosphate found?

Phosphorus is a mineral found in the bones. Along with calcium, this mineral is required to build healthy bones and to keep other parts of the body to function properly. About 80 percent of total phosphate is present in the teeth and bone in the form of apatite.

How Much Calcium Do You Need?

The amount of calcium you need every day depends on your age. Here are the average daily recommended amounts (according to the US FDA):

How to get calcium out of your system?

Introduce more grains and legumes into your diet. Their phytic acid content (and lectins) prevents you from absorbing calcium from your diet, which helps keep calcium out of your system.

Why is it important to decrease phosphate levels?

Because hypercalcemia is commonly caused by overactive parathyroid glands, decreasing the amount of phosphate in the body is important to restore a proper level of calcium.

How to keep calcium levels in your body?

Drink Water. One of the most important steps to keep your calcium at a normal level is to hydrate. Aim to drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day. This will help flush the kidneys and eliminate the excess calcium from the physical body.

Why is calcium important for the body?

In addition, calcium is important in bone health and blood clotting. Almost all calcium is stored in teeth and bones, where it supports their hardness and structure.

How to take tricalcium phosphate?

Tricalcium phosphate is best taken with food and a full glass of water. Store this supplement at room temperature, away from moisture and heat.

What Is Tricalcium Phosphate Used For?

Calcium is stored primarily in the body’s bones and teeth. Calcium is important in children and adolescents who require it for bone growth and development. Adults also need calcium to maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth.

What is the highest concentration of elemental calcium?

Elemental calcium is the amount of calcium released during digestion that becomes available for absorption. Calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate have the highest concentration of elemental calcium at 40%. Calcium citrate comes in next at 21%, calcium lactate at 13%, and calcium gluconate at 9%. 7 .

How to get adequate calcium?

The best way to get adequate calcium is by consuming calcium-containing foods.

What foods contain calcium?

Calcium is abundantly found in many common foods, like dairy products and green, leafy vegetables. Most people will find sufficient calcium by eating a well-balanced diet. Foods naturally high in calcium include: Dairy products, like milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese, and yogurt. Calcium-fortified orange juice.

Where can I find calcium?

Calcium is naturally found in foods like dairy, nuts and seeds, and dark, leafy vegetables. In addition to its use as a supplement, tricalcium phosphate is used as an anti-caking agent in powdered food items. It is also used as an additive in some processed foods to boost calcium content. Tricalcium phosphate is considered safe to use as ...

Can tricalcium phosphate be taken with other medications?

Tricalcium phosphate can make it more difficult for your body to absorb other medications. If you currently take medications, you should discuss how they may interact with tricalcium phosphate.

What foods cause calcium to be excreted?

It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods known to cause the body to excrete more calcium than normal, such as – chloride and sodium (usually found in table salt) and caffeine (mainly found in tea, coffee, chocolate, and soft and energy drinks).

What is the formula for TCP?

Tricalcium phosphate – TCP (with molecular formula – Ca3O8P2) is one of the most important and common members of the calcium phosphate family of minerals, that are made of calcium cations with different phosphate anions, including – metaphosphates, orthophosphates, or pyrophosphates.

Does calcium help prevent fractures?

Research established that taking high-dose calcium supplements don’t prevent fractures. Actually, numerous esteemed scientists consider that moderate physical exercise and other factors have more to do with bone health than calcium intake does.

Does calcium affect bone health?

Ironically, while many individuals take extra calcium supplements to improve their bone health, this can also disturb the absorption of manganese which is actually bad for bone health.

Is TCP a toxic substance?

TCP is not considered irritating or toxic unless ingested in very high concentrations. Signs and symptoms of an adverse reaction include – dry mouth, decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, hives, nausea, increased urination, swelling of the face, tongue, lips, or throat.

Does diet cause lung cancer?

A diet which includes additives based on inorganic phosphates (mainly found in processed foods) stimulates the growth and spread of small-cell lung cancers, according to a 2009 study issued in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Can high calcium levels cause heart disease?

Moreover, these imbalances may cause calcium to deposit in the blood vessels and contribute to heart disease.

What is the difference between tricalcium phosphate and calcium citrate?

Tricalcium Phosphate vs Calcium Citrate (E333) – Differences. Calcium citrate is typically used as a food additive and to treat and prevent calcium deficiencies. It is the calcium salt of citric acid. Note – if you have a parathyroid gland disorder or a history of kidney stones, you may not be able to take E333.

What Is Tribasic Calcium Phosphate?

Tricalcium phosphate (TCP), also known as tribasic calcium phosphate or E341, is a calcium salt of phosphoric acid produced through chemical synthesis.

What is the relationship between calcium and magnesium?

Calcium and magnesium work in a very special relationship with each other in the body. Furthermore, magnesium plays a vital structural role in bone formation and is important for nerve conduction, energy metabolism, immune function, muscle activity, and DNA degradation and synthesis.

What is the daily limit of TCP?

The daily limit of TCP is recommended to be 70mg. E341 is used in the manufacture of phosphate compounds, fertilizers, dental and polishing powders (however, brushing the teeth with E341 is not as effective as with fluoride), milk glass, pottery, porcelains, enameling.

When will tricalcium phosphate be available for toothpaste?

Tricalcium Phosphate (E341) – Dangers (Cancer), Chemical Formula, Uses (Baby Powder & Toothpaste) April 30, 2020. April 27, 2020 by Your Health Remedy's Staff. Calcium is an essential mineral for optimal bone health throughout your life. Actually, it has been recognized as the most abundant mineral which is available in our human body.

Is calcium oxalate a kidney stone?

Furthermore, calcium o xalate stones are the most frequent type of kidney stones. Hypercalcemia is thought to contribute to the development of kidney stones. Lastly, in a 2016 study, patients who took this type of supplement had higher chances to have calcification in their arteries.

Does dairy cause cancer?

Observational cohort studies have also concluded that a higher intake of dairy products is associated with a higher risk for ovarian cancer. Furthermore, dairy products are linked to autoimmune diseases and type 1 diabetes – once known as juvenile diabetes – a condition in which the immune system destroys insulin-making cells in your pancreas.

What is tricalcium phosphate and what is it for?

Calcium phosphate helps cells work better and has an important role in bone growth, strengthening and energy production. It is also a nutritional supplement that is absorbed in the body. Although it is not known if it is more effective than other calcium supplements.

What happens if you have high calcium levels?

If you have high levels of calcium in your body you can suffer from nausea, constipation, stomach pain, muscle aches, weakness or fatigue, excessive urination, dehydration, lack of appetite, mental confusion and thirst.

What are the symptoms of hypercalcemia?

The symptoms are usually: constipation, dry mouth, mental confusion and / or loss of appetite.

Is tricalcium phosphate safe?

Taking tricalcium phosphate can have a variety of risks to your health that you need to know and if necessary, talk to your doctor if it is a better option to choose another calcium supplement for you.

Does calcium help with fractures?

Most researchers, however, believe that the positive effects of calcium supplements on bone health and the reduction of fracture risk outweigh the increased cardiovascular risk. The National Osteoporosis Foundation and the American Society of Preventive Cardiology determined that, as long as people do not exceed the recommended daily amount, the calcium that is ingested can be considered safe.

Does calcium cause heart problems?

Several studies have reported an increased risk of cardiovascular problems in people who take calcium supplements. A report in the journal, Australian Prescriber, finds that calcium supplements can increase the risk of heart attacks by approximately 25% and the possibility of having a stroke by up to 20% in women.

Does eating meat cause cancer?

The researchers suggest that diets rich in inorganic phosphates, which are additives found mainly in processed foods, such as meats and cheese, stimulate the growth of small cell cancers. Accelerates the growth of lung cancer tumors and contributes to the development of tumors in people who have an increased risk of lung cancer.

What is tricalcium phosphate?

What's In Tricalcium Phosphate? Tricalcium phosphate is what's known as a "salt" in chemistry, or a molecule that's made of both acid and base parts that neutralize each other. In this case, calcium atoms form the base parts while phosphoric acid works as the acid.

How many pills of tricalcium phosphate are toxic?

Assuming you're taking Posture-D (600 mg/ pill), this means a 150 lb adult would have to take about 220 pills for a "toxic" dose.

Why is phosphorus used in the body?

Phosphorous is used by your body in order to produce nucleic acids and cell membranes. That said, it's exceedingly rare for your body to have a shortage of phosphorous. When it comes to its effectiveness as a dietary supplement, tricalcium phosphate doesn't have any advantage over calcium carbonate or calcium citrate.

What is the best way to get enough calcium?

While there are several dietary sources of calcium (including dairy products, almonds, leafy greens, carrots, and sardines), taking a pill can ensure that you get enough calcium without having to worry about what you eat. It's worth noting that vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium.

Does tricalcium cause nausea?

The patients in that study were taking three supplements, however, not just trical cium phosphate, so either the vitamin D or the fluoride might have caused the nausea in these cases .

Does vitamin D help with calcium?

It's worth not ing that vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Whether you're taking a supplement or getting your calcium through your diet, be sure that you're also getting enough vitamin D. You don't need a pill for this. Our bodies naturally synthesize vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight.

Is tricalcium phosphate safe to take?

This is not to say that tricalcium phosphate is safe to consume in any quantity, but rather that it's safe to use if you follow the directions on the package. Overdosing on calcium supplements of any type can cause vomiting, diarrhea, heart issues, or even a coma.

What is calcium phosphate made of?

Most of the time, however, calcium phosphates are made from ground animal bones. Calcium phosphate aids in cell functioning and plays a vital role in many different body processes, including bone growth and energy production. Tricalcium phosphate is effective as a nutritional supplement because it is readily absorbed in the body.

How to increase calcium intake?

The safest and most effective way to increase calcium intake and maintain calcium levels is by eating calcium-rich foods. Excellent sources of calcium include:

Why is phosphorus important?

This is important because high levels of phosphorus can affect the levels of calcium in the body, sometimes, making bones brittle and weak. High levels of phosphorus can also cause calcium to enter blood vessels, lungs, eyes and the heart.

Can you get hypercalcemia from high calcium?

Most often, the symptoms of high calcium levels are mild, but emergencies do occur, although this is rare. However, it is important to note that someone would have to take a significant amount of tricalcium phosphate or have certain medical conditions to develop hypercalcemia.

Is tricalcium phosphate a good supplement?

Tricalcium phosphate is effective as a nutritional supplement because it is readily absorbed in the body. However, there is little evidence to show it is more effective than other calcium supplements, in particular, those containing citrate and carbonate. . Tricalcium phosphate also has many other uses.

Can you take tricalcium phosphate with calcium?

Some people take supplements containing tricalcium phosphate to supplement their daily calcium intake if they are not getting enough calcium from diet alone. However, tricalcium phosphate is a concentrated source of calcium and taking too much can cause high calcium levels or hypercalcemia.

Is tricalcium phosphate safe for cancer?

Cancer risks. Takeaway. Tricalcium phosphate is a calcium salt found in many nutritional supplements. Many people wonder about the safety of tricalcium phosphate, including side effects and whether it causes cancer. Some people take supplements containing tricalcium phosphate to supplement their daily calcium intake if they are not getting enough ...



Recommended Daily Amounts

  • The Institute of Medicine recommends: 1. Pregnant teens – 1,300 milligrams; 2. Pregnant/breastfeeding women – 1,000 milligrams; 3. All adults 71 and older – 1,200 milligrams; 4. Adult women 51-70 – 1,200 milligrams; 5. Adult men 51-70 – 1,000 milligrams; 6. All adults 19-50 – 1,000 milligrams, however, the United Kingdom sets the goal at 700 mg and the World Heal…
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  • Some people are concerned that they are not getting enough calcium from food sources alone and take TCP as a daily supplement to increase their calcium needs. This compound has many uses in agricultural and industrial applications. For instance, you may find it in – toothpaste, baby powder, dry soup mixes, powdered spices, dry beverage mixes, dry gravy mixes, and other hygro…
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Dangers of Tricalcium Phosphate

  • TCP is not considered irritating or toxic unless ingested in very high concentrations. Signs and symptoms of an adverse reaction include – dry mouth, decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, hives, nausea, increased urination, swelling of the face, tongue, lips, or throat. Additionally, some people who take these supplements might experience gastr...
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  • Research established that taking high-dose calcium supplements doesn’t prevent fractures. Actually, numerous esteemed scientists consider that moderate physical exercise and other factors have more to do with bone health than calcium intake does.
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  • It is recommended to limit the consumption of foods known to cause the body to excrete more calcium than normal, such as – chloride and sodium (usually found in table salt) and caffeine (mainly found in tea, coffee, chocolate, and soft and energy drinks). Image source – Shutterstock ALSO READ: Astaxanthin Facts
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