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what are the 4 chronotypes

by Stephan Sporer Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What Are the 4 Chronotypes?

  • Bear Chronotype. Most people belong to this type—about 50%–55% of us. ...
  • Lion Chronotype. The lion wakes up early, sometimes even before sunrise, and falls asleep easily. ...
  • Wolf Chronotype. The wolf likes to sleep late and fall asleep in the wee hours after midnight. ...
  • Dolphin Chronotype. About 10% of people belong to this chronotype. ...

People typically fall into one of four chronotype categories: the bear, the wolf, the lion, and the dolphin. Each chronotype is loosely based on the relative animal's sleep patterns and habits, so let's dive in to discover which chronotype you most closely align with.Nov 4, 2020

Full Answer

What is the most common chronotype?

Answering his online chronotype quiz will tell you whether you are more of a bear, wolf, lion, or dolphin 20: Lion: The lion chronotype stands in for the early bird. These individuals wake up early and are most productive in the... Bear: According to …

What are the four chronotypes of productivity?

Sep 24, 2021 · The four sleep chronotypes Morning type. If you tend to open your eyes naturally before the buzz of your alarm, wake up early on weekends, or find it easy to transition into work mode early in the ...

What is the Chronotype of a lion?

Jun 29, 2017 · The 4 Main Chronotypes, aka Sleep Animals. Bear Chronotype - The most common chronotype, bears account for 50-55% of the population. They're in the middle of the spectrum - not earlybirds, and not night owls. They, like actual bears, tend to rise and sleep with the sun, matching the solar schedule. The "normal work hours" are suitable for bears ...

What are your chronotypes and why do they matter?

Nov 04, 2020 · How To Apply Your Chronotype To Hack Your Productivity. Bears. Bears work best during the morning and start to lose steam after lunch. Think of their productivity level like a bell curve—starting low and ... Wolves. Lions. Up bright and early, lions …


What is the rarest chronotype?

What is the rarest sleep chronotype? The rarest sleep chronotype is the dolphin, thought to make up roughly 10% of the population. (Bears are the most common, at around 50%, followed by Lions and Wolves, at around 20%.)Jan 7, 2022

How do I know my chronotype?

How do I find my chronotype? You can start by taking the Automated Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (AutoMEQ). This will tell you your circadian rhythm type.Mar 15, 2022

What is Lion chronotype?

Unlike wolves, lion chronotypes like to rise early in the morning. “They may easily wake up before dawn and are at their best up until noon,” says Cohen. Typically, lion types wind down in the evening and end up falling asleep by 9 p.m. or 10 p.m.Jan 21, 2020

What is Wolf chronotype?

People with the Wolf chronotype are most energetic waking up later in the day. They are most productive between noon and 4PM, and also get boosts of energy during the evening.Jun 8, 2021

What kind of sleeper are you bear dolphin?

Dolphins are light sleepers, and tend to wake up regularly meaning they're tired consistently throughout the day. They are usually wired at night time making it hard to get to sleep, with 10% of people falling into this category.

What is the best chronotype?

Bears are the most common chronotype—about 50 percent of the adult population are Bears. Because it's the most common chronotype, Bear time has a dominant influence over our broader social time.Apr 10, 2021

What is the dolphin chronotype?

The Dolphin Chronotype The insomniac of the water, actual dolphins sleep with half of their brain on at a time — this helps them stay alert and aware of predators. Dolphins have a hard time waking up in the morning, but once they get going, their productivity reaches its peak around mid-morning.Nov 4, 2020

What is a dolphin sleep chronotype?

Dolphin chronotype Dolphins are often seen as insomniacs, being late-night sleepers — even later than the wolf chronotype. But, unlike wolves, those with the dolphin chronotype are early risers, commonly sleeping for less than the recommended eight hours a day. A Dolphin views sleep as more of a biological necessity.Aug 17, 2021

When should bear chronotype sleep?

between 11PM and 7AMBears typically get 8 hours of sleep, and will generally sleep between 11PM and 7AM. Their most productive hours are before noon, and they often experience a dip in energy after lunch between 2 and 4PM. Because of this, the most important tasks should be done before this slump each day.

Can you be two chronotypes?

Hybrid chronotypes exist—especially for BEARS If your chronotype doesn't quite align with your personality, habits and lifestyle—or if you see something of yourself in another chronotype as well as your own—you may be a hybrid of a couple different bio types. This can be especially common among Bears.Oct 8, 2019

What are the four different chronotypes identified by Michael Breus also known as the sleep doctor?

Breus defines a person's internal clock and rhythm by four chronotypes: dolphins, lions, bears or wolves.Aug 31, 2018

What is Jet LA?

Jet lag, also called jet lag disorder, is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones. Your body has its own internal clock (circadian rhythms) that signals your body when to stay awake and when to sleep.Oct 2, 2020

What is the difference between circadian rhythm and chronotype?

Chronotype vs. Circadian Rhythm. Sleep chronotype is closely related to circadian rhythm , which controls the day-to-day sleep-wake cycle and releases melatonin in response to environmental cues such as light and temperature. However, while circadian rhythm can be “ trained ” by adhering to a strict schedule, the underlying chronotype exists on ...

What is chronotype 1?

Chronotype is the natural inclination of your body to sleep at a certain time, or what most people understand as being an early bird versus a night owl. In addition to regulating sleep and wake times, chronotype 1 has an influence on appetite, exercise, and core body temperature.

What is the difference between a wolf and a dolphin?

Dolphin: The dolphin chronotype is based on the ability of real dolphins to stay alert even while sleeping. Human “dol phins” are best described as insomniacs.

What does the chronotype of a lion stand for?

Answering his online chronotype quiz will tell you whether you are more of a bear, wolf, lion, or dolphin 20: Lion: The lion chronotype stands in for the early bird. These individuals wake up early and are most productive in the morning, but may have more trouble following a social schedule in the evenings.

Why do chronotypes vary?

Chronotype can vary from person to person depending on genetics, age, and other factors. Some scientists believe that chronotype may differ according to geographical location as well, due to changes in daylight hours. As a general rule, most children have an early chronotype.

What is the fourth category of hummingbirds?

Researchers refer to these in-between people as intermediate types or “hummingbirds.”. Some researchers have now added a fourth category, “ bimodal 18 ” , to reinforce the fact that some people identify more with morningness in some ways and with eveningness in other aspects.

Why are teenagers lazy?

Beginning in adolescence, chronotype is pushed back, leading to the myth that teenagers are lazy because they find it difficult to wake up for school. Chronotype then gradually shifts earlier and earlier starting from the age of 20.

The four sleep chronotypes

If you tend to open your eyes naturally before the buzz of your alarm, wake up early on weekends, or find it easy to transition into work mode early in the morning, you’re most likely a morning type.

How to figure out your chronotype

Although your sleep chronotype is, again, influenced by genetics, it’s worth noting that it’s far from set in stone, says Dr. Tal. Factors like your job, lifestyle, and diet, alongside elements of your sleep hygiene can easily shift it one way or the other.

How to align your schedule with your chronotype

Once you’ve identified your chronotype, if you have some flexibility at work, you can aim to structure meetings and any blocks of time where you need to be ultra-productive around the time frames in which you know you’re most alert, says Dr. Tal.

What is the chronotype of the body?

A chronotype is your body’s natural disposition to be awake or asleep at certain times. Your chronotype is closely related to your body’s circadian rhythm, which controls your body’s sleep-wake cycle and melatonin production. Our circadian rhythm is primarily influenced by light exposure, and tends to rise and set with the sun.

What is the most common chronotype?

Bear Chronotype. This is the most common chronotype— about 55 percent of people have the Bear chronotype. People with this intermediate chronotype are generally most productive before noon, and begin feeling declines in energy in the late afternoon, and begin winding down for sleep in the early evening. The sleep-wake cycle of Bears is aligned ...

Why is melatonin less produced in the morning?

This means less melatonin is produced in the morning to help you wake up , and more is produced during the evenings to help you fall asleep.

How to find chronotype?

The easiest way to find your chronotype is to take my chronoquiz. The chronoquiz will determine your chronotype through quick and simple questions intended to help you think about and understand your biological programming. Once you know your chronotype, it’ll be much easier to organize your body’s best schedule.

What does it mean when you are struggling to sleep?

If you are struggling to sleep even after adjusting to your chronotype, then you may have a sleep disorder like insomnia or a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. If so, it’s very important to contact your doctor or a sleep expert to see what your potential treatment options are.

Can chronotype influence bedtime?

Since your chronotype can influence your ideal bedtime, be sure to follow that as closely as you can. If you need to ease yourself into a new schedule, that’s okay! It’s not always easy getting yourself on a new sleep schedule, but as long as you are consistent, it’ll get much easier. It may soon become second nature!

When do lions wake up?

People with the Lion chronotype tend to wake up early in the morning, and are most productive in the hours before noon. Lions are at their best when they can immediately get started with their day’s to-do list and get things done sooner rather than later.

Why is it important to understand chronotypes?

Perhaps the most unique use for understanding your chronotype as Dr. Breus shared, was the power to improve relationships. Understanding chronotypes allows us to know ourselves better, but it also helps us to know - and understand - others, creating greater empathy and improving both personal and professional relationships. ...

What is chronotype in biology?

The short answer is this: your chronotype is the behavioral manifestation of your biological clock. We all know people who somehow wake before the sun without an alarm clock and seem cheerier than a robin on the first day of Spring.

What is the lion chronotype?

Lion Chronotype - About 15% of the population , lions are early birds and hunters. They're the Type A COO's, managers and drill sargents who wake up, exercise, and coordinate the day's projects before the rest of the world has had it's coffee. Lions, while they make lack vision and creativity, are...

Do dolphins sleep unihemispherically?

Lions, while they make lack vision and creativity, are... Dolphin Chronotype - Actual dolphins (the marine species, not the human chronotype) sleep unihemispherically. This leaves 1 side of the brain functioning at all times, keeping them alert for predators. Dr.

Do bears sleep with the sun?

They're in the middle of the spectrum - not earlybirds, and not night owls. They, like actual bears, tend to rise and sleep with the sun, matching the solar schedule. The "normal work hours" are suitable for bears and they're typically the folks who get things done.

Do wolves like to workout?

On the other hand, wolves prefer late night activities like concerts and clubs while lions may struggle to stay up long enough for dinner and a movie.

How much sleep does a bear need?

This chronotype is most productive in the morning, and will typically struggle with an afternoon slump after lunch, generally around 2–4 p.m. Eight hours of sleep is typical for a bear, and normal sleep hours are usually between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. The ideal bear schedule looks like:

What is the chronotype of a night owl?

In addition to your PER3 gene, your chronotype is measured through your body’s biological clock. This means that being a night owl or early riser is not only a personal preference, but is also based on your body’s natural activity, alertness, and rest rhythms.

What is the meaning of "chronotype" in sleep?

“Chrono,” meaning “relates to time,” ...

What time do dolphins sleep?

12–6:30 a.m.: Sleep. Only 10 percent of the population is considered dolphins. Generally highly intelligent, dolphin types will ruminate about the day’s successes and failures while in bed. This chronotype can be seen as distant and uninterested during social interactions.

What are the four chronotypes?

People typically fall into one of four chronotype categories: the bear, the wolf, the lion, and the dolphin. Each chronotype is loosely based on the relative animal’s sleep patterns and habits, so let’s dive in to discover which chronotype you most closely align with.

Why is it important to know your chronotype?

Knowing your chronotype can not only boost your productivity, but it can also help you better understand your body’s needs. Instead of fighting your body’s natural rhythm with a sleep schedule that doesn’t work, it’s best to work with your chronotype.

What does it mean when a lion wakes up early?

Waking up early is a breeze for lions and everything tends to run smoothly until midday. Just as fast as energy for a lion is gained, it’s lost.

What does Breus say about chronotype?

Author of “The Power of When” Dr. Breus, for example, says which chronotype (or type of sleeper) you are could have an effect on your body’s natural tendency to sleep, among other factors. That’s why we looked deeply into the research, to guide you through the science, the theories, and some potential ways you could make the most ...

Why do I miss my REM periods?

This could have two explanations: either being out of sync with the rest of the world can put us at risk for depression, or going to sleep late causes us to miss out on REM periods that can help regulate happy hormones. Maybe it’s a combination of the two, but we’d have to see more research.

Why do I get drowsy when I travel?

When you travel through different time zones, it can take a while for your circadian rhythm to catch up to local time, meaning you might be drowsy or experience insomnia for a few days. This can also happen if you work a night shift or drink a lot of caffeine that prevents sleep. If within a few days of returning to a normal sleep schedule you ...

How long does it take for the brain to get the same effect in the morning?

While in normal chronotypes the first half of the night is dedicated to long-wave sleep and the second half and early morning hours fill your REM quota, Walker says with later chronotypes, your brain may get the same effect later in the morning as long as you get eight hours.

Why is there a correlation between sleep and attitude?

Regarding the behavioral correspondence, a Swiss study suggests a correlation could exist between sleep and attitude because the timing of sleep is important for the regulation of mood.

How are sleep and genetics linked?

Sleep and Genetics Are Linked: Recent Research. Some researchers theorize that humans evolved to have different sleeping patterns to stay safe. By sleeping in shifts, we may have kept better watch over our communities at night.

What is the sixth sense?

Also known as our internal body clock, this sixth sense is wired into our DNA and triggers responses in our bodies that make us sleepy, alert, and can even affect our ability to think straight.

How does synchronizing your schedule help you?

If you synchronize your daily schedule with your specific chronotype you’ll find that you get better sleep at night, which will help you feel more energized and productive throughout your day, which will, in turn, bring out your greatest success for each day.

What is a lion chronotype?

The Lion chronotype. As a lion chronotype personality, you are full-heartedly an early bird-get's-the-worm kinda person. You find waking up early to be a blessing and a breeze. You manage to get massive amounts of work done in the first half of the day until after lunchtime, you are in need of a cat nap.

What animal gives you energy?

2. The Wolf. The night owls of the population. If you are a wolf, you’ll find you get not one, but two boosts of energy throughout your day. The first being around lunchtime and the second being a sudden boost of energy just as most people are shutting off for the night, getting into bed.

What time do bears take naps?

The best schedule for a bear: 6:30–7:30 a.m.: Waketime​​​​.

What time do dolphins sleep?

10 p.m. – 6 a.m.: Sleep. The Dolphin chronotype. Sleep is a foreign concept for you Dolphin chronotypes. When you do eventually sleep, it's as if your senses are still alert because of any slight movement or sound, and you're awake again.

What is the most productive time for a bear?

Your body responds to the solar cycle so there is little arguing from them when waking up in the morning. Their most productive time to complete heavier tasks is between mid-morning and early afternoon.

When do you need a cat nap?

You manage to get massive amounts of work done in the first half of the day until after lunchtime, you are in need of a cat nap. This power nap is often essential to get through the rest of your day, but not always. It is often suggested to have a relaxation routine at the end of each day to decompress. 4. The Dolphin.


1.The Four Chronotypes: Which One Are You? - Psychology …


21 hours ago Answering his online chronotype quiz will tell you whether you are more of a bear, wolf, lion, or dolphin 20: Lion: The lion chronotype stands in for the early bird. These individuals wake up early and are most productive in the... Bear: According to …

2.Chronotypes: Definition, Types, & Effect on Sleep | Sleep ...


30 hours ago Sep 24, 2021 · The four sleep chronotypes Morning type. If you tend to open your eyes naturally before the buzz of your alarm, wake up early on weekends, or find it easy to transition into work mode early in the ...

3.Here's What the 4 Sleep Chronotypes Mean for You | …


21 hours ago Jun 29, 2017 · The 4 Main Chronotypes, aka Sleep Animals. Bear Chronotype - The most common chronotype, bears account for 50-55% of the population. They're in the middle of the spectrum - not earlybirds, and not night owls. They, like actual bears, tend to rise and sleep with the sun, matching the solar schedule. The "normal work hours" are suitable for bears ...

4.What is a Chronotype? A Guide For ... - the Sleep Doctor


29 hours ago Nov 04, 2020 · How To Apply Your Chronotype To Hack Your Productivity. Bears. Bears work best during the morning and start to lose steam after lunch. Think of their productivity level like a bell curve—starting low and ... Wolves. Lions. Up bright and early, lions …

5.What Is Chronotype? - How to Find Your Chronotype for ...


22 hours ago A University of Surrey study suggests there are at least three chronotypes that are identifiable through our genes: delayed, normal, and early, with a little less than half falling into the normal category, with the rest distributed among early and delayed.

6.What Is Your Chronotype? Discover Your ... - Natural Stacks


17 hours ago Each question has been carefully crafted to place you in the right Chronotype category so, for the most accurate results, please be answer each question as honestly as you possibly can. There are four Chronotypes (Dolphin, Lion, Bear, and Wolf), and most people fit into the “Bear” category.

7.How To Find Your Chronotype To Improve Your ... - …


18 hours ago Apr 11, 2022 · 1. The Bear If you are a bear chronotype, you are most definitely a morning person. Your body responds to the solar... 2. The Wolf The night owls of the population. If you are a wolf, you’ll find you get not one, but two boosts of energy... 3. The Lion

8.Chronotypes: Definition and Types I Sleep Advisor


10 hours ago

9.Sleep Chronotype Quiz: What Is ... - QHHT Official Website


2 hours ago

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9