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what are the types of growth and development

by Maritza Crona Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Growth is defined as the increase in size and mass in any living organism.
  • There are four types of growth namely, primary growth, secondary growth, vegetative growth, and reproductive growth.
  • Development is defined as the overall maturation of organisms physically as well as emotionally and psychologically.
  • There are three phases of growth namely, formative phase, cell enlargement, and cell maturation.
  • Factors affecting growth are internal as well as external. Internal factors are growth receptors and hormones. External factors are light, water, temperature, and minerals.
  • Morphogenesis is defined as the process in which an organism undergoes a change in shape due to embryological factors.
  • Differentiation is defined as the process in which a plant's cells, tissues, and organs undergo considerable and significant changes, both internally as well as externally.

Terms in this set (4)
  • physical. Refers to body growth and includes height and weight changes, muscle and nerve development, and changes in body organs.
  • mental. Refers to development of the mind and includes learning how to solve problems, make judgements, and deal with situations.
  • emotional. ...
  • social.

Full Answer

What are the different types of growth strategies?

  • 1. Market expansion A market expansion strategy is one highly effective approach to business growth. ...
  • 2. Market segmentation Market segmentation is another approach to growth strategies that involves dividing a customer market into smaller groups—the segments—according to various criteria including customer interests, locations, ages or ...
  • 4. ...
  • 5. ...
  • 6. ...
  • 8. ...
  • 10. ...

What are the four areas of growth?

  • Exercise
  • Eating healthy
  • Learning a new sport
  • Taking dancing lessons

What is normal growth and development?

Normal growth and development is how your adolescent grows physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. An adolescent is 10 to 20 years old. This time period is divided into 3 stages, including early (10 to 13 years of age), middle (14 to 17 years of age), and late (18 to 20 years of age).

What are the different stages of growth?

What are the stages of growth in business?

  • There is a startup.
  • It’s growth.
  • The person has maturity.
  • Either a renewal or a decline.


What are the 4 main types of growth and development?

Human development is a lifelong process of physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional growth and change.

How many types of growth and development are there?

[2] There are five significant phases in human growth and development, Infancy (neonate and up to one year age) Toddler ( one to five years of age) Childhood (three to eleven years old) - early childhood is from three to eight years old, and middle childhood is from nine to eleven years old.

What are the main types of growth?

Types of GrowthPrimary and Secondary Growth: The mitotic divisions in meristematic cells at the root and shoot apex hikes the length of the plant. ... Vegetative Growth: The growth in plants before flowering is known as vegetative growth and includes the formation of leaves, branches, and stems.More items...•

What is the examples of growth and development?

Examples of Growth and Development During the first two years of life, a baby's arms and legs grow longer and grow more muscle. Puberty marks the occurrence of a growth spurt, where people often grow a few inches taller.

What are the types of development?

Physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and moral.

What are the 7 stages of growth and development?

These stages include infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood and old age.

What is the difference between growth and development?

Growth is defined as the development of a person in weight, age, size, and habits. On the other hand, development is defined as the process wherein a person's growth is visible in relation to the physical, environmental, and social factors. 2. Growth is a process that focuses on quantitative improvement.

What are the five areas of growth and development?

5 areas of personal growthMental growth. Mental growth focuses on the development of your mind, such as the way you think and learn. ... Social growth. Social growth involves improving your communication skills. ... Spiritual growth. ... Emotional growth. ... Physical growth.

What are the characteristics of growth and development?

Different characteristics of growth and development like intelligence, aptitudes, body structure, height, weight, color of hair and eyes are highly influenced by heredity. Sex: Sex is a very important factor which influences human growth and development.

What is importance of growth and development?

It can help them learn new skills, grow their career, and improve their mental health. Human growth and development are important because it also helps them learn new skills, improve their quality of life, and improve their mental health. Human growth and development are important in the continuity of species.

What are the two main types of growth?

Today, our environment has changed while at the same time, our mental models and behaviors are still hardwired to it. That means living with the two types of growth—Logarithmic Growth and Exponential Growth—is somewhat challenging to almost everyone today.

What are the types of growth in psychology?

These typically focus on one of four different areas: physical, cognitive, social/emotional, and communication.

What are three differences between growth and development?

Growth is defined as the development of a person in weight, age, size, and habits. On the other hand, development is defined as the process wherein a person's growth is visible in relation to the physical, environmental, and social factors.

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Growth is defined as the increase in size and mass in any living organism. It is a fundamental aspect of every living organism. Growth occurs in organisms due to the multiplication of animal cells and plant cells in their bodies. An organism undergoes growth in one form or another throughout its lifespan.


Development is defined as the overall maturation of organisms physically as well as emotionally and psychologically. Development is often associated with an enhancement in skills and ability to perform better in living organisms.

Types Of Growth

The term growth can be further classified into types. In the case of plants, growth can be categorized into four types viz. primary growth, secondary growth, vegetative growth, and reproductive growth.

Characteristics Of Growth

Growth, in plants, takes place due to meristems and an increase in protoplasm. The meristems are located at different locations on the plant. They enable the overall growth of plants. Since meristems do not die they ensure that a plant grows throughout its lifespan.

Phases Of Growth

Every living organism has specific phases of growth. Below are highlighted the three phases of growth in plants.

Factors Affecting Growth

Everything in the universe is affected by some factors. Growth receptors in plants and hormones in animals and humans aid the growth of organisms. But there are other factors that affect the growth of living organisms. These factors can be broadly classified into two categories namely,

Things to Remember

Growth is defined as the increase in size and mass in any living organism.

What is the stage of human development?

Stages of human development and growth come from developmental psychology. This psychology makes broader generalizations, so open your mind to thinking in terms of patterns over decades of time. This is very different than considering individual emotions and goals, as is done in most personal development training and therapy.

Why do we need to understand the stages of human development?

The reason why we need to understand the human developmental stages is to know what to do when. When we have a broad understanding of the stages of human development, we know where we are in life.

What age is developmental lag?

Our purpose here is to apply this to adults, starting around age 18-20. This is not a child development model. All ages are considered psychological, not chronological, as developmental lag (not acting your age) is a universal phenomenon.

What is human development level 1?

Human Development Level I (pre-adult). There are not many adults living at level one. This is a state of high dependency, like a child. A level one adult cannot take care of himself well. Can’t keep a job. Doesn’t have much social skill. There are people at level one and they are most concerned with where their next meal is coming from and what is happening today. They don’t plan for the future. They aren’t proactive. The key word that applies to them is extreme dependency.

What level do adults start out at?

Most adults start out at level two . The challenges of life are how to get by and become a viable person. Primary concerns are establishing oneself in the world, which means getting ahead, getting an education, making money, making connections, competing for a place in society.

What are the stages of a child's development?

These stages are the following: 1. Infancy. Infancy happens in the first one and a half years where a child undergoes tremendous growth and change. Some of the senses of a new-born are already functional except the vision. The ability of an infant to see is limited.

What is the stage of development that happens between the twenties and thirties?

5. Early Adulthood. This stage of development happens between the twenties to thirties. At this point, a person usually at the peak of his strength. Most early adults pursue their dreams and try many of the things they are interested in. Pursuing a career is a way of preparing for the future.

What is the adolescence stage?

Adolescence. Right after the middle childhood stage, a child enters the adolescence stage. This stage is characterized by dramatic physical and emotional changes. Intellectual development is also evident in this stage such as the ability to do abstract reasoning, define love, freedom, fear, and other constructs.

What is middle childhood?

A child who enjoys the freedom to choose or exercise autonomy may grow with confidence and a sense of self-reliance. 3. Middle Childhood. The middle childhood happens between six to eleven years old. A child had already experienced and learned many things from his social interactions in school.

How does childhood affect personality?

Experts believe that childhood experiences may somehow affect a person’s personality or behavioral development. 2. Early Childhood. During this stage of development, a toddler learns to socialize. The child also learns the language, autonomy, and the ability to adapt to the environment.

How many stages of life are there?

There are many variations when it comes to the number of stages that a person may undergo throughout the life span. Some experts break down the stages into three: childhood, adulthood, and old age. While others have four: infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The developmentalists, however, break the stages of growth ...

When does the aging process start?

This stage of the development happens between the late thirties to the mid-sixties. In this stage, the aging process becomes more noticeable. People in this stage mostly spend their time rearing and guiding the younger generation. This is also the point where a person begins to look back at the previous stages of growth and development.

Definition of Growth and Development

On Millie's sixth birthday, her parents reflect on how much she has grown since she was born. Millie has grown from a helpless little baby to a school-aged kid who has an extensive vocabulary, can solve a variety of math problems, and can draw pictures of her family. Millie has even grown four inches in the last two months.

Examples of Growth and Development

During the prenatal period, the small zygote grows into an embryo; and eventually into a fetus over time.

What is growth in math?

Growth is an increase or decrease in something. It is modeled using classes of mathematical functions such as linear, exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic growth. Growth can also be classified according to its quality and impact to a business or community. The following are a few commonly cited types of growth.

What is growth investing?

An investing term for growth that's accomplished by acquiring or merging companies.

What is slow growth?

A rate of growth that slows as it approaches a limit. For example, the growth of a company will typically slow as it approaches 100% market share in its primary market.

What is growth in net income?

Growth in a company's net income defined as income after all expenses have been deducted. A bottom-line can grow due to improved revenue, reduced costs or both.

What is exponential growth?

An ever increasing rate of growth. Exponential growth may start slowly but eventually reaches a high rate of growth that jumps upwards.

What is the stage of physical growth in later childhood?

Later Childhood Stage: During later childhood period (6 years to 12 years of age) physical growth is initially slow. Arms and legs grow faster than the trunk and the child appears tall and thin. He loses his milk teeth and permanent teeth begin to appear. The sense organ, muscles and brain are more or less mature.

Which aspect of mental development should be emphasised?

ii. Emphasis should be given on acquisition and mastery of language which is one of the aspects of mental development.

How much height do girls gain in adolescence?

At the early adolescent years, most children experience the adolescent growth spurt, a rapid increase in height and weight. Usually, this spurt occurs in girls two years earlier than boys. The spurt usually last about two years and during this time girls gain 6 to 7 inches and boys 8 to 9 inches in height. By the age of seventeen in girls and eighteen in boys, the majority of them have reached 98 percent of their final height.

What is the term for the span of years during which the boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood?

A.t. Jersild defines adolescence as “the span of years during which the boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood.” All types of changes like biological, physical, social, intellectual, moral etc. take place during the adolescence stage.

How much does a baby weigh in infancy?

The physical development is very rapid at this stage. At birth a baby is generally 18 to 20 inches long and seven pounds (3 kg) in weight. ADVERTISEMENTS:

What is the brain at birth?

At birth the brain is almost one fourth of its final weight. The upper part of the body is well developed at birth while the lower part has a period of accelerated growth after the birth. Legs and trunk gradually lengthen. There is significant increase in the length of arms and use of muscles.

What do children learn during the six years of life?

The child learns to hop, skip, jump, run, climb and dance during this stage. He learns to do various things and he is satisfied with this achievements. A major development task for a child during six years of life is to acquire a gender identification.

How many types of growth are there?

So, these are some points of contrast between growth and development. Well, there are four types of human growth. Let us first look at them.

What are the different types of growth in plants?

There are three types of growth in plants. Primary/ Secondary Growth : Primary/ Secondary growth is defined as the growth wherein the plant grows in length. This increase in height is termed as primary growth. On the other hand, when the diameter of a plant gets increased, then it is known as secondary growth.

What is the definition of development?

Development. On the other hand, development is defined as the growth process wherein a person develops in relation to physical, environmental, and social factors. Development can have several meanings. In terms of children, the development of a child depends upon several factors like physical, nutritional, genetic, and environmental.

What is the difference between growth and development?

On the other hand, development is defined as the process wherein a person's growth is visible in relation to the physical, environmental, and social factors. 2. Growth is a process that focuses on quantitative improvement.

Why is growth and development important?

In humans, growth and development are considered very necessary because when a child grows and develops into an intelligent individual, he/ she helps the nation in becoming developed. A human being is considered to be developed because of his/ her characteristics like behaviour, habits, attitude, maturity, etc.

What is growth in psychology?

2. Growth is a process that focuses on quantitative improvement. For instance, a child visibly grows in weight and height. Development focuses on both qualitative and quantitative refinement. For instance, a child's IQ increases with the growing age. 3.

What is mental growth?

Mental Growth: Mental Growth develops the child's mind that helps the child solve problems, make judgements, etc.


Characteristics of Growth

  • Plants exhibit the ability to grow throughout their life. It is because of the presence of meristems at particular locations on the body and meristems have the capability to divide and self-perpetuate. Growth is measurable. Growth is the consequence of the increase in protoplasm and this rise is not easy to measure. Growth is measured by different methods such as the rise in dr…
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Factors Affecting Growth

  • Hormones in animals and Growth regulators help plants to grow steadily. Let’s discuss some of the factors affecting growth in various living beings. It would be convenient if we divide these factors into two broad categories, namely – Internal and External Factors.
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External Growth Factors

  1. Light – Light is one of the most crucial components of photosynthesisin plants.
  2. Temperature – Every organism needs a suitable temperature to survive, to grow, to develop various tissues and organs, and also to reproduce.
  3. Water – Plants absorb water through their roots and use it for photosynthesis and other bioc…
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Types of Growth

Characteristics of Growth

Phases of Growth

Factors Affecting Growth

Things to Remember

  • [Click Here for Sample Questions] 1. Growth is defined as the increase in size and mass in any living organism. 2. There are four types of growth namely, primary growth, secondary growth, vegetative growth, and reproductive growth. 3. Development is defined as the overall maturation of organisms physically as well as emotionally and psychologically...
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Sample Questions


Early Childhood

Middle Childhood


Early Adulthood

Middle Adulthood

  • This stage of the development happens between the late thirties to the mid-sixties. In this stage, the aging process becomes more noticeable. People in this stage mostly spend their time rearing and guiding the younger generation. This is also the point where a person begins to look back at the previous stages of growth and development.
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Late Adulthood

Death and Dying

1.Growth and Development - Characteristics, Types, and …


17 hours ago Introduction to Growth and Development. Neonate (newborn): Birth to 1 month. Infant: 1 month to 1 year. Young child: 1 year through 4 years. Older child: 5 years through 10 years. Adolescent: 11 years through 17 to 19 years.

2.Growth and Development: Types, Phases


29 hours ago 1. Stages of human development and growth come from developmental psychology. This psychology makes broader generalizations, so open your mind to thinking in terms of patterns over decades of time. This is very different than considering individual emotions and goals, as is done in most personal development training and therapy.

3.Introduction to Growth and Development - Pediatrics


7 hours ago  · There are three key components to development: growth, which involves physically getting larger; maturation, which involves physical, emotional, or intellectual development; and learning, which ...

4.6 Stages of Human Development and Growth - iNLP Center


13 hours ago physical. Refers to body growth and includes height and weight changes, muscle and nerve development, and changes in body organs. mental. Refers to development of the mind and includes learning how to solve problems, make judgements, and deal with situations. emotional.

5.Stages of Growth and Development (Infancy to Old Age)


29 hours ago  · 15 Types Of Growth. Growth is an increase or decrease in something. It is modeled using classes of mathematical functions such as linear, exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic growth. Growth can also be classified according to its quality and impact to a business or community. The following are a few commonly cited types of growth.

6.Growth & Development Overview & Examples -


1 hours ago This article throws light upon the four major aspects of human growth and development. The aspects are: 1. Physical Development During Infancy 2. Mental Development 3. Emotional Development 4. Social Development. Human Growth and Development: Aspect # 1. Physical Development During Infancy:

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