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what can you grow in oregon

by Christy Conroy Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

10 Best Vegetables to Grow in Oregon (2022 Guide)

  • #1. Lettuce View Price of Seeds Popular Varieties: Butterhead, Boston, Loose Leaf ...
  • #2. Kale View Price of Seeds Popular Varieties: Curly, Lacinato, Red Russian, Ornamental ...
  • #3. Peas View Price of Seeds ...
  • #4. Tomatoes View Price of Seeds ...
  • #5. Squash View Price of Seeds ...
  • #6. Cucumbers View Price of Seeds ...
  • #7. Peppers View Price of Seeds ...
  • #8. Green Beans View Price of Seeds ...

Beef cattle, hay, potatoes, and mint grow in this scenic area of the state. But the most intensive production is found in the Treasure Valley along the Idaho border where much of the nation's onion production takes place. Other irrigated crops include sugar beets and a variety of vegetables.

Full Answer

What are the best vegetables to grow in Oregon?

#1. Lettuce Why Grow Lettuce in Oregon? Lettuce thrives in Oregon’s cold spring and cooler fall months. Unlike other vegetables, this plant can grow even when there is snow or frost on the ground. Lettuce may be the easiest vegetable to grow. You do not need to fertilize it, only need to water it once a week, and it can be planted in any soil.

What fruit trees grow well in central Oregon?

Fruit Trees: The apple tree, followed by hardy Asian pear, European pear, plum, and sour cherry, is the most consistent fruiting tree in Central Oregon. You may also try peach, apricot, sweet cherry, hardy kiwi, and certain nuts, but keep in mind that these trees don’t always give fruit.

Can you grow peppers in Oregon?

Regardless of whether you live in northern or southern Oregon peppers grow great in all types of gardens. I especially love growing them in raised garden beds and garden containers. If you have trouble with insects infecting your vegetables in Oregon then you should plant Peppers.

What are the best figs to grow in Oregon?

Figs: Figs are pretty common in farmers markets, but the Mediterranean favorite isn't always associated with Oregon local produce. Figs are easy to grow and the Desert King is a common variety that is sometimes name-checked on restaurant menus.


What food can you grow in Oregon?

The 11 Best Vegetables To Grow In OregonBroccoli.Lettuce.Cabbage.Cucumbers.Green Beans.Carrots.Kale.Peas.More items...•

What fruits and vegetables grow in Oregon?

While potatoes, pears, and onions are Oregon's most valuable produce crops, followed by blueberries, cherries, and apples, the state leads the nation in smaller-category commodities as well, such as blackberries, boysenberries, and rhubarb.

Is Oregon a good state for gardening?

Thanks to our mild oceanic climate, warm summers and wet winters, Oregon is one of the most botanically lush states in the nation, ranking fifth nationally for plant species diversity. That makes Oregon a great place to get a heaping dose of natural goodness.

What can I plant in my Oregon garden?

Western Oregon: If soil is dry enough, prepare vegetable garden and plant early cool-season crops (carrots, beets, broccoli, leeks, parsley, chives, rhubarb, peas and radishes). Plant onions outdoors as soon as the soil is dry enough to work.

What is Oregon known for growing?

Fresh and processed vegetables, tree fruits, berries, hazelnuts, wine grapes, and hops are grown in the valley, too, along with nursery products, Christmas trees, dairy and beef cows, as well as poultry.

When should I plant my garden in Oregon?

Right about now (late April) in the Willamette Valley, you can plant cool-season vegetables like carrots, beets, scallions, chives, parsley and cutting greens that are easy to grow from seed; or plant already-started transplants of kale, head lettuce, chard, leeks and onions.

What crops grow in winter in Oregon?

You can harvest cool-season crops throughout the winter. Kale, turnips, arugula, greens and broccoli are some. Many do fine uncovered after a mild frost (30 to 32 degrees) and with protection during extremely cold weather. Some, like parsnips and Brussels sprouts, taste even better after they're frost-kissed.

How do I start a garden in Oregon?

Prepare the soil. Rake bed before planting seeds or transplants. For new garden beds: Remove sod or weeds to expose soil. Liberally add 4 to 6 inches of compost, agricultural lime and a balanced fertilizer and incorporate into the top 8 to 12 inches with a digging fork or spade.

How long is Oregon growing season?

Oregon on average has approximately 125 days between the last and first frost. Using the planting schedules below will help you get the most out of your garden.

What can I plant right now Oregon?

Now, for all the summer vegetables like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around April 3, or if your soil is still very cold, once the soil is near 60° F in temperature.

When should you plant tomatoes in Oregon?

MayPlant in a bed with at least 8 hours of direct sun. Late May is generally a good time to purchase and plant. Cover with frost blanket, “wall-o-water”, or cloches when nights are cool. Plastic mulch also helps keep the ground warm.

What can I plant now in the Pacific Northwest?

Plants that can be direct sown outside in Pacific Northwest gardens include arugula, lettuces, mustard, and spinach. March planting in the northwest should include planting your asparagus and rhubarb crowns, horseradish, onions, leeks, and shallots as well as potatoes.

What fruits can grow in Oregon?

Fruit Trees: The apple tree is the most reliable fruiting tree in Central Oregon, followed by hardy Asian pear, European pear, plum, and sour cherry. You can also try peach, apricot, sweet cherry, hardy kiwi, and some kinds of nuts, but these trees may not bear consistently.

What fruits and vegetables grow well in the Pacific Northwest?

Arugula, Beans, Beets, Dwarf Cabbage, Corn, Cucumber, Endive, Eggplant, Gourds (louffa), Lettuce, Kale, Melons, Okra, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Radish, Radicchio, Rutabaga, Scallions, Sorrel, Summer Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, Turnips and Watermelon. Pretty much EVERY Herb!! Don't forget the Wildflowers!

What fruit is Oregon famous?

Oregon is the nation's top producer of blackberries, Boysenberries and Loganberries. Other bountiful berry crops include strawberries, blueberries, Marionberries and raspberries.

What foods is Oregon famous for?

When it comes to food, Oregon is known for blueberries, huckleberries, marionberries, Dungeness crab, and hazelnuts (Oregon produces 99% of the nation's hazelnut crops). Voodoo donuts, Salt & Straw ice cream, Tillamook cheese, are also all popular foods with origins in Oregon!

What is the best plant to grow in Oregon?

4. Arugula. The climatic condition and the soil texture of Oregon makes it very easy for Arugula to grow easily. Rocket or arugula (American English) is an edible annual plant in the family Brassicaceae used as a leaf vegetable for its fresh, tart, bitter, and peppery flavor.

What vegetables are grown in Oregon?

5. Chard. Another vegetable that can easily be cultivated in Oregon is Chard. Swiss chard (also known simply as chard) is a leafy green vegetable that is related to beets and spinach. It is rich in vitamins A, C and especially K, and it is also a good source of magnesium, iron and potassium.

Why do people grow potatoes in Oregon?

The potato is a root vegetable native to the Americas, a starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum, and the plant itself, a perennial in the family Solanaceae. Potatoes are generally grown from seed potatoes, tubers specifically grown to be free from disease and to provide consistent and healthy plants.

Where is the most hazelnut grown?

Oregon is one of four major world hazelnut growing regions, and produces 95 percent of the domestic hazelnuts in the United States. While the history of wine production in Oregon can be traced to before Prohibition, it became a significant industry beginning in the 1970s. In 2005, Oregon ranked third among U.S. states with 303 wineries.

Which states grow potatoes?

In the US, this restricts production of seed potatoes to only 15 states out of all 50 states where potatoes are grown and Oregon is one of them. These locations are selected for their cold, hard winters that kill pests and summers with long sunshine hours for optimum growth. 23. Green Beans.

Is beetroot a vegetable?

Beets is yet another vegetable that can easily be cultivated in Oregon because of the climatic condition and soil texture of the state. Beet (Beta vulgaris) is a plant with a round or carrot – shaped root. There are various varieties of this plant. The commonest is red beetroot, a root vegetable eaten.

Is pea a vegetable?

Pea, (Pisum sativum), also called garden pea, herbaceous annual plant in the family Fabaceae, grown virtually worldwide for its edible seeds is known to thri ve easily in Oregon hence you will find vegetable farmers cultivating the crop in commercial quantities.

What are some of the most popular crops grown in Oregon?

Foods you didn't know were grown in Oregon. Pears: The pear is one of Oregon's most popular crops, bringing in more than $120 million per year for the state. Oregon is the third-biggest pear producer in the country. Harry and David's gourmet gift box pears are all grown in the state. Don't Edit.

What is the crop that grows on the Oregon coast?

Wasabi: Another crop that thrives on the coast where cranberries do is wasabi. Oregon has a burgeoning wasabi scene -- the real stuff, not green horseradish.

How much money does Oregon make from cranberries?

The land used for cranberries has few other agricultural purposes, though, so many cranberry farmers remain. The crop still brings in nearly $12 million for the state per year and makes Oregon the fourth-biggest cranberry producer in the country. Don't Edit. The Associated Press/file.

What fruit grows in Oregon?

The Oregonian. Foods you didn't know were grown in Oregon. Persimmons: This fruit grows easily in Oregon and hangs on the tree long after the leaves die. Most commonly associated with Japan and other parts of Asia, the persimmon has a long history of being grown and used for pies and desserts in the Northwest.

What is Oregon's barley?

Barley: Essential to Oregon's beer scene, barley is grown for malts and breads. Next to grain behemoth states like Idaho, Oregon's barley stands out a niche crop that could get more popular. Don't Edit. Oregonian file photo. Foods you didn't know were grown in Oregon.

Where are Oregon olives grown?

Olives: The Oregon Olive Mill at Red Ridge Farms near Dundee processes olives harvested from Oregon fields and presses them into olive oil. Olives are being grown on smaller scales on other farms, as well.

When was the first sea urchin harvested in Oregon?

Michael Russell, The Oregonian. Foods you didn't know were grown in Oregon. Sea urchin: Sea urchin was first harvested in Oregon in 1986 off the coast near Port Orford. At peak in 1994, state fishers pulled 9.3 million pounds.

What hardiness zone is Oregon?

It can be the difference between your herb garden thriving and providing a bountiful yield or producing nothing. Oregon is mostly considered Hardiness Zone 5, while some of the lower-level regions are Hardiness Zone 6.

Why Grow Basil in Oregon?

As the summers get warmer basil continues to get grow and become more flavorful. Look no further for a low-maintenance herb.

How many types of dill are there in Oregon?

This may be one of the most underrated factors for growing dill in Oregon. There are almost 4 main types of dill, all of which have a unique taste. This means you can pick your type for your specific need and climate.

When does garlic grow?

Because Garlic is a perennial herb it can survive some of the most extreme temperatures compared to other herbs! You’ll notice it begins to grow in early spring and can survive all the way until late fall.

Is dill good for Oregon?

As you can tell there is a trend. Dill is another herb that does great in Oregon’s summer heat. The hotter, the better. But be careful, this means it could flower quicker and sour its flavor.

Can lavender be planted in Oregon?

If you have trouble with insects infecting your herbs in Oregon then you should plant lavender. This herb is one of the few in Oregon that you won’t have to worry about insect infestation all year.

Is oregano an ornamental plant?

Oregano can also be considered an ornamental plant that is perfect for edges, garden containers, and traditional gardens. This means it can add color, features, and beauty to any type of yard.

Why Grow Marigolds in Oregon?

If you have early spring frosts or late fall frost then Marigolds is the perfect flower to plant for an extended flower garden season.

Why Grow Petunias in Oregon?

Petunias are a great annual flower that can bloom until early November but really thrives in heat. You’ll notice the hotter it is the more blooms there are!

Why Grow Alyssum in Oregon?

Alyssum is one of the few flowers on this list that are great for ground cover. This flower spreads without any help from the gardener & have beautiful small blooms that add color to any landscape

What is the easiest flower to grow from seed?

Easy to Grow from Seed: Zinnias is the easiest and most popular type of flower to grow from seed. It requires less sunlight, water, and care to germinate compared to other flowers during the winter.

When is Alyssum best for winter?

Alyssum is perfect for the cool fall evenings and cold winter days. Actually, this is when Alyssum will bloom and add beautiful colors well into the first few touches of frost of the year.

What fruit trees grow in Oregon?

Apricot trees are another great type of fruit tree that will thrive in Oregon’s humidity and heat. And for those summers that get little to no rain apricots trees will continue to grow and bear lots of apricots.

Which fruit tree produces the most fruit?

Cherries produce the largest harvest out of all the fruit trees on this list. While cherry trees don’t grow as tall as other trees they can sometimes yield up to 50 pounds of fruit in a season.

What is the only fruit tree that is pest resistant?

The fig tree is the only fruit tree on this list that is truly pest-resistant. Deers hate fig-trees, rabbits can’t reach the fruit, and squirrels and chipmunks find easier food elsewhere.

How big do fruit trees get?

Most fruit trees grow high and wide, but very few just grow high. Peach trees are the only type of fruit tree that has varieties that can grow 10 to 15 feet high and only 2 to 3 feet wide.

What insects are attracted to apple trees?

Out of all the fruit trees on this list, insects are most likely to attact apple trees. Whether it’s Japanese Beetles or Aphids, you will constantly have to spray and care for your apple tree to prevent insect infestation

Do apricot trees get big?

Apricot trees don’t get very large. Outside of Fig Trees, they are the next smallest tree on this list. This makes them perfect for small yards and space, surburban fruit orchards, and urban gardens.

Do plum trees grow in the summer?

While most fruit trees tolerate heat, plum trees thrive in it. This early summer fruit-producing tree will grow quickly with more plums when it has a warmer winter and spring.

Read THIS Before Growing Succulents in Oregon

Knowing what environment succulents thrive in can help you successfully grow succulents in Oregon.

Additional Resources

Did you know that Burro’s Tail has some of the most beautiful blooms of all succulents? In the summer they can bloom beautiful, vibrant pink flowers that all succulent gardeners will love.

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Did you know that there is not only a Christmas Cactus but also a Thanksgiving Cactus and an Easter Cactus? All make for beautiful gifts!

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The Snake Plant is another great succulent that can be given as a gift. No matter if someone is a gardener or not it is the perfect accent for any home!

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Green Zebras are a beautiful succulent that fits in almost any spot in your home due to their small height and width. This makes it perfect for families that want to grow it together in their homes!

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The Ponytail Palm is also the perfect succulent to grow in a greenhouse, outside in tropical-like environments and even in climate-controlled in Oregon.

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The Panda Plant can grow several feet tall making this the perfect accent in almost any room, but also a nice complement to your current succulent or home plant garden!

What kinds of fruits may be found in Central Oregon?

Fruit Trees: The apple tree, followed by hardy Asian pear, European pear, plum, and sour cherry, is the most consistent fruiting tree in Central Oregon. You may also try peach, apricot, sweet cherry, hardy kiwi, and certain nuts, but keep in mind that these trees don’t always give fruit.

What kind of fruit trees may be found in Idaho?

For cooler climates, use Zone 3 trees. Apples, Pie Cherries, American and European Plums, Pears, Sweet Cherries, Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines, and Japanese Plums are listed in order of general hardiness.

Is it true that elderberries grow in Idaho?

Elderberry. Elderberries may be seen growing wild along Idaho’s woodland roads. The leaves, stems, bark, and roots all contain purgative and cyanide-producing chemicals.

Is it possible to produce pistachios in Oregon?

Medford’s climate isn’t conducive to excellent output. Pistachios thrive best in climates with cold but not bitterly cold winters, scorching summers, and little rain. Locations in semi-arid deserts are excellent. Pistachios do not thrive in humid environments.

Is it possible to find black walnut trees in Oregon?

According to Gary Goby, hybrid black walnut thrives in deep, well-drained soils in western Oregon. Its soil needs are comparable to those of commercial fruit trees, and the Ohio State University Extension Service has created maps of appropriate valley soils to serve as a reference to landowners.

How much may a black walnut tree be sold for?

A mature stand of black walnut trees may generate nearly $100,000 per acre in wood value alone, according to Bruce Thompson, author of “Black Walnut For Profit.”

Is it possible to produce almonds in Washington?

Almond trees are native to the Middle East’s Mediterranean environment. Unfortunately, much of Washington State is either too cold or too damp for almond trees. Almond tre es, on the other hand, may be grown outdoors in the southern portions of the state, where the winters are mild and the summers are hot and dry.

How many marijuana plants can you grow in Oregon?

For medical purposes, Oregon medical marijuana growing laws mandate that growers can plant 6 cannabis plants at one time if they are licensed. This still falls under the 10-seed per purchase mandate of the law.

When did Oregon allow marijuana?

After a few decades of turbulence as the nation turned against marijuana use, Oregon became among the first states to allow the use of marijuana in 1998. The law, popularly known as Measure 67, allowed physicians to prescribe marijuana. This gave growers leeway to experiment with the crop, creating a lot of popular strains that we love today.

How many seeds can you buy for marijuana?

Purchasing up to 10 seeds for growing marijuana.

Is marijuana legal in Oregon?

Marijuana has had a long history in Oregon, ever since the Pilgrims traveled across the state with hemp-covered wagons. According to Oregon marijuana laws, growing the herb is legal in the State ever since Measure 91 was passed in 2014. Oregon medical marijuana growing laws are some of the most progressive and eco-friendly laws in the country.

Can you grow marijuana in your own backyard?

Do not go overboard. If you grow indoors or in your own backyard, you might be tempted to go over the allotted limit. Resist the urge if you want to continue enjoying your home-grown marijuana.

Can you grow marijuana indoors in Oregon?

Measure 91 sets specific rules for growing marijuana for personal use. According to Oregon marijuana laws, growing marijuana can be done both indoors and outdoors. This is very convenient for growers since they can take advantage of the climate to grow the many strains that do well outdoors in Oregon.


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34 hours ago  · 10 Best Vegetables to Grow in Oregon (2022 Guide) #1. Lettuce. Why Grow Lettuce in Oregon? Lettuce thrives in Oregon’s cold spring and cooler fall months. Unlike other... #2. …

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