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what determines the fundamental frequency of an individuals voice

by Miguel Davis II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

While average fundamental frequency is predominantly determined by vocal fold
vocal fold
The vocal folds are two elastic bands of muscle tissue located in the larynx (voice box) directly above the trachea (windpipe) (see figure). When you breathe, your vocal folds remain apart and when you swallow, they are tightly closed. › health › vocal-fold-paralysis
length (larynx size)
, range of fundamental frequency is facilitated by (1) laryngeal muscles that control elongation and by (2) nonlinearity in tissue fiber tension.
Jun 16, 2016

Full Answer

What is the abbreviation for voice fundamental frequency?

The fundamental frequency of a speech signal, often denoted by F0 or F 0, refers to the approximate frequency of the (quasi-)periodic structure of voiced speech signals. The oscillation originates from the vocal folds, which oscillate in the airflow when appropriately tensed.

What is the meaning of "frequency of a human voice"?

Voice frequency refers to both the audio range of vocal transmission most detectable to the human ear and the voice frequency band used by telecommunications networks for the transmission of speech. This band generally ranges from 300 hertz (Hz) upwards to around 3000-4000 Hz.

What frequency does the human voice have?

The vocal speech frequency of an adult male ranges from 85 to 180 Hertz, while the frequency of an adult female ranges from 165 to 255 Hertz. According to Wikipedia, the fundamental frequency of speech falls between this bandwidth.

What is the amplitude of human voice?

Amplitude is the fluctuation or displacement of a wave from its mean value. With sound waves, it is the extent to which air particles are displaced, and this amplitude of sound or sound amplitude is experienced as the loudness of sound. Additionally, how does a human voice box work? The human voice consists of sound made by a human being using ...


What determines the fundamental frequency for voice speech?

The fundamental frequency is determined by the rate of modulation of the vocal folds during voiced speech. It gives rise to periodicity in the waveform and harmonicity in the spectrum.

What determines a person's fundamental frequency?

The F0 of an individual speaker depends primarily on the length of the vocal folds, which is in turn correlated with overall body size. Cultural and stylistic aspects of speech naturally have also a large impact.

What is the fundamental frequency of voice?

In general, the fundamental frequency of the complex speech tone – also known as the pitch or f0 – lies in the range of 100-120 Hz for men, but variations outside this range can occur. The f0 for women is found approximately one octave higher. For children, f0 is around 300 Hz.

What factors influence the frequency range of human voice?

The length, size and tension among them determines their fundamental frequency, averaging at around 125 Hz in men, 210 Hz in women and around 300 Hz in children. The higher the fundamental frequency of a voice, the higher its pitch (Kampwirth, 2013).

What affects fundamental frequency?

Changing Pitch A string vibrates with a particular fundamental frequency. It is possible, however, to produce pitches with different frequencies from the same string. The four properties of the string that affect its frequency are length, diameter, tension, and density.

What determines the sound of your voice?

As air passes over them, the vocal cords vibrate very quickly to produce sounds. The higher the rate of vibration, called frequency, the higher the pitch will be. The pitch of your voice is largely determined by the length and tension of your vocal cords.

Does fundamental frequency change?

Fundamental frequency, starting from about 300 Hz at 3 years, decreases slightly with age. However, the largest decrease of funda- mental frequency seems to occur between the ages of 3 and 6 years.

What is voice quality name 3 factors that influence voice quality?

The voice has various attributes; these are chiefly frequency, harmonic structure, and intensity. The immediate result of vocal cord vibration is the fundamental tone of the voice, which determines its pitch.

What are the most important frequencies for speech sounds?

What can humans hear? Humans can usually hear frequencies between 32 and 32,000 Hz at intensities of 10 dB and louder. The most important frequencies for speech and language are between 250 and 8,000 Hz.

Does fundamental frequency change?

Fundamental frequency, starting from about 300 Hz at 3 years, decreases slightly with age. However, the largest decrease of funda- mental frequency seems to occur between the ages of 3 and 6 years.

Why is fundamental frequency important?

The fundamental frequency provides the sound with its strongest audible pitch reference - it is the predominant frequency in any complex waveform. A sine wave is the simplest of all waveforms and contains only a single fundamental frequency and no harmonics, overtones or partials.

Is the fundamental frequency the loudest?

Since the fundamental is the lowest frequency and is also perceived as the loudest, the ear identifies it as the specific pitch of the musical tone [harmonic spectrum].... The individual partials are not heard separately but are blended together by the ear into a single tone.

How do you find the fundamental frequency in praat?

To Find the f0 in Praat: Highlight the vowel. Then go to the Spectrum menu up top and select “view spectral slice.” In the spectrum window, you'll see several peaks. Click on the top of the first peak. The value of the first peak in Hz is the fundamental frequency.

How is F0 extracted?

Although the electroglottographic f0 is also dependent on the VF vibration, it is extracted by electrodes from the electric potential variation generated between the VFs, and it is important to ensure that the Electroglottography electrodes are correctly positioned for vertical laryngeal position during phonation. In this study, to ensure the best positioning of the electrodes and accelerometer in the larynx region, individuals were instructed not to move and not to swallow during recording. However, minimal laryngeal displacement may have occurred, which would not justify the difference in values found between the methods.

Why is it important to have a larger sample for acoustic evaluation?

The need for new studies with a larger sample is stressed in order to evaluate the reciprocity of microphone evaluations (acoustic), with electrodes (EGG) and with accelerometer (accelerometer) in individuals with normal and dysphonic vocal quality. Such research initiatives would help standardize these measurements, and consequently, help achieve greater accuracy in vocal evaluation.

What is the difference between dysphonic and nondysphonic speech?

The Speech-Language Pathology evaluation classified in the nondysphonic group included subjects with presence of normal voice (evaluated in a perceptive-auditory manner) and absence of vocal symptoms. The dysphonic group included the presence of altered vocal quality of a mild to moderate degree, and presence of vocal symptoms.

What is the evaluation of voice?

1 Due to the multidimensional nature of the human voice, the Committee on Phoniatrics of the European Laryngological Society (ELS) indicates that the evaluation of vocal quality consists of several vocal parameters, such as auditory and acoustic perceptual analysis of voice, and aerodynamic, electroglottographic , and laryngeal evaluation, in addition to the protocols of vocal self-perception. 2

What is the fundamental frequency of a voice?

The mean fundamental frequency found for normal voices was 195.8 Hz for female voices and 112.0 Hz for male voices obtained through the microphone and accelerometer. The values estimated using the electrodes were 209.6 Hz for female voices and 160.5 Hz for male voices. For dysphonic voices, the values were 187.7 Hz for female voices and 126.8 Hz for male voices obtained through the microphone and accelerometer. The values estimated using the electrodes were 226.8 Hz for female voices and 173.8 Hz for male voices.

What is the vocal dimension parameter?

To complement the vocal evaluation, the vocal dimension parameter that quantifies the degree of exposure of the VFs tissue to the vibration over time has been described. 13, 14 The literature describes several types of vocal dose. The most common are: (1) the temporal dose, which quantifies the total time of vibration of the VF during speech and is measured in seconds; (2) the cyclic dose, which quantifies the number of oscillations of VF in time, and is measured in number of cycles; and (3) the distance dose, which is the total distance covered by the VF in the cyclic trajectory during the vibration, depending on the phonation time, the f0 and the intensity, and is measured in meters. 15

Can acoustic measurements correlate with fundamental frequency?

No studies were found to correlate the simultaneous measurement of the fundamental frequency obtained by acoustic, electroglottographic, and accelerometer evaluations on the surface of the skin of the neck. Limitations in this study is mismatch of number of subjects in dysphonic males (N = 5) compared to dysphonic females (N = 15).


The purpose of this study was to examine the speaking fundamental frequency (SFF) and pitch sigma (individual SFF variability) of African American and Caucasian children ages 6 through 8 years.


Participants in this study included 63 Caucasian and African American children recruited from 6 urban schools and 1 day care center. All participants passed hearing and speech–language screenings. Spontaneous speech samples for SFF measurement were elicited from each child in a quiet room in the school he or she attended.


Results of this study found that there were no significant differences in SFF or pitch sigma as a function of the races or ages studied.


This study is the most comprehensive to date on SFF and pitch sigma for African American and Caucasian children ages 6 to 8 years. Results supported previous observations that SFF is stable throughout the prepubescent years. Furthermore, findings also suggest that pitch sigma is stable across the ages of 6 to 8 years, regardless of race.


Participants in this study included 63 Caucasian and African American children divided into three age groups: 6-, 7-, and 8-year-olds. For a child to be included in this study, the child's age at the time of recording had to fall into one of the following groups: 6;0 (years;months) to 6;6, 7;0 to 7;6, or 8;0 to 8;6.


Results for SFF and pitch sigma for African American and Caucasian children 6, 7, and 8 years old can be seen in Table 4. Visual inspection of the data showed that the mean SFF of African American children, regardless of age, was somewhat lower than the mean SFF of Caucasian children (238.9 Hz vs. 250.5 Hz).


The first research question asked what SFF and pitch sigma values characterize Caucasian and African American children of ages 6, 7, and 8 years and whether there were significant differences in these values based on race or age.

What does aphonia mean in conversation?

Conversation Aphonia. (aphonia = lack of sound, no sound)

What does "loud enough to be heard" mean?

1. Loud enough to be heard - can be heard and understood over the noise of everyday environmental noises.

How many processes can a normal voice have?

The normal voice can also be separated into 3 processes...

What is the normal voice?

The normal voice has adequate pitch, loudness, and quality variability to convey a message.

How many types of functional voice disorders are there?

There are two types of functional voice disorders...

What happens when vocal folds adduct?

vocal folds adduct slightly together, allowing expired air to pass between the folds, setting them into vibration.

Which muscle is positioned so that when they contract, the entire rib cage?

External Intercostal Muscles: They are positioned so that when they contract, the entire rib cage...


1.Fundamental Voice Frequency: Acoustic, …


15 hours ago Typically fundamental frequencies lie roughly in the range 80 to 450 Hz, where males have lower voices than females and children. The F0 of an individual speaker depends primarily on the length of the vocal folds, which is in turn correlated with overall body size.. What determines fundamental frequency in speech?

2.Determine fundamental frequency of speaking voice


36 hours ago  · The fundamental frequency (f 0) of the voice is defined as the first harmonic, and is a measure widely used to characterize the human voice. 19 It is determined physiologically by the number of glottal cycles that the VFs perform in 1 second, and is the natural result of the length of these structures.

3.Determine fundamental frequency of voice recordings


18 hours ago  · Determine fundamental frequency of speaking voice. I am trying to determine the perceived pitch of an audio sample (voice only, no background or music) to then identify the voice as bass, tenor, alto, mezzo-soprano, soprano. To do so, I use aubio which returns a list of timecodes and the respective frequency of any given audio file.

4.Speaking Fundamental Frequency and Individual …


3 hours ago  · 1. I am using the command line tool aubiopitch to analyze voice recordings. My goal is to determine the fundamental frequency of the voice recorded. I know, of course, that the frequency varies – that's why I want to calculate an "average" in Hz over a 30-second recording. My question: aubio uses different methods to determine the pitch of a ...

5.Voice Flashcards | Quizlet


2 hours ago Fundamental Frequency Control: The factors that determine fundamental frequency control are... VOCAL FOLD LENGTH and TENSION. Fundamental Frequency Control: To achieve higher pitch, crycothryroid muscle contraction causes the vocal folds to...

6.Seven and up: individual differences in male voice …


25 hours ago  · Voice pitch (the perceptual correlate of fundamental frequency, F0) varies considerably even among individuals of the same sex and age, communicating a host of socially and evolutionarily relevant information. However, due to the almost exclusive utilization of cross-sectional designs in previous studies, it remains unknown whether these individual differences …

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34 hours ago What gives people their individual voice qualities? resonating cavities. What are the resonators that modify the voice? pharynx, nasal cavity, oral cavity ... Males and females have the same fundamental frequency until around when? age 12. optimal pitch. ... most suitable determined by vocal fold structure. Habitual pitch.

8.Changes In Fundamental Frequency Of Voice In A …


34 hours ago perceived as male or female. The male fundamental frequency (pitch) averages range from 100-150 Hz, while for females it can range from 150-250 Hz. Gender neutral is considered to be in the range of 155-185 Hz (King, Brown & McCrea, 2012). Since fundamental frequency plays a direct role in gender identification, the main goal of

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9