Knowledge Builders

what do mealworm larvae look like

by Kiana Kshlerin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

Why do mealworms like live in the dark?

Why do mealworms like dark places? After conducting further research, we were able to discover that Mealworms do prefer darkness. One source even mentions that the worms have a fear of drying up. They need moisture to survive and thus direct light can infringe upon their preferred habitat. Do you need to give mealworms water? Food and Water.

Do mealworms like hot or cold?

This reaction to temperature supports endothermic behavior in the mealworms. Additionally, do mealworms like hot or cold? The mealworm prefers a warm habitat. When raising mealworms, keeping them in a warm habitat (77 to 81 degrees F) will cause them to grow much faster than in a cool or cold environment.

How to make your own mealworms?

  • Dry oatmeal, or cornmeal.
  • An organic source of moisture that is not likely to mold quickly. ...
  • Three plastic containers with air-holes drilled in the tops.
  • Several bits of cardboard in the form of egg cartons or used toilet paper rolls.
  • Mealworms, also known as darkling beetle larva. You can start with anywhere from 500 to 1000.

What does a mealworm taste like?

Mealworms have a super mild flavor, that leans more to a bland taste, When mealworms are roasted, it is said they mimic peanuts with their nutty flavor, as well as roasted pumpkin seeds, When they are pan-fried, they resemble bacon flavoring and texture, The action of boiling doesn’t add any flavor, it leaves the mealworm soft and bland,


What do mealworm larvae turn into?

During this pupae stage the growing larva transforms into a reproducing adult. Two or three weeks after the mealworm has pupated, a mealworm beetle will emerge. This is known as a darkling beetle. The egg stage typically lasts 7-14 days but low temperatures and humidity can lengthen double this incubation time.

How do you identify a mealworm egg?

0:321:47Separating Mealworm Beetles from Eggs - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you see a bunch of little specks on the bottom of the tray it's a good sign those are all eggs itMoreIf you see a bunch of little specks on the bottom of the tray it's a good sign those are all eggs it tells you that these beetles are laying.

What do mealworms look like when they hatch?

Eggs hatch into larvae, called mealworms. They emerge milky white with slender, segmented bodies, which turn yellow-brown in a few days. The pests feed on their surroundings and grow to about an inch in length, shedding their skins several times in the process and contaminating stores of food.

How long does it take for mealworm larvae to hatch?

4 to 19 daysThe mealworm undergoes complete metamorphosis. The female darkling beetle lays hundreds of tiny, white, oval eggs, which hatch into tiny mealworms (the larval stage) - it takes from 4 to 19 days to hatch. Each mealworm eats a tremendous amount and grows a lot, molting (shedding its exoskeleton) many times as it grows.

Will darkling beetles eat their eggs?

The duration of the pupa stage usually lasts around 1-3 weeks. Once the pupa turns into an adult beetle it will reproduce and lay eggs until the life cycle ends and the beetle dies. You will need to separate any eggs or larvae from the beetles. If you fail to separate them, the beetles will eat them.

Where do darkling beetles lay their eggs?

Floor space is more critical than height. Beetles will lay eggs in the bran or oatmeal and it provides a food source for newly hatched larvae. Once the bran becomes broken down into fine particles either replace or start a fresh container.

How long does it take mealworms to turn into beetles?

Once they hatch, mealworms molt repeatedly over the course of several months until they are about 1.37 of an inch long and are ready to pupate. They remain as pupae for about one to three weeks before emerging as adult darkling beetles, ready to eat and reproduce.

How do you prevent mealworms from turning into beetles?

Keep them refrigerated The simplest solution is keep them in a refrigerator. The mealworms prefer temperatures around 70 degrees, but you don't. At 70 degrees, this encourages the mealworms to consume rapidly, which then causes them to transition into the darkling beetle.

Why are my mealworms turning black?

When pupae die and turn black, it's usually because the worms weren't given enough moisture with carrots or potatoes at the end of the larval stage. They need to store the moisture to last through pupation and will dehydrate and die if they didn't get enough. They are also very heat sensitive.

How fast do mealworms multiply?

Yellow mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) This food mixture will produce about 350 adult mealworms in 200 days from 10 females (with 10 males). However, each female can lay about 100 eggs. Incubation: 10-11 days at 20°C; 4-6 days at 30°C; larval period, from about 114 days (10-14 larval instars).

Are mealworm beetles harmful?

Mealworms are not considered dangerous although they do infest and contaminate food. In many cases, they are fed to pets including reptiles and birds.

How often do darkling beetles lay eggs?

Beetles lay their eggs 9 - 20 days after emergence. They lay for two or three months, and then die. Each female beetle lays about 275 tiny, bean-shaped white eggs - about 40 per day.

How big are mealworms eggs?

The eggs are seldom seen because they are sticky and rapidly become coated in substrate. They are about the size of a period at the end of this sentence - you would need to line up 20 to equal an inch. [Note: Birds may eat live beetles if offered.]

How do you separate mealworm eggs from beetles?

1:027:34Darkling Beetles: Separating Beetles from Substrate & eggs - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo i take my piece of cardboard. And i go ahead and flip it over to get rid of the poop that's atMoreSo i take my piece of cardboard. And i go ahead and flip it over to get rid of the poop that's at the bottom there. And then i take it and i put it over the top of this this bin and i shake them. All.

How do you stop mealworms from pupating?

Keep them refrigerated But, if you can refrigerate them, then that will cause them and their hormones to go dormant, ceasing their metamorphosis.

What will mealworms turn into?

Once they hatch, mealworms molt repeatedly over the course of several months until they are about 1.37 of an inch long and are ready to pupate. They remain as pupae for about one to three weeks before emerging as adult darkling beetles, ready to eat and reproduce.

How long can mealworms be kept in the refrigerator?

Live mealworms can be stored in a refrigerator for months. All you have to do is take them out of the refrigerator about once a week and give them some food for a few hours. They are also easy to raise and reproduce in large numbers. A female darkling beetle can lay hundreds of eggs.

What is a mealworm?

Mealworms are the brown worm-like larvae of darkling beetles. They are the second of four stages of life and exist to eat and grow until they have enough energy stored to begin transformation into pupae and then beetles. Mealworms can be found throughout most of the world where they prefer warm, dark, and damp places like under decaying logs ...

Why are insects important to the ecosystem?

These insects are an important part of the ecosystem. Their voracious eating habits aid in the decomposition and cleanup of unwanted organic matter. They are also an important food source for many animals. In the wild, birds, spiders, rodents, reptiles, and other insects prey upon them.

Where do mealworms live?

Mealworms can be found throughout most of the world where they prefer warm, dark, and damp places like under decaying logs and leaves. They are designed for burrowing and eating and will feast upon grains, vegetation, spoiled food, and many other types of fresh or decaying organic matter.

Can darkling beetles lay eggs?

A female darkling beetle can lay hundreds of eggs. Dried mealworms are worms that have been freeze dried or slowly oven dried. Dried worms usually float which can make them a great treat for ducks and fish. They retain much of their nutrients, last longer than live worms, and are easily stored until needed.

Can mealworms get into pet food?

Mealworms can get into and ruin stored flour, pet food, mill feed, cereal and other dry goods. Mealworms are a popular feeder insect for bearded dragons, bluebirds, chickens, fish, and many other animals. They are high in protein and fat and are easy to maintain. They are available live or pre-killed and dried.

How long do darkling beetle adults live?

Darkling beetles as adults will survive for a couple of months. If your accounting for their entire lifetime from egg to adult, it’s about 1 year.

Why are my eggs stuck to the bottom of my egg container?

This is a good sign and means you should continue to add new substrate to the laying container because the battles are continuing to lay.

Why do darkling beetles dig themselves?

Darkling beetles will dig themselves down into the substrate to deposit the eggs. You may occasionally see eggs on the surface, sometimes dragged up by other layers, or just a careless beetle laying on the surface. It could be a sign of other issues.

How to keep mealworms from eating each other?

For this you will require: Start by taking your bin with adults and eggs, and dump them through the 1/8th sieve. You will be left with a pile of beetle eggs and substrate on one side, and the adults on the other.

How many eggs do beetles lay?

Adult female beetles will lay up to 500 eggs at a time, So each sieving will reveal thousands of eggs and soon-to-be mealworms, assuming how many beetles you have.

Why is it important to separate mealworm eggs from adults?

It’s very important to separate the eggs from the adults and place them into their own hatchery. This has several benefits , including keeping things well sorted and a nice supply cycle all neatly timed out. It also keeps the various sizes of mealworms from eating each other. For this you will require:

Do mealworms lay eggs?

When mealworm beetles lay eggs, they will often cover them with the material you’ve used as bedding. This makes it difficult to identify the eggs from the adult beetles until you start looking closely. It’s very important to separate the eggs from the adults and place them into their own hatchery. This has several benefits, including keeping things ...

Incredible mealworms

Why are we writing about mealworms? They are exciting creatures with surprising features and healthy and delicious food for humans! By reading this article, you learn cool things about mealworms. But remember, the best way to learn how GOOD mealworms taste is to buy some products directly from Party Bugs Shop!

1 The basic facts about mealworms

Mealworms are not an independent species or even worms: the mealworm is the second stage in the lifecycle of a beetle. Mealworms are the larval form of the mealworm beetle, tenebrio molitor, a species of darkling beetle. Like all holometabolic insects, they go through four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

2 Farming Mealworms

We are not writing an instructions book on mealworm breeding and farming. There are already plenty of instructional pages on the internet about breeding mealworms. Instead, we tell you some less known but interesting facts about the outputs of mealworm breeding.

3 Common Questions and Answers about Mealworms

No. The mealworm (tenebrio molitor) and the superworm (zophobas morio) are different species. The superworm is around 5x larger than a mealworm when you consider girth and length. Most of the size difference comes from the superworm having more chitin than mealworms do. This gives them less meat but a higher calcium, fiber, and fat concentration.


Mealworms are also high in protein, so you know they will do a lot of good for you. Often used as a nutrient booster, they give you the same amount of protein as beef but with no environmental effects.

What Orkin Does

Mealworms are stored product pests that primarily feed on damp, decomposing and moldy grain-based products that become. Outdoors, they feed on items such as grain in bins, leaves, dead insects and animal wastes. Their normal habitat is dark, cool, moist locations where there is suitable food, shelter and moisture.


Yellow mealworm adults look like typical beetles, and are not worm-like in appearance as their common name suggests. They are dark in color, have a hard shell and are about ½ inch long.

Diet: What Do Mealworms Eat?

Mealworms are categorized as secondary stored product pest. This means they primarily feed on materials that are damp, decomposing and moldy. Their preferred food sources are items such as leaves, dead insects, animal wastes and moist stored grains or grain products that are in the process of decaying.

Habitat: Where Do Mealworms Live?

Their normal habitat is dark, cool and moist locations where there is suitable food and sheltered areas such as under rocks, logs, in animal waste accumulations and in moist, stored grain storage areas.

Reproduction & Life Cycle

Mealworms go through an egg, larval, pupal and adult stages (complete metamorphosis) and their life cycle usually is completed in about three to six months. Adult mealworm beetles only live about 30-70 days, depending on the temperature and suitability of their habitat. Read more.

How long does it take for a Tenebrio Molitor to complete its life cycle?

Depending on food and temperature, it takes about hundred to several hundred days for them to complete their life cycle. Therefore, if you want worms in the spring, start your colony in November or December. For each 20 beetles, you should get about 350 adult mealworms in 200 days. Here is the life cycle if the colony is kept at room temperature (~72 F.) I found it took much longer for the pupa to convert to the beetle stage.

What temperature do mealworms grow?

Temperature : The ideal temperature to maximize growth is 77-81ºF, but ~ 72-74ºF is also good. Mealworms do reproduce in temperatures ranging from 65-100 F, but temperatures above 86ºF negatively impact growth and development (inhibiting pupation). The duration of the pupal stage will depend on temperature.

What do bluebirds eat?

Bluebirds will eat larvae (worms), pupae and beetles (before the shell gets hard), but prefer the worm form.

What to feed mealworms?

Add a chunk of cabbage, raw potato (half a potato, or a chunk about 1"x3"), a slice of bread (which the mealworms will also eat), romaine lettuce, kale (high in calcium and inexpensive), yam (also nutritious) or apple slices (1/4 of an apple is enough for 1,000 mealworms, once or twice a week - I find apples get moldy too quickly). Some people use celery (e.g., bottom end of bunch), broccoli stems, carrots (grated carrots on a plastic lid), banana peels, or asparagus chunks. Cabbage leaves do not get as moldy as some other choices. Cover cabbage etc., with a cloth to keep it from drying out if you use a heat lamp. A crust of bread (replaced when dry) can also be laid face down on the bedding. You may wish to wash/peel vegetables first to prevent the introduction of pesticides.

How long does it take to grow mealworms?

It saves a lot of money and is interesting, but I wouldn't classify it as long-term fun. It requires patience as it takes months to get them started (about 3 months for your first beetles, depending on temperatures and the size of starter worms). It also requires discipline to do harvesting, separating, replacing food, cleaning out waste, etc. Some people think it is not worth the bother.

Where are King Mealworms native to?

They are not treated with hormones, but are naturally larger (around 2-3 times bigger) than regular mealworms. They are native to Central/South America. Raising Superworms: Superworms (Zophobas morio) also called King Mealworms, King Worms or Megaworms, are used for feeding reptiles, birds, and for bait.

How to keep a vegetable bed dry?

Put it on top of a plastic lid or newspaper to keep bedding dry. Replace vegetable at least weekly or if moldy. Ideally keep at around 80°F (room temperature is fine too) and around 70% relative humidity. Use a moistened sponge in a baggie/ open container (open side up above grain) for additional moisture.


1.Mealworm Care, Information, Facts & Pictures


19 hours ago Darkling Beetle Lifecycle. Darklings begin life as small white eggs under the surface of the soil. Once they hatch, the larvae (mealworms) feed for several weeks. They look like rounded worms, cream or light brown in color. …. After three to four months of feeding, the larvae crawl back into the ground to pupate.

2.Separating Mealworm Eggs From Adult Beetles


12 hours ago In fact, the term “mealworm” refers to both the larvae and beetle forms of this bug species. If you want to know what mealworms look like in their different stages, keep reading: Mealworms are the larvae form of darkling beetles. Mealworms are the larvae form of darkling beetles, which is why they look similar to the larvae of other beetles.

3.Everything you need to know about edible mealworms!


34 hours ago What does a meal worm look like? The common name mealworm comes from the appearance of the larvae (caterpillars), which are cylinder-shaped and about an inch long when full grown. ... The fully grown larvae (mealworms) are golden brown and a little over one inch long. The larvae come to the surface of the substrate, turn soft and plump, and ...

4.Mealworm Facts: How to Get Rid of Mealworms | Orkin


27 hours ago Yellow mealworm adults look like typical beetles, and are not worm-like in appearance as their common name suggests. They are dark in color, have a hard shell and are about ½ inch long. Larvae. The common name mealworm comes from the appearance of the larvae (caterpillars), which are cylinder-shaped and about an inch long when full grown.

5.meal worm beetle laying eggs - YouTube


23 hours ago

6.Raising mealworms - Sialis


10 hours ago

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