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what does a positive trendelenburg sign mean

by Katharina Barton Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A positive Trendelenburg

Trendelenburg position

In the Trendelenburg position, the body is laid supine, or flat on the back on a 15-30 degree incline with the feet elevated above the head. The reverse Trendelenburg position, similarly, places the body supine on an incline but with the head now being elevated.

sign usually indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. A positive sign is defined by a contralateral pelvic drop during a single leg stance.

Trendelenburg sign is a physical examination finding seen when assessing for any dysfunction of the hip. A positive Trendelenburg sign usually indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the gluteus medius
gluteus medius
The gluteus medius is a muscle lying between the gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus. Its posterior third is covered by the gluteus maximus, while the anterior two-thirds is superficial, covered only by a strong layer of deep fascia. Gluteus medius lies on top of the gluteus minimus, covering the minimus muscle. › books › NBK557509
and gluteus minimus
gluteus minimus
Gluteus minimus is the smallest muscle of the glutei. It shares many similar characteristics with the gluteus medius, including structure and function, blood supply, and innervation. It is located just beneath the gluteus medius muscle. The gluteus minimus predominantly acts as a hip stabilizer and abductor of the hip. › books › NBK556144
Nov 21, 2021

Full Answer

What is Trendelenburg's sign?

Trendelenburg's sign is found in people with weak or paralyzed abductor muscles of the hip, namely gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. It is named after the German surgeon Friedrich Trendelenburg. The Trendelenburg sign is said to be positive if, when standing on one leg (the 'stance leg'), the pelvis drops on the side opposite to the stance leg.

What is Trendelenburg sign in hip dysplasia?

Trendelenburg sign is a physical examination finding seen when assessing for any dysfunction of the hip. A positive Trendelenburg sign usually indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. A positive sign is defined by a contralateral pelvic drop during a single leg stance.

What does a positive Trendelenburg test mean?

The Trendelenburg sign is positive if during unilateral weight bearing the pelvis drops toward the unsupported side. If the hip remains level, the test is considered negative. False-positive test can occur with fixed abduction contracture, painful abduction, in poor balance due to generalized weakness especially in elderly people.

What is a positive Trendelenburg test for hip fracture?

If the pelvis drops on the unsupported side - positive Trendelenburg sign - the hip on which the patient is standing is painful or has a weak or mechanically-disadvantaged gluteus medius. A positive Trendelenburg test is found in:


What does a positive Trendelenburg Test indicate?

A positive Trendelenburg test demonstrates that the hip abductors are not functioning owing to weakness or pain inhibition, and are unable to perform their role of stabilising the pelvis on the weight-bearing leg.

How do you interpret the Trendelenburg sign?

The Trendelenburg sign is said to be positive if, when standing on one leg (the 'stance leg'), the pelvis severely drops on the side opposite to the stance leg (the 'swing limb'). The muscle weakness is present on the side of the stance leg.

What nerve causes positive Trendelenburg?

Many times, the muscle weakness that causes the Trendelenburg gait starts with damage to the superior gluteal nerve, which originates in the pelvis and ends in the gluteus minimus muscle. When this nerve is damaged, it's hard for the affected side to support the weight of the body.

What causes a Trendelenburg gait pattern?

A trendelenburg gait is an abnormal gait resulting from a defective hip abductor mechanism. The primary musculature involved is the gluteal musculature, including the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles. The weakness of these muscles causes drooping of the pelvis to the contralateral side while walking.

What is the meaning of Trendelenburg position?

The Trendelenburg position is a position for a patient on the operating table, most commonly used during lower abdominal surgeries and central venous catheter placement. In Trendelenburg position, the patient is supine on the table with their head declined below their feet at an angle of roughly 16°.

What muscle causes hip drop?

Hip drop occurs when there is a weakness in our hip abductor muscles, most commonly the gluteus medius. When this muscle is strong, it keeps the pelvis level when standing on one leg. It also helps prevent the knee from caving in towards the midline of the body.

How do you treat Trendelenburg gait?

Physical therapy and exerciselying on your side and extending your leg straight out.lying on the floor and moving one leg up, over the other, and back in the opposite direction.stepping sideways and up onto an elevated surface, then back down again.More items...

Which side is affected in Trendelenburg gait?

A trendelenburg gait is characterized by trunk shift over the affected hip during stance and away during the swing phase of gait and it is best visualized from behind or in front of the patient. During gait, the pelvis tilts downwards instead of upwards on the non-weight bearing extremity.

What does Trendelenburg negative mean?

The test is negative when the hip of the leg that is lifted, will also go up i.e., hiking of hip or the pelvis tilts upwards. The test is positive, when there is a drop of the hip or a downwards tilt of the pelvis.

How is Trendelenburg measured?

0:151:16Trendelenburg Sign Hip Abductors - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAsk your patient to stand on one leg. You can hold on to something if he experiences.MoreAsk your patient to stand on one leg. You can hold on to something if he experiences.

What does it mean when a Trendelenburg sign is positive?

The Trendelenburg sign is positive if during unilateral weight bearing the pelvis drops toward the unsupported side. If the hip remains level, the test is considered negative.

What is the Trendelenburg Test?

Trendelenburg Test is used to identify weakness of the hip abductors. It also can be used to assess other mechanical, neurological or spinal disorders, such as the Congenital dislocation of the hip or hip subluxation.

What does the examiner observe during single leg stance?

The examiner observes the patient to see if the pelvis stays level during the single-leg stance.

What is pelvic ligament test?

Pelvic ligaments Tests are set of tests that is used to functional assessment of the pelvic ligaments: iliolumbar…

Why is Trendelenburg gait called osteogenic gait?

In fact, it’s sometimes called painless osteogenic gait because it usually doesn’t hurt or disrupt your life. You can usually minimize its effects through targeted exercise or physical therapy. Keep reading to find out what can cause Trendelenburg gait, how to identify it, and how it can be treated.

How long should you lift your leg for Trendelenburg?

Your doctor may also use the Trendelenburg test to diagnose this condition. To do this, your doctor will instruct you to lift one leg for at least 30 seconds. If you’re unable to keep your hips parallel with the ground while you lift, it may be a sign of Trendelenburg gait.

Can a Trendelenburg gait be seen?

Your doctor will likely watch you walk while standing directly in front of or behind you to get the most precise view of your gait.

Is Trendelenburg gait correctable?

Trendelenburg gait may not always be fully correctable, but treatment can help you walk more steadily and reduce your risk of complications.

Why does the pelvis drop in swing phase?

Where the pelvis of the lower limb in swing phase drops because the recruitment of hip abductor muscles in the the stance limb isn’t sufficient to maintain a level pelvis.

Can a trendelenburg test be performed with a x-ray?

X-rays can be used to confirm diagnosis, when the Trendelenburg test is performed under X-ray and subsequently hip and pelvis angles are measured. When pain in the hip area accompanies a Trendelenburg gait, again an X- ray, or other investigations can be useful to help detect the cause of the pain and potential reasons for the presence ...

Can you see Trendelenburg gait from the side?

Trendelenburg gait is best visualized from a front or back view, however gait observation from the side can enable detection of any ankle dorsiflexion weakness (potential foot drop), which can lead to an inability of the foot to clear the ground during swing phase.

What is the Trendelenburg sign?

Trendelenburg sign is a physical examination finding seen when assessing for any dysfunction of the hip. A positive Trendelenburg sign usually indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. A positive sign is defined by a contralateral pelvic drop during a single leg stance. Named after a German surgeon, Friedrich Trendelenburg, the Trendelenburg sign was first described in 1897 to identify hip abductor weakness in individuals with congenital dislocation of the hip and progressive muscular atrophy.

What is a positive sign?

A positive sign is defined by a contralateral pelvic drop during a single leg stance. Named after a German surgeon, Friedrich Trendelenburg, the Trendelenburg sign was first described in 1897 to identify hip abductor weakness in individuals with congenital dislocation of the hip and progressive muscular atrophy.


1.Trendelenburg Sign - Physiopedia


9 hours ago Trendelenburg sign is a physical examination finding seen when assessing for any dysfunction of the hip. A positive Trendelenburg sign usually indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the . gluteus medius. gluteus medius. The gluteus medius is a muscle lying between the gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus. Its posterior third is covered by the gluteus …

2.What does a positive trendelenburg sign mean? -


18 hours ago  · Trendelenburg Test What does a positive Trendelenburg test mean? The Trendelenburg sign is positive if: Maximal elevation not achieved. Sustained elevation not achieved (for 30 sec): Delayed abnormal response. Iliac crest not elevated (pelvis parallel to ground). Pelvis drops down (opposite iliac crest).

3.Trendelenburg Test • Easy Explained - OrthoFixar 2022


31 hours ago  · Trendelenburg sign is a physical examination finding seen when assessing for any dysfunction of the hip. A positive Trendelenburg sign usually indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. A positive sign is defined by a contralateral pelvic drop during a single leg stance.

4.Trendelenburg Sign - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf


33 hours ago A positive Trendelenburg’s sign usually indicates weakness of the hip abductor muscles (e.g., gluteus medius and minimus) of the standing leg, but it can also be associated with various conditions affecting the hip (e.g., dislocation of the hip, …

5.Trendelenburg Gait: Causes, Treatment, and More


10 hours ago A positive Trendelenburg sign and the resulting Trendelenburg gait pattern can occur as the result of any number of causes of which some potential causes are listed below: Following trauma to the hip and pelvis, including fracture, or direct trauma to the soft tissues.

6.Trendelenburg Position: What Is It, Uses, and More


11 hours ago  · Trendelenburg sign is a physical examination finding seen when assessing for any dysfunction of the hip. A positive Trendelenburg sign usually indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles consisting of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. A positive sign is defined by a contralateral pelvic drop during a single leg stance.

7.Trendelenburg Sign: Causes And Diagnosis | Sydney …


33 hours ago The Trendelenburg sign is said to be positive if, when standing on one leg (the 'stance leg'), the pelvis severely drops on the side opposite to the stance leg (the 'swing limb'). The muscle weakness is present on the side of the stance leg.

8.Trendelenburg Sign - PubMed


10 hours ago If the pelvis drops on the unsupported side - positive Trendelenburg sign - the hip on which the patient is standing is painful or has a weak or mechanically-disadvantaged gluteus medius. A positive Trendelenburg test is found in: any condition that brings the origin and insertion of gluteus medius together: subluxation or dislocation of the hip. coxa vara.

9.Trendelenburg's sign - Wikipedia


5 hours ago

10.Trendelenburg test - General Practice notebook


31 hours ago

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