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what does successful aging mean

by Marcel Jacobi IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What are the keys to successful aging?

Successful aging focus

  • Exercise. Muscle mass tends to decline with age. ...
  • Diet. When it comes to building muscle, diet plays a central role. ...
  • Alcohol, Drugs, and Medications. Even the most physically fit of seniors is at risk of falling if they’re intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, or misuse of prescription medication.
  • Social Engagement. ...

How would 'you' define successful ageing?

Successful aging involves focusing on what is important to you, and being able to do what you want to do in old age. While successful aging may be one way to describe how well we age, the concept ...

What are some of the positive aspects of aging?

  • Rising wages for workers and higher wealth per capita.
  • Less crowding and reduced stress in populated areas.
  • Greater protection of green spaces and improved quality of life.

Which model of successful ageing should be used?

the lay-based, more multidimensional, model of successful ageing predicted perceived QoL more powerfully than unidimensional models and should be used to evaluate the outcomes of health promotion in older populations.


How do we define successful aging?

According to the classic concept of Rowe and Kahn, successful ageing is defined as high physical, psychological, and social functioning in old age without major diseases (5, 6).

Why is aging successfully important?

Defining what successful aging looks like for ourselves is important because it helps us identify the activities, passions, people and places that we should focus on. Without thinking about what successfully aging means to us, we may never take the time to identify the parts of our lives that bring us greater meaning.

What is the difference between successful aging and optimal aging?

Optimal aging: the capacity to function across many domains—physical, functional, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual—to one's satisfaction and in spite of one's medical conditions. Successful aging: absence of disease and disability; high cognitive and physical functioning; and active engagement with life.

What is the best indicator of successful aging?

Emotional vitality was the only indicator of successful aging significantly associated with stress. Life satisfaction and financial status, and health status, were significant predictors of self-rated health.

How do you prepare for successful aging?

A few "steps to successful aging" will help guide us to healthy and active golden years.Adopt and maintain healthy habits and positive lifestyles: Avoid cigarette smoking. ... Maintain intellectual stimulation and socialization: ... Be wise in financial planning: ... Work to maintain dignity and good health in old age:

What is the single most important contributor to successful aging?

Rowe and Kahn stated that successful aging involved three main factors: (1) being free of disability or disease, (2) having high cognitive and physical abilities, and (3) interacting with others in meaningful ways.

What factors can influence successful aging?

The three principal components in the successful aging model developed by Rowe and Kahn [27], “absence of disease and disease-related disability,” “maintenance of high mental and physical function,” and “continued engagement with life,” were used to determine successful aging.

What is the difference between usual and successful aging?

Successful aging is defined as minimal physiologic loss, even when compared with younger individuals, and usual aging as the presence of disturbance of physiologic functions (such as systolic hypertension or an abnormal glucose tolerance test) without overt neurologic symptoms.

What factors can influence successful aging?

The three principal components in the successful aging model developed by Rowe and Kahn [27], “absence of disease and disease-related disability,” “maintenance of high mental and physical function,” and “continued engagement with life,” were used to determine successful aging.

What is successful aging in the 21st century?

Cite. The MacArthur model of successful aging encompasses three principal components: low risk of disease and disease-related disability; maintenance of high mental and physical function; and continued engagement with life, which includes relations with others and productive activity, either paid or volunteered.

What is the difference between usual and successful aging?

Successful aging is defined as minimal physiologic loss, even when compared with younger individuals, and usual aging as the presence of disturbance of physiologic functions (such as systolic hypertension or an abnormal glucose tolerance test) without overt neurologic symptoms.

What does it mean to age successfully quizlet?

Overview of Successful Aging. - The Rowe and Kahn definition of successful aging is the absence of disease and disability, high cognitive and. physical functioning, and engagement with life. o Criticized for being unclear, overly focused on physical and cognitive health, and lacking psychological.

What is meaningful aging?

Meaningful aging does not involve “winners or losers” in terms of longevity and health, but rather the need to focus on what is most meaningful to a person, especially in older age. Sometimes this involves not doing more to stay active but, perhaps, doing less, giving up some control over our lives, being more mindful of others and being aware of the need to forgive and forget.

What are the factors that contribute to successful aging?

Rowe and Kahn stated that successful aging involved three main factors: (1) being free of disability or disease, (2) having high cognitive and physical abilities, and (3) interacting with others in meaningful ways.

What is successful aging?

Older people often say that successful aging involves being productive, being mentally fit, and, most importantly, being able to lead a meaningful life. Pulitzer prize–winning author Jared Diamond says successful aging for him is enjoying life, being productive and continuing to do the things he is good at doing.

How successful is Warren Buffett?

Is he then a model of successful aging? What are the secrets to successful aging for Warren Buffett? He is an avid Coca-Cola drinker (he reportedly drinks five cans a day), noting, “I’m about one-quarter Coca-Cola” and that he had seen no evidence that switching to “water and broccoli” would make it easier for him to make it to age 100.

How much of Buffett's day is spent reading?

Buffett credits his own success to reading voraciously; he typically spends 80% of his day reading. He says that reading is something many people can do at almost any point in their lives, and especially later in life, but that people rarely do enough of it.

When was successful aging popular?

The term successful aging was made popular in 1987, when the scientists John Wallis Rowe and Robert Kahn published an influential book entitled Successful Aging. Rowe and Kahn stated that successful aging involved three main factors: ...

What is next avenue?

Next Avenue is public media’s first and only national journalism service for America’s booming older population. Our daily content delivers vital ideas,

How can successful aging be conceptualized?

How can successful aging best be conceptualized? One approach to successful aging is to define criteria of success. Researchers adopting this outcome-oriented approach have distinguished between criteria that are subjective (e.g., increased levels of hedonic and psychological well-being with age) versus objective (maintenance of high cognitive and physical functioning), general (comprising all functional domains) versus domain-specific (high well-being even in the presence of chronic disease), and static (has the person achieved financial security) versus dynamic (will the person be financially secure now and in the future; see Freund et al., 2012 for a review). Although specific criteria of successful aging are subject to cultural and personal values, at a general level, researchers agree that successful aging entails maximizing gains and minimizing losses as people move through life and into the period of old age ( Baltes, 1987 ).

What is the goal of aging?

Ultimately, the goal of successful aging is to maintain an optimal QOL for as long as possible. QOL refers to the overall well-being experienced by an individual. QOL is inherently subjective in the sense that what is deemed important for one person can be very different for another. Yet in the broadest terms QOL is determined by the positive and negative of one's life. Even though the values attached to specific factors that contribute to QOL experience vary across people, several common elements contribute to life satisfaction for most people, including physical and emotional health, the family and social network, employment and other activities perceived as being meaningful and rewarding for the individual, wealth and financial security, environment, and for some people, religious beliefs.

What is the Baltes model?

Baltes and Baltes (1990); Baltes (1997) selection, optimization, and compensation model is a meta-theoretical perspectives on development across the lifespan that focuses primarily on older individuals (age 60 years and older) and approaches used to maintain basic functions of daily activities. In the model, selection refers to the process individuals use to bring focus and prioritize goals as they age. Whereas, optimization is about maximizing the resources individuals currently possess (e.g., focusing more on crystalized versus fluid intelligence as we age), while compensation is about bringing in additional resources (e.g., using hearing aids to compensate for age-related degradation in auditory capacity). While the model was initially applied to gerontological issues of advanced aging, in the past few decades it has also been applied to a multitude of organizational topics.

What does Havighurst say about aging?

Havighurst (1961) says that successfully aging individuals add life to their years and get considerable satisfaction from life. Ryff (1989) defines successful aging as positive or ideal functioning related to developmental work over the life course.

What are the three strategies that influence organizational outcomes?

For example, in a recent summary of the research applying the selection, optimization, and compensation framework to organizational issues, Moghimi, Zacher, Scheibe, and Von Yperen (2017) found that implementation of the three strategies positively influences a variety of organizational outcomes, including job satisfaction, employee engagement, and job performance . Thus, the model clearly has had a significant influence on how organizational scientists have examined successful aging at work.

What is successful aging?

Gibson (1995) stated that successful aging “refers to reaching one’s potential and arriving at a level of physical, social, and psychological well-being in old age that is pleasing to both self and others” (p. 279). In the Encyclopedia of Aging, Palmore (1995) writes that a comprehensive definition of successful aging “would combine survival ...

How does motivational theory of lifespan development work?

The theory proposes two control mechanisms that can be used to promote successful aging. The first, primary control mechanism involves attempts to control or influence one’s environment. For example, seeking a new job that that has more supportive leaders and coworkers would be a form of primary control whereby individuals take the initiative to change their environment to foster successful aging. The secondary control mechanism involves attempts to adapt to one’s existing environment rather than control or influence it directly. For example, if an individual seeks social support from family or coworkers as an adaptive mechanism to an unsupportive work environment, then the individual is not working to control the environment, but rather adapting to it via relying on secondary control mechanisms. In many instances, it is not possible for the individual directly to influence or control the environment itself, and so, as a result, secondary, adaptive mechanisms are a logical way to facilitate successful aging. As the example above suggests, the motivational theory of lifespan development, like the selection, optimization, and compensation model, has direct applications to successful aging at work as well.

What is it called when you are coping with stressors?

Coping with age-related stressors in a purposeful way, and finding ways to maintain quality of life, is called making “proactive adaptations.”

What do gerontologists think of aging?

Gerontologists have gone way past this model, but this may be pretty close to what many people have in mind, when they think of “successful aging” or “aging well.”. And it’s certainly what many images of older adults convey: people who may “look older” but otherwise appear to do everything they could do earlier in life.

What are the lucky agers?

They propose that those who maintain good physical health, mental health, and engagement in social activities, without any conscious coping efforts, be referred to as “lucky agers”.

Why is it important to understand what is involved in aging?

And for us as a society, articulating what’s involved in experiencing “good” or “successful” aging is important because it can help us understand what kinds of things we should focus on, to help more older adults age well, or otherwise “succeed” in late-life. So, just as philosophers and others have long debated what it means to “live ...

What is successful aging?

A common (and problematic) definition of successful aging. One prominent model of successful aging, developed in the 1990s (Rowe and Kahn), proposed that it means: freedom from disease and disability. high cognitive and physical functioning. active engagement with life.

What are the factors that affect age?

But most people will not be lucky, and hence they need to find ways to cope and adapt to age-related stressors, which include: 1 chronic illness 2 social losses 3 “lack of person-environment fit”

When the media and advocacy organizations fail to link successful aging to policies that enable older adults to remain active and socially?

When the media and advocacy organizations fail to link successful aging to policies that enable older adults to remain active and socially engaged, they actually reinforce the public’s highly individualistic understandings of the aging process. The result is that people will understand the likelihood of successful aging to be about lifestyle choices rather than as affected by supports, larger social structures, or public policies.”


We explore the culturally specific meaning of successful aging in Singapore, an ethnically diverse city–state in Asia. We aim to investigate lay perceptions of successful aging among the elderly individuals in Singapore and further examine variations of these perceptions.


This study adopted a mixed-method research design. We started from qualitative interviews to explore the major components of successful aging as perceived by local elderly persons. This step was to generate a list of subjective components of successful aging and then inform a series of questions in a survey that followed.


Table 1 describes the sample characteristics. The mean age of the sample was 59 years, and about 62% respondents were women. The ethnicity distribution, about 82% Chinese, 9% Malays, 7% Indians, and 2% Others, was similar to the general population structure.

Discussion and Conclusion

The model of successful aging proposed by Rowe and Kahn (1987) is prevailing in Asia (e.g., Cheng, Chi, Fung, Li, & Woo, 2015; Feng, Zhu, Zhen, & Gu, 2015; Ng, Broekman, Niti, Gwee, & Kua, 2009 ), yet the literature has not fully explored the culturally specific meaning of successful aging in this region, where the aging norms differ from the West.


This study is based on the project of “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Promoting Longevity, Healthy and Successful Aging (PLHSA),” funded by Ministry of Education, Singapore (MOE2010-T2-2-093, PI: P. Straughan).


We acknowledge Dr. KIM Minhye and Dr. Noorman Abdullah at National University of Singapore and the anonymous reviewers at Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences for valuable comments. Q. Feng initiated, drafted, and revised the paper. P. Straughan led the data collection and revised the paper. Q. Feng and P. Straughan analyzed the data.

Author notes

Correspondence should be addressed to Qiushi Feng, PhD, Department of Sociology and Centre for Family and Population Research, National University of Singapore, 11 Arts Link, AS1 04-30, Singapore 117570. E-mail: [email protected]

What is successful aging?

Successful aging is a concept that has gained popularity and relevance internationally among gerontologists in recent decades. Examining lay older adults' perspectives on successful aging can enhance our understanding of what successful aging means.

What are the lay perspectives on successful aging?

Lay perspectives on successful aging acknowledge the importance of positive attitude, independence, and spirituality, in addition to physical and cognitive functioning. Keywords: Aging; Ethnology; International; Lay perspectives; Older adults; Successful aging.

What is successful aging?

Your definition of successful aging must include elements that matter to you. "Successful aging" has become an important concept to describe the quality of aging. (1) Despite a growing literature on this topic, there is no standard definition of successful aging. It is increasingly seen from a holistic point of view.

How to maintain emotional well-being?

2. Maintaining and cultivate a positive attitude to maintain emotional well-being. 3. Being healthy to stay independent for as long as possible. 4.

What is the meaning of autonomy?

Being autonomous and independent to maintain some freedom and continue to perform daily tasks without assistance, as well as to take care of yourself without depending on others. 10. Maintaining good cognitive health to stay alert, reduce memory loss, maintain mental activity and an active mind. 11.

What is spiritual development?

Developing spirituality to improve well-being, give meaning to life and prepare to the later stage of life with serenity. 8. Having support from social policies favorable to aging, such as access to quality health care, free or affordable, access to work, government pensions, access to meals or housekeeping services. 9.

Is older adults homogeneous?

A recent systematic review of 22 studies examined how older adults define "successful aging". (2) Although older adults are not a homogeneous group ( since gender, culture or state of health can influence perceptions), 12 themes emerged from the literature: 1.

Is aging a social construct?

Aging is a socially constructed phenomenon, influenced by culture , soci etal expectations, as well as socio-demographic characteristics and individual experiences. To “succeed” in aging, however, it takes more than positive attitudes: social and environmental factors also contribute to the possibility of aging in good health.


1.What Is Successful Aging? And What Does It Look Like?


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8 hours ago  · A common (and problematic) definition of successful aging. One prominent model of successful aging, developed in the 1990s (Rowe and Kahn), proposed that it means: …

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7.What Does "Successful Aging" Mean to you? - PubMed


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