Knowledge Builders

what is less css framework

by Marcelino Johnston Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Overview. Less (which stands for Leaner Style Sheets) is a backwards-compatible language extension for CSS. This is the official documentation for Less, the language and Less. js, the JavaScript tool that converts your Less styles to CSS styles. Because Less looks just like CSS, learning it is a breeze.

What is the difference between less and CSS?

  • It is stable, powerful and compatible with other versions of CSS.
  • It is the superset of CSS and is written in JavaScript.
  • It has its own syntax, and it compiles to readable CSS.
  • It is open source.

How to compile less file into CSS file?


  1. Get Bootstrap Theme. There is no need to activate the theme. ...
  2. Create the subtheme directory and copy files. Create a new folder for your subtheme inside of sites/all/themes . ...
  3. Configure your .info file. ...
  4. Download Bootstrap source. ...
  5. Compile the LESS files. ...
  6. Enable Your Subtheme. ...

More items...

What is the problem with CSS?

The problem is that the CSS file can grow very big resulting in slow download times for the web surfer and heavy load on web servers. Usually it grows because you either: add more HTML that needs to designed but later the HTML is removed/expired but you don't remove what was added to the CSS file

What is the best way to learn CSS?


  • Box Model. Everything displayed by CSS is a box. ...
  • Selectors. To apply CSS to an element you need to select it. ...
  • The cascade. Sometimes two or more competing CSS rules could apply to an element. ...
  • Specificity. This module takes a deeper look at specificity, a key part of the cascade.
  • Inheritance. ...
  • Color. ...
  • Sizing Units. ...
  • Layout. ...
  • Flexbox. ...
  • Grid. ...

More items...


What is difference between CSS and LESS?

LESS and CSS syntax The second difference between LESS and CSS lies in the syntax. However, the LESS syntax is little different from the CSS one, as the stylesheet language is a CSS preprocessor. This means that any CSS code is a valid LESS code (but additional LESS elements won't work in a plain CSS).

What is the difference between CSS LESS and Sass?

SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (SASS), and LESS stands for Leaner CSS (LESS). SASS is based on Ruby, while LESS uses JavaScript. Also, LESS gives users a chance to activate mixins when certain situations occur.

What is the use of LESS in web development?

Less is a CSS preprocessor that extends CSS with modern programming-language concepts. Less enables you to use variables, functions, operations, and even rule or selector nesting while coding your CSS. Less helps you write CSS with the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle.

How do I learn LESS CSS?

1:0326:55Less CSS Pre-Processor Tutorial - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipNow there's a bunch of different ways to get less up and running there's programs like win lessMoreNow there's a bunch of different ways to get less up and running there's programs like win less which is a GUI program that you can install on windows.

What is better Sass or LESS?

Slightly longer answer: Sass is better on a whole bunch of different fronts, but if you are already happy in Less, that's cool, at least you are doing yourself a favor by preprocessing. Much longer answer: Read on.

What are the primary advantages of using LESS and Sass over CSS for stylesheets?

Sass facilitates you to write clean, easy and less CSS in a programming construct. It contains fewer codes so you can write CSS quicker. It is more stable, powerful, and elegant because it is an extension of CSS. So, it is easy for designers and developers to work more efficiently and quickly.

Is LESS CSS open source?

Less is an open source project. Its first version was written in Ruby; however, in the later versions, use of Ruby has been deprecated and replaced by JavaScript. The indented syntax of Less is a nested metalanguage, as valid CSS is valid Less code with the same semantics.

How do I include LESS CSS in HTML?

Make sure you include your stylesheets before the script. You should compile your less-file to css-file and include it in your -section as is without any less- or js-files.

Does LESS compile to CSS?

Less (sometimes stylized as LESS) is one of the dynamic style sheet languages that can be compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), or can run on the server-side and client-side.

What is LESS in web design?

Less (which stands for Leaner Style Sheets) is a backwards-compatible language extension for CSS. This is the official documentation for Less, the language and Less. js, the JavaScript tool that converts your Less styles to CSS styles.

How do you write LESS style?

Create a stylesheet with . less extension and link it in your document using the rel="stylesheet/less" attribute. You are all set and can compose styles within the . less .

What is LESS file in bootstrap?

Less is a CSS preprocessor which makes CSS dynamic. Twitter Bootstrap, on the other hand, is a toolkit to develop web apps and sites fast. In this document, we have discussed using Twitter Bootstrap with Less CSS. This way you can use Bootstrap's Less variables, mixins, and nesting in CSS.

Is Sass better than CSS?

Sass is a meta-language on top of CSS that's used to describe the style of a document cleanly and structurally, with more power than flat CSS allows. Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.

What are mixins in CSS?

The @mixin directive lets you create CSS code that is to be reused throughout the website. The @include directive is created to let you use (include) the mixin.

What is a LESS?

LESS is an abbreviated Learner Style styles, is a opensource pre-processor language for CSS, Preprocessor is writing a code using super set of css features, compile this code to native CSS and browser understand css styles

LESS Disadvantages

It is very difficult to learn Syntax and features for developers initially During development stage, LESS or any preprocessor tools need extra step to compile to css. Browsers did not understand the LESS syntax It is very difficult to debug to fix any css issues. Learn curve exists as need to learn syntax and programming language concepts.


variables : Declare a variable with value once, reuse it in multiple placess Mixins:

IS LESS the same as CSS?

CSS is style sheet for browsers, where as LESS is superset of CSS with extended programming features like variables,mixins,operators and functions. Both are different, browsers understands CSS code and LESS code does not understand . So LESS code need to compile to generate CSS at runtime during development.


The day we have started using CSS for enhancing the look and feel of our HTML websites, we found it quite interesting and in a gradual process, it has changed the way our websites appear.

What Editor shall I use to write LESS CSS?

There are several editors available widely for LESS CSS code writing. But the editor that most of the CSS coders are using across the world and the editor that specifically meant to support LESS file editing, is the ChrunchApp.

How to use LESS

As we have already discussed that, LESS is used both in server-side as well as Client-side. Among the both ways of LESS framework uses, Client-side is the easiest way to get started and good for developing websites using this LESS CSS.


In the traditional CSS that we are presently using, cases we came across where probably we write something like this, where we use repetitive values assigned to some properties to some id/classes in the entire style-sheet.


In LESS Framework, we include a group of properties from one ruleset to another ruleset. So to define, if we have the following class:

Nested LESS rules

LESS CSS provides the ability to use nested css instead of or in combination with cascading. Lets implement the nesting css into the following CSS block:

LESS CSS for Basic Operations

Basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can also be done with the CSS file using the LESS CSS operations. WOW! Surprised. Yes, using the LESS CSS framework, now it is possible for us to do mathematical calculations and operations within the .less file which will finally rendered to required value for the elements.

What is classless CSS?

Classless CSS Framework or No-Class CSS Frameworks are frameworks that do not require additional classes to their HTML elements. You just use semantic HTML without classes. It means that you can use them for prototyping or replacement of the CSS Reset.

What is awsm.css?

awsm.css is a simple CSS library for semantic HTML, which doesn’t require classes, ids, attributes, etc. Just start to create page with HTML5 tags, link awsm.css and get simple, clean and beautiful markup. Github awsm.css.

What is Tufte's style?

Tufte uses a distinctive style in his handouts: simple, with well-set typography, extensive sidenotes, and tight integration of graphics and charts. tufte-css brings that style to HTML documents. Github Tufte CSS.

What is foundation in CSS?

Foundation is the perfect choice for experienced developers who enjoy freedom but want the power of a fully-featured framework. In reality, Foundation is not just a CSS framework but a family of frontend development tools. These tools can be used either together or completely independently.

What is ready to use CSS?

Ready-to-use classes are the main building blocks of all CSS frameworks. They allow you to apply pre-defined styling rules to HTML elements, such as margins, background colors, and others. Some frameworks include pre-built components such as menus, cards, or tables.

What is the most popular frontend framework?

Most popular frontend framework: Bootstrap is among the most popular open source projects in existence. You can always find solutions to problems you run into and discover plenty of free and premium templates for almost any kind of project.

Why is Bootstrap so hard to override?

Drawbacks. Hard to override: Bootstrap comes with a very specific design and look, which is hard to override in case you’re going for a different style. Since it uses the !important CSS rule extensively, overriding the defaults can be tricky. Overused: The main reason why people dislike Bootstrap is its wide usage.

Can you customize Bootstrap with SASS?

Customizable: Bootstrap is easily customizable using SA SS. You can install the project with npm, import the parts you need, and use SASS variables to customize almost everything. Learning how to customize Bootstrap websites with SASS can significantly cut your development time.

Is Bootstrap still supported?

Bootstrap was originally introduced by Twitter, and it’s now maintained by a community of hundreds of developers, ensuring stable releases and long-term support.

Is Bootstrap heavy?

Heavy to include: All of Bootstrap’s features come with a price — it’s quite heavy to include in your projects. Even though you can import parts of the project, it’s not as lightweight or modular as other frameworks listed here. More Info / Download GitHub. 2.


What Is A Less?

  • LESS is an abbreviated Learner Style styles, is an opensource pre-processor language for CSS,The preprocessor is writing a code using a superset of CSS features, compiling this code to native CSS, and browser understanding CSS styles. CSS uses to describe how the UI page is displayed to the end-user using different styles, layouts, themes, etc. CSS...
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What Are The Advantages of Less Over CSS

  1. Opensource and support all versions of CSS
  2. Provides Arithmetic operators
  3. Basic programming languages with reusable CSS snippets
  4. Separation of various UI styles to make it clean and simple
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Less Disadvantages

  • It is difficult to learn Syntax and features for developers initially.During the development stage, LESS or any preprocessor tools need an extra step to compile CSS.Browsers did not understand the LESS syntax.It is difficult to debug to fix any CSS issues.A learning curve exists as a need to learn the syntax and programming language concepts.Generate CSS and source map files whic…
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  • variables: Declare a variable with value once, reuse it in multiple placesMixins: Interview questions
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Is Less The Same as Css?

  • CSS is a style sheet for browsers, whereas LESS is a superset of CSS with extended programming features like variables, mixins, operators, and functions.Both are different, browsers understand CSS code and LESS code does not understand.So LESS code needs to compile to generate CSS at runtime during development. LESS provides extendable and maintainable compared with CSS.It …
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File Extension For CSS Less Files

  • File extension is .less. less extension files contain CSS code with programmable feature syntax. The files created with the .less extension are read and parsed by compilers only. javascript has compilers and preprocesses less code to generate CSS content. How do you open write LESS files?LESS files are opened in any normal text editor like TextPad or notepad++.if you want valid…
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What Is The Difference Between CSS and Less?

  • LESS is a preprocessor with more advanced features, Compiled it to generate CSS Code CSS is a style language for web applications.
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1.Getting started | Less.js


5 hours ago  · What is LESS CSS framework? O verview. Less (which stands for Leaner Style Sheets) is a backwards-compatible language extension for CSS. This is the official …

2.LESS CSS tutorials What is CSS LESS advantages and


35 hours ago  · LeSS is a lightweight, Agile framework for scaling Scrum to more than one team. Starting in 2005 Bas Vodde and Craig Larman developed the LeSS framework after using …

3.Less CSS Framework - Blogs @ Mindfire Solutions


23 hours ago  · I decided Less 4 CSS framework. For now, I have two pages to demo: Login page: contains a header and a login form at the center of the page. Usual suspect page: header, …

4.7 Classless CSS Frameworks - Design Inspiration


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5.9 Best CSS Frameworks in 2022 - aThemes


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6.What is a CSS Framework? - Medium


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7.Getting started with Less CSS framework - Stack Overflow


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