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what is the best grass to grow in north carolina

by Florencio Ebert Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Bermuda Grass
Among grass species, bermudagrass is the best grass seed for North Carolina regions with warm temperatures. For starters, its deep root system provides resistance from heat, drought, and insects.

What grass should I plant in North Carolina?

  • Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-season variety that does well in both the Mountains and Piedmont regions of North Carolina. ...
  • Tall Fescue can also grow in all three regions. ...
  • Bermuda grass is known for its tough blades that stand up to wear and tear, while still being low-maintenance, requiring little water, and easily-adaptable to its surroundings. ...

What are some native plants in NC?

Native plants are those species that evolved naturally in a region without human intervention. Red maple (Acer rubrum), flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), and butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa) are examples of the over 3,900 species of plants the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) PLANTS Database lists as native to North Carolina.

Can grass grow in mulch and soil?

New seeds need room to grow and can be overwhelmed by chemicals found in fertilizers and some mulches. Can grass grow through mulch? This is because grass (and other weed seeds) can sprout and grow in the mulch itself, and grasses can send roots into the mulch and begin to grow.

Can potting soil be used to grow grass?

Yes you can use potting soil to grow grass and have a beautiful lawn. The mixture of soil, seed, fertilizer mix, and water is critical for optimal grass seed germination when creating a new lawn. Using potting soil on the grass while planting a new lawn helps to keep the seeds moist as they sprout.

What is a slow growing grass?

What is tall fescue grass?

Is Bermuda a grass?

Is Zoysia grass a stoloniferous grass?


When should I plant grass seed in NC?

Best Time to Plant Grass Seed in NCIn spring or fall for cool-season grass. If you want to grow cool-season grass, it's best to do so in the fall from mid-August to early October. ... In late spring and early summer for warm-season grass. ... When there's no frost.

What kind of grass is common in North Carolina?

Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescues — such as creeping red, chewings, and hard — are cool-season perennial grasses used for lawns, mostly in the mountain and piedmont regions of North Carolina. Unlike warm-season grasses, cool-season grasses remain green throughout most of the winter.

What grass grows best in North Carolina in the shade?

Augustinegrass is the most shade-tolerant of the warm-season grasses, followed by zoysiagrass. Centipedegrass and bahiagrass perform well under light pine-tree shade but are not as shade-tolerant as St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass.

Is fescue grass good for North Carolina?

Description. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is the most widely grown cool-season species in North Carolina. For a cool-season species, tall fescue is tolerant to heat and drought, disease resistant, and persists with minimum care.

What is the easiest grass to grow in North Carolina?

Bermuda Grass Among grass species, bermudagrass is the best grass seed for North Carolina regions with warm temperatures. For starters, its deep root system provides resistance from heat, drought, and insects.

What is the best low maintenance grass?

Zoysia Grass Zoysia is largely regarded as the lowest-maintenance type of grass due to its ability to grow in various conditions, thanks to its deep root system. It is one of the most drought-tolerant grass species and requires far less water than other types of grass.

Which is better fescue or Bermuda grass?

Bermuda will do better in a drought during high heat conditions (temperatures above 90F) than tall fescue and will stay green longer if water is withheld under average weather conditions. However, tall fescue can handle weeks of drought without going dormant (or going brown) as long as temperatures cap at about 85F.

Is fescue or Kentucky bluegrass better?

Rich, thick Kentucky bluegrass tolerates foot traffic and heavy use better than either hard or red fescue. However, coarse-bladed tall fescue is more tolerant of foot traffic than Kentucky bluegrass and can withstand the wear of people getting in and out of vehicles.

When should I put grass seed down?

Aim to seed early in the season, but wait until daytime temperatures are in the 60 to 75 degree Fahrenheit range. This roughly corresponds to the optimal soil temperatures for cool-season grass seed germination. Spring sunshine and rain both contribute to strong grass growth.

What is the hardiest type of grass?

1. Tall fescue. Tall fescue has coarse, sturdy blades and deep roots, making it a great option for high-traffic lawns. Tall fescue is not only durable against high levels of foot traffic, but it is also adaptable to changing temperatures and water availability.

When should I fertilize my lawn in NC?

Late winter and early spring are the best times to fertilize, just in advance our prime grass growing season. A fertilizer containing 16 percent nitrogen, 4 percent phosphate and 8 percent potash is good for fescue according to the state Department of Agriculture Agronomic Division.

Does Kentucky bluegrass grow well in NC?

Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is the second most widely grown cool-season species in North Carolina because it has a dark green color, a medium to fine texture, and, due to its aggressive rhizome system, can recover from stresses. It prefers fertile, well-limed soils and full sun to moderate shade.

What is the most common yard grass?

Kentucky bluegrass is the most popular grass used for lawn in the United States, and for good reason. It creates one of the most high-quality lawns possible. Its soft velvety texture, deep green color and tolerance to heavy traffic make it one of the best choices for yards, sports fields and campuses.

Which is better fescue or Bermuda grass?

Bermuda will do better in a drought during high heat conditions (temperatures above 90F) than tall fescue and will stay green longer if water is withheld under average weather conditions. However, tall fescue can handle weeks of drought without going dormant (or going brown) as long as temperatures cap at about 85F.

What is the best grass to grow in Charlotte NC?

6 Best Grass Types for Charlotte LawnsTall fescue.Grass mixes.Bermudagrass.Centipedegrass.St. Augustinegrass.Zoysiagrass.

What is the difference between Bermuda grass and centipede grass?

Centipede grass is lighter in color, has a decent texture, and has less durability. However, it does a little better in the hottest weather (temperatures above 90F) and can handle a drought for longer without discoloring. Bermuda grass is coarser, more durable, and darker in color.

What is a slow growing grass?

Centipede is also a slow-growing warm-season grass, however it is only stoloniferous (spreads above the soil surface). Going by the name “lazy man’s grass”, some people like centipede due to its low maintenance requirements in common areas. Centipede has an apple green color as opposed to being a dark green. It prefers more acidic soil and fertilizers low in nitrogen and phosphorous. Centipede is very sensitive to herbicides and is fairly easy to kill. Centipede lawns are more often grown in the more open, silty loam soils on the south and east side of Wake County. These soils are easier for centipede to root into, while the heavier clays turn into concrete when they dry out in the summer. Ok, not quite concrete, but try to pull a soil sample from this clay when it is dry and I’ll think you’ll agree with the description.

What is tall fescue grass?

Tall fescue is a cool-season bunch grass, meaning that grows most vigorously in spring and fall and is NOT a spreading grass. That is why we have the fall ritual of aerating and seeding. This grass is generally green year-round. While irrigation systems are not required, occasional watering (as needed) in summer will keep the grass alive during the long hot/dry periods. We define hot as above 85 degrees. Over-watering creates a whole other set of problems that we’ll cover at another time. Tall fescue is looking for a minimum of 4 hours of sunlight, preferably direct light. The earlier in the day the lawn gets that sunlight, the better. Late day full sun in the summer can be very hard on tall fescue.

Is Bermuda a grass?

Bermuda is a warm-season grass that is both rhizomatous and stoloniferous. All those words mean is that the grass spreads below the soil surface as well as above the soil surface. As a warm-season grass, it is very efficient at photosynthesis (remember that one from grade school?) at high temperatures. The word I use to describe bermuda is aggressive. It can be invasive to areas you don’t want it if it has the nutrients, sunlight and water to support rapid growth. Bermuda is looking for 8-10 hours of direct sun a day. This means that areas receiving less sunlight produce a thin stand of grass. Bermuda starts greening up anywhere from mid-March to mid-May depending on how quickly the soil warms up. It is the grass best-adapted to growing in central North Carolina if the right site conditions exist.

Is Zoysia grass a stoloniferous grass?

Similar to bermuda, zoysia is also a warm-season grass that is both rhizomatous and stoloniferous. Zoysia is a slower grower requiring fewer nutrients and mowing. It is usually looking for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to produce a thick lawn. During very hot and dry stretches zoysia may go dormant in the summer but typically bounces back very well. Once zoysia is damaged, it is slow to fill back in. If you are concerned about herbicides and want the grass that will best compete with weeds, this is the best choice if if grown under favorable conditions. Many varieties of zoysia can experience damage from fungal disease, most frequently during the fall and spring while soil temperatures are transitioning between 50 and 70 degrees.

3 Tips for Growing Grass in North Carolina

Here are 3 tips explained in detail for growing grass in North Carolina:

When to Plant Grass Seed in North Carolina

Early spring is the best time to plant grass in North Carolina. The soil is warm and can absorb water better.


The easiest grass to grow in NC is Bermuda. Bermuda grows well in all soil types, and will tolerate heavy traffic and high wear areas. It is not a good choice for shady areas, as it will turn brown if it does not get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Buffalo grass is also easy to grow in NC, but it requires more maintenance than Bermuda.

What Types of Grasses Grow Best in North Carolina?

The best grass seed for NC highly depends on the region you’re growing in. This will determine whether you need a cool-season or warm-season grass.

What is the best grass seed for North Carolina?

The best grass seed for NC is (in our humble opinion) Pennington Smart Seed Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend. Since North Carolina has three regions with different soils and weather patterns, not all varieties will thrive in the three regions. However, this tall fescue blend has a hybrid mix of tall fescue seeds that are more resistant to heat and drought than common tall fescue seeds, making it a good choice for all three regions. Check out our list below for other great options for NC grasses.

What is the best grass for a Coastal Plains area?

For example, if you want a low-maintenance grass that requires little watering and mowing, Centipede grass is a good choice for you if you live in the Coastal Plains or Piedmont regions. Or, if you live in the Piedmont or Mountains regions and need a lawn that grows fast, but stands up to heavy traffic, Kentucky bluegrass is perfect.

How to spread grass seed?

For compacted soil, use a tiller to break it up and aerate it. This will help your grass seeds root, get water and nutrients, and spread. Use a rake to even out the area after you till. Your seeds will then be more evenly distributed and grow at even heights. Test the pH of your soil before you plant your seed.

What to do when preparing for new grass seed?

Fortunately, there are a few general points to remember when preparing your site for new grass seeds ( source ): If your area drains poorly, consider having a draining system professionally installed. If your lawn pools water, many types of grasses will become susceptible to disease from harbored bacteria.

Where does tall fescue grow?

Technically, tall fescue grows best in Piedmont and Mountains regions, since it tolerates some heat and doesn’t need much water.

How many regions are there in North Carolina?

It’s important to understand the regions of North Carolina, since some grasses grow better in one region than they do the others. North Carolina has three regions. The state is unique in that its regions all have different climates and soil properties.

What type of grass is best for transition zones?

Fescue – There are a number of types of fescue. Tall fescue, tall turf-type fescue and fine fescue are especially popular. Despite being cool season grasses, fescues do very well in transition zones because they are more tolerant of high temperatures than other cool season grasses.

Why is centipede grass so popular?

Centipede – Centipede grass is popular in coastal areas because it adapts to salt and sand better than others. The laid back beach culture is also well suited to it because it takes little upkeep.

What is the transition zone in North Carolina?

Grass Types. The state of North Carolina is commonly called a “transition zone” in terms of what grasses will best flourish here. North of us, cool season grasses which cannot survive high temperatures predominate. South of us, warm season grasses which cannot survive harsh winters are preferred. Here, we can experience both extremes ...

Is it better to grow grass in the mountains or in the mountains?

While cool season grasses do better in the mountains, and warm season grasses on the coastal plain, the Piedmont area can support both. When choosing among the ones mentioned above though, consider the moisture level, shade, foot traffic and style preferences.

Is Kentucky bluegrass a real grass?

Kentucky Bluegrass – This is not just a music style but also a real type of grass, which isn’t blue. Also known as common meadow grass, this variety does well in cool, moist areas of the country.

Is Raleigh part of the Triangle?

Raleigh, Durham and the rest of the Triangle area is part of the wider Piedmont region of North Carolina. This includes the area between the mountains and the coastal plain, containing Charlotte, the Triad and the Triangle. While cool season grasses do better in the mountains, and warm season grasses on the coastal plain, ...

What is the best grass seed for a lawn?

For the best lawn you need the best seed. We recommend our genetically superior Black Beauty Ultra. It is a mix of elite and exclusive varieties of tall fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. Planted by leading sod growers in North Carolina and across the country, Black Beauty grass seed creates a lawn full of grass that: 1 Is deeply rooted (can grow roots up to 4 feet deep); 2 Exhibits an invisible waxy coating (like the waxy skin on an apple) that wards off disease and locks in moisture; 3 Has leaves that are dark green, lush, and uniform in texture; 4 Grows well in both full sun as well as partial shade; 5 Is endophyte-bred for natural insect resistance.

What is the best fertilizer for a newly seeded lawn?

For fertilizing your newly seeded lawn we recommend Green Up Lawn Food for Seeding and Sodding. It is safe for new seeds and will ensure that they sprout quickly and develop a strong root system. It will feed your lawn for up to two months and develop a thicker, fuller lawn. Its formula contains 1% iron to fortify the grass and give it a deep shade of natural green color and 30% slow release nitrogen to give your lawn the nutrients it needs in a time-released formula.

Is it better to plant grass in the fall or winter?

Soil temperatures are still warm in the fall, which is necessary for optimum seed germination, and cooler air temperatures are better for grass growth. There will also be fewer weeds for the grass to compete with at this time of the year. With adequate sunlight, rainwater and fertilizer, you can expect your new grass seedlings to be well-established before the colder winter weather arrives.

What grasses grow in North Carolina?

Find your region in the map in Figure 1. Both cool-season (northern) and warm-season (southern) grasses are grown in North Carolina. Cool-season grasses grow best in the spring and fall and less actively in the summer. They stay reasonably green in the winter. Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass are common types of cool-season grasses. Warm-season grasses are slow to green up in the spring, grow best in the summer, and go dormant after the first heavy frost. Current information on suitable cultivars for North Carolina can be found on the NC State TurfFiles website.

What kind of grass is used in North Carolina?

Cool-season Grasses. Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescues — such as creeping red, chewings, and hard — are cool-season perennial grasses used for lawns, mostly in the mountain and piedmont regions of North Carolina.

How long does it take for Zoysiagrass to grow?

Zoysiagrass cultivars were once limited to two cultivars: Meyer and the finer textured Emerald. These cultivars must be planted vegetatively, and are low- and slow-growing. They are very slow to establish from plugs, often taking three years for total coverage when planted on 12-inch centers. These older cultivars can become thatchy — puffy due to an accumulation of dead, dying, decaying plant residue at the soil surface. This is especially so when these grasses are mowed high and infrequently or heavily fertilized. Thatch may need to be removed every two to three years, but care should be taken because the recovery rate of these cultivars is very slow.

How tall should fescue be?

The tall fescues perform best when mowed at a height of 3 to 3.5 inches, and should not be mowed shorter than 2.5 inches. Tall fescue may turn brown, yet can often survive short periods of drought. Under certain circumstances, some tall fescue may be lost if a drought exceeds three weeks.

Why use a sharp mower blade?

Using a sharp mower is especially important for difficult-to-mow grasses, such as zoysiagrass, bahiagrass, and certain types of perennial ryegrass cultivars. A properly sharpened and balanced mower blade will also reduce mower vibration, lengthen mower life, and reduce fuel consumption by as much as 22 percent.

Which grass is the least cold tolerant?

With proper maintenance, it will provide a dense, lush lawn. St. Augustinegrass is very shade and salt tolerant but is considered the least cold tolerant lawn grass. The cultivar Raleigh has the best cold tolerance and is well adapted for the eastern side of the piedmont and the western side of the coastal plain.

When do grasses grow in the mountains?

They are better adapted to the mountains and piedmont. These grasses perform best in spring and fall and have a tendency to show signs of stress in the summer. This is especially true as you move toward the coastal plain.

What is a slow growing grass?

Centipede is also a slow-growing warm-season grass, however it is only stoloniferous (spreads above the soil surface). Going by the name “lazy man’s grass”, some people like centipede due to its low maintenance requirements in common areas. Centipede has an apple green color as opposed to being a dark green. It prefers more acidic soil and fertilizers low in nitrogen and phosphorous. Centipede is very sensitive to herbicides and is fairly easy to kill. Centipede lawns are more often grown in the more open, silty loam soils on the south and east side of Wake County. These soils are easier for centipede to root into, while the heavier clays turn into concrete when they dry out in the summer. Ok, not quite concrete, but try to pull a soil sample from this clay when it is dry and I’ll think you’ll agree with the description.

What is tall fescue grass?

Tall fescue is a cool-season bunch grass, meaning that grows most vigorously in spring and fall and is NOT a spreading grass. That is why we have the fall ritual of aerating and seeding. This grass is generally green year-round. While irrigation systems are not required, occasional watering (as needed) in summer will keep the grass alive during the long hot/dry periods. We define hot as above 85 degrees. Over-watering creates a whole other set of problems that we’ll cover at another time. Tall fescue is looking for a minimum of 4 hours of sunlight, preferably direct light. The earlier in the day the lawn gets that sunlight, the better. Late day full sun in the summer can be very hard on tall fescue.

Is Bermuda a grass?

Bermuda is a warm-season grass that is both rhizomatous and stoloniferous. All those words mean is that the grass spreads below the soil surface as well as above the soil surface. As a warm-season grass, it is very efficient at photosynthesis (remember that one from grade school?) at high temperatures. The word I use to describe bermuda is aggressive. It can be invasive to areas you don’t want it if it has the nutrients, sunlight and water to support rapid growth. Bermuda is looking for 8-10 hours of direct sun a day. This means that areas receiving less sunlight produce a thin stand of grass. Bermuda starts greening up anywhere from mid-March to mid-May depending on how quickly the soil warms up. It is the grass best-adapted to growing in central North Carolina if the right site conditions exist.

Is Zoysia grass a stoloniferous grass?

Similar to bermuda, zoysia is also a warm-season grass that is both rhizomatous and stoloniferous. Zoysia is a slower grower requiring fewer nutrients and mowing. It is usually looking for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to produce a thick lawn. During very hot and dry stretches zoysia may go dormant in the summer but typically bounces back very well. Once zoysia is damaged, it is slow to fill back in. If you are concerned about herbicides and want the grass that will best compete with weeds, this is the best choice if if grown under favorable conditions. Many varieties of zoysia can experience damage from fungal disease, most frequently during the fall and spring while soil temperatures are transitioning between 50 and 70 degrees.


What Is The Best Grass Seed to Grow in North Carolina?

North Carolina has a few different climates within its borders, and the easiest grass to grow on any one property will depend on your location within the state. Other variables will affect your decision on which grass type to plant as well: 1. Location – While the whole of North Carolina experiences cool weather in fall and winter, th…
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Warm-Season Grasses

  • Summers in North Carolina are long, warm, humid, and wetter the closer to the coast you are. The state of North Carolina is in the transitional zone, where both cool and warm seasons occur, but summers are particularly warm. The coastal area is sometimes considered in the warm zone of the southern US, as winters tend to be very mild there, but it still receives a little snow in the cold…
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Cool-Season Grasses

  • Bordering the subtropical climate of the south, North Carolina’s winters get a bit cooler than its southern neighbors, and snow isn’t unusual during the otherwise rainy season. The cool-season grasses that will do best in the fall, winter, and spring include: 1. Kentucky Bluegrass 2. Fescue 3. Perennial Ryegrass
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When Should I Plant Grass Seed in North Carolina?

  • North Carolina’s mild climate constrains the planting periods for warm and cool-season grasses. Warm season grass should be planted at the end of spring when daily temperatures are above 65 degrees. This helps the grass grow in and mature before the hottest parts of summer when some warm-season grass will go dormant from the heat. Cool-season grass should be planted at the b…
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1.North Carolina Grass: The Types That Thrive in Each Region


11 hours ago  · Research each type and decide which one you think would look and grow best on your property. Perennial Ryegrass; Kentucky Bluegrass; Tall Fescue; Fine Fescue; Bermuda; …

2.Videos of What Is The Best Grass to Grow in North Carolina


19 hours ago  · Bermuda grass is one of the best types of grass for North Carolina, a sturdy, warm-season variety that can handle heavy use and diverse conditions. After sowing seeds in the …

3.Best Grass for North Carolina? - Tending Our Roots


16 hours ago  · Bermuda is looking for 8-10 hours of direct sun a day. This means that areas receiving less sunlight produce a thin stand of grass. Bermuda starts greening up anywhere …

4.Recommended Native Grasses for North Carolina


14 hours ago Here is a list of North Carolina native grasses that are well-suited for plantings in gardens. Never collect native plants from the wild as it will deplete natural ecosystems. When possible, plant …

5.Best Grass Seed For North Carolina - Turf Explorer


20 hours ago  · Here are the 4 best grass seeds for North Carolina: 1. Bermuda Grass Seed. Bermuda grass makes a good lawn for North Carolina because it grows well in the hot, humid …

6.The Best Grass Seed for NC Gardens – Properly Rooted


10 hours ago  · The best grass seed for NC is (in our humble opinion) Pennington Smart Seed Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend. Since North Carolina has three regions with different soils and …

7.Grass Types in North Carolina | Barefoot Lawn Care


28 hours ago Bermuda – Bermuda grass is a very versatile grass. It can handle foot traffic well and grows quickly. Centipede – Centipede grass is popular in coastal areas because it adapts to salt and …

8.When to Plant Grass Seed in North Carolina | Jonathan …


26 hours ago In North Carolina, cool-season grasses like Jonathan Green Black Beauty are best seeded in early fall, but many people achieve success by seeding in early spring (mid-February to late March). …

9.Carolina Lawns: A Guide to Maintaining Quality Turf in the …


19 hours ago Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescues — such as creeping red, chewings, and hard — are cool-season perennial grasses used for lawns, mostly in the …

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