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what is the best way to clean new windows

by Prof. Jarrett Dicki MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • For everyday cleaning, run a damp microfiber cloth over the panes and apply warm, soapy water if necessary. Rinse the suds away with a damp cloth.
  • For more stubborn marks, stick to the soapy water, but apply using the rough side of a sponge instead. ...
  • If you want to use a home remedy, then white distilled vinegar is another option. ...

Start by rinsing the windows with the hose, then fill a bucket with clean, cool water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap. Using a soft microfiber cloth, go over the surface of the window. For higher windows, use a sponge mop (or a soft cotton or microfiber mop) on a pole. Rinse thoroughly with the hose.Aug 9, 2021

Full Answer

What is the best cleaning solution for Windows?

What the Ingredients Do

  • Vinegar. The main reason why distilled white vinegar makes such a good glass cleaner is because it contains acetic acid.
  • Lemon Juice. Similar to white vinegar, the acidity of lemon juice can effectively break down grime on glass surfaces such as windows.
  • Dish Soap. ...
  • Essential Oils. ...
  • Hot Water. ...

How to clean up Windows 10 [8 Simple methods]?

The Best Way to Clean Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Erase Temporary Junk. Windows 10 and 11 include a pair of similar tools for clearing out old temporary files from your disk, meaning you don't need a dedicated ...
  2. Delete Large Files. You've removed unnecessary files; the next step to cleaning up Windows 10 is to find old data taking up a lot of space on your ...
  3. Clean Windows 10 Bloatware. ...

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How do you make homemade window washing solution?

Recipes for Vinegar Window Washing Solution

  • Mix one part hot water to one part distilled vinegar.
  • Sponge cleaning: Moisten the window, using the solution, then clean.
  • Squeegee cleaning: Always dampen the squeegee first and clean from the top down, wiping the edge of the squeegee after every stroke.
  • Clean only when there is no direct sun on the windows.

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What is the best window cleaning method?

The best way to clean windows

  1. Bosch GlassVac Cordless Window Cleaner. Y ou'll enjoy streak free windows (both inside and out) every time with this Bosch window vacuum. ...
  2. Windolene 4 Action Window Cleaner Spray. P ut simply, this is the best window cleaner spray around. ...
  3. DocaPole Telescopic Window Cleaner. ...
  4. Clean & Gleam Glass Window Cleaning & Polishing Cloth. ...

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How do you clean brand new windows?

Mix one part distilled vinegar to 10 parts warm water in a spray bottle. Wipe down the window with a a soft, clean, lint-free microfiber cloth or paper towel to remove dust before you spray your solution, then spray the entire surface.

How do you clean windows for the first time?

Make Your Own Window Cleaner The first time you clean your windows, mix two cups of water with ¼ cup of white vinegar and ½ teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Mix it in a spray bottle or cleaning sprayer and apply to windows that have been rinsed with clean water.

What do professional window cleaners use to clean windows?

squeegeesPro cleaners use squeegees inside all the time, even in houses with stained and varnished woodwork. When cleaning windows with a squeegee indoors, the key is to squeeze most of the soapy water out of the scrubber to eliminate excessive dripping and running.

How do professionals clean house windows?

1:214:39How to Wash Windows Like a Pro | This Old House - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFirst and that's to create a dry edge at the top. Okay another way if you want to be a little moreMoreFirst and that's to create a dry edge at the top. Okay another way if you want to be a little more professional with it is take the squeegee up to the glass.

What is the best thing to wash outside windows with?

Cleaning Windows from the Outside Start by rinsing the windows with the hose, then fill a bucket with clean, cool water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap. Using a soft microfiber cloth, go over the surface of the window. For higher windows, use a sponge mop (or a soft cotton or microfiber mop) on a pole.

Is vinegar and Dawn good for cleaning windows?

Mix your cleaning solution. For very dirty windows, especially exterior windows, combine 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup of vinegar, and 1/2 tsp of dish detergent. If you're cleaning immediately, use warm but not hot water for added cleaning power. Shake the bottle to combine.

Is Dawn dish soap good for washing windows?

Use Dawn Dishwashing Soap This calls for a little extra oomph to get the windows clean. In these instances, you will get shinier windows by washing them first. Fill a bucket with warm water and add just a few drops of dish soap — blue Dawn is highly recommended. Use a non-scratch scouring sponge to soap up the glass.

Do Professional window cleaners use Windex?

Get rid of it! Professional window cleaners don't use Windex, so why should we? This special blend will give your window the crystal clear shine you're looking for.

How do you clean glass perfectly?

The best way to clean glass windows or tabletops is by using either a coffee filter or a microfiber cloth. In the end, using microfiber cloths or coffee filters is a bit easier and yields more or less the same streak-free shine a properly wielded squeegee would.

How do you clean exterior windows like a pro?

Both men said the secret is to use regular water with a small amount of liquid dish soap in it. You can purchase special window-washing soaps for this purpose if you want. The second most important thing is to use the correct tool to clean the glass. Pros use a lambswool tool that they rub across the glass.

What kind of soap do professional window washers use?

Professional window cleaners often use dish soaps like Dawn or Joy to help their window cleaning squeegees glide. However, dish soaps are degreasers made up of almost 100% surfactants, so they have a lot of suds.

How do I keep my outside windows clean?

For the outside of windows Mix your vinegar or soap solution in a bucket, then use a sponge mop or microfiber cloth to go over the glass. Rinse again with the hose then use a squeegee to dry the window. It's best to start from the top of the window with the squeegee blade angled toward the bottom.

Is Dawn dish soap good for washing outside windows?

Use Dawn Dishwashing Soap For instance, when your exterior windows are long overdue for a cleaning or if you have been undergoing renovations in your home that have left everything covered in dust and dirt. This calls for a little extra oomph to get the windows clean.

How do you clean outside glass windows?

Try a Mop to Extend Your Reach Try this recipe for getting glass sparkling clean: Mix 1 part water to 1 part white vinegar in a small bucket. Then, dip a clean microfiber cloth or mop head into the solution, and attach it to the mop handle. Scrub your windows with the mop.

How do you mix vinegar and water to clean windows?

In a spray bottle, mix 50% distilled vinegar (white) and 50% tap water. For extremely grimy glass, prewash with very soapy water, then go to the vinegar spray. Got highly resistent spots? Try rubbing hard with a cloth dipped in undiluted vinegar.

Where should you begin cleaning while using a squeegee?

Use your squeegee to remove the water from the surface. There are two different ways to do this: Beginner method. Using your squeegee, start from the top of the glass and go directly down to the bottom.

How to clean a glass window?

If you have an especially difficult spot, you can start your cleaning process by applying a solvent like acetone or rubbing alcohol to a clean cloth and rubbing it directly on the spot. Wipe it dry and then continue to clean your window as you would normally.

How to clean windows with vinegar?

To clean your windows with your own homemade window cleaner, follow these easy steps: Mix one part distilled vinegar to 10 parts warm water in a spray bottle. Wipe down the window with a a soft, clean, lint-free microfiber cloth or paper towel to remove dust before you spray your solution, then spray the entire surface.

How to get rid of streaks on window?

Rub from multiple directions to help avoid streaking. If you find that you still have streaks after you’ve cleaned your window, simply rinse with clear water to help remove any of the remaining cleaning solution.

How to clean a window with acetone?

If you have an especially difficult spot, you can start your cleaning process by applying a solvent like acetone or rubbing alcohol to a clean cloth and rubbing it directly on the spot . Wipe it dry and then continue to clean your window as you would normally.

Why do we clean windows?

It’s natural to want your windows (old or new) to look as spotless as the day they were installed. Clean windows can allow more light into your home and can make you feel more connected to the outdoors. But it can be tricky to figure out the proper way to clean your windows while avoiding the pitfalls of streaking and scratching. Here are some tips on how to clean windows like a professional without paying the professional fees.

What happens if you have streak free windows?

Streak-free windows look great and feel clean. Once you have a whole home of spotless windows, it's time to clean the rest of the window. Dirt and grime can build up on the frames and cause stains or damage. It can get inside the tracks or other functioning parts and make your window stick or stop working altogether.

Can you use a razor to scrape off windows?

No matter how stubborn certain stuck-on materials may be, never use a razor or any other kind of blade to scrape them off. This can cause permanent scratches and leave your windows more vulnerable to breaking in the future.

How to clean a high window?

For higher windows, use a sponge mop (or a soft cotton or microfiber mop) on a pole. Rinse thoroughly with the hose. Spray or mop with the vinegar and water solution or with a commercial cleanser. Wipe the window dry using a clean, rubber-bladed squeegee.

How to clean dirt off of outside windows?

Outside windows typically have more dirt and stains. Start by rinsing the windows with the hose, then fill a bucket with clean, cool water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap. Using a soft microfiber cloth, go over the surface of the window. For higher windows, use a sponge mop (or a soft cotton or microfiber mop) on a pole.

How to clean bird droppings from windows?

Alternatively, you can use a clean , lint-free towel or newspaper pages to dry the windows. For stubborn dirt and stains, including bird droppings, saturate thoroughly with vinegar and water and let stand for several minutes before drying.

How to dry a window?

Using a clean, lint-free towel (or the black-and-white pages of a newspaper), dry the window completely using a Z-shaped motion. You also can use clean paper towels to dry the windows, if you prefer. If dirt or streaks remain, spray and dry again. (Dirty windows typically require two rounds of spraying and drying.)

Can you wash your windows when the sun is shining?

By Donna Boyle Schwartz and Bob Vila. Photo: Even when the sun is shining, you may not get the maximum amount of natural light in your home if your windows are covered in a film of dirt, dust, splattered bugs, or water spots. To fully enjoy the longer days and the lush views of the outdoors, washing windows is at the top ...

How often should I clean my windows?

“It’s really up to consumers themselves,” she says. “Some people like to clean their windows every week on their own, and others are OK with having a professional come in and clean their windows inside and out, from top to bottom, twice a year. It’s one of those things that can fall into spring and fall cleaning.”

How to clean a window with dish soap?

Once the area is prepped, Lewis and her team advise ditching prepackaged bottled cleansers and mixing up a solution of warm water with a small squirt of dish soap. “Usually just a drop or two per gallon will do it,” she says. “Then grab a sponge and scrub down the windows, making sure to get into the corners and the creases and crevices of the window.” Next, clear away the solution with a squeegee and wipe dry with a clean towel.

How often does Prime Time window cleaning take place?

Will Dorn, president of Prime Time Window Cleaning Inc. in the Chicago area, says most of his customers opt for cleaning two or three times each year . “Definitely in the spring after the long winter, and then in summer or late fall before the holidays,” Dorn says.

How many stories can a window be cleaned?

The task of window cleaning may call for professional help, depending on the number and style of windows you have, whether there are also storm windows and screens to deal with, how much free time you have and if you need ladders or special equipment to reach up two or three stories.

How to get rid of streaks after squeegeeing?

To get rid of any streaks after squeegeeing and make your windows shine, Lewis suggests using a dry cloth or (yes, Mom), even newspaper. “One thing you should know, however,” she says, “is that not all newspapers are created equal.”.

Do window cleaners have to be insured?

If you’re hiring a window-cleaning crew, make sure they are insured and bonded and have good reviews. Dorn recommends checking to see how long the service has been in business. “I would go with a legitimate outfit and not just somebody working out of the back of their truck,” he says.

How to clean windows without streaks?

To clean the window work in an S-shape advises Lynsey. ‘With your microfibre cloth work in the shape of an S so you will get into every bit and that will stop the smears.’ . You can also use a squeegee for a streak free finish. Also work in an S-shape.

How to clean a window with soapy water?

You can also wash your windows with soapy water. Fill a bucket with a simple solution of washing-up liquid and warm water, but avoid creating too many soap suds as. these will leave further marks if allowed to dry. Start washing windows using a non-abrasive sponge. 3.

How to clean a squeegee blade?

Periodically wipe the squeegee blade on a clean rag to avoid smearing dirt around. Remove remaining water with a damp chamois or microfibre cloth and dry the windowsill. Avoid paper towels or cloths that might leave lint on the glass.

How to clean smudges off windows?

Freshen up slightly dirty windows – ones that have the odd smudge or smear – using a cleaning spray and a cloth. However, if you haven’t washed the windows for months, get a squeegee out and do a proper clean.

How long does it take for vinegar to clean windows?

‘When you spray it you don’t need much, it’s going to smell for about 15 minutes, but it’s going to disappear.’. You can also wash your windows with soapy water.

How to clean a teabag?

Apparently cold tea is the secret to gleaming, streak-free windows and glass. To try the teabag cleaning hack at home, use kitchen towel dipped into a mug of cold black tea. Wipe the tea over the surface and buff dry with a clean soft cloth.

How to keep white PVC windows looking new?

However, if you have white PVC Lynsey recommends using a cream based cleaner or a whitening product to keep them looking new. ‘You could use a white toothpaste.

How to clean exterior windows?

The next step in exterior window cleaning is to use the rag in your pocket to wipe up excess water along the bottom edge of the window. Then poke your finger into a dry spot on a separate lint-free rag and run it around the perimeter of the window to remove any remaining suds. Wipe off any streaks using a clean area of the lint-free rag. Change rags when you can’t find any fresh, clean areas.

How many windows can you wash with a window scrubber?

Depending on how dirty your windows are, you may be able to wash five or 10 windows before rinsing the scrubber.

How to use a squeegee on a window?

Press the squeegee blade against the glass in the upper corner and pull it steadily across the window. Concentrate on keeping the top of the squeegee in contact with the top edge of the window.

How to remove paint specks from glass?

Remove paint specks and labels with a razor blade mounted in a holder. Always use a new blade to avoid scratching the glass. Wet the window first and push the blade across once. Rinse the blade and repeat on the next section to avoid trapping debris under the blade that could scratch the glass.

How to remove tree pitch from glass?

Remove tree pitch or bug droppings with a fine (white) nylon scrub pad. Wet the glass first and rub in an inconspicuous area to make sure you’re not scratching the glass.

Can you use vinegar to clean windows?

Some people also opt to use vinegar and water to clean windows. In warm weather, you’ll get a little more working time by using cool water. If you’ve procrastinated so long that you’re washing windows in below-freezing temps, add windshield washing solution until the water doesn’t freeze on the glass. 3 / 11.

Culture and Lifestyle

Let your besties know how much they mean to you with these unique nicknames.


The beginning of a new year often has us all feeling like starting off fresh by taking on better habits, getting rid of old ones, and—most commonly—changing up our look.


There's no denying how the pandemic fundamentally changed the world—including how we live (and work) inside our homes. An overall trend toward celebrating the history and originality of our homes is displacing ultramodern aesthetics and sharp lines as we all look to create cozier, colorful, more personalized spaces that better suit our lifestyles.

2. Check the weather

The best time to wash windows is on an overcast but not rainy day. A hot, sunny day causes the cleaning solution to evaporate too fast before you can finish washing the window and leaves streaks.

3. Mix up your window cleaning solution

This is how you clean windows with vinegar. I've used this homemade mixture for years. It goes a long way and for just a few cents.

4. Bring the broom

To sweep the windows, not the floors. This is the easiest way to sweep away the cobwebs and debris from the windows and sills.

5. Grab the microfiber cloths

These washable and re-useable microfiber cloths are lint free. Use one to wash the windows and another to dry off the excess water. Some people like to use newspaper to clean their windows but I've always found this a bit cumbersome and never have a newspaper lying around the house.

1. Use a Garden Hose

A tried-and-true way to clean off most types of windows is to use a household garden hose with an adjustable nozzle attachment. Start by spraying off the window and surrounding area to remove any surface dirt. Then, fill a bucket with hot water and some dishwashing liquid. Apply the mixture to the outside windows and scrub using a sponge or rag.

2. Opt For a Household Mop

While using a simple hose and sponge is an effective way to clean windows that are within reach, a household mop can serve as an extension pole, giving you the extra leverage needed to remove dirt and grime from higher areas. What’s more? You can find attachments for Swiffer mops specifically designed for window cleaning.

3. Try a Streak-Free Squeegee

Get professional, streak-free results by using a rubber-bladed squeegee tool to clean your exterior windows. Mix a cleaning solution of your choice and scrub the window panes with a rag, sponge, or mop to take off the buildup.

4. A Solution For Hard-To-Reach Windows

If you live in a high-rise apartment complex or have windows difficult to reach with a ladder, opt for a magnetic cleaner to safely clean from inside your home. This tool uses a strong magnet to clean both the inside and outside of a window at the same time. While the exact process may differ depending on the brand, this is a general guide to use.

5. Dry With Newspaper

While you can use microfiber towels or a squeegee to clean away residue, a newspaper can also work when you’re in a pinch. Simply scrub off the dirt and grime using your chosen cleaning method. Then, rub crumpled up newspaper in a circular motion on the window panes to clear away the remaining grime, leaving your windows smudge-free.

6. Bring Out the Power Washer

If you’re looking for quick and powerful results, use a power washer. Start by assessing the condition of your windows, trim, and siding to ensure the pressure won’t damage any surfaces. Look over any caulk to see if there are areas that need to be re-sealed.

7. Purchase a Window Cleaning Kit

Rather than using DIY window cleaning solutions or tools, pick up a window cleaning kit from your local home improvement store that has everything you need in one package. Most kits come with a scrubbing brush and a squeegee that can be attached to an extension pole.


1.Videos of What Is The Best Way to Clean New Windows


5 hours ago  · 1. If you’re cleaning windows from the inside, the first thing you’ll want to do is remove any dust and cobwebs. Wipe... 2. Close your window once finished. There are a couple of methods you can now choose from depending on the level of... 3. If you want to speed up the drying process and save ...

2.How to clean windows – inside and out, with no streaks …


26 hours ago  · 1. If you’re cleaning windows from the inside, the first thing you’ll want to do is remove any dust and cobwebs. Wipe... 2. Close your window once finished. There are a couple …

3.How to Clean Windows Without Streaks | Pella Windows …


5 hours ago  · Start by spraying off the window and surrounding area to remove any surface dirt. Then, fill a bucket with hot water and some dishwashing liquid. Apply the mixture to the outside windows and scrub using a sponge or rag. Rinse the soapy water off with your hose and allow it …

4.How to clean windows and leave them streak-free | Tom's …


16 hours ago

5.How To Get Spotlessly Clean Windows - Forbes


35 hours ago

6.How to clean windows: tips for a professional streak-free …


33 hours ago

7.Window Washing Tips and Techniques | Family Handyman


27 hours ago

8.How to Clean Windows With Soap and Vinegar | Southern …


3 hours ago

9.How to Clean Outside Windows [8 Best Ways] - Angi


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