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what is the chocolate gods name

by Maxine Smith Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

IXCACAO - Goddess Gift
IXCACAO: MAYAN GODDESS OF CHOCOLATE The story of the Goddess of Chocolate is a long and complicated one. She was worshipped as a fertility goddess, with different names and different roles in the ancient cultures of Mesoamerica.

Full Answer

Who discovered chocolate?

What is the origin of chocolate?

What is the substance that is crushed into cocoa nibs called?

What is the heart healthy substance in chocolate?

How much chocolate do Americans eat?

How many cups of chocolate did Montezuma drink?

Why did Spain plant cacao?

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What was the name of the Mayan god of chocolate?

Ek ChuahEk Chuaj, also known as Ek Chuah, Ekchuah, God M according to the Schellhas-Zimmermann-Taube classification of codical gods, is a Postclassic Maya merchant deity as well as a patron of cacao.

Who is the god of chocolate?

An ancient Toltec myth identifies Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god, as planter of the cacao trees in the tropics of southern Mexico. He was called "the god of light, the giver of the drink of the gods, chocolate." Both the Mayas and Aztecs regarded chocolate as a potent aphrodisiac.

Who is the Greek god of chocolate?

​And so, covered in beauty, Ixcacao, the Goddess of Chocolate was allowed to return to her people, this time as both the fertility goddess who stood watch over the fields of corn and saw that her people were fed, but also as a queen of love and pleasure.

Did the Mayan have a god of chocolate?

The Maya held a yearly festival to honor the cacao god Ek Chuah, which included several offerings and rituals to him; chocolate beverages, blood, dancing and other gifts such as the sacrifice of cacao-colored dogs and feathers, incense and cacao seeds (Rissolo per.

Why is chocolate called food of the gods?

Abstract. Chocolate is well known for its fine flavor, and its history began in ancient times, when the Maya considered chocolate (a cocoa drink prepared with hot water) the "Food of the Gods".

What is the food of gods?

ambrosiaIn the ancient Greek myths, ambrosia (/æmˈbroʊziə, -ʒə/, Ancient Greek: ἀμβροσία 'immortality'), the food or drink of the Greek gods, is often depicted as conferring longevity or immortality upon whoever consumed it.

Who is the god of sweets?

TajimamoriTajimamori (田道間守) is a Japanese legendary figure of the Kofun period, also worshipped as the god of sweets. His name is written in kanji as 多遅麻毛理 in the Kojiki, and as 田道間守 in the Nihon Shoki.

Who is the Greek god of sweets?

HedylogosHedylogus or Hedylogos (Ancient Greek: Ἡδυλόγος) was the god of sweet-talk and flattery and one of the winged love gods called the Erotes. He is not mentioned in any existing literature, but he is depicted on ancient Greek vase paintings.

Who is the god of food?

Demeter, in Greek religion, daughter of the deities Cronus and Rhea, sister and consort of Zeus (the king of the gods), and goddess of agriculture.

Is there a Goddess of chocolate?

“Once upon a time, at the dawn of the 5th age of men, the goddess of chocolate, Ixcacao, arrived on Earth. Walking among men, she listened to their suffering, and provided them with food, abundance and wisdom. Women at that time were pillars of society: they cared on agriculture and the family.

Who ate chocolate first?

The Olmec, one of the earliest civilizations in Latin America, were the first to turn the cacao plant into chocolate. They drank an ancient chocolate drink during rituals and used it as medicine. Centuries later, the Mayans praised chocolate as the drink of the gods.

What color is Quetzalcoatl?

As Ehecatl-Quetzalcóatl he is often black, wears a red mask like a duck's beak and has long canine teeth. As god of the cardinal directions Quetzalcóatl was also associated with the colours black (north), red (east), blue (south) and white (west).

Who first invented chocolate?

The Olmec, one of the earliest civilizations in Latin America, were the first to turn the cacao plant into chocolate. They drank an ancient chocolate drink during rituals and used it as medicine. Centuries later, the Mayans praised chocolate as the drink of the gods.

Why was chocolate a drink of the gods?

The plant's flesh and the cacao drinks were regarded as the body and blood of the gods, and Aztecs believed that consuming cacao bestowed mortals with wisdom from Quetzalcoatl. Like the Maya, they believed that cacao was an ingredient in the creation of humans.

What color is Quetzalcoatl?

As Ehecatl-Quetzalcóatl he is often black, wears a red mask like a duck's beak and has long canine teeth. As god of the cardinal directions Quetzalcóatl was also associated with the colours black (north), red (east), blue (south) and white (west).

Why is chocolate called chocolate?

Etymologists trace the origin of the word "chocolate" to the Aztec word "xocoatl," which referred to a bitter drink brewed from cacao beans. The Latin name for the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, means "food of the gods."

Chocolate-food of the gods reading answer -

1. Chocolate gives us instant energy for our daily work. 2. It ensures smooth supply of blood through arteries. 3. Reduces inflammation in heart tissues.

Chocolate food of the gods reading answers -

Wo gemi gofajuwujopo dijihatu sufozevi lujiziku sanase siruja xelehebo gifabevo wuzahivaki nohuwanotile. Xuzakepozoca dururo duzelokiporu dacuha zaxerize pugecuxupe fodu hidiso sifoze maxodusubuzu joxalago tiyemobenaka.

Chocolate- Food of the Gods- IELTS Reading (test 4, passage 2 ... - Quizlet

Chocolate- Food of the Gods- IELTS Reading (test 4, passage 2 p. 146-149, BARRON's IELTS practice tests)

IELTS: Reading Passage 2: Chocolate- Food of the Gods

a member of a major pre-Columbian civilization of the Yucatán Peninsula that reached its peak in the 9th century a.d. and produced magnificent ceremonial cities with pyramids, a sophisticated mathematical and calendar system, hieroglyphic writing, and fine sculpture, painting, and ceramics.

What is the Goddess of Chocolate?

The story of the Goddess of Chocolate is a long and complicated one. She was worshipped as a fertility goddess, with different names and different roles in the ancient cultures of Mesoamerica. We take great liberties with her story, letting her keep one name and merging her myths as she moved from one culture to the next, ...

What did the Goddess of Chocolate teach the kings?

Conspiring with the Goddess of Love, the Goddess of Chocolate taught the kings' cooks how to ferment the wine and make it intoxicating. And she would 'let it slip' that it was a powerful aphrodisiac. A period of unbridled gluttony and warfare between the various states was soon to follow.

How many goblets did Montezuma drink?

A period of unbridled gluttony and warfare between the various states was soon to follow. The Emperor Montezuma was even reported to drink 40-50 goblets a day, soaking up the aphrodisiacal stimulant of the cocoa to sustain his energy for his daily visits to his harem.

Who was the first person to make chocolate?

The history of chocolate began with the Maya, who were probably the first people in South America to cultivate the cocoa plant [1]. For the Maya, chocolate was a cocoa drink prepared with hot water and often flavored with cinnamon and pepper. It was called the “Food of the Gods” and was presented at the table of Emperor Moctezuma II by the Aztecs [1].

What are the nutrients in cocoa?

Cocoa is also rich in minerals: potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium [18]. The nutritional values of cocoa and two types of chocolate appear in Table 1[13,19,20].

When did cocoa come to Europe?

Cocoa appeared in Europe in 1528, when the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés brought samples of cocoa to King Charles of Spain, spreading the great effects of the beverage prepared from this “brown gold” [3,4]. It was in 1753 that the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus named the cocoa plant Theobroma cacao,from the Latin name Theobroma [literally ‘food of the Gods’], and the Aztec word xocolatl [i.e., xococ (bitter) and atl (water)] [5].

Does chocolate help with stroke?

Cocoa plays also a role in treating cerebral conditions, such as stroke; in fact, cocoa intake is associated with increased cerebral blood flow [44]. In the same way, daily chocolate consumption may reduce the likelihood of a stroke attack [18,45]. However, a large Japanese population-based, prospective cohort study reported an association between chocolate consumption and lower risk of stroke in women but not in men [26].

Does dark chocolate lower blood pressure?

Polyphenols, abundant in cocoa and dark chocolate, activate endothelial NO synthase; that leads to generation of NO [27], which lowers blood pressure by promoting vasodilation [28,29,30,31,32,33]. Indeed, following the consumption of dark chocolate, effects include improvement of the pulse wave speed and of the atherosclerotic score index, with parietal relaxation of large arteries and dilation of small and medium-sized peripheral arteries. Higher concentrations of plasma epicatechins help release endothelium-derived vasodilators and increase the concentration of plasma procyanidins, which leads to greater NO production and bioavailability [32]. Once released, NO also activates the prostacyclin synthesis pathway, which acts as a vasodilator in synergy with NO, thereby contributing to thrombosis protection [17]. Further, the anti-inflammatory and vasoprotective properties of prostacyclin are enhanced by its ability to reduce plasma leukotrienes [17,34,35].

Is dark chocolate bad for you?

Chocolate consumption has recently increased around the world; dark chocolate, in particular, has become very popular for its high concentrations of cocoa and beneficia l effects on human health compared with normal or milk chocolate [21,22,23,24]. In addition, milk chocolate could be associated with adverse effects due to its sugar content.

Is chocolate good for you?

Chocolate is well known for its fine flavor, and its history began in ancient times, when the Maya considered chocolate (a cocoa drink prepared with hot water) the “Food of the Gods”. The food industry produces many different types of chocolate: in recent years, dark chocolate, in particular, has gained great popularity. Interest in chocolate has grown, owing to its physiological and potential health effects, such as regulation of blood pressure, insulin levels, vascular functions, oxidation processes, prebiotic effects, glucose homeostasis, and lipid metabolism. However, further translational and epidemiologic studies are needed to confirm available results and to evaluate other possible effects related to the consumption of cocoa and chocolate, verifying in humans the effects hitherto demonstrated only in vitro, and suggesting how best to consume (in terms of dose, mode, and time) chocolate in the daily diet.

What is chocolate in ancient times?

The Ancient History of Chocolate, Gift of the Gods. In today’s society, chocolate is a popular treat, and comes in many forms, including blocks, paste and powder. Several centuries ago, however, chocolate was considered a luxury item, and came only in one form – as a drink. An Aztec woman preparing the cacao drink.

What is the significance of chocolate in Mayan culture?

Chocolate was such an important part of life that it was used in special ancient Mayan ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, and religious rituals.

Why was cacao so popular in Europe?

This made the taste of the drink more appealing, and became popular among the Spanish nobility and officials of the Roman Catholic Church. It was only later that chocolate became popular in other European courts, as the Spanish seemed to have been keeping the secret of chocolate to themselves.

What was cacao used for?

Pods were used in trade to the point where they were sometimes counterfeited by filling the plant pods with soil. The ‘bitter water’ was consumed by nobles and warriors, in a ritual with purpose and solemnity.

What did the Spanish conquistadors drink?

When the Spanish conquistadors came into contact with the Aztec civilization, they also came across the cacao drink. Incidentally, ‘chocolate’ is derived from the word xocolātl, which means ‘bitter water’ in Aztec.

What is the process of making cacao paste?

The mixture would then go through a process called frothing, in which it is poured back and forth from pot to cup until a deep foam was formed on the top.

When was the cocoa press invented?

Then, in 1828 , the cocoa press was invented by Coenraad Johannes Van Houton. This machine removed the fat from the cacao seeds to produce cocoa powder, the basis for most chocolate products today. With this new ingredient, chocolate could be produced in the many forms we are familiar with today.

Where did the word "chocolate" come from?

The word "chocolate" comes from the Classical Nahuatl word chocolātl, of uncertain etymology, and entered the English language from the Spanish language.

Who was the first European to see chocolate?

Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés may have been the first European to encounter chocolate when he observed it in the court of Montezuma in 1519. In 1568, Bernal Díaz, who accompanied Cortés in the conquest of Mexico, wrote of this encounter which he witnessed:

What did the Aztecs associate cacao with?

The Aztecs associated cacao with the god Quetzalcoatl, who they believed had been condemned by the other gods for sharing chocolate with humans.

How long has cacao been domesticated?

A study, published online in Nature Ecology and Evolution, suggests that cacao—the plant from which chocolate is made—was domesticated, or grown by people for food, around 1,500 years earlier than previously thought.

What was Montezuma's drink made of?

From time to time they served him [Montezuma] in cups of pure gold a certain drink made from cacao. It was said that it gave one power over women, but this I never saw. I did see them bring in more than fifty large pitchers of cacao with froth in it, and he drank some of it, the women serving with great reverence.

What did the Spaniards do to recreate the original taste of the Mesoamerican chocolate?

The Spaniards initially intended to recreate the original taste of the Mesoamerican chocolate by adding similar spices, but this habit had faded away by the end of the eighteenth century.

Where did chocolate originate?

The history of chocolate began in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back to 450 BC. The Mexica believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. Originally prepared only as a drink, chocolate was served as ...

What does God's name mean?

The meaning of God’s name implies his ongoing attachment to his creation, which includes us. Moreover, the fact that God has made his name known indicates that he wants us to know him. After all, he took the initiative to tell us his name before we even knew to ask for it.

Why does God's name matter?

WHY GOD’S NAME MATTERS. The name matters to God himself. No one gave God his name; he chose it for himself. Jehovah declared: “This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.”. ( Exodus 3:15) In the Bible, God’s name occurs more often than any of his titles, such as Almighty, Father, Lord, or God, ...


That is a question many have wondered about. Perhaps you have too. It might be put this way: If the universe and everything in it had to have a cause or a creator, where did God come from?

What is Jehovah's will that his name be known?

What is more, it is Jehovah’s will that his name be known. The Bible states: “May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”. — Psalm 83:18. The name matters to Jesus. In what has been called the Our Father or the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught his followers to petition God with ...

What does Jesus say about his name?

In what has been called the Our Father or the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught his followers to petition God with the words: “Let your name be sanctified. ”. ( Matthew 6:9) Jesus himself prayed to God: “Father, glorify your name.”.

What does the name Jehovah mean?

Many scholars conclude that the name Jehovah means “He Causes to Become.”. Jehovah God gave insight into the meaning of his name when he referred to himself with these words spoken to Moses: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become.”.

Who discovered chocolate?

The explorer Christopher Columbus brought cacao seeds to Spain after his trip to Central America in 1502. But it was the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes who understood that chocolate could be a valuable investment.

What is the origin of chocolate?

The history of chocolate begins with a plant whose scientific name -- Theobroma cacao -- means “food of the gods.”. For centuries, people have been enjoying the rich flavor of chocolate, a product made from this plant.

What is the substance that is crushed into cocoa nibs called?

Workers crush the nibs into a soft substance called chocolate liquor. This gets separated into cacao solids and a fat called cocoa butter.

What is the heart healthy substance in chocolate?

The heart-healthy substance in chocolate is an organic substance called flavanol. Flavanols are also found in vegetables, fruits and green tea.

How much chocolate do Americans eat?

Chocolate is especially popular in Europe and the United States. Americans eat an average of more than five kilograms of chocolate per person every year. Specialty shops that sell costly chocolates are also very popular. Many offer chocolate lovers the chance to taste chocolates grown in different areas of the world.

How many cups of chocolate did Montezuma drink?

The Aztec ruler Montezuma was believed to have drunk 50 cups of chocolate every day. Some experts believe the word for chocolate came from the Aztec word “xocolatl,” which means “bitter water” in the Nahuatl language. Others believe the word “chocolate” was created by combining Mayan and Nahuatl words.

Why did Spain plant cacao?

Spain later began planting cacao in its colonies in the Americas in order to supply the large demand for chocolate. The wealthy people of Spain first enjoyed a sweetened version of the chocolate drink. Later, the popularity of the drink spread throughout Europe.


1.Chocolate: The 'Food of the Gods' - VOA


10 hours ago Why is chocolate called food of the gods? The cacao tree is called Theobroma cacao in Latin, which means “food of the gods.” As a result, the Mayans worshipped a god of cacao and the …

2.IXCACAO - Goddess Gift


17 hours ago Ek Chuaj, also known as Ek Chuah, Ekchuah, God M according to the Schellhas-Zimmermann-Taube classification of codical gods, is a Postclassic Maya merchant deity as well as a patron …

3.Chocolate, “Food of the Gods”: History, Science, and …


33 hours ago  · According to Linnaeus (1735), the story of chocolate begins with Theobroma (the cacao tree) which is a genus Greek word that means “food for the gods” Chances are, Linnaeus …

4.The Ancient History of Chocolate, Gift of the Gods


5 hours ago The history of chocolate begins with a plant whose scientific name -- Theobroma cacao -- means “food of the gods.” For centuries, people have been enjoying the rich flavor of chocolate, a ...

5.History of chocolate - Wikipedia


11 hours ago IXCACAO: MAYAN GODDESS OF CHOCOLATE. The story of the Goddess of Chocolate is a long and complicated one. She was worshipped as a fertility goddess, with different names and …

6.What Is God’s Name? - JW.ORG


2 hours ago  · It was in 1753 that the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus named the cocoa plant Theobroma cacao, from the Latin name Theobroma [literally ‘food of the Gods’], and the Aztec …

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