Knowledge Builders

what water is best for betta fish

by Lorine Hudson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

dechlorinated tap water

What type of water is right for a betta fish?

  • Rainwater doesn’t generally contain many airborne pollutants, but that depends on where you live. For example, In the U.S., the rainwater is mostly clean.
  • Rainwater is mildly acidic and has no chemicals to buffer the pH.
  • Rainwater hardness (total dissolved solids, TDS) of close to zero.

How much water should you have for a betta fish?

These reduce stress which is very dangerous to a betta fish’s health. Perform 20-35% partial water changes in their tank at evenly spaced intervals. This will depend on the size of your tank, and whether or not it is filtered. Full water changes are also recommended on an as needed basis for deeper cleanings.

What are the ideal water parameters for a betta fish?

  • Temperature: 75°-80°F (24°-26.5°C)
  • Ammonia: 0 ppm.
  • Nitrite: <0.25 ppm.
  • Nitrate: <20 ppm.
  • GH: 3-4 dGH (50-65 ppm)
  • KH: 3-5 dKH (52- 90 ppm)
  • pH: 6.0-7.0.
  • Minimum Tank size: 1 Gallon

What fish can be put in with a betta fish?

  • Less aggressive. As the name suggests, the fighting fish is remarkably territorial and keeping the Betta fish in a tank with another aggressive species such as the gouramis fish might ...
  • No Fin nippers. ...
  • Bigger and colorful fish. ...
  • Fast swimmers. ...
  • Bottom feeder. ...


Do betta fish need special water?

Betta fish need clean water with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. Although you can buy specially prepared betta water, the best kind of water to use for a betta fish tank is tap water that's been treated with a suitable conditioner that neutralizes the chemicals, heavy metals, and copper that may be present in the water.

Is it OK to use bottled water for betta fish?

Bottled spring water is a more expensive alternative to tap water, but unlike distilled water, it hasn't been processed to remove minerals and nutrients. This water will not have chlorine in it, either, so it is safe to use in betta tanks as long as the pH levels fall in line with safe betta levels.

How do you prepare water for betta fish?

Tap water has some pretty harmful things in it that can really end up hurting your betta fish. As I mentioned a few times before, using a quality water conditioner such as SeaChem prime will help neutralize any of the toxic materials in your tap water and make your tap water safe for your betta fish to swim in.

Can bettas live in tap water?

Just because your betta may survive for a time in untreated tap water, the chances are it will cause a lot of damage over time. Making tap water safe for bettas is incredibly simple, you just need to add water conditioner beforehand.

How long should you let water sit before adding betta fish?

Let the water sit for 15 minutes. Your betta needs this time to slowly adjust to the temperature, pH level, and mineral hardness of the water in the tank. If you rush these steps and do not give your betta time to acclimate to the water, it will be harmful to the fish's health.

Can you use bottled water for fish?

Bottled water is also significantly more expensive than tap water, so using bottled water in your aquarium will make the upkeep of your fish tank much costlier — plus, it's impractical for large tanks because of the enormous number of bottles you would need.

What do bettas like in their tank?

Your Betta will love swimming in a tank which contains caves to hide in and plants that provide plenty shady areas. Betta's enjoy lounging on leaves and have comfortable places to hide and sleep. It's important you check ornaments for spots that could snag or tear your Bettas delicate fins.

Which water is good for fish tank?

Ordinary tap water is fine for filling up the aquarium as long as you let it sit for several days before adding fish (the chlorine in the tap water will kill the fish).

Tap Water For Betta Fish?

The water most readily available for most of us is the water that comes straight from a faucet. Depending on where you live, tap water usually has...

Spring Water For Betta Fish (Bottled water)?

Bottled spring water is a more expensive alternative to tap water, but unlike distilled water, it hasn’t been processed to remove minerals and nutr...

Distilled Water For Betta Fish?

Distilled or purified water, is very different from regular tap water because it has been processed to remove all chemicals, minerals, and nutrient...

Well Water For Betta Fish?

Chances are, those who live in a rural area without access to city water, are using water that comes from a well. While you might think this water...

Betta Fish & Water Ph Levels

It’s important to keep pH in mind when establishing a new tank or changing out the water. Betta fish prefer a pH between 6.5 and 8 but can tolerate...

Changing Your Betta Fish’S Water

Always limit drastic changes in temperature and pH. Betta fish need to get used to the new water in their tank. Cycling (changing a portion of the...

How to make betta water safe?

Tap water conditioner. To make tap water safe for use in your aquarium, you must add a tap water conditioner to your bucket of water before you add it to your betta’s tank. Conditioners work by neutralizing the chlorine in the water. However, if the water contains chloramine, you need a specific conditioner that splits the chlorine ...

What is the best water conditioner for a betta?

Chloramine neutralizers are recommended for use on tap water that’s destined for your betta’s tank. These conditioners can deal with chlorine, ammonia, and heavy metals, providing a good all-round solution to the most common tap water chemical additives.

How to keep pH level stable in betta fish tank?

So, if you keep your water clean, maintain your filtration system, and carry out regular partial water changes, the pH level in your betta fish tank should remain relatively stable.

What pH should a betta fish have?

Betta fish water should ideally have a pH in the range of 6.5 to 8.0. However, they can tolerate slightly acidic water if you make the adjustment gradually.

Can betta fish drink bottled water?

Betta-specific water. Some fish stores sell water that’s advertised as being specifically for use with betta fish. That bottled water has been pre-conditioned to make it perfect for use in betta habitats. The pH is ideal for betta fish, and all harmful chemicals and heavy metals have been removed.

Is tap water good for betta fish?

Tap water benefits. So, tap water is readily available, cheap, and contains certain minerals and nutrients that betta fishes need to thrive. Also , cold and hot tap water can easily be mixed so that it’s the ideal temperature for your betta’s tank.

Is chlorine safe for fish?

Chlorine is a pretty unstable substance that evaporates after 24 hours or so, leaving the bucket of water safe for your fish. However, in recent years, another more stable chemical called chloramine has replaced chlorine in the domestic water supply. Chloramine is made up of both ammonia and chlorine.

Why do betta fish dart?

This will also increase the risk of illness. Partial water changes are also stressful to the fish. Stress leads to immune system break down that can kill your betta. They will also dart and may bump into other items in the tank, which leads to injuries.

Why is it not a viable option to change the water in a fish tank?

This is not a viable option because: Each time you change the tank water, the fish loses some of its protective slime coat. This increases the risk of disease and death. Each time you net a fish, you run the risk of damaging its slime coat, fins and scales. This will also increase the risk of illness.

How to test for ammonia in fish tank?

There are three water testing products that I use and recommend: 1 Tetra EasyStrips Ammonia Aquarium Test Strips – With experience, you will learn the signs of ammonia poisoning. Until then, use the strips to keep your fish safe and healthy. 2 Tetra EasyStrips 6-in-1 Aquarium Test Strips – I use these to make sure water going in the fish tank is free of chlorine. 3 API Freshwater and Saltwater Aquarium Test Strips – These are my “go-to” for routine testing in both new and established tanks.

How long does it take for a betta to die?

If the water is too hard or too soft for bettas, they will die in just a few days. I recommend API’s water softening pillows for hard water. Use Seachem Equilibrium for water that is too soft.

How long does it take for a fish to calm down after a water change?

If the nitrates are still high, wait at least 4 days before doing another partial water change. It will take a few days for the fish to calm down and adjust to any changes in water chemistry.

How to keep water changes down?

To keep water changes down, use a test kit once a week to check water chemistry. One or more levels may differs from optimal levels shown later in this article. Follow the troubleshooting guide to correct the problem. Use water changes only as a last resort.

Can you use a check ball to siphon water?

Other siphons may have metals and solvents in them that are deadly to fish. Most aquarium cleaners on the market use a check-ball to start the siphon action. Shaking the siphon up and down in the water can be extremely disruptive, especially in a tank that holds less than 3 gallons.

What Water Do You Use For Betta Fish?

There are some recommended water parameters for Betta Fish. Any water that completes these requirements can be used in Betta Fish tanks.

Do Bettas Prefer Hard Or Soft Water?

Water that contains a high and concentrated amount of minerals is considered hard water.

Do Bettas Prefer Still Water?

Bettas are not strong swimmers due to their long fins, making them hard to swim through strong currents. Because of this reason, Bettas prefer slow-moving or still water.

Boil Tap Water For Betta Fish

Boiling water to obtain water requirements of Betta Fish is not recommended as boiling would not remove chloramine in water for good.


Tap water and spring water are the best sources of water for your Fish and your pocket.

What is the best water for betta fish?

Using Spring Water For Your Betta Fish. Another good option is the spring water. Springwater is the water obtained directly from the underground source. When the underground moving water finds a place to come out to the surface it is collected directly and stored in bottles.

What is betta specific water?

Betta specific water is made especially for the betta fish. As humans need some specific conditions of water to use it. Similarly, betta fish also need some particular water conditions to live happily. So, betta specific water contains everything they need. It contains all the minerals and nutrients that are beneficial for the betta fish.

What pH should a betta fish be?

Do not shift water too frequently because betta requires some time to adjust in the changing environment. The pH of the water should be near 7. The suitable pH range for betta fish is between 6.8 and 8. Maintain the water temperature between 24˚C to 28˚C (76 to 82 ˚F).

What is the difference between mineral water and spring water?

The main difference between them is that mineral water contains some extra amount of minerals in it. Mineral water is the spring water with more added nutrients in it. Mineral water is considered to be spring water with extra minerals that are unnecessary for human beings but for your betta fish, it can be very beneficial.

Why is it important to have a betta fish?

Providing a suitable environment for them is important for a healthy betta fish. It is important because this is among the basic needs of your betta fish. As you need a clean and proper environment to live, similarly your betta fish also need a suitable environment to thrive properly. As a betta fish owner, many people get confused about which ...

What is the most common source of water?

Tap water is the most common and easiest source of water to be available. This is the water that is available in your kitchen tap or any other tap. This water is delivered to you by pipelines and you used it for different purposes like drinking, washing clothes and dishes, etc.

Why are fish considered pets?

They are among the best fish species to have as your pet. Because of their beautiful colors and their body structure , many people in the United States love to have them as their sea pets. Their friendly nature is another reason why people prefer to pet them over other fishes. If you are here, then surely you are among those people.

What is the pH of betta water?

pH refers to how acidic or alkaline the water is. It is measure on a scale of 0 to 14. 7 is the neutral value. For betta, the ideal pH range is 6.5 to 7.5. It is better to keep the pH below 7.0 because alkaline water increases the chances of inflammation due to ammonia.

What are the best leaves for betta tanks?

Indian almond leaves are perfect for betta tank. They are natural, very cheap and add an aesthetic view to the tank. Not only for visual purpose, Indian Almond leaves are also very effective at keeping the water soft. These leaves release a chemical called tannin.

What is a betta bowl?

Aqueon Betta Bowl Plus 1 Makes the water safe and neutralizes the harmful chemicals instantly 2 Developed specifically for bettas 3 Rich in truce elements that promote color, health and natural slime coat protection in betta

What to do if you see ammonia in your water?

If you see any sign of ammonia or distress due to ammonia, immediately do a 50% water change. Try to find out what is causing the ammonia spike and deal with that immediately. Remember, ammonia can be deadly for betta fish. So, deal with it carefully and right away.

What is the ideal GH for betta?

That means, GH will shed a light on how much magnesium, calcium, minerals and other ions the water contains. The ideal GH range for betta is 3-4 dGH (50-66.7 ppm) Too much GH means the water is hard. On the other hand, little GH indicates a soft water.

Where do betta fish come from?

Betta fish have originally come from Thailand, a tropical area. So, the temperature of the water should be similar to that area. Though bettas are hardy and they can live in a wide temperature range, it is recommended to keep the temperature in its ideal range. The ideal temperature for betta is 75°-82°F (23.8°-27.7°C)

Can you use bottled water in a betta tank?

However, using bottled water to fill a betta tank is not economically feasible. Bottled water can also contain some chemicals which can be harmful for tropical fish.

What is the temperature of a Betta's aquarium?

If the temperature of your room is 78°, the temperature of your betta’s aquarium will most likely read around 76°. For this reason, it is really a smart move on your part to purchase an aquarium ...

How hot can a betta fish survive?

Betta’s also then have a “surviving” range. Betta fish can just survive in temperatures between 72° to 86° Fahrenheit (22.22° – 30° Celsius). If your betta’s aquarium were to drop below 72° or above 86° for more than an hour, you will most likely lose you betta fish. The closer you are to hitting that 78°-80°F mark, ...

How to keep a betta alive?

At the end of the day, if you want your betta to live a long, happy life, you need to be serious about what temperature you’re maintaining in the tank. Get a tank heater and a thermometer and monitor the water temperature regularly. You want to make sure your betta is thriving, not just surviving.

Why are betta fish so sensitive to temperature?

Temperature Changes. Betta fish are very sensitive to changes in water temperature. Quick changes to the overall temperature of the aquarium can stress a betta greatly. Such stress can lead to shock, bloating, and other ailments. For this reason, make sure that any changes to your aquarium are done gradually.

What is the difference between betta fish and a betta fish?

If you find it difficult to maintain the temperature right in the zone of 78 and 80 degrees, if anything, err on the warmer side. Betta fish would rather be a bit too warm than a bit too cold. Depending on where you live, it may be an issue dealing with either temperature ...

Why is my betta fish lethargy?

While a lethargic betta fish can be a symptom of many different ailments, betta fish lethargy is a tell-tale sign that the aquarium is too cool. Cooler temperatures slow down a betta’s metabolism. With this slow down comes inactivity and loss of appetite.

Where do betta fish come from?

Betta Fish (Betta Splendens) are tropical fish in nature. They come from the temperate climates of Thailand and Burma where, in nature, they see these tropical temperatures consistently. There have been questions about the domesticated betta fish not requiring these tropical temperatures anymore. While there are some differences between wild betta ...


1.What Kind of Water for Betta Fish? -


23 hours ago  · We’ve told you what water is best for Betta fish. Chlorine-free tap water can do the trick. In addition, you can also use spring water. However, fighters are sensitive to temperature changes. A change of 2-3 degrees can affect their immune system. If possible, invest in an aquarium heater and make use of it.

2.What Kind Of Water Do Betta Fish Need? - Betta Source


8 hours ago  · The betta fish need clean water with a ph between 6.5 and 7.5. Although you can buy specially prepared betta water, the best water to use for a betta fish tank is tap water that’s been treated with a suitable conditioner that neutralizes the chemicals, heavy metals, and other contaminants in the water.

3.Water for Betta Fish: Our Guide On the Best Water …


25 hours ago  · The best water for betta fish is tap water that has been treated with a water conditioner to remove chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, and other harmful chemicals. Alternatively, you can purchase specially designed betta water from most fish stores, but bear in mind that this can be pricey, especially in large betta fish tanks.

4.Videos of What Water Is BEST For Betta Fish


14 hours ago  · Water that contains a high and concentrated amount of minerals is considered hard water. Unfortunately, Betta Fish cannot survive on hard water for long. Betta Fish’s preferred water hardness level is 5-20 dH or 70-300 GH ppm. They like soft water with no chemicals and low amount of minerals.

5.Best Water For Betta Fish | 4 Facts To Know


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6.Best Water for Betta Fish [A Complete Your Aquarium …


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7.Ideal Water Parameters For Betta: Betta Fish Water Guide


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