Knowledge Builders

when should i start seeds

by Chesley Kovacek Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

When to Start Seeds. As a general rule, seeds need to be started four to six weeks before the date of the last frost. Seed starting times are calculated by taking the date of the last frost and subtracting the days until transplant. The seed packet will tell you how many weeks.Apr 12, 2022

Full Answer

When to start seeds in Zone 6?

Zone 6 Planting: Tips On Starting Seeds For Zone 6 Gardens

  • When to Start Seeds in Zone 6. As mentioned, zone 6 has a frost free date range of March 30 – April 30 with a more definitive first freeze free ...
  • Starting Seeds for Zone 6. ...
  • Starting Seeds Indoors in Zone 6. ...
  • Zone 6 Seed Starting Outdoors. ...

When should seeds be started indoors?

What is the planting date when a seed package says to plant in early spring “as soon as the soil can be worked?” A. That depends on how wet or well drained your soil is. In raised beds with well-drained soil, that could be late February or early March. Wait until April if your soil is heavy with clay.

What are the steps in planting a seed?

Seven Steps, from Seed to Garden

  • Get the timing right. The goal with seed starting is to have your seedlings ready to go outside when the weather is favorable.
  • Find the right containers. ...
  • Prepare the potting soil. ...
  • Start Planting. ...
  • Water, feed, repeat. ...
  • Light, light, light! ...
  • Move seedlings outdoors gradually. ...

When should I start planting in my garden?

What to plant

  • Spring garden. Popular spring lettuces include spinach and arugula. These tender greens need to be planted early in the spring.
  • Fall garden. Kale is a good plant for fall or winter gardens because in the cooler temperatures, it loses some of its bitterness.
  • Other plants. Herbs are tasty additions to your garden but are best in their own season. ...


What month should I start my seeds indoors?

As a general rule, most annual vegetables should be sown indoors about six weeks before the last frost in your area.

When should I start my seed chart?

A Simple Seed Starting Rule Start seed 6 weeks before your last frost date. For annuals and perennials you can extend this to 8 weeks. Most seed germinates in 2 weeks, so this gives you 4-6 weeks of actual growing time before they go outside and that is adequate time for seedlings to put on enough growth to be outside.

What seeds should I start indoors in March?

Cool-season crops that are the easiest to start from seed indoors are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, and lettuce. Warm-season crops to start indoors are beans, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, tomatoes, and squash.

What seeds should I start indoors?

The following seeds typically transplant well, and can, therefore, be started indoors, according to Clemson Cooperative Extension: Broccoli. Brussels sprouts. Cabbage....The following vegetables can be started indoors, but must be carefully transplanted:Celery.Chard.Cucumber.Melon.Peas.Pumpkin.Spinach.Squash.

When should I start seedlings for spring?

When to Start Seeds. As a general rule, seeds need to be started four to six weeks before the date of the last frost. Seed starting times are calculated by taking the date of the last frost and subtracting the days until transplant. The seed packet will tell you how many weeks.

When should I start my indoor plants chart?

Indoor Seed-Starting ChartCropWeeks before final frost date to start the seedsKale4-6 weeksLeeks8-10 weeksMarigolds6-8 weeksMorning Glory3-4 weeks22 more rows•Jun 7, 2021

Is March too late to start seeds?

Yep, you can start many seeds throughout the spring/summer/fall season! So it's really never too late to start seeds. It is good to succession sow seeds for radishes, Little Gem lettuce, bunching onions, spinach, cabbages, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, cilantro, and even the fast growing zucchini.

Can I start planting in March?

Start Veggies from Seed In the North, lettuce, spinach, radishes, peas, and other cool season crops can be sown directly in the garden in March. In frost-free regions, plant warm weather vegetables such as tomatoes and squash.

When should I start my tomato plants indoors?

The best way to get a head start on growing tomatoes is to start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last spring frost date in your region. Whether you're growing cherry tomatoes or hot peppers, visit your local garden center to pick up supplies and seeds.

What is the easiest seed to grow indoors?

Easiest Flower Seeds To Start IndoorsMarigold. One of my all-time favorite flowers, marigolds are super easy seeds to grow indoors. ... Castor Bean. Castor bean seeds can be a bit fussy, so it's much easier to start them indoors. ... Coleus. ... Zinnia. ... Cauliflower. ... Brussels Sprouts. ... Radicchio. ... Tomatoes.More items...

What's the easiest seed to grow?

It's official: beans, peas, and pumpkins are among the top ten easiest plants to grow from seed, according to a list created by the Home Garden Seed Association. Also on the list: cucumbers, zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, lettuce, radishes, and squash.

Can you put seeds straight into soil?

Growing from seeds indoors is one way of starting your garden. Another option is to tuck seeds directly into soil outdoors. Planting seeds this way is called direct sowing, and it is an easy process that yields great results.

When should I plant seeds indoors in NH?

If you want to start tomatoes, the package will direct you to start the seeds indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost. If you want to plan to transplant your flowers and vegetables into the garden on May 27th, then you would start your seeds between April 1st and April 15th.

When should I start tomato seeds indoors?

Quick to germinate and grow, tomato seeds are best sown indoors about six weeks before your average last frost date. (To determine your last frost date, ask a gardening neighbor or contact your Master Gardener program.)

When should I start seeds indoors in CT?

So here's a refresher on growing tomato seeds indoors. Start with fresh seed and sow them about 4 to 6 weeks before your last frost date. That would be around the end of March or early April in most Connecticut gardens. Sow 2 seeds in a 2-inch diameter pot filled with seed starting potting soil.

When should I start seeds indoors in PA?

Plan to sow them indoors two months before your area's last spring frost date and to transplant them into the garden just after that date.

How to determine when to plant vegetables?

You need to know your local growing season. Once you find your average frost free date, plug that date into the chart and use it to calculate when to plant vegetables.

Why do I sort my seeds into crop families?

I like to sort my seeds into crop families, because when you grow plants that are similar, they have similar care needs.

Why do we need a planting schedule?

A planting schedule can help you to spread your planting out so you don't feel rushed. When you try to cram too much to do in too little time, it doesn't get done properly. Vegetable gardening should help relieve stress, not cause it. In this article, I'll share when to start seeds indoors and outdoors, with charts for fall and spring.

How to harden off seedlings?

To harden off seedlings, I place them outside in a protected location on a nice day. Indirect sunlight out of strong winds is best to start. Make sure they are not in strong direct sunlight.

When transplanting a plant into the garden, is it best to pick a slightly overcast or windy day?

When transplanting into the garden, it's best to pick a slightly overcast with little wind, if possible. I plant later in the afternoon, so the small plants aren't exposed to the midday sun on their first day out.

When should I start onions?

I don't like the extra hassle of starting seeds super early, so I don't sow seeds until around mid March – except for onions, which I sometimes start in February.

What Does “Harden” Your Plants Mean?

In the chart, you'll see the word “harden”. When you start plants inside, they need a gentle adjustment period before moving out to the garden full time. This is referred to as “hardening off”.

How to get seeds to germinate?

You can enhance germination by soaking larger seeds in water or wrapping them over night in a damp paper towel. Put the containers in a warm location. Most seeds need temperatures around 60 degrees F. (16 C.) for best germination. Move the containers to a well lit area after they have germinated.

What to use to start seedlings?

Use a quality seed starter mix or compost. Any container that has good drainage is appropriate, but even just a flat will work since seedlings need little root space.

When should I plant broccoli?

Sow seeds for these indoors 10 weeks before the date of the last frost.

How long does it take for eggplant to grow?

The warm season plants such as tomato, peppers, and eggplant require seven weeks. The best time to start seeds such as cucurbits and melons is four weeks ahead of last frost. Once your seeds have germinated and grown the appropriate amount of time, harden them off before full transplant.

How long does it take for a seed to germinate?

Growing Time: You need to know the average number of days between when you seedlings are big enough to put out in garden. On an average, most seeds starts to germinate from 13 days of sowing, depending on what you’re planting it may take 30 days to complete the germination process.

Why store seeds separately?

I suggest that you store these separately so that you aren’t accidentally confused. Keeping them together makes it easier to find them later when it’s time to start sowing seeds outside.

Is it better to start seeds later than planned?

Even if the location isn’t as warm, starting seeds a bit later than planned isn’t the end of the world. It means that your harvest will be delayed slightly, but as long as you don’t enter your first frost date with unharvested summer crops, it’ll be fine.

Can you start yarrow seeds indoors?

However, each seed packet will contain the information needed to determine when to start the seeds indoors.

Can you put seedlings outside?

It’s possible to put your started seedlings outside early with the right season extenders. Cold frames, greenhouses, row covers, and mini hoop houses give you the opportunity to place started tender seedlings outside several weeks earlier than planned.

Do you need to start seeds indoors?

Not All Seeds Need to Be Started Indoors. The first thing that you need to know is that you must start not all seeds indoors. Some plants are worse off if you start them in containers early because they are prone to becoming root-bound, making transplanting into your garden troublesome.

Can you start perennials indoors?

If your growing season is shorter, then consider starting a few of these plants inside if you have space. Perennial flowers usually must be started indoors.

How long after seedlings germinate should you fertilize?

Remember that most mixes contain few, if any, nutrients, so you'll need to feed the seedlings with liquid fertilizer a few weeks after they germinate, and continue until you transplant them into the garden.

What are some good seeds to grow for beginners?

Other good choices for beginners are basil, zinnia, coleus, nasturtium and cosmos. If you're a beginner, choose those first, and then move on to more fussy seeds, such as petunias. Marigold growing among vegetables.

How to keep seedlings moist?

Set up a fan to ensure good air movement and prevent disease. I use a fan that's plugged into the same timer as my grow lights. Remember to feed the seedlings regularly with liquid fertilizer, mixed at the rate recommended on the package.

What happens if you plant seeds in cold soil?

If the soil was cold and excessively wet, the seeds may have rotted. Dig up one of the seeds and examine it. If it is swollen and soft, the seed has rotted and you will need to start over. If the soil was too dry, the seeds may not have germinated or may have dried up before their roots could take hold.

How to grow a potted plant in a container?

Prepare the potting soil. Choose potting soil that's made for growing seedlings. Do not use soil from your garden or re-use potting soil from your houseplants. Start with a fresh, sterile mix that will ensure healthy, disease-free seedlings. Before filling your containers, use a bucket or tub to moisten the planting mix.

How to keep seeds moist in pots?

Moisten the newly planted seeds with a mister or a small watering can. To speed germination , cover the pots with plastic wrap or a plastic dome that fits over the seed-starting tray. This helps keep the seeds moist before they germinate.

How to grow a sage plant?

Rotate the pots regularly to keep plants from leaning into the light. If seedlings don't get enough light, they will be leggy and weak. If you're growing under lights, adjust them so they're just a few inches above the tops of the seedlings. Set the lights on a timer timer for 15 hours a day. Keep in mind that seedlings need darkness, too, so they can rest. As the seedlings grow taller, raise the lights.

When Should I Plant Seeds for Fall?

The following table indicates when to start seeds relative to your fall frost date.

Is it important to plant garlic in the fall?

Fall planting is an important aspect of the year-round harvest. Get more tips for preparing the garden for fall here. Don’t forget to plant your garlic! Here’s my favorite variety.

Which Seeds Should You Start Indoors?

Not ALL seeds should be started indoors. In fact, most vegetables grow perfectly well when started outdoors and even prefer not to be transplanted. Ultimately, it’s important to consider how each type of vegetable grows in addition to where you’re growing it.

Equipment Needed for Seed-Starting

For starting seeds, you really only need a seed-starting mix, containers, and a good source of light.

Speeding Up Germination

We’re all impatient and want to see those seedlings push through as quickly as possible. The best way to achieve that is to give your seeds as close to ideal conditions as possible, which in most cases means a little warmth, so bring these early sowings indoors to germinate.

Let There Be Light

A common mistake is to place seedlings on a windowsill, which rarely gives the same quality of light as outdoors. You can try turning seedlings daily to help them grow straighter, but more often than not the result is leggy seedlings that struggle to recover.

How to Transfer Seedlings

If you grew seedlings all together in a tray, you’ll often need to transplant—or prick out—seedlings into their own pots once they have germinated. The best time to do this is once they have two pairs of leaves—usually a set of seedling leaves and the first set of true or adult leaves.

Hardening Off Seedlings

Seedlings of tender crops must be gradually introduced to outside conditions before they are planted, a process known as “hardening off.” Suddenly moving plants from a stable environment to one with wide variations in temperature, light and wind can seriously weaken plants.

Final Thoughts and Tips

Be seed-savvy. Obtain seed catalogs from several companies and compare their offering and prices. Some of the regional companies may carry varieties better suited to your area.

Find out when to plant vegetables with the Almanac's planting guide!

We'll tell you the earliest dates to plant vegetables in the spring and the last dates that you can plant for a fall harvest , based on average frost dates for your location.

Spring and Fall Planting Guides

Our vegetable planting charts are not only personalized to your zip code, but are also printable so that you can take them with you! In case you missed it, look at the top of this page and enter your "City, State" or Zip Code in the field. (If you live in Canada, enter your "City, Province" or Postal Code.)


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18 hours ago  · When to Start Seeds The Best Time to Start Seeds Indoors. When to start seeds indoors depends on the type of seed and the last expected... An Example: Determining When to Start Your Seeds. If you live in USDA Zone 6 (Frost Free Date Range March 30 - April 30)... Last Expected Frost Dates by Zone. On ...

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33 hours ago  · It is commonly advised that you should start your seeds four to six weeks before your last average frost date. This varies slightly between plant species. Consult your seed packet or catalog website for each seed’s individual suggestion.

3.Videos of When Should I Start Seeds


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