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which muscles are hip flexors

by Prof. Erwin Schroeder Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The primary hip flexors are the rectus femoris, iliacus, psoas, iliocapsularis, and sartorius muscles. The rectus femoris muscle has two distinct origins proximally: the direct head and the reflected head.

What are the 3 major hip flexors?

The hip flexors are a group of muscles, the iliacus, psoas major muscles (also called the iliopsoas), and the rectus femoris, which is a part of your quadriceps.

Which muscle is the strongest hip flexor?

The largest hip flexor muscle is the iliopsoas. It attaches to the front of the lower back (lumbar) vertebrae and the inside surface of the pelvis and runs through the pelvis, and attaches to the top of the thigh bone (femur). When it contracts, it flexes the hip joint into a marching position.

What are the 4 hip muscles?

These are the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fasciae latae. Small and deep muscles which mainly externally rotate the thigh at the hip joint and stabilize the pelvis.

What are the symptoms of tight hip flexors?

What begins as tight hip flexors can eventually give way to:A sharp or sudden pain in the hip, pelvis or groin area.Cramping, tender or sore muscles along the upper leg.Swelling or bruising on the hips or thigh.Pain in an adjacent muscle group, like your glutes or core.Decreased strength along the groin area.More items...•

Are quads considered hip flexors?

The quadriceps femoris is a hip flexor and a knee extensor. It consists of four individual muscles; three vastus muscles and the rectus femoris. They form the main bulk of the thigh, and collectively are one of the most powerful muscles in the body.

What are the 5 hip flexors?

The hip flexors consist of 5 key muscles that contribute to hip flexion: iliacus, psoas, pectineus, rectus femoris, and sartorius.

Are hip flexors and adductors the same?

Flexors allow the hip to bend at the waist; extensors allow the hip to straighten; rotators allow the hip to rotate; abductors allow the hip to move away from the midline of the body; and adductors allow the hip to move toward the midline of the body.

What are some hip flexor exercises?

2. Kneeling hip-flexor stretchKneel down on your left knee. Place your right foot flat on the floor in front of you.Bend your right knee to 90 degrees. Keep your knee over your right ankle.Place your hands on your hips. ... Gently push into your right hip. ... Hold for 30 seconds. ... Switch legs and repeat.

How do you get super strong hip flexors?

How to strengthen your hip flexors (and surrounding muscles)Lunge. Lunges work the lead glute and quad muscles (including the rectus femoris, which is also a hip flexor). ... Floor-sliding mountain climbers. ... Straight-leg raise. ... Psoas hold.

What is the main extensor muscle of the hip?

gluteus maximusThe primary hip extensors include the gluteus maximus, posterior head of the adductor magnus, and the hamstrings (TABLE 2).13 , 17 In the anatomic position, the posterior head of the adductor magnus has the greatest moment arm for extension, followed closely by the semitendinosus.

Can hip flexors be strengthened?

Tight hip flexors can also lead to injuries. Fortunately, there are several stretches and exercises that relax and strengthen the hip flexors. With improved strength and flexibility, a person is less likely to experience pain or injury.

How do you hit your hip flexors?

Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch Place your left foot flat on the floor in front of you, knee bent. Lean forward slightly, stretching your right hip toward the floor. Squeeze your butt; this will allow you to stretch your hip flexor even more. You should feel this in your right hip flexor.

Which muscles are involved in hip flexion?

Hip flexion — raising your thigh upward — is primarily performed by the iliopsoas, sartorius and rectus femoris muscles.

What are the three muscles that make up the hip flexors?

The three main hip flexor muscles are the iliopsoas, sartorius and rectus femoris muscles. Image Credit: fizkes/iStock/GettyImages. You might not think much about your hip flexors that cross the front of your thigh. But, chances are, you've felt them while doing hip stretches or activities that require kicking or running.

What muscles are attached to the hip joint?

The hip flexor muscles are attached to the hip joint to allow the femur, which is the upper leg bone, to flex onto the pelvis region. In simpler terms, the hip flexor muscles allow the knee to raise and move the thigh upward. The hip is a large, deep and stable ball and socket joint that is surrounded by many ligaments, tendons and muscles.

What is hip flexor exercise?

Hip Flexor Exercises. Many people spend the majority of their day sitting, whether at work or while commuting. This puts the hip flexor muscles in a shortened position. Perform hip flexor exercises daily to improve flexibility in this muscle group. Advertisement.

Which muscle is used to rotate the thigh away from the body?

In addition to hip flexion, the sartorius muscle aids in knee flexion, rotating the thigh away from the body and moving the thigh out to the side. In combination, this movement brings the leg into a "figure 4" sitting position.

Which muscle is located in the front of the thigh?

The muscle crosses the front of the thigh to attach to the tibia, also known as the shin bone. The femoral nerve supplies the sartorius muscle. In addition to hip flexion, the sartorius muscle aids in knee flexion, rotating the thigh away from the body and moving the thigh out to the side.

Where is the iliacus muscle located?

The iliacus muscle is controlled by the femoral nerve, located in the front of the thigh. Read more: 3 Cost-Effective Ways to Treat a Hip Flexor Strain. 2. Sartorius. The sartorius muscle originates on the front of the top of your pelvis. The muscle crosses the front of the thigh to attach to the tibia, also known as the shin bone.

Why are hip flexors important?

It is because of the hip flexors that you can flex your hips and bend your knees to your hips. They are important to keep the posterior pelvic muscles in balance. The hip flexors are a group of muscles, the iliacus, psoas major muscles (also called the iliopsoas), and the rectus femoris, which is a part of your quadriceps.

How to strengthen hip flexors?

Stretching these muscles will also increase their length and help prevent injury. Dynamic stretching, or stretching in motion is a good way to lengthen and strengthen these muscle groups.

What muscles do you use when you take a step?

The quadriceps runs down from your hip joint to your knee joint. Every time you take a step, you are using your hip flexor muscles. Sitting too long or all day shortens and tightens these muscles. Short muscles do not generate as much power as lengthened muscles.

What is dynamic stretching?

Dynamic stretching, or stretching in motion is a good way to lengthen and strengthen these muscle groups. A single leg squat is a good example of a dynamic stretch to help the hip flexors. Other stretches include: And make sure, if you do sit all day, make it a habit to get up once in awhile and walk around.

How to tell if you have a strain in your hip?

The symptoms of a strain include: A sharp pain in the hip or pelvic area. Cramping in upper leg muscles. Stiffness or tightness after sitting. A tugging sensation in the upper groin. Difficulty jumping, sprinting, or kicking. Tenderness or pain when walking up the stairs.

Can you get a tear in your hip flexors?

While sitting is not good for the hip flexors, you can also injure them while being physically active. A hip flexor injury can occur because of overstretching and overuse, which can limit your movement. You can strain or get a tear in these muscles with activities like soccer, football, dancing, martial arts, and bicycling.

Prime Movers

Psoas major muscle, a long, tapering (fusiform) muscle that originates at either side of the spine and inserts at the lesser trochanter of the femur. The psoas muscle contracts when the hip is flexed. The psoas minor is a normal anatomic variant present in approximately 60% of people.

Postural Issues

Sitting too long or all day shortens and tightens these the hip muscles. This condition is a common problem with with people who sit for many hours daily eg anyone sits at a desk for hours each day; bus drivers.


Athletic injuries to the hip flexors and iliopsoas have been described in populations across all levels of competitive sports. Estimates of hip flexor pathology ranges from 5% of injuries all the way to 28% of injuries among high-risk sport-specific groups.

How many muscles are involved in hip flexion?

How many of the 11 muscles involved in hip flexion can you name from memory? It’s hard to remember them all! Yet it’s easy to see why so many muscles are needed for this motion. You hip flex every time you sit, squat, walk or ride a bike. And your clients are flexing their hips constantly during workouts while lunging, crunching, stepping up, etc.

How many hip flexor muscles are there?

Once you’ve memorized the 11 hip flexor muscles, see if you can learn the bones that each muscle attaches to. Making flashcards is an easy way to practice.

Where do the hip flexors attach?

All of the hip flexor muscles attach from the pelvis or spine to the femur or tibia , which is how they influence hip flexion. Bypass the tricky bony landmark terms for now and familiarize yourself with just the two bones each muscle attaches to.

Which muscle is involved in external rotation of the femur?

For example, psoas major and iliacus seem to be involved in external rotation of the femur because the lesser trochanter lines up with the other side of the muscle attachment more when the femur is externally rotated. In other words, it comes closer to the anterior (front) side of the body.

Is hip flexed or flexed?

So does the degree that the hip is flexed. With advanced anatomy knowledge, you can create stretches and exercises that are strategic, specific and help clients overcome muscle imbalances quickly. Unfortunately, there’s no quick way to learn the exact muscle attachments.

Which muscle group is responsible for hip flexion?

A group of muscles that contributes to flexion is the hamstring. Although the hamstring muscles’ primary role is to flex the knee, it also assists during hip flexion. The hamstrings are a group of three muscles: the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris (long head).

Which muscle is the prime mover for hip flexion?

The prime mover ( agonist) for hip flexion is the psoas major muscle. This is a long, tapering (fusiform) muscle that originates at either side of the spine and inserts at the lesser trochanter of the femur. The psoas muscle contracts when the hip is flexed. The other prime mover is the iliacus muscle.

What are the muscles that move the ball and socket joint?

Hip muscles are skeletal muscles that enable the broad range of motion of the ball and socket joint of the hip. These movements are hip flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and rotation. There are nearly twenty different muscles that contribute to hip movement patterns; these muscles play roles as agonists, antagonists, ...

Why is hip anatomy so complex?

Hip muscle anatomy is a complex topic. This is because there are so many different muscles that give our hip joints a full range of motion. The hip muscles are composed of multiple flexors, extensors, adductors, abductors, and rotators that work together. When we talk about the muscles of the hips, we are discussing a very broad group. This can seem quite intimidating. By practising some of the exercises described at the end of this article, you integrate theory with actually feeling the individual muscles contract and relax.

How to rotate hips?

Internal rotation of the hip joint involves turning the hip inwards so that the greater trochanter comes towards the front of the body. The best way to do this is to twist one knee towards the other.

What bones are in the hip?

The hip muscles surround the hip joint – a ball and socket joint between the femur (thigh bone) and three fused (in adults) pelvic bones – the ilium, pubis, and ischium. At the top of the femur, an angled, rounded head is supported by the femur neck.

Which muscle is the agonist of the hip joint?

The quadriceps. The next important agonist is the pectineus muscle that extends from the pubis of the pelvis to a point under the lesser trochanter. The psoas major, iliacus, rectus femoris, and pectineus all contract to move the hip joint forward. As these four muscles contract, others relax.

What is the function of the hip flexors?

The main work of your hip flexors is to bring your knee toward your chest and to bend at the waist. Symptoms associated with a hip flexor strain can range from mild to severe ...

How to relieve pain from hip flexor?

Here are some home remedies that can help relieve the pain of hip flexor strain: 1. Apply a cloth-covered ice pack to the affected area for 10- to 15-minute time increments. Keep reading: How to make a cold compress ». 2.

What muscles do you use to lift your knee?

Lifting your knee toward your body takes the work of many muscles, which are collectively known as your hip flexors. The hip flexor muscles include: the iliacus and psoas major muscles, also known as your iliopsoas. the rectus femoris, which is part of your quadriceps. These muscles and the tendons that connect them to your bones can easily be ...

How long does it take to recover from a hip flexor injury?

Failing to rest and recover a hip flexor strain usually only results in a worse injury and greater pain at a later time. If your hip flexor strain is causing you to limp or your symptoms do not improve after at-home treatments for seven days, call your doctor. Last medically reviewed on July 5, 2017.

What does it mean when your hip flexors are tearing?

If you do deep stretching, such as pulling your thigh backward, you’re also more likely to experience hip flexor strain. A hip flexor strain represents a tearing in the muscles. These tears can range from mild to severe: Grade I tear: a minor tear, in which only a few fibers are damaged.

Why does my hip flexor hurt?

Hip flexor strain occurs when you use your hip flexor muscles and tendons too much. As a result, the muscles and tendons become inflamed, sore, and painful. Some people are more likely than others to experience hip flexor strain. These include:

How to fix a hip flexor strain?

One thing you can do is change up your normal activities to avoid overstretching the muscle. For example, you could try swimming instead of riding a bicycle.

What muscles are involved in the hip flexors?

The hip flexors are muscles that connect the lower back to the hips, groin, and thigh bone. This muscle group includes the psoas muscle, which helps push the top of the leg upward. The hip flexors stabilize the lower spine. They play a major role in walking, postural alignment, joint mobility, flexibility, and balance.

How to strengthen hip flexors?

The scientists concluded that using exercise bands in this context can significantly strengthen the hip flexors. The following is an example of an exercise that uses an elastic exercise band to strengthen the hip flexors: Place the band around both ankles.

What happens if you have weakness in your hip flexors?

Risks. Weakness in the hip flexors could result in injury, as well as the symptoms above. An injury could occur to the spine, legs, and knees if they have to overcompensate for weakness in the hip flexor muscles.

Why does my hip flexor hurt?

General symptoms may include: These symptoms occur because the joints try to compensate for weak hip flexors, which leads to them overworking. Pain in the hip flexor area may be the result of a hip flexor strain . This is different from weak hip flexor muscles, although weakness can cause a strain to occur.

What are the symptoms of tight hip flexors?

Symptoms that come with tight hip flexors include lower back pain and hip pain.

Which muscle is responsible for swinging the leg forward while walking?

The psoas muscle is responsible for swinging the leg forward while walking. If this muscle is weak, a person may have to exert more energy and rely on other muscles — the rectus femoris muscle in the thigh and the hamstrings.

How to strengthen psoas muscle?

Slowly lift and lower the leg to strengthen the psoas muscle.

What do hip flexors do?

Your hip flexors run across the front of your body and connect your thighs to your pelvis. They work to raise your thigh toward your torso, and lower your torso toward your thigh.

What muscles do you use for dynamic hip stretches?

He recommends doing dynamic hip stretches that use the antagonist or opposing muscles (in this case, the glutes) for a deeper stretch. The half-kneeling hip flexor stretch is the best place to start:

How to loosen up tight hips?

1. Stretch. "If the tightness is due to a muscular length issue (decreased length leads to tightness), then stretching the hip flexors may allow you to loosen up these tight hips based on the muscular attachment points in the body," Becourtney says.

Why is my hip tight?

2. Strengthen. "A lot of times, hip tightness is actually a result of weakness," Becourtney says. "Weakness can present itself as tightness as your body's way of trying to minimize the likelihood of injury/pain.". Here's why: If you have weak hip flexors, your body isn't comfortable lifting in/out of hip flexion.

How to tell if your hip is tight?

Here are the most common signs of tightness around the hip joint, according to Becourtney. Advertisement. Extreme lower back arching, called lordosis. Difficulty kicking your leg behind you. Lower back pain. Localized hip discomfort.

What does tight hips mean?

Video of the Day. "Tight hips" generally refers to tension in the hip joint (mobility restriction) or the muscles that attach to/surround the hip joint (flexibility restriction), explains Sam Becourtney, DPT, CSCS, physical therapist at Bespoke Treatments. Advertisement.

How many follow up tests for hip tightness?

Notice one or more of these signs? There are two follow-up tests for hip tightness that can help give you a more definitive diagnosis.



  • A hip flexor muscle is a muscle that functions in flexing the hip, ie bringing the knee closer to the chest. Hip flexion is maximal with a high, forward kick that brings the leg above the level of the waist. Every time you take a step, you are using your hip flexor muscles. 1. They are important to keep the posterior pelvicmuscles in balance. 2. Ha...
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Prime Movers

  • The prime movers (agonist) for hip flexion are the: 1. Psoas major muscle, a long, tapering (fusiform) muscle that originates at either side of the spine and inserts at the lesser trochanter of the femur. The psoas muscle contracts when the hip is flexed. The psoas minoris a normal anatomic variant present in approximately 60% of people. 2. Iliacus muscle. The iliacus muscle i…
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  • The rectus femoris is one of the quadriceps and a hip flexor muscle and has two functions: flex at the hip; extend the knee.. Rectus Femoris is engaged intensely when both functions are at play, such as when kicking a soccer ball or swinging a straight leg forward. The sartorius, the longest muscle in the body, crosses the hip and the knee joints. It originates at the anterior superior ilia…
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Postural Issues

  • Sitting too long or all day shortens and tightens these the hip muscles. This condition is a common problem with with people who sit for many hours daily eg anyone sits at a desk for hours each day; bus drivers. Shortened muscles are unable to generate as much power as lengthened muscles, which can lead to functional causes anterior pelvic tilt and a lumber hyperl…
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  • Athletic injuries to the hip flexors and iliopsoas have been described in populations across all levels of competitive sports. Estimates of hip flexor pathology ranges from 5% of injuries all the way to 28% of injuries among high-risk sport-specific groups. Although most of these injuries are successfully treated with conservative management, and high rates of return to play are observe…
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See Also

1.Hip Flexor Muscles and Injuries - Verywell Health


35 hours ago  · A hip flexor muscle is a muscle that functions in flexing the hip - in other words in bringing the knee closer to the chest. This post discusses the 5 major hip flexor muscles and their anatomy - Psoas, Iliacus, Rectus Femoris, Tensor Fasciae Latae, and Sartorius. Hip …

2.Videos of Which Muscles Are Hip Flexors


17 hours ago  · Hip muscles are skeletal muscles that enable the broad range of motion of the ball and socket joint of the hip. These movements are hip flexion, extension, adduction, …

3.What is a Hip Flexor? - Plano Orthopedic & Sports …


18 hours ago  · Your hip flexors run across the front of your body and connect your thighs to your pelvis. They work to raise your thigh toward your torso, and lower your torso toward your thigh. …

4.Hip Flexors - Physiopedia


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5.Hip Flexor Muscles and Anatomy for Personal Trainers


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6.Hip Muscles - The Definitive Guide | Biology Dictionary


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7.Hip Flexor Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


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8.Weak hip flexors: Symptoms, causes, treatment, and more


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9.How to Tell if You Have Tight Hip Flexors and the 3 Best …


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