Knowledge Builders

why does my house smell like dirt

by Dariana Goyette Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Why Does My House Smell Stale?

  • The Presence of Moisture in Your Home One of the most common causes of stale smell in homes is the presence of moisture and water in places where it shouldn’t be. ...
  • Inadequate Airflow in Your Home ...
  • Cigarette Smoke ...
  • Dirt and Debris in Your HVAC System ...
  • Pet Odor and Soiled Carpets ...

A musty or dusty smell is often a sign of mold or mildew, especially in humid or moisture-prone environments like the basement, laundry room, kitchen, or bathroom. Mold and mildew can create severe respiratory problems and can exacerbate allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals.

Full Answer

Why does my house smell like dirt?

  • Cheap and dirty HVAC filters increase dust. ...
  • Dust lurks in the carpet. ...
  • Upholstery and draperies are dust collectors. ...
  • Your pet could be partly responsible for the dusty situation. ...
  • Leaky windows and doors let dust in. ...
  • You might need to improve your dusting technique. ...
  • Dust could be entering through leaky ducts. ...

More items...

What do I do if my house smells like mildew?

Step-by-step removal of the musty odor

  1. Determine what is causing the mildew and musty odor. ...
  2. Make a bleach solution. Put on latex gloves to protect your hands and skin, a mask to keep the bleach mixture and mold out of your lungs, and ...
  3. Get rid of the mildew and musty odor. Dip a toothbrush into the combination of bleach and water. ...
  4. Do it again. ...
  5. Thoroughly dry the area. ...

What to do if the house smells like gas?

What to Do if the House Smells Like Gas

  • Check the Leakage. In fact, if your house smells like natural gas, not all the smell of gas is caused by the leakage of the cylinder.
  • Open the Door and Windows. When there is still no fire, you should not directly use the fire extinguisher. ...
  • Emergency Call. The problem is if there is a quite big fire. ...

How to get rid of smell under house?

Taking the following steps can keep it from happening:

  • Make sure the crawlspace has plenty of ventilation.
  • Fill in any low spots in the crawlspace with sand.
  • Cover the ground under the entire crawlspace with a layer of 6 mil or thicker plastic.
  • Put a layer of sand on top of the plastic to hold the plastic in place and absorb any excess moisture.


How do I get the dirt smell out of my house?

How to get of rid of musty smells in the houseLocate the source of the musty smell. ... Open up all windows and doors to let the fresh air in. ... Give musty-smelling clothes a fresh, fragranced wash. ... Turn on all ventilation fans or bring in electric fans, if necessary. ... Use lemons as a natural air freshener.More items...•

Why am I smelling dirt in my house?

Musty smells in houses may be attributed to several causes, including: Mold and mildew: Leaky pipes, a damaged roof, high humidity, and exposed dirt in the crawlspace may all contribute to moisture buildup. This moisture combined with the stagnant air and dark corners can lead to the growth of mold and mildew.

Does mold smell like dirt?

Mold has a distinct smell. It's often described as musty and earthy, and may even smell like rotting vegetables or plants. You might notice a musty smell, but not be able to see any mold growing. In this case, you should look for areas that might be exposed to water.

Why do I keep smelling soil?

An olfactory hallucination (phantosmia) makes you detect smells that aren't really there in your environment. The odors you notice in phantosmia are different from person to person and may be foul or pleasant. You may notice the smells in one or both nostrils.

Why does my bedroom smell like dirt?

Dust — Dust is made up of all kinds of gross things: dead skin, pollen, pet hair and dander, insects, insect droppings, and dirt. And that's just the start. Not only does dust make your room look and feel dirty, it also affects the quality of your air and can cause a musty smell.

What does dead mouse smell like?

A dead mouse smells rancid—or like rotten cabbage. Usually, it smells of rotten cabbage or decay. The rancid odor of a dead mouse is distinct—if it smells unlike any scent ever smelt in that area of the home, investigate further.

What mold smells like dirt?

black moldSome experts say that the smell of black mold is close to that of dirt and rotting leaves.

How can you tell if you have mold or dirt?

The most recognizable difference between mold and dirt is the smell – mold is known for its distinct and pungent odor. This smell is similar to rotting wood, wet dog, or soggy cardboard. It's very musty and often associated with old basements. Dust and dirt smell more earthy.

How do you know if your house is toxic?

Is Your House Making You Sick?Respiratory Symptoms – congestion, aggravated asthma or allergies, sinus infections.Cognitive Issues – foggy thinking, sleep disturbance, frequent headaches.Emotional Changes – feeling agitated or depressed.Physical Symptoms – stomach discomfort, muscle aches, fatigue, rashes, sore throat.

What is the earthy smell called?

petrichorHumans aren't the only ones to appreciate the earthy aroma after an April rain shower. That smell—known as petrichor—stems from microscopic streptomycete bacteria in the soil that produce a compound called geosmin, The Times reports.

Why does my house smell like soil when it rains?

Raining often causes atmospheric pressure changes, which can lead to the air becoming heavy. As such, the methane gases typically found in the septic tank don't flow through the vent as they normally would. Instead, they stay low to the ground, causing a foul smell similar to rotten eggs.

Why does my bathroom smell like wet dirt?

The musty smell in your bathroom is caused by mold or mildew. These fungal growths cause the same musty odor in damp basements. They thrive in moist, poorly-ventilated areas, especially in bathrooms. Follow your nose to find the mold.

What does mold smell like?

Most people describe the smell of mold as musty, stale, and earthy — somewhat similar the odor of wet socks or decaying wood. Although mold smells can vary, here are some of the most common characteristics: Musty and Stale — like old socks or a stuffy attic that hasn't been aired out in months.

What does it mean when you smell smells that aren't there?

Smelling things that aren't there is called phantosmia. It can be unpleasant and affect how things taste. But it isn't usually serious and may go away by itself in a few weeks or months. See your GP if the strange smell doesn't go away in a few weeks.

How do you get rid of sewer smell in dirt?

2:394:19How To Detect and Clean up sewage in a crawl space - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf it's really bad you might want to consider just getting a water hose and deflating the crawlMoreIf it's really bad you might want to consider just getting a water hose and deflating the crawl space or the affected area and all that's gonna do is help me neutral.

Why does my house smell musty all of a sudden?

If your home has a stale, musty scent, there could be a handful of explanations, including a plumbing leak, high humidity, poor airflow, dirty HVAC equipment, or soiled carpet.

What does it mean when your garbage disposal smells?

First, it could mean that your garbage disposal or sewage pipes are backed up and releasing a rotten odor. Pixabay. It could also indicate a buildup of sewer gas in your plumbing system.

What does it mean when your kitchen smells like mothballs?

Musty Smell. The thought of a musty smell probably makes you think about mothballs. However, if it's coming from your kitchen, bathroom, or basement, you may have a serious problem on your hands. Since a musty smell is often the result of mold, you should check that you aren't suffering from a plumbing leak from your kitchen sink.

Why does my dog smell like rotten meat?

A stinky dog or slight rotting meat smell is probably coming from rodents or other small animals dying in your walls.

What to do if your bathroom smells too pungent?

If your bathroom odor seems a little too pungent, consider calling your plumber right away.

Is it bad to smell methane?

Other than smelling bad, it can also be dangerous due to the buildup of highly flammable methane. Laura Caseley for LittleThings. 4. Stinky Dog (Especially If You Don't Have A Dog) If you have a dog, chances are you're used to and have probably even learned to love all of their smells.

Do houses smell?

By nature, houses are full of smells. From what pets you have to what laundry detergent you use, every house and family has a signature smell. In fact, we're all probably so used the smells around our home that we have gone nose-blind to them. Of course, when something smells unusual, we are bound to notice it.

Does gas smell like a skunk?

Gas technically has no smell, but additives are put in it to give it a skunk-like odor. This is to make sure you can smell it if there's a leak. If you smell gas, make sure that your stove isn't leaking and, whatever you do, don't light a match! Call your gas company and emergency services right away.

Why does my house smell so bad?

An unpleasant odor in the home is embarrassing and can be a hassle to get rid of. Wet dirt under a house is a common cause of foul musty odors in older homes. If the odor is left untreated it will only worsen over time and the smell could even ruin your furniture.

How to get rid of a smell in the house?

Step 1. Ventilate the area under the house where the smell is coming from. Open any doors or windows and circulate air with a box fan. Keep the area open and continue moving air through for at least 24 hours.

How long does it take for a basement to smell fresh?

An odor coming from a damp dirt floor in your basement or crawlspace may be difficult to tackle, but with the right technique you can have your home smelling fresh again in under a week. Advertisement.

How to get rid of a smell in a crawl space?

Wash the floor and walls of the basement or crawlspace with the solution and a sponge, working from ceiling to floor and making circular motions. Allow the cleansing solution to dry completely to eliminate any remaining odor. This usually takes about 12 to 24 hours depending on the size of the space.

How to get rid of odors in garbage disposal?

You can buy garbage disposal deodorizers from brands such as Plink, or DIY it by grinding a few thin strips of lemon, lime, or orange peel in the disposal. This not only helps maintain a clean drain, but also acts as a deodorizer and diffuses your kitchen with a fresh citrus scent, Kofsky says.

What is the best way to get rid of the smell of trash?

To deal with the lingering smell right away, use Febreze AIR, which actually eliminates rather than covers up unpleasant odors.

How to get rid of a dog that smells like a human?

To remedy this, bathe your pet often, and also clean the spots where they sleep and eat once a week with soap and water ( no harsh chemicals).

How to get rid of odor in dogs?

To remedy this, bathe your pet often, and also clean the spots where they sleep and eat once a week with soap and water ( no harsh chemicals). Also vacuum under beds and sofas to avoid hair (and odor) buildup.

How to get rid of VOCs in your home?

The best way to get rid of VOCs is to get an air purifier that contains a carbon filter. If any object in your home—from furniture to mattresses—continues to have a strong smell after a month, “You may want to get your money back,” Wolbers says.

A Rotten Egg Odor

If you notice a smell similar to rotten eggs, then this is hydrogen sulfide coming out of your main sewer line. This typically occurs because the U-shaped trap in one of your home’s rains has dried up.

A Fishy Odor

If you have ruled out this smell is caused by, well, fish, then the issue is likely a burning electrical component. Electrical wires, shielding, and other plastic components often make a “urine” or “fish” smell if they are exposed to high amounts of heat.

Why does my house smell like mold?

The musty smell that is harbored within your home’s walls can be the cause of several factors residing in the environment and/or conditions that are present in the indoor space. Although most people’s initial thought is that musty smells only come from mold development in the environment, this is simply not the case. Therefore, we are going to go in-depth into the areas in your home that may be prone to this potent odor and the causes behind this musty odor smell in the space.

Why is my basement smelly?

This is usually due to the conditions present in this environment – dark, humid, moist, and generally uninviting due to the raging odors permeating from the air of this space. All of these conditions allow for the perfect environment for mold to blossom and aggressively spread within and thus the musty odor will be detectable in full force when you are exposed to the air of this indoor space.

Why do bathrooms smell?

Musty odors in a bathroom is a common issue that a lot of homeowners will experience due to the high moisture levels that are present in this small, enclosed space. This distinct smell can come from towels, floor mats, and even curtains that may be found in the bathroom that have accumulated moisture within the fabric. Additionally, a bathroom can be an ideal place for mold to grow and thrive which can create that unpleasant aroma of mustiness in the air of the environment.

Why does my air conditioner smell musty?

This can be a big problem because the air conditioner will rapidly spread the air throughout the entire environment, which can lead to a musty odor infiltration inside the whole home.

Why does my AC smell muggy?

What could this musty smell be caused by in your ac system? Well, most likely it is the development of mold and/or mildew within this item in your home. This can be a big problem because the air conditioner will rapidly spread the air throughout the entire environment, which can lead to a musty odor infiltration inside the whole home.

Why do windows smell musty?

Windows: The windows inside of a home may also be an area where musty odors can form, and this is due to the condensation buildups that can over time develop into mold/mildew which will produce the musty odor in the air.

What causes a musty smell in the air?

The musty smell inside of your home can come from a range of conditions/items/sources in this environment such as humidity, temperature, and air flow/ventilation which all contribute to the musty odor and the containment of this smell inside of the air. In addition, certain chemicals that are present within the home can also emulate the same aroma of mustiness in the air, such as certain VOCs that are released off of building materials and furniture in the home.

Why does my house smell musty?

If you look at what they all have in common, they all signify a presence of either mildew or mold resulting from moisture. So, make sure to find the source of mold or mildew before you put in the effort to eliminate the musty smell, as doing so will only cover it.

What does it mean when your house smells old?

You walk into a house, and you instantly get a whiff of something old and musty. The “old house smell” is something every homeowner dreads, and for good reason. A musty old smell can be extremely displeasing and tricky to get rid of. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to eliminate musty odors.

How to keep a mattress from smelling musty?

To prevent this, wash these places regularly using an appropriate cleaning solution. You can also opt for a mattress topper/protector to keep your mattress smelling fresh all year round.

How to get rid of musty smell in house?

Open the Windows. Letting some fresh air into the house is not only good at getting rid of the musty stench, but it’s also good for your health. Cracking open a few windows improves your home’s ventilation and prevents the growth of mold.

Where is mold and mildew found?

Some common areas mold and mildew are present are: Kitchen. Since you use a fair amount of water in the kitchen , there are plenty of spots for mold to grow. Be sure to check around your fridge, sink, cabinets, and around your stove. Depending on what food you threw away, mold may start to form in your trash can as well.

Where do mold spores grow?

Bathrooms. Since warmth and moisture are abundant, mold spores love bathrooms. People find mold growing in their shower, between tiles, under the sink… you name it. Make sure you check your bathrooms regularly to spot any mold growing.

Why is my dish sponge wet?

To no surprise, it’s a prime target for mold, mildew, bacteria, and numerous other foul-smelling compounds that make your kitchen reek. Unfortunately, people keep their dish sponges way past their prime.

Why does my soil smell bad?

The bad smell of soil: A bad smell indicates either anaerobic soil or soil that is contaminated with microbes, mold, fungus, moss or bacteria that can kill your plants. Odors and solutions: There are different causes and solutions to bad soil odor: Waterlogging: Control watering or improve water drainage.

Why does ammonia smell?

For instance, bio-pesticides that smell bad may contain ammonium bicarbonate (chemical code 073401) or ammonium nonanoate (chemical code 031802), a substance that is toxic to humans .

How to get oxygen out of potting soil?

Here’s how you can do it: Remove moss and other oxygen-consuming life forms from the potting mix. Break up the soil by adding organic matter, a little sand, and nutrients. Most important, avoid soil with high clay content.

Why does my potted plant smell like urine?

The USDA says that potted soil with a rotting smell like urine or ammonia indicates either poor water drainage or anaerobic soil. This can be caused by:

Why does too much water cause bacteria to breed?

This happens because too much water allows microbes, fungus or bacteria to contaminate, breed, consume all the oxygen in the soil.

The Nose Knows

A home can harbor all sorts of lingering and unpleasant aromas: think cat urine, stale cigar smoke, last Sunday’s fried fish, and stench from the bathroom. The range and nastiness of these smells may explain why more than 249 million Americans reported using air freshener sprays and room deodorizers in 2020, according to U.S.

Rotten Eggs

About half of the homes in the United States use natural gas for heating, hot water, cooking, or drying clothes, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. An undiscovered gas leak could cause a fire or explosion.

A Fishy Smell

If something smells fishy in your home, it might not be the lingering odor from last night's tilapia—in fact, you may want to call an electrician ASAP. That fishy smell is typically a sign that an electrical component is overheating or burning.

Sewage or "Bathroom" Odor

Don’t blame the bean dip! If you have excessive sewage smells emanating from your bathroom, you may want to call the plumber. That smell may mean that your plumbing system or vent pipe is clogged, or that you have a broken sewer pipe.

Cat Urine

Even people without feline friends may smell cat urine, especially after it rains. That distinctive odor can be an indication of a mold problem. Certain types of mold have a smell similar to cat urine, including dangerous toxic black mold, which should be remediated by a professional.

Wet Dog Smell

Nothing smells quite the same as a dirty, wet dog, but squirrels, raccoons, and rats give off a similar odor. So, if you don’t own a pooch but keep getting a whiff of a wet dog, you may have rodents in residence. Many wild animals may bite or have rabies, and through their infected feces they can transmit worms and diseases to humans or pets.


Rotting food has a distinctive sickly-sweet smell that tells our animal brains to stay far, far away. If you notice a rotten smell in your home, it could be that an old potato has fallen into the back of a cabinet. However, a mouse, rat, or other animal may have perished inside your home's walls, ductwork, attic, crawl space, or chimney.


1.House Smells Like Potting Soil? (Possible Causes & Fixes)


5 hours ago Dirt can cause foul odors if your house has an unsealed crawl space with exposed soil as the flooring. Over time, the organic material that makes up the soil will decompose naturally. The …

2.How to Cure an Odor From Wet Dirt Under a House | Hunker


9 hours ago I'm not sure what dirt smells like either. If you mean there's a musty sort of smell, I guess it could be the heaters if you just turned them on for the first time this year. They are supposed to be …

3.Your Home Smells—Here are 8 Common Causes - Real …


26 hours ago Wet dirt under a house is a common cause of foul musty odors in older homes. If the odor is left untreated it will only worsen over time and the smell could even ruin your furniture. An …

4.House Smells: The Most Common Causes and Solution …


9 hours ago Carpets work exactly like sponges, absorbing moisture, smells, and other particles that can make them smell musty. However, only vacuuming isn’t going to cut it. While vacuuming will get all …

5.My House Smells Musty but No Mold… What Can I Do?


34 hours ago Thus, when soil smells like stale water, ammonia, sulfur, urine, or rotten eggs, something’s decomposing in there. Fortunately, this can be fixed easily. Solution (4 Easy Steps) First of all, …

6.Musty Smell in House: Causes & How To Get Rid of It - All …


27 hours ago A musty or dusty smell is often a sign of mold or mildew, especially in humid or moisture-prone environments like the basement, laundry room, kitchen, or bathroom. Mold and mildew can …

7.Bad Smelling Soil? (3 Shocking Reasons Why & 10 …


14 hours ago

8.12 Bad House Smells and How to Fix Them - Bob Vila


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