You can take an old, stainless steel refrigerator and turn it into a vertical smoker. Weld steel plates to make a fire box with a door and a removable ash tray, then reconstruct the frame to make yourself a new addition to your barbecue pit! Video Loading
What are electric smokers made out of?
This smoker is made out of two different types of steel. The interior, which is the most important part of a smoker, is constructed with polished stainless steel. The exterior is made of powder epoxy steel that is also durable. Bradley Smoker stainless steel electric smoker has a traditional fridge-like electric smoker design with one main door.
Are stainless steel electric smokers any good?
Also, stainless steel smokers are most of the time heat resistant so you won’t burn your hands if you touch the exterior by hazard. Stainless steel electric smokers come in different sizes from 26-inch to 40-inch models.
How big is a Masterbuilt stainless steel smoker?
The exact measures for Masterbuilt stainless steel smoker are 18.22 x 24.82 x 42.37 inches. Still, it is not that big and can fit in any backyard. You can control this electric smoker in two ways. The first one is to set up the cooking process using the digital controls found at the top of the smoker.
Is a thin walled smoker better?
A thin walled smoker will require much more intervention to maintain the desired temperature for cooking not to mention a lot more wood as well. A thicker shell will hold a steadier temperature and retain heat better all while using less fire wood. Overall, there are a lot of variables involved when operating any style of smoker pit.
What are the different types of smokers?
What is a log burning smoker?
What is a smoke control baffle?
What kind of steel is used for a fire pit?
How to clean a pit with steel?
What are the components of a fire pit?
Where does the heat and smoke from a firebox go?
See 4 more
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Custom Smoker Builds, Pics of all of them. - Smoking Meat Forums
I thought it would be nice to have a place to be able to see all the awesome custom smoker builds from the members here. I spend a lot of time going back thru all the old thread looking at the builds I figured I would start collecting the links and make it easier for everyone else to see them all.
Step 1: Cut the Steel
The drum I have for this project is stainless. I received it as a perk from a client. it was previously used to contain glycerol. I had it cleaned out with hot simple green. This drum has a bung which I intended to use as the smoke entry point. The position dictated the sagittal cut position.
Step 2: Hinges and Alignment
The holes were pre-marked in the previous step. Drill holes and attach the hinges using the nut, washer, and bolt of your choosing. for this project I chose wing nuts initially because I knew I'd be taking it apart while framing it in. Tools: power drill metal drill bit safety glasses
Step 3: Cradle Construction
Spent a little money here because it was cheaper than fabrication.
Step 4: Add Smoking Barrel, Chimney, and Seal
I got the smoking barrel on clearance from a supply shop. I removed the upper smoke louver to place over the drum bung. then I took the louver plate inside the drum to create a plate for connection to the smoker. Beneath the smoker drum, I built a small shelf using angle iron.
Step 5: Final Build
have a minion assist with moving to the chosen location. Burn out the chemicals and residuals before using the smoker for food prep. I still need to find a good, proper sized grill tray, but that's easy enough. thanks for taking the time to check this out.
What is a log burning smoker?
There are several different styles out there. One of the most common is a log burning offset smoker (also known as a horizontal smoker). This style utilizes a firebox mounted to the side of the main cooking chamber - see attached diagram. These typically come in two different operating methods:
What is a smoke control baffle?
Smoke control baffle - Between my firebox and cooking chamber, I included a rotating baffle that you can control from an external handle. This baffle can increase or reduce the size of the opening between the firebox and cook chamber. This is simply an added means to control the temperature. I added this feature as more of an experiment than a necessity.
What are the different types of smokers?
Note that the location of the stack differs compared to the traditional style. Other common smoker types include vertical, drum, electric, pellet, and kettle style . Smokers also come in a wide variety of sizes from full trailers to smaller single brisket versions.
How to check internal temperature of meat?
One of the best methods to monitor internal temperature of your meat is with a temperature probe that does not require you to open the smoker lid. Opening the lid is a quick way to release stored heat - something you want to avoid during a cook.
What kind of steel is used for a fire pit?
Stainless steel cooking grates - For the main cook chamber as well as the firebox, I opted to build my cooking grates out of 304 stainless steel. This ensures a lifetime of use and prevents any corrosion on the surface that the meat directly contacts. Plain steel grates will work just fine as well but you do run the risk of them corroding especially if you infrequently use your pit.
How to clean a pit with steel?
Since the inside of your pit remains as raw steel, you'll want to use a wire brush to clean off any corrosion or mill scale on the interior and blow it out well with compressed air.
What are the components of a fire pit?
These include the doors, hinges, exhaust stack, door stops, trim work, cooking grates, wheels, handles, thermometers, air vents, and more.
Can you use carbon steel with stainless steel?
You should be good with just about any grade of stainless steel, but the price will vary greatly as you go up in grades. As for using plain ol' carbon steel - simple answer is rust.#N#If you do use carbon steel make sure you paint all exterior exposed surfaces with a good quality heat resistant paint - don't skimp! Then make sure to season the inside realy well to keep the inside from rusting. Carbon steel would be much cheaper than SS, and it wont rust as bad a cast iron, but it will want to surface rust if you don't protect it.
Can you use stainless steel higher than 316?
What he said... if you do use stainless don't go higher than 316 SS, unless you own a machine shop with milling tools... lol. Once you start getting to 416 SS and up it starts getting really hard to work with.
What is a stainless steel smoker?
A stainless electric smoker is any vertical electric smoker that has stainless steel as the main material. This mostly corresponds to the body of the electric smoker while you can expect some other parts of the smoker to be of some other material like metal, aluminum or other.
Why Should You Buy A Stainless Electric Smoker?
Also, stainless steel smokers are most of the time heat resistant so you won’t burn your hands if you touch the exterior by hazard .
What temperature can a Hakka smoker smoke?
Hakka electric smoker can smoke food anywhere from 0 to 275 degrees Fahrenheit which is great for long smoking on lower temperatures. Also, a good feature is the 0 to 12-hour digital timer that also has an auto shut-off system.
How many watts does a Smokin Tex smoker use?
I do have to warn you that Smokin Tex stainless steel electric smoker has only a 350-watt heating element. However, since the best-smoked flavor food turns out when using low-temperature smoking, this won’t be a problem.
How many racks does a stainless steel smoker have?
The smoker comes with 2 cooking racks but can fit three and also has about 25-pound food capacity.
How many racks does a Bradley smoker have?
Bradley Smoker stainless electric smoker comes with four removable smoking racks that can be easily removed. Also about 20 inches below the last smoking grid there is a drip pan as well as the wood chip box.
How big is a Masterbuilt smoker?
The exact measures for Masterbuilt stainless steel smoker are 18.22 x 24.82 x 42.37 inches. Still, it is not that big and can fit in any backyard.
What is included in a drum smoker kit?
This drum smoker kit includes new, stainless steel, a food-grade 55-gal drum, and a matching lid. The SS drum features a hoop design as seen in the picture; the drum will NOT arrive pre-drilled. Assembly instructions included.
How big is a Nest smoker?
Nest Dimensions: 13-3/8" D x 7-1/2"H with support legs reaching out to the sides of the drum smoker.
Can you build a drum smoker?
Building your own drum smoker is a rewarding backyard DIY task that will result in true authentic barbecue fun. Enjoy the delights that come with drum smoking with Big Poppa’s SS Drum smoker kit - host a backyard BBQ cookout, compete at your local BBQ competition, or just enjoy true authentic BBQ! For added fun, customize your SS barrel cooker with a lid hinge for some assistance or add a side table for prepping space, the possibilities are endless when building your own UDS.
Probably the most professional looking grav bong I have ever made. Put it together with a bong bowl, broken wine bottle, and a vase. What do ya think?
Probably the most professional looking grav bong I have ever made. Put it together with a bong bowl, broken wine bottle, and a vase. What do ya think?
Day of Dead Glass Skull Piece
You give a few pot heads a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke out of and they suddenly become engineers. It's amazing.
What are the different types of smokers?
Note that the location of the stack differs compared to the traditional style. Other common smoker types include vertical, drum, electric, pellet, and kettle style . Smokers also come in a wide variety of sizes from full trailers to smaller single brisket versions.
What is a log burning smoker?
There are several different styles out there. One of the most common is a log burning offset smoker (also known as a horizontal smoker). This style utilizes a firebox mounted to the side of the main cooking chamber - see attached diagram. These typically come in two different operating methods:
What is a smoke control baffle?
Smoke control baffle - Between my firebox and cooking chamber, I included a rotating baffle that you can control from an external handle. This baffle can increase or reduce the size of the opening between the firebox and cook chamber. This is simply an added means to control the temperature. I added this feature as more of an experiment than a necessity.
What kind of steel is used for a fire pit?
Stainless steel cooking grates - For the main cook chamber as well as the firebox, I opted to build my cooking grates out of 304 stainless steel. This ensures a lifetime of use and prevents any corrosion on the surface that the meat directly contacts. Plain steel grates will work just fine as well but you do run the risk of them corroding especially if you infrequently use your pit.
How to clean a pit with steel?
Since the inside of your pit remains as raw steel, you'll want to use a wire brush to clean off any corrosion or mill scale on the interior and blow it out well with compressed air.
What are the components of a fire pit?
These include the doors, hinges, exhaust stack, door stops, trim work, cooking grates, wheels, handles, thermometers, air vents, and more.
Where does the heat and smoke from a firebox go?
Traditional - The heat and smoke generated in the firebox travels into the cooking chamber and across the meat before exiting out of the exhaust stack.