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how do you plant hippeastrum bulbs

by Kirsten Kuhlman PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Plant Hippeastrum For garden planting, plant bulbs in well-drained soil, putting at least one spadeful of decayed animal manure under each bulb. Leave the top ⅓ of each bulb protruding above the soil.

Part of a video titled How to plant Hippeastrum (Amaryllis) bulbs indoors - YouTube
Stand the pot in a bright warm place and water it sparingly. Until. You can see some action. AndMoreStand the pot in a bright warm place and water it sparingly. Until. You can see some action. And after that water it regularly just to keep the soil consistently moist. Turn the pot every day.

Full Answer

How do I plant my hippeastrumas?

You have bought a Hippeastrumeither as a bare bulb, a plant in flower or in a leaf (in a pot). If you bought your Hippeastrumas a bare bulb you should plant it so that the bulb is exposed. If you plant it in a pot try to confine the bulb. Plant it in a pot with a finger’s width to the edge of the pot, all around.

Can you grow Hippeastrum from a bulb?

Growing your Hippeastrum Bulbs. In Australia, they are sold as Hippeastrum. You have bought a Hippeastrumeither as a bare bulb, a plant in flower or in a leaf (in a pot). If you bought your Hippeastrumas a bare bulb you should plant it so that the bulb is exposed.

How long does it take for Hippeastrum to flower?

If you bought your Hippeastrumas a bare bulb you should plant it so that the bulb is exposed. If you plant it in a pot try to confine the bulb. Plant it in a pot with a finger’s width to the edge of the pot, all around. At the right temperature, flowering will take roughly six weeks.

How do you plant Christmas bulbs for flowering?

In order to have the bulbs flowering at Christmas time, take them out of the crisper in mid-November and pot up as outlined below. For garden planting, plant bulbs in well-drained soil, putting at least one spadeful of decayed animal manure under each bulb. Leave the top ⅓ of each bulb protruding above the soil.


When should you plant Hippeastrum bulbs?

Hippeastrum is a tender bulb and needs to be planted in a pot indoors. Bulbs should flower about six to eight weeks after planting, and should be planted from October to January.

What is the best potting mix for Hippeastrums?

Go for well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Hippeastrums are quite adaptable to most soil types, although they aren't as keen on very sandy soil. In pots, use a good quality potting or bulb mix, and place some pieces of stone at the bottom of the pot to assist with drainage.

How do you plant amaryllis Hippeastrum?

Planting and Growing Amaryllis is easy Put a layer of heavy potting soil (soil/sand mixes are ideal) in the bottom of the pot, then pop in the bulb, and fill in with soil up to where the bulb's “shoulders” taper inward. The upper shoulders and neck of the bulb are left exposed.

Should amaryllis bulbs be soaked before planting?

Planting Instructions. The first step when planting an amaryllis bulb is to soak the roots in lukewarm water for a few hours. Although this isn't necessary it will help to soften up dry roots and jump-start the growth process. Be careful not to over soak the bulb as you can cause mold to form and the roots to rot.

Can you grow Hippeastrums in pots?

Hippeastrums are easy to grow in containers, and look fabulous when planted in small terracotta or ceramic pots, one bulb per pot, set out in a row in the sun. Plant your 'hippy' bulbs now for a spring display, in a good-quality potting mix, with some bulb food added.

Do Hippeastrums multiply?

Hippeastrums can be propagated by division the small plantlets or offsets growing from the mother plant called pups. After dividing the pups they can be transplanted into another pot around May or June and then you would expect these pups to flower within three years.

Should amaryllis be planted in soil?

Amaryllis do not need specific soil, however, we suggest using quick-draining soil, or a mixture of soil, peat, and perlite. Do not use pine bark, as it may encourage rot. Place one to two inches of moist potting soil in the bottom of the pot.

What is the difference between amaryllis and Hippeastrum?

To put it simply, the true Amaryllis is a bulb from South Africa with only one species in the genus (Amaryllis belladonna). By contrast, Hippeastrums* are from Central and South America with 90 species and over 600 cultivars in the genus – and these are the flowers commercially sold in the UK around Christmas.

What do you do with Hippeastrum after flowering?

Individual Hippeastrum stems do not reflower, so after a bloom has faded, you can cut the stem close to the top of the bulb. This keeps plants looking tidy while minimising the risk of fungal infections. Cut the leaves off only when they've completely died off.

How deep do I plant an amaryllis bulb?

Planting amaryllis outdoors is much the same as in containers, neck deep, keeping the top 1/3 of the bulb sticking up above soil level. Space plants 12-15 inches (30.5-38 cm.) apart. Water well following planting until they're established.

How do you store amaryllis bulbs before planting?

Store your bulb in a cool, dry, dark place like an unheated but attached garage, your basement, or the crisper of a refrigerator where the temperature ranges between 50 and 55 Fahrenheit for eight to 12 weeks. Do not store amaryllis bulbs in a fridge that has apples inside because this will sterilize the bulbs.

How often should an amaryllis bulb be watered?

Water your amaryllis on a regular weekly basis. The soil should remain moist. Turn the pot occasionally, to ensure that the stem stays straight, rather than reaching for the light and possibly becoming top-heavy as it grows. Look for a bloom after 4-8 weeks.

What kind of soil does Spathiphyllum need?

Peace lilies prefer a soil that can mix drainage and moisture retention. Blended potting mixes with texture are common for peace lilies, especially ones with perlite, peat moss, coir, or loam.

What soil is needed for peace lily?

Peace lilies like rich, loose potting soil that contains plenty of organic matter. These plants are native to tropical canopy conditions where the soil is packed with deteriorating plant material, so you'll find the best success with soil that mimics this composition.

What type of soil do snake plants need?

A snake plant prefers a light loamy soil that not only drains well but also registers between 5.5 to 7.0 on the pH scale. Instead of scooping up dirt from an outdoor garden bed or yard, which can become compacted or contain insects or bacteria, choose a sterile commercial potting soil that's free of pests and disease.

How do you make potting soil for a peace lily?

If you need to pot your peace lily, like, yesterday and don't have time to order a specialty mix or a bunch of ingredients, you can mix 2 parts regular indoor potting mix or cactus mix with 1 part bark or perlite to increase aeration. You can find these ingredients at any store with a gardening section.

What kind of soil do hippeastrums like?

Go for well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Hippeastrums are quite adaptable to most soil types, although they aren’t as keen on very sandy soil.

How long do hippeastrums bloom?

Also known as amaryllis, this herbaceous perennial produces showy trumpet-shaped flowers for up to 3 weeks in summer. Suited to both pots and beds, they can be used to create stunning Christmas features.

How to treat fungus on bulbs?

Badly infected bulbs need to be removed and destroyed as secondary infections can cause the bulbs to rot. Moderate to mild infections can be controlled using a systemic fungicide such as Mancozeb, Banrot or Benlate on a regular basis. Eradication is very difficult so cultural controls are required to keep this infection at bay, and under control. Avoid overhead watering and getting the foliage wet to minimise this disease, and regularly spray foliage with a fungicide, particularly as plants are beginning to go dormant as this is a time when infections can return to the bulb, and the weather begins to become cool and wet, providing ideal conditions for active spores to spread. A wet cool growing season will also see this disease prevalent as this sort of weather allows the spores to proliferate.

Why are my hippeastrum bulbs turning red?

Symptoms of this disease in bulbs are red spots with definite margins that develop into soft sunken patches on the bulb, sometimes radiating all the way through several layers. Care needs to be taken when diagnosing this disease as any damage to Hippeastrum bulbs will cause a red mark on the bulb, similar to brusing on our skin. Always look for the characteristic margins and soft sunken patches to correctly diagnose this issue.

What is the family of hippeastrum?

Taxonomy: Hippeastrum is a genus in the family Amaryllidaceae.

When to replant bulbs in the garden?

Dusting with micronised sulphur helps protect against fungal infections during storing. Replant bulbs again from September.

When to take bulbs out of the crisper?

DO NOT FREEZE! In order to have the bulbs flowering at Christmas time, take them out of the crisper in mid-November and pot up as outlined below.

Where do hippeastrum bulbs come from?

Origins. The genus Hippeastrum has a broad distribution from Mexico, through Central America, the Caribbean and down through South America to Argentina. Brazil is the centre of distribution.

Where does Hippeastrum papilo grow?

In the wild it grows as an epiphyte in remnants of the Atlantic Forest of South Brazil.

What is a hippeastrum?

Hippeastrums are a favourite plant of the warm climate gardener, with large flowering hybrids being most popularly grown. Photo by puuikibeach. The name Hippeastrum is Greek for ‘Knight Star’. These plants are sometimes referred to as Amaryllis by older gardeners, however this name is more correctly used for bulbs found in Southern Africa.

How big do hippeastrums get?

Hippeastrums grow from large bulbs, 6 to 12 cm across which are rather like onions in appearance. 4 to 6 mid-green leaves are produced in two planes from each bulb. They are generally 30 to 90 cm long and 2.5 to 5 cm wide. Each flower consists of 3 petals and 3 sepals, jointly referred to as tepals.

What is the color of the leaves on Hippeastrum reticulatum?

Hippeastrum reticulatum – has velvety, deep green leaves with a central silver stripe. The plant could be grown for the leaves alone. The stunning pale pink flowers are reticulated with rose veining.

When do hippeastrums bloom?

Hippeastrums do particularly well in areas with a summer dominant rainfall pattern, conditions which best suit their natural growth rhythms. They go into dormancy and defoliate during the dry winters and springs; flower in late spring just before the rains arrive; and the burst into leaf during the warm moist and humid summer and autumn months. Where I live in Queensland the bulbs come into flowers in late September and early October. As you drive around the suburbs, flowers can be spied in many front gardens. In older areas they form huge and spectacular clumps.

Why are my bulbs burning?

Cool climate bulbs may flower (often for the first and last time) but may be burnt to a crisp by the heat or dry winds or bruised by hail or a spring storms. If the flower is damaged, there is another bud down below the flower, ready to take its place.

How to wake a bulb?

Waking the Bulb - The bulb should be planted in good quality compost with only the bottom half of the bulb actually covered. Water it well once and then bring indoors to a warm semi bright spot. This will awaken the plant and a few leaves and the flower stalk (s) will start to grow from the top over the next month or so. Don't keep watering the plant at this stage, the original watering is all that is needed until the flower stalk (s) is clearly visible a few inches above the bulb at which point aim to keep the soil just moist.

What is the name of the flowering house plant?

You'll know this flowering houseplant as either Hippeastrum or Amaryllis. Debate about the true name of this plant, grown from a large sized bulb, has raged for centuries (literally) and the eventual winner was Hippeastrum. The history is complex, so just below this stunning photo is a bite sized snack to help explain it all.

Why is my bulb rotting?

Exposure to frost or overwatered, usually the culprit is the latter. When coming to water, if in any doubt that the soil might be moist enough already it's best not to risk it. A heavily rotten bulb is normally the end of the line for your plant, although any offsets might be salvageable.

Can hippeastrum be grown outside?

Therefore don't plant it outside when flowering has finished or keep it outside when the temperatures start to dip.

Is an amaryllis an outdoor plant?

The history is complex, so just below this stunning photo is a bite sized snack to help explain it all. Basically the true Amaryllis is an outdoor flowering plant, the most popular being the Belladonna Lily or Naked Lady. Leaves appear for several months until they eventually die back to nothing. A few months later the stored energy is released ...

Can hippeastrum bulbs be kept?

To ensure your plant gets a chance to make this happen, after flowering has finished the bulbs should be kept and allowed to build their energy reserve s for the following year . In this way they can be permanent Winter / Spring house guests. A more extensive how to guide for keeping your Hippeastrum flowering year after year can be found further down in this article.

When do large bulbs bloom?

The large bulbs are often brought as festive gifts in their dormant state which can then be "awoken" to flower in late Winter or early Spring.

Do you need to fertilize amaryllis?

Although not necessary, additional fertilizer can be applied a couple more times throughout the growing season as needed using a balanced fertilizer at the recommended rates. Amaryllis also needs to be kept moist throughout the growing season, though established plants are fairly tolerant of drought.

Can amaryllis be grown in the garden?

Growing amaryllis in the garden is a great way to enjoy these plants year after year.

Can amaryllis be planted outside?

Amaryllis Planting Outdoors. Amaryllis bulbs are easy enough to grow indoors, and just as easy to grow in the garden, provided you live in a suitable region. They make great specimens outdoors. They perform well in beds, borders or containers outside.

Can amaryllis bulbs be planted in fall?

Best of all, amaryllis bulbs are deemed resistant to both deer and many rodents. Whether you are planning on planting the bulbs themselves or transplanting forced plants, it’s important to know when the appropriate time for doing so is. Typically, new bulbs are planted with other spring bloomers – in fall.

How to grow amaryllis in the sun?

Begin by putting your amaryllis outdoors in a shady area. After a few days of doing this, put the amaryllis in the sunlight, and expose it to more sunlight each day. One of the best tips on growing amaryllis you can heed is to set a buzzer to remind you when to get the amaryllis in from the sun to avoid killing the plant.

How to rest an amaryllis?

In the early fall when the amaryllis has become accustomed to being outdoors, slowly stop watering the plant. Cut back water gradually until the plant can survive on its own. As the leaves brown, cut them off to keep them from drawing nutrients from the plant.

When do amaryllis bulbs bloom?

Growing amaryllis indoors requires little of you during the first winter. The bulb will be ready to bloom in early winter, around November, and most stalks will produce two to four flowers. All you need to do is keep the amaryllis watered and out of harm.

Can you replenish an amaryllis bulb after flowering?

Image by dmf87. If you know how to care for an amaryllis ( Amaryllis and Hippeastrum ), you can replenish your bulb after flowering and guide the amaryllis through additional growing seasons. Growing amaryllis indoors does take work, but the result is beautiful, bell-shaped flowers to brighten up your home.

How to get new bulbs in winter?

Remove the bulb and trim off any roots if needed for fitting in the new container. Set the bulb in water, just up to the roots, and let it soak for about 12 hours. This will speed blooming. After soaking the roots, plant your bulb in the new container, leaving about a third of the bulb uncovered by the soil. Continue to water and tend to your plant as it grows and you will get new winter blooms.

Can amaryllis grow outdoors?

It will grow outdoors as a perennial only in zones 8-10. In cooler climates, this pretty flower is generally grown as a houseplant, with a forced winter blooming. If you thought that one winter bloom was all you would get from your plant, though, consider repotting amaryllis to get many years of lovely flowers.

Do you have to toss amaryllis after blooming?

Unlike similar holiday plants, you don’t need to toss your amaryllis after it blooms. You can keep it and let it re-bloom next year. The post-bloom time may seem like the right time to repot it, but it’s not. If you want to get blooms next year, keep it in the same pot and keep it lightly watered and fertilized.

Can you repot amaryllis bulbs in one container?

This is a plant that does best when root bound, so you only need to repot if the bulb is starting to get very close to the edge of the container. You can also have several bulbs in one container because they like to be root bound.

How big should a pot be for a bulb?

Depending on the bulb size, pots need to be from 10 to 16 inches (25 to 41 cm) in diameter to have 2 bulbs in each pot. If you are having trouble weighing down the pot, put a little bit of gravel at the bottom. ...

How to stake a plant up?

Stake a plant up by hammering a long, thin piece of wood into the soil with a mallet, to about 12 inches (30 cm) higher than the plant. After this, tie the stem to the stake at 3-4 different points using pieces of string. ...

How to cut amaryllis flowers off?

Cut the flowers off at the stem once they have flowered. The color of amaryllis is beautiful so feel free to snip a stem here or there for use in a vase. You can cut the flower off however far down the stem you like, but the further down you cut, the longer it will take to regrow.

How to grow amaryllis indoors?

Because of the fact you can control the indoor temperature relatively easily, amaryllis plants can be grown at any point during the year. This means you can arrange them to bloom at whatever special time of year you like!

How to make amaryllis grow straight?

1. Rotate the pot by a half-turn each day if the plant is inside. Like many plants, amaryllis plants have a tendency to grow towards the light. Rotating the pot each day ensures that the plant will grow straight.

How to make potting soil nutrient rich?

Add compost to your potting soil to make it nutrient-rich.

How long does it take for an amaryllis to bloom?

Amaryllis plants like to grow in warmer weather so aim for these temperatures if you can. Once the flowers have bloomed, which will occur in 7-10 weeks, store the plant in a slightly cooler location to help prolong the life of the flowers.


1.Videos of How Do You plant Hippeastrum bulbs


18 hours ago You have bought a Hippeastrum either as a bare bulb, a plant in flower or in a leaf (in a pot). If you bought your Hippeastrum as a bare bulb you should plant it so that the bulb is exposed. If you plant it in a pot try to confine the bulb. Plant it in a pot …

2.Planting Guide: How to plant, grow and care for your …


17 hours ago How To Plant Hippeastrum For garden planting, plant bulbs in well-drained soil, putting at least one spadeful of decayed animal manure under each bulb. Leave the top ⅓ of each bulb protruding above the soil.

3.How to grow Hippeastrum - GardenDrum


11 hours ago  · This usually happens in the morning. The optimal temperature for pollination is 64-71 °F (18-22°C). If the temperature is higher and the air is dry, the pollen will lose moisture quickly and the process will be worse. Take the pollen bag out of the refrigerator and leave it in a warm place for one hour.

4.Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) Guide | Our House Plants


10 hours ago  · When buying a hippeastrum bulb in a store, we also recommend choosing a pot for planting it further.After planting and until the end of flowering, we provide...



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6.Amaryllis Garden Care: Tips On Planting Amaryllis Outside


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7.Caring For Amaryllis Plants - Tips For Growing Amaryllis


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8.Repotting Amaryllis Plants: Learn How And When To …


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9.How to Plant Amaryllis: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow


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