Knowledge Builders

what is a family demographic

by Princess Haley Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Family demography is the study of the composition of families and of the transitions individuals make into and out of various types of families. Family composition includes factors such as the number of family members, their ages, marital and cohabitation status, and relationship to other family members.

Family demography is the study of the composition of families and of the transitions individuals make into and out of various types of families. Family composition includes factors such as the number of family members, their ages, marital and cohabitation status, and relationship to other family members.

Full Answer

What is the difference between demographic and family change?

For this planet is changing whether you believe it or not and we must change with it. Demographic change shows the studies of population based on gender, age, race, economic status and level of education. Family change is what you decide to do with your family.

What is demographic data?

Demographics is the collection and analysis of general characteristics about groups of people and populations, such as age, gender, and income. Demographic data is used by businesses to develop marketing strategies and advertising campaigns and for responding to changes in consumer demand.

What are the demographic variables of a person?

In research, some important demographic variables include: Type Definition Age How old an individual is Gender Physical, social, or cultural characteri ... Race and Ethnicity Physical or cultural traits or factors t ... Marital Status Characteristics relating to whether an i ... 5 more rows ...

What is demographics and why is it important?

Demographics is the analysis of the characteristics of populations and subsets of populations, such as age, race, and gender. Now considered a necessity in the advertising industry, demographics helps businesses identify those consumers most likely to buy their products or services.


What are demographic trends in a family?

Important trends include the rising age at marriage, increases in divorce, and rapid growth in single-parent families. As shown in Figure 2-1, the proportion of women married by age 25 has declined substantially by birth cohort.

What is an example of a demographics?

How do you collect demographic information? Demographic information examples include: age, race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, income, education, and employment. You can easily and effectively collect these types of information with survey questions.

Why is it important to understand family demographics?

Why is it important to understand family demographics? This understanding will help the community health nurse (CHN) determine if the family is lower or higher functioning. This understanding will help the CHN forecast stresses and developmental changes experienced by families.

What are 5 demographic characteristics?

Examples of demographic characteristics include age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, income, education, home ownership, sexual orientation, marital status, family size, health and disability status, and psychiatric diagnosis."

What are 5 examples of demographics?

What is demographic segmentation?Age.Gender.Ethnicity.Income.Level of education.Religion.Occupation.Family structure.

What are the 4 types of demography?

The five demographics include age, gender, religion, income, and education.

What are demographics?

Demographic analysis is the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex. Demographic data refers to socioeconomic information expressed statistically, including employment, education, income, marriage rates, birth and death rates, and more.

Why are demographics important?

Demographic data can help provide a basis for understanding communities as they are now, where they've been and where they're headed. It can be a powerful tool for tracking change over time and for uncovering the needs or strengths of a community to guide planning, policy development or decision making.

What do you mean by demography?

Demographics. Demography is the study of demographics, the social characteristics and statistics of a human population. This study of the size, age structures, and economics of different populations can be used for a variety of purposes.

What are common demographics?

Most Common Demographics ExamplesAge.Gender.Race.Marital status.Number of children (if any)Occupation.Annual income.Education level.More items...

What is demographics in simple words?

Demographics are statistics that describe populations and their characteristics. Demographic analysis is the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex.

How do you describe demographics?

What are Demographics? Demographics describe who we are as individuals, for example: ethnicity, age/generation, gender, income, marital status, education, and homeownership. These and other characteristics categorize us without describing our personality.

What is considered demographic data?

What is Demographic Data? Demographics comprise an array of socioeconomic information, including the breakdown of a population by gender, age, ethnicity, income, employment status, home ownership, and even internet access.

Which is the best descriptions of demographics?

Demographics is defined as statistical data about the characteristics of a population, such as the age, gender and income of the people within the population. When the census assembles data about people's ages and genders, this is an example of assembling information about demographics.

What is a CFI?

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How does demographics affect retail?

Surviving in the retail market requires more than just luck. . Demographics also affect other business factors such as pricing, packaging, and service offers. When marketing campaigns are aligned with the demographics of customers, sales will likely increase.

How to get demographics?

Demographics play a significant role in the success of a business, but how can you obtain the relevant information? One of the best ways is to conduct market research surveys. Whether through email, phone, or face-to-face meetings, a market research survey is a great tool to get as much demographic data as possible. Often, demographics-related questions are included on post-sale feedback forms in establishments and online. Data from the questions help businesses know more about their customers.

What is the definition of demographics?

What are Demographics? Demographics refer to the socio-economic characteristics of a population that businesses use to identify the product preferences and purchasing behaviors of customers. With their target market’s traits, companies can build a profile for their customer base. They can determine their key customers or target market ...

What is market planning?

Market Planning Market planning is the process of organizing and defining the marketing aims of a company and gathering strategies and tactics to achieve them. A solid

What is the baby boomer generation?

The baby boomer generation, which refers to people who were born between 1946 and 1964, are in a different stage of life and tend to spend their money more on vacations and health care. If your products are designed for millennials, make sure to offer them in communities or areas where there are a lot of young people.

What are the 5 P's of marketing?

5 P's of Marketing The 5 P's of Marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People – are key marketing elements used to position a business strategically. The 5 P's of

Why do advertisers use demographic research?

To understand what subtle internal, rather than obvious external factors like age and gender, motivate consumers, advertisers often combine demographic research with psychographic research to produce sensory marketing campaigns . Psychographic research strives to reveal what beliefs, feelings, thoughts, biases, and other psychological factors motivate consumers.

Why did Procter and Gamble fail?

For example, Procter & Gamble initially failed to sell its Swiffer line of floor mops in Italy because its advertising targeted women who wanted convenient cleaning products. When P&G figured out that Italians wanted cleaning power, it modified its advertising, thus making the Swifter a huge success.

What is demographics in advertising?

Demographics is the collection and analysis of general characteristics about groups of people and populations, such as age, gender, and income. Demographic data is used by businesses to develop marketing strategies and advertising campaigns, and for responding to changes in consumer demand.

What is political affiliation?

Political affiliation or preference. Religious affiliation or preference. In number and scope, the factors used in demography—the collection, analysis, and use of demographics—can vary widely depending on the type of research being done. Besides advertising and marketing, demographics are also used in politics, sociology, and for cultural purposes.

What are the factors that determine the demographics of a population?

Traditionally, demographics provides consumer information based on factors that can include, but are not limited to: Age and generation groups. Sex, gender or sexual orientation. Nationality. Race. Educational level. Occupation.

Why are advertising campaigns less likely to succeed?

Though considered acceptable, advertising campaigns targeting general audiences are less likely to succeed because of the difficulty in getting the message about the product across to a broader spectrum of the population. For instance, specifying all people ages 20 to 45, with jobs, who own a car or truck, and like sports requires communicating with far too many people. As a result, advertising campaigns to general audiences often suffer from becoming too generic in their tone.

What is a focus group?

A key part of pre-market product appeal research, focus groups are small but demographically diverse groups of consumers assembled to discuss a particular product before it is launched. By allowing the participants to physically handle and use the new products and offer their feedback about them, focus groups are often combined with demographics in designing advertising campaigns.

What can I do with demographic information?

Once you’ve collected demographic information, we as researchers need to analyse it to gain an understanding about what characterises our population of interest. Analyses can be done in two ways:

How to collect demographic data?

However, the simplest way to obtain this information is to ask your participants directly using either a questionnaire or interview. The most common forms that demographic questions take are in either a multiple-choice question with the possible categories of responses listed , or providing a textbox or lines so that participants can write out their answers. It’s important that the questions you include are constructed in such a way that you accurately capture the information that you’re interested in. In line with the multiple choice or open response options, examples for how to structure demographic questions include:

What is the difference between social and legal marital status?

Characteristics relating to whether an individual is in a relationship and if so what the legal status of that relationship is. Legal marital statuses include single, married, separated, divorced, and widowed, whereas social marital statuses include de-facto partnerships or unmarried.

Why is it important to analyze demographic information?

Any conclusions from our research can then be tailored to match our sample because we have a thorough understanding of the features that define them.

What is descriptive analysis?

Descriptive analyses include stating how many people chose each response option as a number and/or percentage. For example, in a table you could report how many participants in your sample were single, married, divorced or widowed, and then next to it include a few sentences explaining this information.

Why is demographic information important?

Obtaining demographic information is both important and advantageous in helping researchers have a better understanding of the population of interest to their research.

Do you have to ask demographic questions?

While demographic information provides you as a researcher with valuable information about your population of interest, only ask participants demographic questions that are relevant to your study. Some participants may not feel comfortable providing this information and this must be respected. Therefore, all answers should be anonymous and confidential and not linked to any identifying information, such as their name. It’s important that all potential participants are aware that this is the case when they receive information about your research before they take part.

How many young parents are living with their spouse?

Living Arrangements of Young Parents: Solo, With Spouse, Partner or Parent. There were 1.8 million biological parents ages 15-22 in the United States in 2018 and half were living with a spouse or unmarried partner. Unmarried Opposite-Sex Couples Living Together More Likely Than Married Couples to Both Work.

How many men have a biological child in 2021?

The U.S. Census Bureau today released new data from phase 3.1 of the experimental Household Pulse Survey. Stats for Stories | June 20, 2021. Father’s Day: June 20, 2021. Over one in four men—34.3 million—have a biological child who is under 18.

What is the Census Bureau?

The Census Bureau collects data about American families for the nation, states and communities. Our statistics describe trends in household and family composition, and show the number of children, young adults and couples living in the United States.

What are demographic examples?

Demographic examples ease creating a strategy for a marketer. Thus, they are one of the most commonly implemented marketing segmentation methods compared to other techniques such as geographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation, or psychographic segmentation. As the details required for demographic examples are easily accessible, ...

What data can be adjusted and implemented according to the demographic data requirement of an organization?

According to the demographic data requirement of an organization, age, gender, income, race, etc. can be adjusted and implemented.

What is family income segmentation?

Family income segmentation– One of the most straightforward segmentation types is based on income. An individual or a family’s income would govern their ability to purchase different cost categories’ products/services. A person who can barely afford to provide food and shelter for his/her family would not afford an iPhone. Companies that offer luxury cars or watches must target customers who have a considerable amount of extra earnings. The most likely target audience of an organization that affordable mobile phones will be mid to low income customers.

Why are demographic examples important?

In the longer run, demographic examples will help in reducing cost and time invested in developing and implementing a marketing strategy as all marketing efforts will be carefully calculated according to the various segments.

What products can a child free family never buy?

Child-free families will never purchase products related to children, such as baby lotion, toys, or diapers. A multinational organization that is into developing these products will conduct demographic examples based on the type of family.

What is the purpose of demographics?

Demographics are statistical data that researchers use to study groups of humans. A demographic refers to distinct characteristics of a population. Researchers use demographic analysis to analyze whole societies or just groups of people. Some examples of demographics are age, sex, education, nationality, ethnicity, or religion, to name a few.

Why is dividing the target audience important?

According to demographic diversity, dividing the target audience will help a marketer design an accurate marketing plan that will yield productive results.

What are demographics?

Demographics are the various characteristics of a population. Examples of demographics can include factors such as the race, sex and age of a population that is being studied. The statistical information of the population's socioeconomic conditions is known as demographic data. This data can contain information about the population, such as:

Why is demographic data important?

The study of demographic data is essential for businesses, organizations and governments to make decisions. Using this data, businesses can create marketing strategies and governments can implement public policies. In this article, we define demographics with examples, explain why they are important and show how they are used to understand ...

What is the best way to use demographic data?

A sound understanding of economics is an effective way to use demographic data about finance, health care, real estate and even voting decisions. Using predictive algorithms and big data, analysts can mine consumer data to identify the ways societies function and create accurate reports about economic indicators and consumer trends based on retail sales and employment data.

Why is it important to understand demographics?

An understanding of demographics and their statistical possibilities is incredibly important for everyone, not just governments, businesses and economists. The decisions that are made using demographics data can have a profound impact on our everyday lives.

How are demographics used in government?

Perhaps the most well-known government use of demographics is for the apportionment of each state’s congressional delegation. Based on population change and population density as counted during each census, seats in the U.S. Electoral College are assigned to each of the 50 states (excluding the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico).

What information can be used to create public policies?

Local, state and federal governments can use demographic information to create public policies and allocate funds for public services. Data from government and economic surveys combined with population and housing information from the U.S. Census Bureau can provide important social statistics.

Why is it important to collect demographic data online?

As people become more comfortable with sharing a range of personal information online, it is possible to collect more accurate and valuable data using online forms and email marketing. Online demographic data collection is becoming more common, especially with the convenience and low cost of conducting online surveys.

A Poor Country

Ethiopia is a country which is currently poor. Have you ever wondered what their families and demographic changes are?

A Developing Country

Malaysia is a country which is currently developing. Have you ever wondered what their families and demographic changes are?

A Developed Country

America is a country which is already developed. Have you ever wondered what their families and demographic changes are?

How do companies gather demographic information?

Federal agencies, states or cities often create profiles for specific geographic regions or municipalities. While the information provides a good overview, it is often too broad for business use. A common way to gather more specific demographic information is using a survey or other marketing tool to gather consumer data .

What is a demographic profile?

A demographic profile is a business tool that identifies several characteristics when companies attempt to define a market segment.

How do demographic surveys work?

With ever-advancing technology, electronic surveys are becoming the norm. Companies may send the survey via email or attach a short survey to the electronic shopping cart on the company’s website. The use of these demographic profile tools allow a company to gather data from individuals already associated with their products.

Is demographic profile accurate?

A demographic profile is by no means an accurate or end-all piece of information from a marketing standpoint. Companies must be sure to ask the right questions first in order to identify the specifics that matter most to the business. Response rate is another issue a company can face with these profiles. A low sample from a large population may not be indicative of the overall group within a region. Making major decisions from limited information can mean trouble if the information gleaned is inaccurate regarding consumer product use.

Part One What is a Family Nurse Practitioner?

Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are advanced practice registered nurses with specialized graduate educations who provide primary health care services to people of all ages.

Part Two What Do Family Nurse Practitioners Do?

Being a Family Nurse Practitioner is all about delivering family-focused care. That means that they'll care for patients ranging from infants to the elderly and every age in between.

Part Three Family Nurse Practitioner Salary

Advanced practice nurses command higher salaries than registered nurses, and this holds true for family nurse practitioners. According to the 2020 Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Salary Survey, t he average family nurse practitioner salary is $104,928.

Part Four How to Become a Family Nurse Practitioner

Becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner requires a commitment of time and resources, taking 8 to 10 years for many nurses, but it is an investment in your future that will reward you in many different ways.

Part Five Top Family Nurse Practitioner Programs

Choosing a master's program is a big decision. Make sure that any school you consider is accredited by the AACN or the NLN. For a listing of programs nationally, check the listing provided on the APNA website, searchable by state.

Part Six Day in the Life of a Family Nurse Practitioner

Because the role of a Family Nurse Practitioner is very similar to that of a primary care physician.

Part Seven Where Can a Family Nurse Practitioner Work?

Family nurse practitioners are recognized for their ability to work both collaboratively and independently. As a result, those who have earned this advanced practice nursing degree are able to find career opportunities in a variety of settings, including:


Demographics Definition and Use

  • What are the traits that make an impact on a business strategy? Here are some of the demographic variables used by businesses regardless of industry:
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Demographic Factors

Audience Demographics in Advertising

How to Determine A Target Demographic


  • Traditionally, demographics provides consumer information based on factors that can include, but are not limited to: 1. Age and generation groups 2. Sex, gender, or sexual orientation 3. Nationality 4. Race 5. Educational level 6. Occupation 7. Household income 8. Marital status 9. Number of children 10. Homeownership (own or rent) 11. Place of res...
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2 hours ago  · Families and Households All Census Bureau demographic surveys collect information about the residents of each housing unit and how they are related. Fertility …

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25 hours ago A demographic refers to distinct characteristics of a population. Researchers use demographic analysis to analyze whole societies or just groups of people. Some examples of …

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