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what is matrix organizational structure example

by Irma Jacobson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Example of a matrix organization
The functional manager is responsible for all the technical performance of each employee in his or her department, which in this case is video production. The project manager, on the other hand, is responsible to the overall performance of the product team.

Full Answer

How to create a matrix organizational structre?

Making Matrix Organizations Actually Work

  1. Adopt when purposeful. The matrix should not be the default design option. ...
  2. Keep intrinsic conflict out. Research by Joachim Wolf and William G. ...
  3. Limit breadth and depth. A matrix may contain more than two organizing principles (e.g., product + region + function). ...
  4. Don’t pretend. ...
  5. Escalate by exception only. ...

What are the types of organizational structure?

Types of organizational structures

  1. Functional structure. In a functional structure, organizations are divided into specialized groups with specific roles and duties.
  2. Divisional structure. In a divisional structure, various teams work alongside each other toward a single, common goal. ...
  3. Flatarchy. In a flatarchy, there are little to no levels of management. ...
  4. Matrix structure. ...

What is matrix organization structure?

The matrix organizational structure is a combination of two or more different kinds of organizational structures, such as project management or functional management.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of matrix structure?

Matrix structures have advantages and disadvantages. Advantages. Can help to break down traditional department barriers, improving communication across the entire organisation; Can allow individuals to use particular skills within a variety of contexts; Avoid the need for several departments to meet regularly, so reducing costs and improving ...


What is an example of matrix organization?

In a matrix structure, individuals work across teams and projects as well as within their own department or function. For example, a project or task team established to develop a new product might include engineers and design specialists as well as those with marketing, financial, personnel and production skills.

What is a matrix organization structure?

What is a matrix organisational structure? A matrix structure is a combination of two or more types of organisational structures. It is a way of arranging your business so that you set up reporting relationships as a grid, or a matrix, rather than in the traditional hierarchy.

What company has a matrix structure?

Some successful organizations which have used a Matrix Organizational structure include; Phillips, Caterpillar, and Texas Instruments have all used the Matrix Structure at some point in time.

Is Netflix a matrix structure?

Netflix Inc. has a U-form or unitary organizational structure that involves a hierarchy for maintaining executive control and direction throughout the organization.

Is Nike a matrix organization?

Nike has a matrix organizational structure incorporating geographic divisions. Nike's matrix structure is also present at the regional and sub-regional levels.

Why does Starbucks use a matrix structure?

The functional divisions make the working smoother, faster and reliable, as specialists people are doing the jobs, and the chances of them making errors are minimal. Finally, the matrix structure allows the firm to utilize its human resources efficiently by hiring them for more than one tasks.

Is Apple a matrix organization?

Apple Inc. has a hierarchical organizational structure, with notable divisional characteristics and a weak functional matrix.

What is Coca Cola's organizational structure?

The Coca-Cola Company has a somewhat complex matrix organizational structure with geographic divisions, product divisions, business-type units, and functional groups.

Is Amazon a matrix organization?

Amazon is a predominantly hierarchical organization incorporating function-based groups and geographic divisions. Reportable to CEO Jeff Bezos is a group of senior executives called the S Team. Each member of the S Team is responsible for leading a functional or business unit.

Does Starbucks have a matrix structure?

Starbucks utilizes a matrix organizational structure that combines several functional and product-based divisions. This means there are multiple overlapping divisions and reporting structures within the overall organization, which makes sense considering its sheer size and global presence.

Does Google have a matrix structure?

Google has a cross-functional – or team-based – organizational structure. This is also known as a matrix structure. The three primary characteristics of Google's organizational structure include function-based definition, product or project-based definition, and flatness.

What is Disney's organizational structure?

Disney utilizes a decentralized cooperative multidivisional (M-form) organizational structure. This focuses on different business types and is common in diversified companies that have a wide breadth of operations, especially where these operations are carried out globally.

What are the 3 types of matrix structures?

There are three types of matrix organizational structures:Weak matrix structure. A weak matrix structure is most similar to a traditional hierarchical structured workplace. ... Balanced matrix structure. ... Strong matrix structure.

What are the 4 types of organizational structures?

The four types of organizational structures are functional, multi-divisional, flat, and matrix structures. Others include circular, team-based, and network structures.

What are the characteristics of matrix organizational structure?

Galbraith [17] explains that a matrix structure is characterised by having dual authority relationships and a power balance between functional and project managers. He does not, however, state specifically whether these are to the advantage or disadvantage of the organisation.

What are the benefits of a matrix organization?

Advantages of the matrix organizational structureCollaboration between different departments. ... Combines project and functional management structures. ... Allows interdepartmental communication. ... Employees can develop new skill sets. ... Team members and managers keep their functional roles.

Why is matrix organizational structure important?

This allows for better resource utilization and provides experts when needed. The matrix organizational structure tries to blend the best of both worlds since power-sharing between the project and functional managers changes according to the matrix. Though matrix structure adds complexity, the benefits far outweigh it.

What is matrix structure?

The matrix structure is a composite of the projectized and the functional structure. The appeal of this structure is that the knowledge, skills, or talent of an employee can be shared.

What is matrix organization?

According to the PMBOK Guide, the matrix organization is a combination of the projectized and the functional structures.

What is a weak matrix project manager?

In weak matrix organizations, project managers have limited authority. Their role is part-time, and no administrative staff report to them. Their position is similar to a coordinator or an expediter. In a weak matrix structure, the functional manager controls the project budget.

Why do businesses use matrix structure?

Large and multi-project businesses take advantage of the matrix organizational structure so they can move employees whenever and wherever their services are needed. The matrix structure has the flexibility of maximizing the organization’s talent by viewing employees as shared resources.

What is the difference between a project manager and a functional manager?

In balanced matrix organizations, project and functional managers share authority. The project manager has a full-time role, while project management staff will be part-time. Here, both managers control the budget.

What is the difference between a matrix and a projectized structure?

Projectized and functional structures represent two extreme points of a string, while the matrix organizational structure is balanced. It is a mix of two or more types of organizational structures.

How do matrix organizations work?

Matrix organizations have two or more management reporting structures. While this may seem confusing at first, team members typically have a primary manager for their department.

Why is matrix organization important?

The matrix organization design can ensure greater clarity on project objectives. When your team reports their progress to both the project manager and the department head, solidifying project goals is critical. When the project manager feels supported by other members of senior management, project organization becomes a priority.

Why is matrix structure important?

The matrix structure allows for an efficient use of resources because teams include specialists from various departments. This reduces overhead costs and the amount of time needed to complete a project. In a hierarchical structure where every team reports to only one manager, there are fewer managers per team. These teams may require more time to create one project deliverable because they don’t have members with different specialities.

What is the hierarchy of organizational chart?

A hierarchical organizational chart has the chief executive officer at the top. The chief operating officer and the chief financial officer are right below them. Department managers then branch off from the top leadership roles, with project managers branching off from there.

How many types of matrix management are there?

There are three types of matrix management, with each type giving more or less authority to the project manager. You can visualize these management types on a scale with the project manager on one end and the department manager on the other.

What is the difference between matrix and project management?

The difference in a matrix structure is that team members also report to project managers. Projects often require work from members of various departments like IT, marketing, and finance, which is why having a separate manager for individual projects makes sense.

How many reporting structures does matrix have?

Matrix organizations have two or more management reporting structures. While this may seem confusing at first, team members typically have a primary manager for their department.

Why Use a Matrix Organizational Structure?

The matrix organizational structure is an answer to the problem of managing large and complex projects. When working on a large project, a highly hierarchical structure can be an obstacle in the path of moving that process forward successfully.

Why is matrix organizational structure used in project management?

Matrix organizational structure is often used in project management because it speaks to both the product of the project and the function of the management producing it. Let’s take a closer look at this type of organizational structure to determine its pros and cons in project management.

Why is matrix organizational structure harder than top down?

The problem of having the function and skills fragmented in an organization makes it more difficult to handle large projects successfully. It’s harder with this type of top-down organizational structure to have a holistic view. The perspective at the top is distorted, while a matrix organizational structure can see a problem from a closer standpoint and have varied approaches to solving it.

What is matrix organization?

The matrix organization is the structure uniting these other organizational structures to give them balance. Usually, there are two chains of command, where project team members have two bosses or managers.

How does matrix work affect team members?

Team members can feel the strain of working in a matrix organizational structure, in that their workload can be heavy. Often, they’re tasked with their regular assignments and then additional work, which can lead to burnout or some tasks being ignored.

Why was project organization important?

Project organization was needed to respond quickly to interdisciplinary needs, without upsetting the functional organizational structures already in place.

Where did matrix organizational structures originate?

Matrix organizational structures were first developed in the aerospace industry in the U.S. as projects grew in complexity during the mid-century. Until that point, they had been using a single hierarchical organization, which was fine when there was only one very large project.

What is matrix structure?

In a matrix structure, reporting and information sharing goes beyond a department’s boundaries, which allows for specialization that can both increase depth of knowledge and assign people according to project needs. The advantages of having a matrix organization are listed as follows:

What is matrix management?

Matrix management structures are found mainly when there are big projects or product development processes. They draw on employees from a wide range of functional disciplines for assignment to a team – however, they still remain in their respective positions.

When did the matrix organization emerge?

It is hard to trace the exact origins of the matrix management concept. Some say it started in the 1970s with Philips, as mentioned earlier. According to, the term first appeared in the 1960s in the aerospace industry.

How many bosses are there in a matrix?

In a matrix organization you have 2+ bosses. In a matrix organization structure, all the company’s engineers may be working in one engineering department, reporting to the engineering manager. However, some of those engineers might be assigned different projects, and also report to a project manager. They only do this – also report ...

How many key elements are there in a matrix?

According to, for success in a matrix organization, there are seven key elements. ( Image: adapted from

When did Philips start matrix management?

Philips, a Dutch technology company headquartered in Amsterdam, set up matrix management in the 1970s with its managers reporting to both a product division manager as well as a geographical manager. The grid system soon caught on, and several other large multinationals, including Texas Instruments, Hughes Aircraft, ...

Who does matrix reporting report to?

Employees in a matrix organization generally report to both a product or project manager as well as a functional manager ( department head). The structure facilitates the horizontal flow of information and skills.

What is matrix structure?

The matrix organizational structure is a combination of two or more different kinds of organizational structures, such as project management or functional management. Additionally, the matrix structure is composed of both a traditional hierarchy of management, where employees are managed by a functional manager, ...

Why do companies use matrix structure?

The matrix structure may oftentimes be adopted by companies that need to manage daily operations in conjunction with ongoing projects. The matrix structure can allow a company to maintain its departmental structure while projects are in progress.

Where did the matrix organizational structure originate?

The matrix organizational structure originally arose out of the aerospace industry in the 1960s when firms who wanted to contract with U.S. government employees needed to create specific charts to show the structure of the project management team. The matrix structure has continued to be adopted by organizations that need to take on large-scale and complex projects that may not be efficiently completed within a single department in the organization.

What is a matrix team?

Team members may need to perform their functional role within the company and perform separate tasks for the project manager. When team roles are outlined using a matrix structure, employees may often be required to communicate on a consistent basis with both managers, detailing their overall progress and to clarify any misconceptions of what work they are responsible for.

Why do functional and project managers need to communicate with each other?

Functional and project managers may be required to communicate with each other to clarify what each manager expects from their employees. Additionally, weekly or daily communication with employees can be necessary to clarify any questions or misunderstandings, as well as give actionable feedback to employees as they do their work.

What are the advantages of matrix structure?

One benefit of the matrix structure is that it allows cross-collaboration between staff and departments that may not always have opportunities to work together.

Why is matrix structure important?

The matrix structure also allows for better interdepartmental communication and collaboration. By allowing different departments to work together, the matrix structure fosters a more open work environment, ultimately making the organization more dynamic.

What is matrix organization?

What is a matrix organization? An organization will be known as matrix organization when it follows the matrix structure. During a project, an organization usually follows the matrix structure. In a matrix structure, the employees report to two different managers at one time. One of the bosses is the manager who has authority due ...

Why is matrix structure so autocratic?

Matrix structure becomes too autocratic when it comes to the number of managers. The current era favors democratic culture more than the autocratic culture and when there are many managers ordering their own work on employees, motivation level would fall drastically.

Why do functional managers have grudges?

Functional managers and project managers may have grudges against each other. This may cause harm to the organization and the employees working for them. For example, one manager may deliberately keep an employee busy in unimportant work to prevent him from working for the other manager.

What happens when you have two jobs in matrix?

In a matrix organizational structure, when employees are doing multiple jobs, organizations can become more dependent on them and they get the liberty to perform badly, take days off and even ask for increased pay.

What is the hierarchy of manufacturing?

The manufacturing manager, sales manager, finance manager and human resource manager are under the top management in the vertical hierarchy. Moreover, the manufacturing unit, the sales unit, finance unit and human resource unit work under each manager, respectively.

When information flows vertically as well as horizontally in a matrix structure, it is much efficient?

When information flows vertically as well as horizontally in a matrix structure, it is much efficient. The vertical flow provides information to follow from project to project while the horizontal flow provides information to go from functional units to functional units.

Is matrix organizational structure fruitful?

The complexity of the system is not quite under question. So, matrix organizational structure can be extremely fruitful if pursue d with special care and when the managers put in their best to not act as bosses, but as leaders.

What happens if organizational structure is fuzzy?

Here are some of the things that can go wrong if your organizational structure is fuzzy: Something isn’t going to happen because everyone thinks someone else is responsible. It’ll get duplicated because everyone thinks it’s part of their job.

What is the difference between project management and process management?

There's a huge difference between process management and project or task management. Processes relieve stress, make things predictable - and help you grow and become efficient. Projects and tasks are just ad-hoc, unpredictable chaos. It's important to understand that context before you carry on reading.

Do you need to formalize your organization structure?

Organizational Structure: do you even need to formalize it when you have a relatively small business? The answer to that question is a straightforward “Yes.”. Your Organizational Structure not only captures who is responsible for what but also the reporting and communications lines that tie everything together.

Does the Big Boss coordinate everything?

Since there’s no horizontal communication going on, the “big boss” has to coordinate everything. Having said that, this type of organizational structure could work for businesses who work according to a rigid routine, collaborate informally, and don’t employ many people.




  • The matrix organizational structure is a combination of two or more types of organizational structures. The matrix organization is the structure uniting these other organizational structures to give them balance. Usually, there are two chains of command, where project team members have two bosses or managers.
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  • Often, one manager handles functional activities and the other is a more traditional project manager. These roles are fluid and not fixed, as the balance of power between these two kinds of managers isnt organizationally defined. There can be some confusion when a team member is subject to two managers. That can also create unnecessary conflict. This is especially true if bot…
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  • It will employ the best of both structures and management styles to strengthen strengths, and make up for weaknesses. This way, if an organization is working on producing two products or services at the same time, they can organize both and use that duality to their advantage through the matrix organizational structure.
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  • The matrix organizational structure came about as a business response to the rise of large-scale projects. They needed fast-track technology applications and required the ability to process great amounts of data in an efficient manner. An organizational structure was needed to respond quickly to interdisciplinary needs, without upsetting the functional organizational structures alre…
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  • One of the biggest pros of using a matrix organizational structure is that it allows the sharing of highly skilled resources between functional units and projects. Communications are open, which helps knowledge move throughout the organization with less obstruction. Because the matrix organizational structure fosters better communications, it makes the normal boundaries betwee…
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  • Plus, the functional departments have highly skilled people, and those people are available to help the project team if needed. This creates a pool of valuable resources that can be dipped into and provides more flexibility to resolve issues without having to source new resources.
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  • Then there is the functional manager and project manager. There can be some sparks flying between these two managers in terms of what they believe to be the authority in the organization. That confusion can show up with team members, too, if their roles and responsibilities arent clearly defined. And that confusion can lead to conflict if resources are hard to come by and co…
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  • Team members can feel the strain of working in a matrix organizational structure, in that their workload can be heavy. Often, theyre tasked with their regular assignments and then additional work, which can lead to burnout or some tasks being ignored.
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  • Finally, theres the overall expense of the matrix organizational structure. This goes beyond having multiple managers but also the added expense of keeping on resources that might not be used all the time.
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  • Not that some of these disadvantages cant be overcome. They just require being cognizant of the stress points and working more cooperatively towards relieving them.
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  • The matrix organizational structure is an answer to the problem of managing large and complex projects. When working on a large project, a highly hierarchical structure can be an obstacle in the path of moving that process forward successfully.
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  • Instead of trying to find a workaround to a situation that might not have a viable solution, a matrix organization structure provides a new system that can more properly address the complexities of large projects.
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  • The problem of having the function and skills fragmented in an organization makes it more difficult to handle large projects successfully. Its harder with this type of top-down organizational structure to have a holistic view. The perspective at the top is distorted, while a matrix organizational structure can see a problem from a closer standpoint and have varied approache…
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