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why was the outcome of the civil war of 1180 85 so significant in japanese history

by Cortez Kilback Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why was the Genpei War so important? Gempei War, (1180–85), final struggle in Japan between the Taira and Minamoto clans that resulted in the Minamoto’s establishment of the Kamakura shogunate, a military dictatorship that dominated Japan from 1192 to 1333. The Taira clan had dominated the Imperial government from 1160 to 1185.

Full Answer

What happened to Japan in the 1180s?

Japan faced a series of droughts and floods that destroyed the rice and barley crops in 1180 and 1181. Famine and disease ravaged the countryside; an estimated 100,000 died. Many people blamed the Taira, who had slaughtered monks and burned down temples.

What was the result of the Battle of Uji?

The ensuing Battle of Uji took place just outside Kyoto, starting a five-year-long war, concluding with a decisive Minamoto victory in the naval Battle of Dan-no-ura . The Heiji rebellion (1159) and the subsequent rise of the Taira were the main cause of the Genpei War 20 years later.

What was the outcome of the Genpei War?

Namco 's 1986 Arcade horror/fantasy Genpei Toumaden imagines the outcome of the Genpei War bringing an age of darkness to Japan, with a resurrected Taira no Kagekiyo tasked to defeat a demonic rendition of Minamoto no Yoritomo. ^ "...the Gempei conflict was a national civil war" Warrior Rule in Japan, page 2. Cambridge University Press.

What happened at the Battle of the Fujigawa?

On November 9, 1180, at the so-called Battle of the Fujigawa (Fuji River), the Minamoto and allies faced an over-extended Taira army. With poor leadership and long supply lines, the Taira decided to withdraw back to Kyoto without offering a fight.


How did the Genpei War affect Japan?

Gempei War, (1180–85), final struggle in Japan between the Taira and Minamoto clans that resulted in the Minamoto's establishment of the Kamakura shogunate, a military dictatorship that dominated Japan from 1192 to 1333. The Taira clan had dominated the Imperial government from 1160 to 1185.

What happened at the end of the Genpei War?

1180 – 1185Genpei War / Period

What were the names of the two powerful Japanese families who engaged in a civil war in 1180?

The Genpei War (1180-1185 CE), also known as the Taira-Minamoto War, was a conflict in Japan principally between two rival clans: the Minamoto and Taira, for control of the imperial throne.

Who won the Gempei wars?

The Minamoto clanThe Minamoto clan won the Gempei War, battle between the Taira and Minamoto clans of Japan between 1180 and 1185.

Who lost the Genpei War?

In the final years of the Heian period (794 to 1185), The Minamoto clan rose to defeat TAIRA no Kiyomori, who had supreme power, beginning a war with the Taira clan, which came to be known as the Genpei War.

How did the Genpei War change the lifestyle of the Samurai?

The war also had lasting implications for the samurai and fostered many of the codes of excellence by which these warriors led their lives, including selfless heroism, high personal standards of conduct, and martial prowess. Even the samurai's understanding of art and poetry can be traced to stories of the Gempei War.

Who won the civil war in Japan and successful unified Japan?

The period culminated with a series of three warlords – Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu – who gradually unified Japan. After Tokugawa Ieyasu's final victory at the siege of Osaka in 1615, Japan settled down into over 200 years of peace under the Tokugawa shogunate.

What was the outcome of the Japanese civil war?

The war was founded in dissatisfaction among many nobles and young samurai with the shogunate's handling of foreigners following the opening of Japan during the prior decade....Boshin War.DateJanuary 27, 1868 – June 27, 1869ResultImperial victory End of the shogunate Restoration of imperial rule1 more row

Do samurai still exist?

Although samurai no longer exist, the influence of these great warriors still manifests itself deeply in Japanese culture and samurai heritage can be seen all over Japan - be it a great castle, a carefully planned garden, or beautifully preserved samurai residences.

What's a shogun in Japan?

Shoguns were hereditary military leaders who were technically appointed by the emperor. However, real power rested with the shoguns themselves, who worked closely with other classes in Japanese society. Shoguns worked with civil servants, who would administer programs such as taxes and trade.

What do you mean by bakufu?

Baku is an abbreviation of bakufu, meaning "military government"—that is, the shogunate. The han were the domains headed by daimyō.

Who defeated the Shimazu clan?

Toyotomi HideyoshiThe Shimazu family was finally defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537–98) in 1587 in his efforts to reunify Japan. Hideyoshi allowed them to keep the southern part of their domain, and thereafter they became one of his staunchest allies.

What happened to Minamoto no Yoshitsune after the Genpei War?

Following the Genpei War, Yoshitsune was appointed as Governor of Iyo and awarded other titles by cloistered emperor Go-Shirakawa. His suspicious brother Yoritomo, however, opposed the presentation of these titles, and nullified them.

Where was the naval battle that ended the Genpei War?

The Battle of Dan-no-ura (壇ノ浦の戦い, Dan-no-ura no tatakai) was a major sea battle of the Genpei War, occurring at Dan-no-ura, in the Shimonoseki Strait off the southern tip of Honshū.

How did the Shinsengumi end?

In some sense, Kondo's death marked the end of the Shinsengumi; in another sense, the group died with Hijikata at the Battle of Hakodate in May 1869. Days after Hijikata's death, the pro-Bakufu forces surrendered, bringing an end to the Boshin War and allowing the Meiji Restoration to begin in earnest.

When did the Shinsengumi end?

June 23, 1869ShinsengumiActiveAugust 18, 1863DisbandedJune 23, 1869CountryKyoto, JapanAllegianceTokugawa bakufu10 more rows

Who won Genpei War?

The Minamoto clan won the Gempei War, battle between the Taira and Minamoto clans of Japan between 1180 and 1185.

How did the Genpei War change the lifestyle of the samurai?

The war also had lasting implications for the samurai and fostered many of the codes of excellence by which these warriors led their lives, including selfless heroism, high personal standards of conduct, and martial prowess. Even the samurai’s understanding of art and poetry can be traced to stories of the Gempei War.

What happened to the Heike?

The Heike clan, who lost the Battle of Yashima in Juei 3 (1180), is said to have met its end in the Battle of Dannoura, where leading clan members lost their lives in the sea together with Emperor Antoku.

What happened at the end of the Genpei War?

The Heike clan, who lost the Battle of Yashima in Juei 3 (1180), is said to have met its end in the Battle of Dannoura, where leading clan members lost their lives in the sea together with Emperor Antoku.

What happened Minamoto clan?

The Seiwa Genji’s fortunes declined in the Hōgen Rebellion (1156), when the Taira executed most of the line, including Minamoto no Tameyoshi. During the Heiji Disturbance (1160), the head of the Seiwa Genji, Minamoto no Yoshitomo, died in battle.

Is the Heike story true?

Based on the actual historical struggle between the Taira (Heike) and Minamoto (Genji) families, which convulsed Japan in civil war for some years, the Heike monogatari features the exploits of Minamoto Yoshitsune, the most popular hero of Japanese legend, and recounts many episodes of the heroism of aristocratic …

What does Heike mean Japanese?

Heike (平家) refers to the Taira (平), hei being the on’yomi reading of the first kanji and “ke” (家) means family.

How did Yoshinaka gain control of the Minamoto clan?

In 1183, Yoshinaka once again sought to gain control of the Minamoto clan by planning an attack on Yoritomo, while simultaneously pursuing the Taira westward. The Taira set up a temporary Court at Dazaifu in Kyūshū, the southernmost of Japan's main islands. They were forced out soon afterwards by local revolts instigated by Go-Shirakawa, and moved their Court to Yashima. The Taira were successful in beating off an attack by Yoshinaka's pursuing forces at the Battle of Mizushima. : 295–296

What happened to the Taira in 1183?

In 1183, the Taira loss at the Battle of Kurikara was so severe that they found themselves, several months later, under siege in Kyoto, with Yoshinaka approaching the city from the north and Yukiie from the east. Both Minamoto leaders had seen little or no opposition in marching to the capital and now forced the Taira to flee the city. Taira no Munemori, head of the clan since his father Kiyomori's death, led his army, along with the young Emperor Antoku and the Imperial regalia, to the west. The cloistered emperor Go-Shirakawa defected to Yoshinaka. Go-Shirakawa then issued a mandate for Yoshinaka to "join with Yukiie in destroying Munemori and his army".

What was the beginning of the Genpei War?

Beginnings of the war. Scene of the Genpei war (1180-1185), Kanō Motonobu (1476-1569), Muromachi period (1336 and 1573). The actions of Taira no Kiyomori having deepened Minamoto hatred for the Taira clan, a call for arms was sent up by Minamoto no Yorimasa and Prince Mochihito.

How did Taira no Kiyomori die?

Taira no Kiyomori died from illness in the spring of 1181, and around the same time Japan began to suffer from a famine which was to last through the following year. The Taira moved to attack Minamoto no Yoshinaka, a cousin of Yoritomo who had raised forces in the north, but were unsuccessful. For nearly two years, the war ceased, only to resume in the spring of 1183. : 287, 293

What was the Genpei War?

The Genpei War (源平合戦, Genpei kassen, Genpei gassen) (1180–1185) was a national civil war between the Taira and Minamoto clans during the late- Heian period of Japan. It resulted in the downfall of the Taira and the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate under Minamoto no Yoritomo, who appointed himself as Shōgun in 1192, ...

What battles did Minamoto fight?

1181 Battle of Yahagigawa – the Minamoto, retreating from Sunomata, attempt to make a stand. 1183 Siege of Hiuchi – the Taira attack a Minamoto fortress. 1183 Battle of Kurikara – the tide of the war turns, in the Minamoto's favor. 1183 Battle of Shinohara – Yoshinaka pursues the Taira force from Kurikara.

What was the Taira no Kiyomori?

Taira no Kiyomori, by Kikuchi Y ōsai. The Taira clan was one of the four great clans which dominated Japanese politics during the Heian period (794–1185). As a result of the near-total destruction of their rival clan, the Minamoto, in the Heiji Rebellion of 1160, Taira no Kiyomori, head of the clan, initiated the Genpei War at the height ...

What was the impact of the Civil War reconstruction?

Civil war reconstruction offered more than just extended democracy, however. It was also a time of national unification. One of the major boosts to the United States nationalism began with the simple Union victory over the confederacy. Secession was unconstitutional according to those who supported the Union.

What was the significance of the Civil War?

During both the civil war and civil war reconstruction time periods, there were many changes going on in the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation, as well as legislation such as the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments, was causing a new awakening of democracy;

Why did the Union become more united than ever before?

The Union became more united than ever before because now it truly was a Union, “. . . now and forever, one and inseparable.” There were changes, though, that were occurring in the reconstruction time period that was not as helpful to the Union as democracy and nationalism. While the nation was reveling in these more encouraging developments, the Union government was having internal conflicts.

Why was the 14th amendment important?

The fourteenth amendment was the democratic expansion that fixed that problem.

What was the first time Congress overrode a presidential veto?

A majority of Congress voted to refuse to accept the delegates and appointed a committee to begin work on reconstruction. In 1866, Congress overrode a presidential veto for the first time in history, when Johnson vetoed a civil rights bill.

What happened to the government during reconstruction?

During reconstruction, the legislative and executive branches eventually came to blows over the use of power. The nation was being altered by forces which caused, and later repaired, a broken Union.

When was Johnson impeached?

The House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment and in May 1868 , Johnson was impeached by the House. The senate, by one vote, did not remove him from the office of president. Neither side had won that battle for power; Johnson had lost his ability to be an effective president, yet it had been established that impeachment could not be used as a congressional political weapon.



The Genpei War (源平合戦, Genpei kassen, Genpei gassen) (1180–1185) was a national civil war between the Taira and Minamoto clans during the late-Heian period of Japan. It resulted in the downfall of the Taira and the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate under Minamoto no Yoritomo, who appointed himself as Shōgun in 1192, governing Japan as a military dictator from the eastern city of


The Genpei War was the culmination of a decades-long conflict between the two aforementioned clans over dominance of the Imperial court and, by extension, control of Japan. In the Hōgen Rebellion and in the Heiji Rebellion of earlier decades, the Minamoto attempted to regain control from the Taira and failed.
In 1180, Taira no Kiyomori put his grandson Antoku (then only 2 years of age) o…

Beginnings of the war

The actions of Taira no Kiyomori having deepened Minamoto hatred for the Taira clan, a call for arms was sent up by Minamoto no Yorimasa and Prince Mochihito. Not knowing who was behind this rally, Kiyomori called for the arrest of Mochihito, who sought protection at the temple of Mii-dera. The Mii-dera monks were unable to ensure him sufficient protection, so he was forced to m…

Turning of the tide

In 1183, the Taira loss at the Battle of Kurikara was so severe that they found themselves, several months later, under siege in Kyoto, with Yoshinaka approaching the city from the north and Yukiie from the east. Both Minamoto leaders had seen little or no opposition in marching to the capital and now forced the Taira to flee the city. Taira no Munemori, head of the clan since his father Kiyomori's death, led his army, along with the young Emperor Antoku and the Imperial regalia, to t…

Final stages

As the united Minamoto forces left Kyoto, the Taira began consolidating their position at a number of sites in and around the Inland Sea, which was their ancestral home territory. They received a number of missives from the Emperor offering that if they surrendered by the seventh day of the second month, the Minamoto could be persuaded to agree to a truce. This was a farce, as neither …

Consequences of the Genpei War

The defeat of the Taira armies meant the end of Taira "dominance at the capital". In December 1185, Go-Shirakawa granted to Yoritomo the power to collect taxes, and "appoint stewards and constables in all provinces". Finally, in 1192, after Go-Shirakawa's death, Yoritomo was granted the imperial commission Sei-i Tai Shōgun. This was the beginning of a feudal state in Japan, with real power now in Kamakura. However, Kyoto remained the "seat of national ceremony and ritual."


The end of the Genpei War and beginning of the Kamakura shogunate marked the rise to power of the warrior class (samurai) and the gradual suppression of the power of the emperor, who was compelled to govern without effective political or military power, being effectively reduced to a purely symbolical and ceremonial head of state, until the Meiji Restoration over 650 years later, though there was a short-lived attempt to restore imperial rule in the 1330s, the Kenmu Restorati…


It has been pointed out that the Battle of Ōshū fought between the Kamakura government and the Northern Fujiwara in 1189 was in fact the last battle during this period of civil war, as it completed Yoritomo's nationwide domination through the annexation of Dewa and Mutsu Province, and that its end marked the establishment of the first military government, the Kamakura shogunate.
The terms Genpei kassen (源平合戦), Genpei sōran (源平争乱) and Genpei no tatakai (源平の戦 …

1.Japan's Genpei War, 1180 - 1185 - ThoughtCo


31 hours ago Why was the Genpei War so important? Gempei War, (1180–85), final struggle in Japan between the Taira and Minamoto clans that resulted in the Minamoto’s establishment of the Kamakura …

2.Why was the outcome of the civil war of 1180 85 so …


5 hours ago Never before had there been a large-scale clash between two rival samurai families, the Taira and the Minamoto, and never again would the result of a war in Japan be quite so dramatic. Fought …

3.Genpei War - Wikipedia


28 hours ago Never before had there been a large-scale clash between two rival samurai families, the Taira and the Minamoto, and never again would the result of a war in Japan be quite so dramatic. Fought …

4.The Gempei War 1180–85: The Great Samurai Civil War


23 hours ago Internationally renowned samurai expert Dr Stephen Turnbull delves into a pivotal era of Japanese history in this highly illustrated account of The Gempei War a conflict that defined the age and …

5.The Gempei War 1180–85 : The Great Samurai Civil War


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6.The Gempei War 1180–85 : The Great Samurai Civil War


14 hours ago They resulted in the fall of the Taira clan and establishment of the Kamakura shogunate under Minamoto Yoritomo in Taira-Minamoto War, Japan, Local people believe that small crabs that …

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